
there's nothing holding you back



8 Years
Extra large
10-29-2014, 01:39 PM

Shai had kept himself far from the place of his betrayal, while once the Cathedral had been his most frequented place he had now banished himself to the massive oaks. There were few tribal scents here, and so very many places to keep himself to himself. He?d run here, trying to escape the guilt and the regret that sapped at his soul. Of course such actions would help him none. He?d isolate himself from the friends and family that lived within the continent, wondering if Gwena had told them of his dark deed.
He?d sigh softly, his form looking quite sunken from the days alone. He?d not found it in him to hunt, and he?d barely partaken in the water that he?d found. He felt useless, listless, and not worth the air that he would breathe. The goddess had been even more quiet than before, another sign that she had found disappointment within him. Still, he?d feel himself question her ways. He?d blame her for the decisions he?d make, reasoning that had she appointed him as oracle?s guardian in the first place he would not have been so susceptible to temptation. He wanted to curse Motif, and her seduction, but he found himself very much unable to do such. Eventually the blame would fall back to him, and he?d find it hard to live with those thoughts.
His long legs would fall over the side of the massive log he sat upon. He was easily twice his height from the ground. Bright eyes seemed dull as he looked out over the giant groves, he would feel immensely small within their presence.

"yoruban" "english"

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10-29-2014, 02:15 PM

She had avoided Shai like a plague. She wanted nothing to do with him. She didn't want to see him, talk to him or even think of him. But the goddess had other plans. She had tended to Skah's wounds and it was healing just fine, he had no infection though she was sure that it would scar once the scab vanished. She had left him alone, allowed him to tend to the Oracle, who was now worried even more than before. Traveling across the lands, she found herself in a forest that was not frequently visited. It was perfect, she would have a chance to be alone with her thoughts and the goddess. She had told no one of what Shai had done, it was her dirty little secret. Perhaps she could ask the goddess about it, to seek out guidance in what to do. She didn't know what to do with him, how to act around him or even what to say.

Should she even care? She had no idea. There had only been growing feelings between them, something that had yet to grow into anything more. Should this be so upsetting to her? A sigh rolled off her tongue. Her paws would drag with each step, her head hanging lower than normal. She was alone, there was no need to keep up appearances, she could let everything hang out and wear her emotions on her sleeve. But as soon as she left this forest, her walls would be forced back up and her emotions would be forced down, no one needed to know. So wrapped in her thoughts, she missed his presence on the log as she passed him. Her gaze would trained on the ground and her senses had practically died. She was oblivious.

"yoruban" "english"



8 Years
Extra large
10-29-2014, 03:52 PM

He wasn?t sure how to speak to his deity about his woes now, surely she would scorn him. Should he seek her out now a bolt of lightning was sure to strike him from the giant fallen tree. The lands here were not as quiet as the cathedral was, but with the winter cold right around the corner most noise making birds had fled the glade. His thoughts would remain uninterrupted for a long time, his form sitting stiffly upon his throne of shame. He?d been so careless, throwing away the best thing that had happened to him for a single night of reckless pleasure. He?d felt a real connection to Gwena and her spunky self. His lips would turn up ever so slightly at the thought of their recent day together, though the memory would also cause him pain at the realisation that they?d never share that again. He?d broken his own heart when he?d slept with Motif.
Quiet thoughts would be interrupted by the sound of pawsteps, his hackles would rise. He didn?t wish for company, he wanted to be alone in his misery. He?d almost growl as the sight of Gwena would appear before him, looking just as dejected and unaware as he felt. His ears would swivel forward as his eyes trained on her. Hackles would return to normal as he kept himself silent, finding himself unable to break his eyes away from her form. He would keep himself quiet for a few long moments, knowing it was likely to be a long time before he ever saw her this open again. As well he would debate if he wished to say anything, was there anything he could say? She?d obviously done the same as he, came here to be alone, away from him. Why would he ruin that for her?
Finally he?d give in, she was a few wolf lengths past his perch but he knew he needed to try again. He didn?t want this feeling to fill him forever. Gracefully the tall beast would slide from the massive log, long limbs reach out to meet the earth with a thud and the disturbance of the fallen leaves. His ears would still lay against his skull as his bright eyes fell on her, look still apologetic. His head would rest even with his shoulders as his tail would hang listlessly from his hindquarters. "Gwena," he?d start, not knowing if he?d be able to finish.

