
Homecoming? (Joining)


03-03-2013, 04:50 PM
Insomnia dutifully followed the exuberant pup, her larger frame taking one step for every three or four of his own, but the small thing was bursting with excitement and practically nipping at her heels to get her to move a bit faster. With a smile she shook her head and followed along behind him. She listened as he spoke, nodded her head in time with all of his stories and questions and responded accordingly. She really was a sucker for a young pup.

They left the battlefield quickly, away from the stench of death and decay and Insomnia relaxed. She knew how to fight, at one time she had been the mate of the Alpha of an incredibly militant pack, but that didn't mean she enjoyed it, especially not with a pup so dreadfully close, he need not be near any violence, nor should he have to witness such things. She shook her head clearing the unpleasant memories from the forefront of her mind.

They approached the Seracia territory quickly, its beauty spread out before the two of them and Insomnia took a moment to admire the land. It was a beautiful kingdom, if nothing else could be said about such a place, as they approached the border, she respectfully sat on the unclaimed portion of the territory, despite that fact she was accompanied by a prince, she had no desire to offend or upset anyone. She smiled down at him gently and waited for him to summon his family. Insomnia was curious as to how this meeting would go.


03-03-2013, 05:03 PM

He raced as fast as his little paws would carry him, energized by the very notion that he would be bringing someone back with him. Gerhardt had done the same thing, he'd gone off to the battlefield and come back with Halis. Maverick was bringing home Insomnia, oh how Gerhardt would be pleased. A chipper bark or two escaped him as he huffed and puffed, his fox-colored frame darting this way and that, taking the woman back to his home. It was a good thing he was decent at navigation, or the pup might've gotten lost. A smile creased his maw and remained there for the duration of their travel - which was much quicker than his original journey because of their increased pace. Insomnia liked to run, anyway, so he was sure she was having as much fun as he was. As they neared Seracia, he slowed ever so slightly, bumbling across the borderline and then skidding to a stop, noting that her shadow was no longer beside him. He cocked his head and turned to face her. Watcha waitin' there for? He giggled slightly and walked back toward her, resting his little rump on the earth beside her.

Oh I get it, Gerhardt likes it when the new wolves wait out here instead'a just barging in. It was true, he'd heard Gerhardt mumbling before about wolves just walking into the territory like they owned it. But Maverick was with her, so couldn't she come in with him? The pup's brow furrowed, unsure of what to do. He wanted to show her everything right now! Why should they have to wait for Gerhardt or Adette? Still, he didn't want to get her in trouble - and he certainly didn't want to get in trouble either. With a sigh he lifted his little muzzle and attempted a howl, which turned out to be a rather high-pitched yowl that squeaked when it began. We can wait for 'em here. Surely they would come soon.




03-03-2013, 05:34 PM
The brunette temptress had been attending to her usual duties, when an unfamiliar scent caught her attention. For a moment she didn't realize what it was, but then it flashed like a beacon. It was an intruder, at her borders. Instantly her pelt bristled, and her lips curled into a snarl. No one was about to come across her lands without her permission! No one. Without thinking she sprinted toward the borders, her mind hazed with only one thought; To see what this wolf wanted. Twisting and turning she lept over various objects, clearing boulders and fallen logs like they weren't even there. It didn't take long though, until she had reached the invisible line that separated her lands from a loners paradise. Before her stood a small female wolf, and to her surprise, her own pup Maverick. Her ears pinned back against her skull, her muscles tensed, and her lips curled to reveal her fangs. She was livid. Why in the hell was this girl with her baby? Was she some type of cradle robber trying to pick up on her pup? "Maverick! Get over here now!" She snapped in his direction, her gaze never leaving the female. One move and she would be dead. How dare she hang around her baby! "What are you doing with my son." She asked, a growl bubbling within her chest. She wanted an answer now.


03-03-2013, 06:00 PM
Insomnia remained relaxed, her tail lazily drifting back and forth, even as she sat perched outside the border. Maverick was an entertaining, high spirited young thing and she was absolutely bemused by his presence. As she perched herself a few respectable feet shy of the border, the pup continued to bound forward, its tiny paws only coming to a screeching halt when he realized she wasn't still following him. His question reached her ears quickly and her lips pulled up in a smile, a soft chuckle resonating through her throat as she shook her head.

