
Walking In Circles



3 Years
10-30-2014, 02:36 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The trees here were weird. Miksa sat below one and stared upward from beside its trunk into the spindly branches that hung all around him, encircling where he sat. Even under just slight winds they moved and danced, waving about and showing off their leaves in a quiet rustle. Bright yellow eyes shifted from one cord-like branch to the next as he wondered why it was they looked so funny. Up where he had come from you never would have seen trees like these. No, the hardy pines of the north were sturdy and rigid, growing upward and not downward. How had everything gotten so turned around down here?

Just a little his head began to lean to the side, but even as he felt himself starting to zone out with the train of his thoughts the mostly white boy brought himself back to the present. This was Solstice, a pack in the south. He was no longer surrounded by what was familiar, did no longer only have his mother and brother to keep him company. Instead he was in a new and funny place that he still did not understand, surrounded by wolves that he did not know. And being the nervous sort, he found it all very intimidating.

Shtiya on the other hand was probably doing well. His brother was as friendly as anyone could be, bold, brave, and unafraid. He was practically everything Miksa was not, and though it bothered the yellow-eyed pup it was not nearly as big a bother as just knowing he could not adapt as quickly. Already his family had been a part of this new pack for almost two months and he was still learning how to fit in. Was it supposed to take this long? Was this normal? He felt lost within his thoughts, stuck in a circle as he tried to figure out what exactly was wrong but kept avoiding socializing though it likely would have cured him of his funk. Even now he only sighed and got to his paws again to traipse about some more through these weird willow trees, thinking about his problems when really he should have been acting on them.


11-05-2014, 01:11 AM

Solstice seemed like such a big world after so long in the den she had been born in. her trips around the territory so far had been short, she had always been dragged back home by one parent or another. Lately however her parents seemed busy all the time and didn't seem to be getting along. Well this frustrated her it also gave her the perfect opening to slip out of her home and prance about the world of Solstice. She would do just that today, after leaving the area just outside her den the rest of the world slipped into a strange pace, and she was more then game to explore each inch of it. She would for a while, chasing funny insects that hoped about in the grass and chirped funny noises as she attempted to clasp her paws about its form she would chase it for a while, her laughter bubbling freely in her throat.

That wouldn't be the only curious thing in Solstice, a bright coloured winged insect would come right down and land against her nose. She would stare at it a moment in wonder, then let out a shriek of laughter, sending it spiralling away from her. ?Wait up!? she cried, taking flight and attempting to keep the creature in her view, she was so entertained and preoccupied looking up at its shape she had no idea she wasn't alone until her tiny form was barrelling straight into the stranger, tumbling into the wolfs side and tangling up her legs under his with a yelp more surprise then pain. She lay tumbled on the ground and looked up at the boy with bright golden eyes and giggled.




3 Years
11-06-2014, 01:20 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The spindly branches of the tree parted gently and allowed him to pass as he left the space beside its trunk and began walking among them properly, his pale paws slow and listless with each step. As suited him, he continued to fret and worry, allowing his thoughts to consume him so wholly that he paid less attention to where he was going and what he was passing. If he had been a little more observant, a little more aware, Miksa might have seen the other youth who had designated this odd wood as her romping site but as it was he was oblivious. At least until the pup called out.

Her words might not have been meant for him, but the sound of her high voice carried his way, causing his tanned ears to perk at first and then swivel, breaking him of his dismal reverie and planting him firmly back within reality. Someone was here. Blinking his yellow eyes back into focus, the youth lifted his head and turned it in the direction the young voice had called from, and though he spotted her the girl's attention appeared preoccupied. Which was likely going to be a problem as she continued to run his way.

With his ears beginning to splay, Miksa was caught in such a debilitating case of indecision that though he had enough time to call the girl's attention to him he only managed to part his jaws and mutter a quiet, "Uhhh," before she collided with his side. The white youth stumbled slightly, releasing a quick breath in a whispery, "Oof!" as he caught himself from tumbling down either on top of the girl or beside her. On the plus side, she was still a small thing so she had not hurt him, or herself he hoped, though she had been traveling fast. But to be sure Miksa angled his muzzle downward, peering at the smiling pup that lay tangled between his paws with nervous concern. "Are you okay?"


11-25-2014, 06:10 PM

The reason for her dash had fluttered above the body of the boy, her eyes had soley been on that shape, even that soft sound a few moments before impact had not warned her of the impending danger. They had crashed, or perhaps more accuratly she had run him down and tripped and landed tangled in his paws – the other, older boy had managed to keep standing and the pup ended up looking up at him and grinning crazily. “That was fun!” she laughed, shaking out her head and attempting to untangle herself as the boy looked down at her twisted form and asked if she was okay. She smiled back at him, he smelled like Solstice, so even if she knew how to fear she wouldn't have worried about this boy. She had never seen him before however, in fact the only other young wolves she knew where related to her, either siblings or cusians.

Realising this, she looked at him more closely, taking in the friendly white of his coat and yellowy shade of his eyes. She giggled again, and reached a paw up towards his face, attempting a friendly swipe his way. “I'm Princess Illaria, whats your name?” she would ask of him