"yoruban" "english"

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10-29-2014, 08:03 PM

A log would creak, pulling her attention. Her skull shot up, eyes searching. And then her name would fill her ears. She would still. How had she not noticed him? She would turn slowed to face him, her eyes wary as they settled on his face. He looked apologetic, his ears pulled back as he searched her face. "Shai." His name fell from her lips in a clinical manner, detached and unfeeling. Her walls went up quickly, protecting herself from him. She had nothing else to say, she would wait for him to continue, her name lingering as though he might want to say more. She would keep distance between them, both physically and emotionally. Her hopes of spending the day along had been dashed, and the one wolf she didn't want to see, was standing before her. She didn't show her feelings, carefully tucking them away.

There was so much she wanted to scream at him, but she didn't. She had no right to do so. She wasn't even sure why he was so guilty looking, they had nothing between them, aside from newborn feelings. Feelings at he had tossed aside for a complete stranger. A stranger they had been told to stay away from. He had disobeyed the Elders, the oracles, their goddess. Was she mad at him? Had the goddess punished him for his disobedience? Or did she have something else in store for him?

"yoruban" "english"



8 Years
Extra large
11-01-2014, 08:37 PM

He would watch regretfully as her defenses would reappear and her eyes would fall upon him. The spark that had been there within her deep purple pools would be gone, another reminder to him of what he?d thrown away so carelessly. Why was this so? He?d not even made a commitment to her, even before he could he would find a way to screw up their relationship. His name would be uttered from her lips, further driving his guilt as he lowered his head slightly. He?d look at her for a long moment, unintentionally letting the words hang uselessly between them. He wouldn?t move, he would scarcely breathe before finally words would come to him."Why does it have to be like this." He?d whisper, the only question he had for her. Maybe they would never hold what they once did, but did they have to be strangers again? He knew that he had done wrong, and ruined what might have been, but he had broken no commitments to her. Even now, he would still wish desperately to be within her good graces again.
.ooc. omg crap reply -_-

"yoruban" "english"

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11-03-2014, 01:53 AM

She needed to get a grip. His head seemed to drop lower withe very passing moment that he stood staring at her. Was there a point to punishing him or was it simply her wounded ego? He stood as a still as a statue, his soft words almost weren't heard. Silver audits tipped forward in order to catch his whispers. Why does it have to be like this.' She would hesitate for a moment, contemplating his words. Did it have to be this way? Legs would move on their own accord, eating up the distance between with only a few strides. She would aim to press her chest again his own, leaning into him and pressing her face into his neck. She would allow herself to be momentarily lost in his scent, allowing the heady cologne to linger in her nostrils, for his warmth to wash over her. A gentle would leave her lips as tension slipped from her shoulders and weary muscles relaxed.

She would say nothing, allowing the pain to slip away and the trouble to fall behind them. There was no doubt that he wanted to start fresh, and so did she. While she desperately wanted to erase the entire thing from her memory, she knew it wasn't possible. Leaning back only so she could meet his gaze, a small smile would toy with her sooty lips, her expression softening with the slow wag of her tail. She wasn't entire sure what would happen now, if she could ever be as carefree as before but she was willing to allow him back into her good graces.

"yoruban" "english"



8 Years
Extra large
11-03-2014, 02:23 PM

Sun lit gaze would linger on her form as the silence ate away at the moments they would stand across from each other. He?d beg for a second chance mentally, but in reality the last action he would have expected she?d take would happen. Her form would move swiftly to his side, pressing herself against his chest and burying her face in his neck. At that moment he?d feel the same sense of relief flood through him, tall frame would relax as he let himself drape over her form and hold her close like he never thought he?d do again. She would remain silent but pull herself back to find that their gazes would meet.
Shai didn?t know how he?d been able to betray such a woman as Gwena, and though he would aim to erase the memories of her hurt he knew that they would always be a haunting reminder of the deeds he?d done. He?d press his nose to hers as he found himself in complete awe of her presence. The silence would continue its hold on the pair, as he was just as unsure as she when it came to the future. As long as she allowed him to hold her this close he didn?t care what was in store. Softly he?d gaze into the depths of her pristine violet pools breathing much easier than he had in days. "I?ve missed you," he?d finally whisper to her, teh relief apparent in his dark vocals.

