
Play With Me? [Armageddon]


03-07-2013, 12:53 PM
Asheni's bright blue eyes were trained upon the small hole, barely visible in the snow. She hadn't wandered far from Glaciem, she was still in trouble for vanishing the last time and here she was still well within a reasonable distance, she could hear them if they called, and they could hear her. She never liked being caged it reminded her of her days with the humans. She simply couldn't resist the temptation of taking time to herself. She would explain that to Gargie if he asked, Crusade already knew. Today she was not dwelling on the past, or her mistakes, she was attempting to let go, to move on. It still pained her to see Crusade and Cifer together but with each day it grew a little less hurtful and she refused to let it affect her relationship with either wolf. She loved the two of them far too dearly too abandon them. She would survive, as she always did, but today was not to be lost on such thoughts.

Her belly scraped against the snow as she drew closer, eyes keen on the target and ears back. Her paws made little noise as she slunk closer to the rabbit hole. She was almost to the opening when a fluffy white head popped up. Icy blue locked with onyx black and for a split second, neither moved, and then, they were off. The hare jetted across the snow, Asheni hot on its heels. She barked happily, chasing the creature this way and that through the snow. She had no desire to kill it, she just wanted to play. It scrambled up the icy glaciers and Asheni's claws scraped against the ice as she attempted to keep her balance and pursue the chase.

Taking a chance, she lunged, caught the hare between her teeth but couldn't stop in time. Both she and the hare she held so delicately, went headfirst into a high pile of snow. The rabbit was the first to recover, squirming incessantly within her jaws. Gently she let the creature go and it bounded away, terrified and running for its life. A smile broke out across her maw and laughter poured from her vocals. It felt good to laugh.



04-08-2013, 05:26 PM

"Come now, why didn't you kill it and eat it? Why play with your food."

The man teased her lightly. He had been watching her. He managed to actually keep his hulking form quiet for once. 42 inches and 200 plus pounds was quite a lot to keep quiet. His ebony fur, minus the patch under his jaw and neck, definitely wasn't easy to hide either. Then again, the dame seemed to have been preoccupied in enjoying her game of chase with the hare. It was amusing to see her tackle it into a snow drift.

She seemed to have been doing better since he'd saved her from drowning in the river. All his bruises had faded and he felt as healthy as a horse. It was nice to see her a bit happier and more perky now than when he first met her. She seemed even better than when they'd reached the borders. It was good. She seemed to recover from things fast.

He himself had been resting in Glaciem and had been on a few small hunts. He had no problem socializing if it was needed and even patrolled the borders a bit. He had debated on staying. His fur was short but his large form and body mass kept him warm despite the cold. The territory was beautiful too and he found he was quite fond of the snow. He was a nomad at heart, but at times he did find places to settle down at. Perhaps this place would be suitable.

Gargoyle's words rungs in his ears and he smirked. She didn't seem to be fond of bringing a warrior with her like her Alpha had suggested. He shrugged it off, it didn't matter.

"Didn't feel like bringing someone with ya, did you?"



04-22-2013, 04:47 PM

Asheni jumped as teasing tones glided across her ears. The two toned fae, spinning wildly. She was not but a few short paces from the border! They couldn't rightly scold her and if it was dangerous she could bolt right? her eyes landed on the familiar ebony frame and she relaxed, tensed stance falling and tail lazily wagging behind her. Crystalline blue eyes zeroed in on the brute and with a soft laugh, she trotted forward, bodice gliding over the snow. She approached him swiftly, head cocked slightly to the side.

She was doing much better, the scars had long since healer, she was no longer flesh and bone, she had avoided Cifer and Crusade but they hadn't exactly sought her out anyway... and why would they? They had one another. They didn't need her anymore. She was just Glaciem's lead medic, important sure, but replaceable. Such thoughts had poisoned her brain but she hid them. Locked them away, acted like her normal jubilee self. She poured almost all of her free time into training Merci. The dame, she would recommend to Gargoyle for the next Lead healer, if he would listen to her.

She smiled for the brute before her, the tip of her tail brushing the blankets of snow that reached midway p her calves. Her pink ribbon fell from her mouth as she panted, she had gotten so focused on her little fuzzy friend! She hadn't even noticed Armaggedon arrive. "Well I wasn't hungry and it seemed rather senseless to kill the poor thing!" Her tones came light and airy a hint of laughter lingering beneath her speech. A blush and a guilty look traversed across her face and she chewed her tongue, accepting his scolding. "I just... I don't want to be someones burden, and this is close enough to the pack for me to still be safe. If I brought a guard with me everytime I went for herbs, I would have to have one with me twenty-four seven and no one has that kind of time!"
