
-- teach me how to dance!



7 Years
11-07-2014, 05:32 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2014, 05:32 PM by Empyrea.)

She had found herself venturing from Arcanum lands, drawn by the aura of the battlefield at the heart of the Alacritian continent. The scent of blood was so very strong there, and this was where the weak were overthrown and dominated by those worthy of owning anything. Observing battles had taught the little harlot techniques for battle and duels, spars or not. Of course, the little harlot would love to find herself a crown to bleed for. But Arcanum and Imperium was off limits, due to possible alliances. In time. For now, she best step up her game in fighting. But who would teach her what flaws she made in battle and correct her?

Perhaps someone from Arcanum.

Aimlessly she would wander the lands of her home. Her scars were healing nicely. It would be a matter of time before she could simply hide them beneath her fur. All of her bruises had faded, and she was back at 100% quality. Amethysts caught movement briefly, but she disregarded it. She would let herself recline, then fall to the ground, content expression flashing across her features. Italian lyrics flushed through the air, hushed and soft-spoken. "Voglio ballare, ballare alla luce morente del sole sanguinante! Slice It aperto, taglio ? leggero, non mi dispiace!" Would anyone hear her quiet song? Maybe later, she could speak with the silver queen of her plans, if she would mind her little white harlot leaving to b l e e d for a crown with chance of failure.


11-18-2014, 04:55 PM

It had been far to long since she last spent any time with her little ivory toy. She had been promoted, no longer a slave, but still of no true value. She would follow her scent until she found the pale girl, speaking in a tongue she didn't understand. Silver legs would bring her to stand before the woman, peering down at her with the faintest of curiosity. "You have to do anything with your new found freedom." Her voice was dry as a brow lifted. She was certain that the girl would run wild, finally able to leave pack lands and explore. But instead she had stayed fairly close to home. Thought she wasnt surprised. There were few within Arcanum that freely came and went, most choosing to linger within the borders, away from the judgmental gaze of society. For now at least. Soon, she would give them no choice when she drove them from the borders and into battle. But before that happened, she needed to ensure that each and everyone of them was battle ready, ready to throw down their life if necessary, to claim victory. Her immediate concern stood before her. Was she ready?