"Its only polite to remain outside the borders of someone else's land. I do not wish to seem rude!" She laughed lightly as the pup bounded back to her., almost crashing into her limber legs as he squirmed in excitement. His antics were amusing, he was quite endearing, it seemed she had found a friend in a pup. How ironic. He yowled and Insomnia smiled encouragingly down at him, she wasn't sure what to expect or whom might answer it, but she was loathe to disappoint the boy.

It did not take long for the scent of a female and the thunderous sound of her paws upon the earth to reach Insomnia's audits. Her ears swiveled forward, dark eyes trained and locked on her surroundings and she straightened her posture, she remained relaxed, not showing submission, but showing no aggression either. However the dame that erupted into view did not show her the same. In an instant her ears were pinned to her skull, her hackles rose and a snarl ripped from her maw. Insomnia tensed and rose to her feet, her own dark eyes narrowed.

She had done nothing wrong, she, if anything had brought the pup home, and she had shown no signs to deserve such aggression. She did not take kindly to unnecessary insult. The woman called her pup back to her side, but she did not spare Maverick a glance, her attention remained solely on the she wolf.

"I was wandering in the battlefield not far from here. Maverick found me, told me of Seracia and its beauty and asked if he could show me his home and brought me here. I can see, however that my presence creates a problem. This was not my intention. I will take my leave." Her tone remained respectful, despite the snarl she had received. She turned to retreat back into the wilds. She would not stand and be insulted, but nor would she start unnecessary conflict. As much as she enjoyed the spitfire of a pup, she wouldn't start a war for him.


03-03-2013, 09:54 PM

Maverick just knew that some Seracian who could allow Insomnia to enter would come. How could they not, the son of the King and Queen had called. Maverick liked to think of himself as a prince, and in many ways he acted like one, but he had never quite been given the rank outright. Still, ranks weren't something he was all that concerned with just yet, and so he just waited, tail flicking behind him in anticipation. Surely Gerhardt or Adette were right around the corner.

And they were, or rather.. Adette was.

She appeared almost out of nowhere, which surprised the boy given the fact that the land was so flat and open. Still, when she came a broad smile flickered onto his lips, replacing the one that had been lingering there since his arrival. However, he quickly noted that his adoptive mother's demeanor was not one to celebrate. Adette's voice shouted out commandingly, demanding that he come to her side at once. Maverick huffed and scowled at her, looking up at Insomnia with pleading eyes. Please don't leave, he thought. With another scowl at his mother he begrudgingly crossed the border, but did not sit all too near her. She then spat a question at Insomnia, and Maverick let out a little growl. She's my friend! I brought her here to meet you and Gerhardt! He had not quite gotten the courage to call them 'mom' and 'dad', but he thought of them as such.

Defiantly, the little fox-looking boy strode from their side of the border to where Insomnia sat, taking a seat beside her once more. She's nice.. her name's Inso.. Inso.. well.. I can't really say it but she's not mean at all! Maverick huffed again. Would she believe him?




03-03-2013, 10:12 PM
Her eyes remained locked on the female as she spoke, Adette's ears perked forward. So, Maverick had been wandering in the battlefields? Alone? He would pay for that. She had warned the trio to never leave the pack lands, so obviously some discipline was needed. The snarl on her face ceased, and was replaced with a weak smile. "I apologize for my behavior. A mothers first reaction to a strange wolf showing up with her pup is always aggressive. If you have little ones of your own you must understand." She wasn't sure if this damsel was a mother or not, but surely she should understand. It's a mother instinct to protect your children. The ivory female turned away, starting to leave the borders. "Wait!" The brunette dame called out, taking a step toward her direction. "Please don't leave. Your presence is not a burden, its a blessing. I'm sure Maverick brought you back here for a good reason, and that was to join a pack, yes?" Hopefully this was her initial intentions.