"yoruban" "english"

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11-03-2014, 10:35 PM

He would relax, the tension slipping from his own shoulders. He would drape himself around her, pulling her into his embrace. It soothed her worries that he was willing, more than willing, to accept her again. She wasn't sure that she would ever forget, but she was willing to forgive, he was willing to make amends. As she leaned back, he would peer down at her, his yellow gaze clashing with hers as he took a moment to speak. His whisper would, his breath hot on her face. Her smile would grow as his nose pressed against hers and she would lean into it. The relief was apparent in his words, as well as being written all over his face. Leaning up onto her tip toes, her tongue would lash to gently against his cheek. "I've missed you too."

Her voice was soft as she remained close, once again finding herself enjoying his proximity. But she would beat the feting down with a vengeance. No, this time she would not lose herself quite so easily. She would step away from him, finding a suitable place before lowering herself to the ground. There were no games to be played or innocent little touches, today she was behaving, strictly staying within her bubble. If he wanted to be close to her, then he would have to take the reins and do so.

"yoruban" "english"



8 Years
Extra large
11-04-2014, 01:03 AM

He could feel their magic spark start up once again as her eyes lingered on his gaze, the closeness of her form and the beating of her heart would captivate him wholley. How did she so easily catch him and captivate his imagination? How had he so easily forgotten her amazing form and stunning gaze. Never again. She would find the grace to offer him another chance at winning her heart and Shai would make no plans to squander that chance. She?d lean softly into his touch before echoing his words back to him. The separation had not been enjoyable for either of the pair.
As he would enjoy the feeling of her in his arms again she?d pull herself away, seating herself far enough away that the distance had become respectable. He?d stifle the sigh that had threatened its way out, she was right to pull herself away. He was unsure of himself now, unable to be sure exactly what he was capable of. He?d so easily been swayed from his faith that now, he was unsure if he was even worthy of Gwena?s attention. In either case he wanted to do this right. He wanted to have a real relationship with her. So shai would respect the distance she?d set between them and he?d keep himself seated where he was. "What are you thinking?" He?d whisper softly, making the best efforts to know her more fully before plunging in.

"yoruban" "english"

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11-04-2014, 09:55 PM

He didn't follow as she moved away from him. A pang of disappointment would resonate in her chest. She beat down the questions that flared up, refusing to acknowledge them. He would sit, making himself comfortable despite that distance that seemed to stretch on between them. She didn't like it, she wanted him to be closer so that she could feel his touching her and his warmth wrapping around her. Again he would whisper, pulling her gaze to his face. What was she thinking? There was so much, she didn't know where to begin.

A small smile would lift the corners of her lips. "I was just thinking that you're awfully far away." Her voice was soft, shy almost. She would peer up at him through her lashes, unsure of how he would react to her statement. Her mama had taught her many things, including matters of the heart and how to protect such a fragile thing. But she found herself feeling defenseless against him. His touch was far to enjoyable. His voice way to alluring. His scent overwhelmingly intoxicating. She had defense against such things.

"yoruban" "english"



8 Years
Extra large
11-04-2014, 10:47 PM

Being without her warmth at his chest would become uncomfortable, having just returned to his arms he would have rather kept her there. He didn?t want to be without her at his side, but he didn?t want to fail her again. He didn?t want to mess things up, not again. She?d answer him though, her mischievous smile begging him closer as she commented exactly what he?d been thinking. The way she looked up at him, her brilliant eyes under her long lashes would warm his cheeks. He?d feel his temperature rise as he melted under her gaze, everything about her would wrap him up. He?d breathe her in slowly as he felt himself close the distance between them. She?d invited him closer, he wouldn?t overstep his boundaries yet. He?d sit close to her, not quite touching but enough to feel her warmth. "Is this better?" He?d ask softly, barely touching her cheek with a delicate nuzzle.

