


10-29-2014, 11:51 AM

The ivory Queen was traveling again- this time more to relax and escape the icy claws of the North. Of course, if she happened upon new members, she wouldn't be disappointed. However, that wasn't the intent of this trip. After all of her travels, she found the North to be more miserable then ever. She'd much rather live in a warmer climate, somewhere the snow didn't touch. The willows, weren't a place she'd actively explored- rather a place she'd passed through on her fast paced travels. At this time, however, her stroll was leisurely, and relaxed. The air was crisp- even fall slightly touched the environment she was in already.

The wind buffeted her coat, and caused the willow branches to dance and sway in time to the breeze. It stirred up all kinds of scents- more importantly scents of strangers. Her head lifted, her posture moving to more of a dominant stature, as she glanced around her, wondering who else could be here. She didn't say, anything- the wind would easily carry her scent to any others, rather she halted- her tail raised behind her, with the wind carrying her scent downwind. If they sought conversation- they could come to her, otherwise she'd carry on with her travels.




7 Years
10-29-2014, 04:24 PM
Surreal Adravendi

Surreal watched her children romp and play while she stretched out in a dry place. An early snow had fallen in the night, but melted away as the sun had risen high. Now a chill breeze swept the fall bared willow fronds into a swaying dance, sending a soft rattle like wooden wind chimes into the air. It was a peaceful sound, and though she did often miss the Plains, with her mothers den and its countless chambers, this place was slowly becoming more like home. With her childrens arrival, her aspirations had changed slightly. She still wanted to rebuild the pack, but she could stand to wait until the pups were at least a year. She still had so much to plan.

A soft hum left her as she watched them play. Perhaps she would take them on a small trip to the coast once they had been weaned and had better control of their legs and feet. Regulus, though he was largest, still had a long way to go before he?d be a graceful thing. Even as she watched with this thought echoing in her mind, he launched himself at Faite with a yell, and then tripped over his own big paws. A soft chuckle rippled from her throat, then snapped off into a gasp as a strangers scent washed over her nose. A sharp growl sent Regulus scampering into the den, sisters in tow, while Surreal rose and trotted lightly toward the scent. She was well aware of Alsander being nearby, watching. If anything happened, he?d be there to fight.

She came upon the female with her body held neutral, face wiped of any emotion save curiosity. Her mismatched eyes ran over the stranger, her nose finally registering a similarity to Falks scent. This was a relative. And as she caught sight of the odd markings painted over one eye, a memory clicked into place. Her mother telling her of the visit from the new Tortugan leader, Roman. Erani had described her well. Still, Surreal didn?t leap directly into conversation with the womans name on her tongue. Instead, she nodded. ?Good day, Lady.?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


10-30-2014, 07:49 PM

From where she stood, she inhaled the scent of the stranger deeply. It held a twinge of familiarity, like someone she'd met before but Roman could not place it. She waited, for several moments, until a silvery looking she-wolf emerged. Roman's face was impassive- she didn't know this wolf, and held no ill-intent towards a mere stranger. The she-wolf had mismatched eyes, one a light blue and the other a gold. She spoke, and Roman inclined her head slightly. "Hello." She spoke softly. Her violet eyes studied the other wolf for a moment, and she was unsure of what to say. It seemed that words came a lot less easy, to the Queen these days.

Finally, in a few heartbeats of silence, she decided to introduce herself. "I am Roman Armada, and you are?" She inquired politely. She would give the lady her mostly undivided attention- though she did keep her senses alert to the territory around them. She didn't want to be ambushed. She supposed that was the problem of having enemies. This wolf, the wolf before her though didn't represent those forces, as far as she knew. Only time would tell, so she'd wait.




7 Years
11-04-2014, 06:37 PM

Surreal smiled faintly as the female returned her greeting, and then more widely as Roman introduced herself. ?I thought it must be you. I?m Surreal Adravendi; Erani?s eldest born daughter. You and she met while she was Queen of Valhalla. She told me about your meeting.? Her hocks folded, bringing her haunches to the ground, a sign for her hidden cousin to stand down. ?I wanted to meet you myself, but the epidemic came, and I got sick. And then?Well, Viridiana Sovari challenged my mother for Valhalla, and won, sadly enough...? She glanced around as though to say, ?and now here we are?.

Her eyes returned to Roman. ?My mother was impressed with you. How have you been since she last saw you? I remember hearing that you got sick too?? Her eyes cast over Romans form. She still sometimes had short nightmares about being ill like she had been; the hallucinations, the bleeding from her eyes, the fever? Falk being by her side the whole time, and her mother trying every herb and combination of herbs until at last Viridiana had brought the cure. And then swiftly turned right around and stabbed them in the back, ripping apart the pack when they were hardly even done burying their dead and recovering from illness.

And then a realization hit her. Roman was Falks half sister. "Oh! By the way, you have a Nephew and two nieces. Your brother Falk and I had a litter." So much pride in her eyes and voice. Dark memories were cast aside as her rear wiggled slightly.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


11-05-2014, 07:16 PM

She notes the smile on the girls lip, and realizes her own jaws move of their own accord to mimic it. Her body relaxes slightly, as the silvery girl introduces herself- and Roman finally realizes why the girls scent is slightly familiar. She's scented s scent close to it before. She's the daughter of Erani- the former Queen of Valhalla. Roman nods as she speaks, remembering the encounter, almost fondly. Surreal went on, and talked about wanting to meet Roman herself, until the epidemic. Roman shivered slightly, a frown pulling to her jaws and her violet eyes hardened as the girl mentioned Viridiana Sovari. Roman spoke, rather bitterly. "I've meet Viridiana. Needless to say, I'm not a fan. One could hardly call her a queen or a fit ruler. Cowardly." No, Roman Armada didn't like the red ruler of Covari. It even went past a simple dislike and had bubbled into an absolute loathing of the woman. What coward ran from battle?

Surreal spoke again, asking about Roman, and Roman let out a breath forcing herself to calm from the rallying anger she felt when discussing the Sovari scum. "It's been tenuous." She admitted slightly, not particularly interested in going into details. "Aye. I was ill." She could easily remember, being practically force-fed the cure. What sane enemy would give a pack that wasn't their ally a cure to a disease that could potentially wipe out all competition. Part of her still could hardly believe that the cure wasn't a trick. How could any wolf suddenly know the "cure" if they hadn't been the root of the poison. She attributed the Sovari scum- to the poison and therefore in distant to the loss of her children. She had a lot to hate the red wolf for.

She's drawn from her brooding thoughts, as Surreal speaks and a warm smile breaks her jaws. She can see the obvious happiness on the new mother, and yet, Roman still feels a twinge of bitterness- at what she had taken from her. "Really?! What do they look like? What are their names?!" She asked excitedly, her tail wagging behind her. She's thrilled to hear about any of her family. She waits, hoping Surreal will feel comfortable to share the information with her.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak