
Wren x Bass Babies!


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
10-30-2014, 01:08 PM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2014, 04:33 PM by Evelyn.)
Alright! So they haven't done the do just yet, but its happening very soon. Now! Since Destruction's have themed litters, this litter is going to be songbird themed. Ex. Warble, Swallow, Shrike, Finch, Robin, Meadowlark/Lark, Cardinal, Jay, ect Obviously Wren is off the table, taking that that is their mothers name, hehe.

I would like for all the pups to have Destruction as their last name, but if you want they can have Sartaddi-Destruction to have both Wren and Bass' last name.

Now all these pups are obviously going to be in Abaven, and we would prefer if they all stayed good little babies, as both parents are as sweet as can be. They will obvously be highly respected as the Azat's pup, but they would also learn about being a leader and such. These pups will also be close with Motif, Harmony and Rhythm, and Chord when he shows up from time to time.

Eve has made some awesome designs, and I am also adding to them so feel free to check back for more. You are obviously allowed to design your own, but I would like to see the common Destruction markings if you to.

Little fun note, all pups that get chosen will get an avatar and table from me, and I am also willing to pay for character slots.

Wren's Bio & Bass' Bio

Designs - Click for larger image
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Full Name:
Design: Either pick a number or post your own
Quick Description: Just brief
Personality: At least 150 words
Relationship with family: How they feel about everyone, if they like everyone
Ideas for rank: Are they wanting to be a healer, messenger, or fighter?

RP sample: At least 100 words please! Can be as a pup or an adult, up to you.

My focus needs more focus.



4 Years
10-30-2014, 02:16 PM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2014, 04:51 PM by Ellasyn.)

Starling Destruction
Male ? Newborn ? Neutral ? 38 Inches ? 101 pounds

[Image: rk54b9.png]


Starling truly shines from the inside, though he never believes that he does. He nearly acts like a child, not in energy levels but rather in the innocence he carries each day. An innocence that might never be extinguished, not even as the cruel hands of the world plays with him. He believes in all that is good in the world, especially in the natural world. Each plant has it's purpose, in his mind, he only needs to find what each one does. A true Herbalist a heart, he has a dream to find and identify each and every herb. He has an innate skill of memorizing each name and matching it to the need provided. An avid learner, it is his whole world to learn everything he can about the skill he was given, because he fears it is his only use.

Among his siblings he is probably the gentlest, he desires to have nothing to do with battle except to heal the wounds it causes. A timid creature, his voice is always soft unless he is in his element. It is only when he feels truly comfortable that he shows confidence, and it is only the art of healing where he feels comfortable. It is his life, his world, because it is the only thing he believes he is able to do. When it comes to confrontation, or any other situation, Starling seems to almost sink into himself. Perhaps he will overcome his fearfulness in his later years, but that has yet to be proven.

He comes from a good, loving family, and with it seeds of love and devotion bloomed. He cares for everyone dearly, even if he is intimidated at times. His devotion for his family is his platform, his stability. If it were not for them, the boy would be lost within his own mind and his own self-doubt. It's their affection and love that helps him bloom over the years, helps him shed some of his timidness and grow more and more confident in his shoes. His shoulder is always ready to be leant upon, and his ears are always open, for he knows that having someone to listen can heal the mind as well as plants could heal wounds. He could be seeing as a therapeutic healer as well, always there with a psychological view point on any problems. His mind his sharp, and analytical, a tell of his intelligence.

But it is self-doubt that stunts his growth emotionally. He can be irrational at times, despite his mind telling him he is wrong. He is sensitive to everything people say, and at times words can manage to cut deep into him despite their intention. The boy believes he has little use, that there's better healers out there, that he is the weakest of their family. His gawky body does not help his confidence levels either. Despite his family's reputation and the standing they hold on this land, he still holds a strong self-doubt, even as he matures and blossoms. It is something he might never be able to shed.

Adult Ref

Starling, from the first moment he could walk, would always be seen as gawky, scrawny. As a child his fur would mask the awkward way his body grew, but as he great older and developed in years it would become quite obvious. He would max out at a full 38" but the lack of muscles and lack of extra body weight tops him at a light 101 lbs. Appearing like a bull in a china shop, Starling holds this air of awkwardness, as if he is never meant to be exactly where he is. Perhaps it is more because he doesn't seem remotely comfortable in his body.