"yoruban" "english"

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11-05-2014, 04:20 PM

He would close the distance between them without a word. But he didn't touch her. He would slip down beside, close enough that his warmth washed over her, but not close enough that he was pressed against her. His breath washed over her face, his muzzle barely touching her cheek as she spoke. A smile continued to toy with her sooty lips, her gaze searching his face. "It'll do." Her voice was low, teasing him lightly. Her hips would flip to the side, limbs stretching comfortably. "What are you thinking?" She would turn the question on him, a brow lifting with speculation. Her tail swept across the ground to thump against him once before quieting down and lying still. Her heart nervously against her chest. So much was unknown now, and it drove her crazy. But she still longed to get to know as well as she used to when they were younger. She wouldn't break his gaze, continually searching his face. Butterflies filled her belly despite her relaxed position. Again she felt as ease, no longer plagued by the past. It had all changed in the blink of an eye.

"yoruban" "english"



8 Years
Extra large
11-05-2014, 04:48 PM

He didn?t want to lose her smile again, seeing the hurt on her features that morning had torn him apart. Now, she would give him another chance, a second try at winning her heart. He would find himself grasping at a new determination as he drew near her pale form. For too long a moment his future had seemed so null and voice, like he was not worth what time would bring. Now, as he listened to her tease him slightly his thoughts would drift again to what might be. He didn?t know if he was ready to jump headlong into a relationship with her but the image of wedding would appear within his thoughts as he tasted her scent. She make herself comfortable before offering him the same question, though he wasn?t sure if he wanted to divulge the thoughts he?d just experienced. "You?d laugh if I told you," He?d whisper bashfully, could he even suggest such a thing right now, after they?d just made up? Though now more than ever he was sure of what he wanted.

"yoruban" "english"

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11-05-2014, 05:07 PM

He would suddenly turn shy, as though she has interrupted a thought that he found embarrassing. This would spoke her curiosity. She would lean a little closer, her expression mockingly serious. "I promise not to laugh. Too hard." Her lips would then skyward, a mischievous grin playing across her face. Her attention was entirely on him, ears tipped forward, eyes trained on his face, her entire body leaned towards him.

She would have never fathomed his thoughts so her mind ran wild. What could possibly cause him to become so bashful? Her leaning towards him has brought them closer, so that her shoulder presses into him and her breath could wash over his face. Lavender pools were bright with curiosity, silently pleading him for him to tell her.

"yoruban" "english"



8 Years
Extra large
11-05-2014, 05:44 PM

At his words she?d lean in a bit closer to him, obviously not deterred by his words but more encouraged than anything. He found it hard to deny her request, the look in her eyes and the curiosity on her features could not be resisted. She?d continue teasing him, promising that she wouldn?t laugh at him too hard. Though he knew he deserved it even before the words had left his lips. He?d keep his gaze from her for a long moment, still debating internally if he?d tell her what he was really thinking or if he?d make something up. His sunny gaze would finally fall back upon her deep unending eyes, her vibrant smile and flawless features. Yes, he knew what he wanted and if she couldn?t accept that now then they really had no business continuing what could never be. The feeling of her flesh pressed into his own would scatter his thoughts more as he stuttered to release the words he?d intended on saying. "I was thinking about marrying you," He?d say quietly as he tried to enjoy her touch for what might have been the last time. How would she react to such rushed thoughts?

"yoruban" "english"

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11-05-2014, 06:40 PM

He would stay silent for the longest time, avoiding her gaze. The suspense was almost unbearable. She was dying to know what was racing through his mind. The moment he spoke, the world came to a halt. Everything around her fell away. Her eyes would widen, her lower jaw going slack in shock. Had she heard him right? Did he just say that he was thinking about marrying her? That couldn't be right. She remained frozen, her eyes glued to his face. "W-w-what?" Her voice was soft, just above a whisper. She hadn't moved away from him, she remained where she was, pressed against him. Her mind raced becoming a jumbled mess. Marrying her. Thats what was on his mind. But they had only just reconnected, begun to rebuild their relationship. Did he feel that strongly about her that he could consider such a thing? "W-why?" She stuttered lightly, peering up at him with eyes wide like a does. Her heart had skipped a beat and now beat rapidly against her chest cavity, threatening to burst through. She searched his face frantically, desperately wanting to know why he would think of such a thing.

