
Take a Break



1 Year
10-30-2014, 01:23 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Life within Yfir was growing more comfortable by the moment, though Katja had not been kidding when she had spoken of the rigorous training and expectations that she would be under. Bera could not determine yet whether her unexpected relation to her mentor, Freyja, worked in her favor or not, but it hardly seemed to change the training regimen. Thankfully, the young brown wolf loved it. For the first time in her life she was actually being treated like an equal to her peers, not looked down upon for being a girl in what was supposedly a boy's world. She was being pushed to work harder, to move faster, to fight stronger, and not once was weakness or failure excused simply because of her gender. It all made her feel even more confident and sure of her decision to come here.

All of it at once, however, after only following a regimen that she had designed herself, proved to her how out of shape she was. While she hoped she was doing better than someone with no skill or training whatsoever, the Bearcub felt as if she was below the level of where she should have been, and she felt it presently. It manifested in the form of aching limbs, sure to grow into bruising later on once the true tests of strength were undergone. Though she looked forward to it all immensely, for right now she needed a small breather.

Bera's achy limbs dragged her ear-less form across the Yfir border and into the large, green valley beyond, taking to the openness of it, the ever changing scents and smells, and the coolness of the grasses. Though without anything to provide protection or shelter form the elements or even other wolves, the brown yearling liked it here. When it was quiet, when all she could hear was the wind rustling through the lively blades as it stirred her coat, there was a peace that could be felt here that she could not find anywhere else. Of course, with her task of learning the warrior trade, there were not often times for her to get away as she presently did, sitting herself down amid the grasses before lowering herself to her stomach to rest her chin upon her outstretched paws. No, this little stolen visit was a rarity, just as she had been warned. But that only made it all the more special.



2 Years
10-30-2014, 03:39 PM

The slender and nimble body would swiftly travel through the valley, effortlessly leaping over the narrow streams that winded through the grass. The sun was up, brighter than usual, illuminating the grass to a sparkling emerald. The valley stretched further than his snake-like gaze could see. He had spent too long in dark, abandoned and lifeless places. He needed fresh air and a break. Even night stalker's find themselves tired out of their nightly routine.

His own rogue life wasn't the best that he had expected it to be. The man had been having second thoughts on looking for a pack. Perhaps his loner life seemed to be growing more boring with each step he took. What was that pack that the grey she-wolf once spoke of? Arca? No, Arcanum. Temptation was indeed an emotion he could not resist, but if he stumbled across anything interesting today, he might as well change his mind.

Against the emerald grass, his somber gaze would spot another brown soul resting contently with their chin to their paws. The other wolf looked so pleasant and relaxed in their position but of course, the sleek shadow would have to lumber over and disturb the silence. If the other wolf desired company then that was more than what the male could bring, if not, he was better off to stalk another stunning creature in the ways of his charming self.

"Hello." Is all he would say in an amused tone, seating himself on his haunches by the other wolf and inviting himself into their presence. He wouldn't meet the hazel wolf's eyes, instead his own eyes would look out along the hills and valleys (when really there was nothing to be seen but the green). He awaited the response, whether the wolf may be startled, annoyed or perhaps...delighted.




1 Year
11-04-2014, 01:08 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The quiet of the valley was getting to her, and she could feel it starting to settle about her body. It was there in the sudden heaviness of her eyelids as they began to droop over her vibrant green eyes, in the steadying of her breath as they became more relaxed and even, and made the rest of her suddenly feel very restful. Yes, this was a delightful stolen moment away from Yfir, so very different than the active training and hustle and bustle of pack life. If she allowed herself to, she very easily could have slipped into a nap here, let herself drift away into a light slumber to enjoy the quiet...

...or be interrupted by someone coming her way. What remained of her ears shifted, stirred, doing their best to pinpoint where it was the sound was coming from around her. It was practically by some miracle that she had been able to hear the creature's approach at all, and groggily the brown yearling opened her eyes to stare straight ahead into the grasses before her paws. No, if she wanted to find this creature she was going to need to fully wake up.

With a quick intake of breath and a stifled yawn, Bearcub pushed off the ground with her forepaws and sat herself up where once she had been lying down. Though her vision was still somewhat bleary from rest, she turned her head to either side until she spotted the darkly clad wolf, a wraith amid the Emerald Valley. Only twin eyes of golden amber appeared to interrupt his coloration, but what Bera noted more readily was his shape. He was not very impressively tall, nor did he carry the bearing of a fighter.

Just a little she straightened herself up more, her lanky frame sitting proudly as the stranger finished his stroll toward her and took a seat opposite to speak a charming hello. "Hello," she answered with the proper cordiality, offering nothing else just yet. Instead she remained straight, strong, like the sentinel that she wished to become. And for some reason she did not entirely believe it would be enough to put him off from further striking up a conversation with her.



2 Years
11-05-2014, 01:51 AM

In the corner of his eye, he would scan the appearance of the female. She was slightly larger in frame and height, having fur that resembles that of a brown bear's. Within the many natural earthen shades, her optics melted into a stunning royal green. Might as well call her "Bear" instead of asking for her true name. She returned a friendly and calm hello, keeping her still and upright position. He wasn't going to leave with just a simple hello but for now he would slowly build up the conversation. At this point, names were unnecessary.

"So, dear, what brings you so far from home?" He would inquire intriguingly, taking a whiff of her sweet perfume. He let the scent entwine his thoughts, picking up the smell of a pack. So what was confident and strong looking girl doing in lands filled with wild rogues like himself? Not loyal enough to protect her kingdom, searching for trouble or just seeking peace?