Adette's eyes flashed toward Maverick. He would pay for what he had done. His defiant nature would not go unnoticed, and when they were alone he would receive what he deserved. Not only had he disobeyed her, but he had chosen this other female over his own mother. He was taking her side. Adette didn't care how well he knew this female, she only noticed the disrespect he was showing her. She shot daggers at little Mav, then turned her attention back to the female.


03-05-2013, 04:35 PM
Insomnia had no desire to begin feuds and wars, she was a peaceful creature unless she was forced to be otherwise. She had, at one point, been the mate of an Arkhos. She was revered and looked up too, a prime example of how the pack should act. She should still be there now, with her mate, with her pups. But that had long since been a reality and she could not rewind time. She loved them still, but she had no way of returning home, and the dames words, although she did not know, sliced her deep. I apologize for my behavior. A mothers first reaction to a strange wolf showing up with her pup is always aggressive. If you have little ones of your own you must understand. She had pups. She had a lover but she had ever gotten to watch them grow and it killed her. Bitter aggression filled her onyx orbs and she grinded her teeth hard. It wasn't directed at the woman, but rather the world and how utterly unfair it could be. She chased the demons from her eyes and locked her face into a more neutral expression before turning back around. It was not her fault that her family had been ripped away from her. It was not her fault that she had no way of returning to her pups. Her gaze left the noble woman and drifted to the small spitfire that had chanced upon her, a gentle smile tipping the corners of her mouth.

"No... he brought me here to show me his home and his family. He speaks of nothing but love and admiration for both his pack and his family, and I wished to meet the ones he spoke so highly of. Besides that whats friends do right?" That last bit, of course was directed at Maverick. He wasn't hers, but he was just as sweet and curious as hers ever had been and she wished to reassure him all the same. "I once belonged to Glaciem, but I never fit well within its borders, to be honest I hadn't given much thought to joining another pack. Insomnia wasn't the most massive of wolves but she could pack a fierce punch, her speed alone was something to be leery of, it had been her greatest advantage back in Arkhein. No one had been able to catch her.


03-07-2013, 10:55 AM

His mother's glare was like a spear of ice wedged in his chest. He had no desire to disobey her outright, but she just wasn't listening to him! He huffed as Insomnia turned to leave, she was too nice to stay here and listen to his mother yell. Why did she always have to overreact? However, Adette soon turned and spoke to Insomnia, trying to keep her from leaving. Perhaps the Queen hadn't totally lost it. When Adette had finished speaking, Maverick chirped up. Please don't leave yet.. Part of him wanted her to stay so he could show her around and introduce her to everyone, but the other part of him wanted her to stay because she was the only thing standing between him and what would surely be a stern lecture or scolding in the future. His mother wouldn't dare punish him with a guest in the area. She was a forcefield, and a friend. Ma, we talked for a while and she is really nice. I wanted to show her where I live and introduce her to you and da' and Kamala and Valkis. Words ran together toward the end due to excitement and his pleading tone. Please, just let her stay. He tilted his head and put on his cutest and sweetest face. Can't she stay for a little while? It mattered not to the lad how much older she was, or how awkward their friendship must appear. These things didn't matter to a pup, they never even crossed his mind.



03-16-2013, 02:25 PM
Insomnia listened, still cautious but waiting patiently. The pup, Maverick, he defended her valiantly and she was touched by the pups loyalty despite only having met him a scarce few hours before. The dame however, Queen of Seracia remained silent and Insomnia knew better than to test the mantle of a mother, regardless if Maverick was her pup by blood or not. She lowered her maw, pressing her nose behind Maverick's ear and offered him a smile.

"We shall meet again my young friend, do not fret." She murmured softly to the pup, before turning and vanishing back into the wilds. She would not repay the Queen's discourtesy with a retaliation... she merely would not return to Seracia.

-exit Insomnia-



03-18-2013, 06:43 PM

She watched the woman take off into the wilds, no signs of turning back present. "Come on Maverick." The woman hissed as she turned away from the scene and took off toward the heart of her territory.




03-19-2013, 12:10 PM

He watched Insomnia turn to leave, uttering a promise to him. Maverick nodded and watched her go, before turning to face his mother for his certain punishment. However, she only asked him to follow - and he did so willingly. Pacing behind her, he wondered what she would do to him.

Exit Maverick.