"yoruban" "english"



8 Years
Extra large
11-05-2014, 07:22 PM

As the words left his mouth he was almost sure that he wanted to take them back, Gwena would freeze completely. It was too soon, of course it was too soon, he should have lied, he shouldn?t have ever said anything about his thoughts. White marked ears would fall to his skull as he watched her, leaning into the shoulder that was still buried in his thick fur. She was obviously shocked, wide eyes and jaw to the floor. He?d lower his head slightly, already ashamed of his words. It was much too soon for her. The she?d question him, uncertain and quiet she would ask. "I might have preferred you laughing at me," He?d muse softly. The ashen girl had yet to move, her form still pressed tenderly against him. He?d swallow his insecurities as best he could and explain himself, "I, just don?t want to lose you again." was there any other explanation? She was gone from his grasp once, he couldn?t bear for her to be lost to him again.

"yoruban" "english"

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11-05-2014, 10:49 PM

It never took much to make him look ashamed. His ears pulled back and his crown would lower. He admitted that her laughing would have been better. Slowly she would relax, her jaws snapping shut and her eyes returning to their normal state. It was so much to try and process, to wrap her head around. How could this be? Again he would open up, admiring his true feelings. A gentle smile began to form on her lips. Scooting closer, she would press herself into his side, finding comfort there. "I don't think you have to worry about that." She would murmur softly, tipping her skull up to look at him as she leaned into him. Logic told her it was far too soon for such a commitment, but perhaps they could start smaller. There was no denying the spark between them, but before she made any sort of major decision that would affect the rest of her life, she wanted to know that she could trust him, that he wouldn't stray at the first pretty girl he saw. She wanted to first be able to once again put her trust in him, to be able to rely on him. "Perhaps we should start smaller though." She would give him a gentle nudge, her smile warm and friendly as she voiced her thoughts. She has always trusted her heart and gut, but she always knew when to use her brain.

"yoruban" "english"



8 Years
Extra large
11-05-2014, 11:09 PM

Eventually she would relax, her form sinking into him as she pushed herself closer. He was still unsure of his words, but as her shock subsided his ears would retain their more natural posture. He?d take in her smile and wrap her in his massive embrace, pulling her closer as she sho?d off his worries and regrets. It seemed the opposite he had expected would unroll before him. He?d let his honey eyes linger on her lilac stare, finding the corners of his lips curling in an unmistakable grin. Would she so eagerly accept him into her arms again, after the hurt he?d put her through? Maybe. She?d suggest that they start smaller, and he?d have to agree. She had to know that she could put her trust in him again. He would nod slowly, agreeing visibly and verbally, "Well then, I?ll do it right, for you." He?d back away from her a little, lower himself into a bow before he took her eyes into his own again, "Gwena Teetonka, will you grant me permission to court you?" He?d ask as gentlemanly as he could.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


11-09-2014, 10:25 PM

He would wrap himself around her, his warmth surrounding her in a bubble. His grin was unmistakable and honest as his gaze clashed with her own. She would curiously as he nodded, silently promising that for her, he would do it right. Her crown would tip the side in question as he pulled away, lowering himself into a bow before meeting her gaze. Her full name rolled off his tongue pleasantly, bringing a smile to her face. He would request permission to court her, and there was no way she could deny him. "I will." His words were kinda and polite, not unlike his usual tones, but there was something different, something she couldn't quite place her paw on. Her eyes dances with pleasure and excitement, the emotions steadily seeping into her veins and warming her entire body. Her grin was unstoppable, lighting up her face like the sun in the sky. Her tail wagged, beating the air behind her.

"yoruban" "english"