A color akin to liver colors his entire gawky frame, adding no spectacular shine or beauty to his appearance. He is not something noteable, not something memorable. Each of his markings are a pure white, a soft snow that cuts through the dull browns of his fur. The white begins at the tips of his ears, cutting down his back almost akin to that of a skunk, chopping along his shoulders and flank before spreading down to his tail tips. His toes almost look dipped in the white, spreading along the backs of his legs and up to his elbow. He had inherited his father's nose stripe, and his mother's eye marking, both the same white that breaks up the rest of his appearance, and it is those markings that he adores the most.

Other Information

Relationship to Family: He loves everyone, but is often intimidated by their respective strength, knowledge and position in the family. Devoted to make them happy, keep them healthy, and always there to be a sound board for their problems.

Notes: I will have enough for the two extra inches really soon, and I plan to buy him a small accessory necklace (pictured in the adult ref) when I can afford it. You know, if I am chosen of course.

Roleplay Example
His small paw tapped rhythmically against the ground, thumping in time with the beating of his heart echoing in his ears. The largest blue eyes gazed out over the expanse of brush before him, searching for the the off-white petals of his memory. Yet he didn't move to search, he merely stayed where he was, counting the heart beats to measure the length of time it would take for him to spot the precious flower. And then he smirked, secretly to himself, before he slipped forward. His movements were delicate, careful so as not to step and crush something that could potentially save a life. "Oh.." He breathed as he peered down at the littest of flowers, knowing that this was the exact specimen he had been sent to find. A test of his knowledge, and he had succeeded. His joy swayed through his body like a gentle breeze, tail swishing behind him before he dipped his head to carefully pick the flower from the ground. His movements were cautious, careful, the most delicate he could manage.

Once he had his set of flowers cradled carefully by their stems in his jaws he turned back, bounding over the grass that had been laid out for him, aiming to return home to complete his test. He couldn't wait to see the joy on his mentor's face, his eyes shining at the knowledge that he had done some good. That he was right, that he excelled at something. But then, he paused, heart fluttering in his chest and a quick breath huffing from his nose. What if this wasn't the flower she had intended for him to find. What if his siblings had beaten him home, had succeeded in their tests before he could even find the flower. Fifteen heart beats had been too long, he should have found it sooner. Eyes widened as he took a step back, feeling the anxiety creep through his chest before he shook his head.

No, he was being silly. It mattered not if he won, it mattered little if he was the first to return home. All that mattered was that he had the right plant, and he didn't dally. With a deep breath through his nose he headed home once more, with less joy and exuberance, his ears laying flat against his skull and his head hung low.


10-30-2014, 02:50 PM
*Flails at five's sexiness* I can't resist that face. Even If I wasn't trying to.

Full Name: Jay Sartaddi-Destruction

Alignment: Neutral

Design: Five

Quick Description: A tall, slender female with mostly white fur, and a few tiny pink spots on her nose. One ear is her mother's tan color, along with the fur on the back of her front two paws. One paw, or half of it, is the same tan color. Underneath her eyes is a marking close to the marking her father has but closer to her mother's. The bottom of her tail is a dark gray, seeming ebony or black in shadows. Her eyes are an icy blue, rimmed and flecked with darker blue.


Relationship with family: Jay tries her best to get along with everyone, even if she gets annoyed.

Ideas for rank: A healer.

RP sample:

Three withe paws hit the ground, Jay's cream paw hovering over the ground in concentration. Her white and dark gray tail brushed the ground, and her light blue eyes narrowed as an unknown scent made her lips twitch in a snarl. She would not be injured. A low growl came from her throat, and her white and and tan ears twitched as a twig snapped behind her. She whipped around, her tail raised in dominance, as the wolf whimpered. "No! I'm harmless!" Jay relaxed some, until the tang


10-30-2014, 03:47 PM
Full Name: Shrike Destruction
Alignment: Neutral Good
Design: My own~
user posted image

Height:: 31? || Weight:: 112lbs Traits:: Tall || Long Body || Smaller Than Average Ears || Slender Muzzle || Slim || Muscled Thighs and Shoulders

Primary Coat:: White #FFFFFF
Secondary Colors:: Silver (Inner Ear) #F3F3F3 || Black (Nose) #1E1E1E
Eyes:: Light Green (Right) #BAD887 || Faded Yellow (Left) #F9E17C
Marking Color One:: Tan (Diamond-like Face Mark, Middle Body, Lower Third Of Tail) #CCB288
Marking Color Two:: Faded Brown (Base Of Right Ear, Dorsal Half Of Body Including Shoulders And Thighs, Tail Tip) #7B6550
Marking Color Three:: Black (Tip of Right Ear, Left Ear, Legs, Destruction Under-Eye Marking) #181818

Shrike Lineart Ref -Click Me.-

Shrike is what would be considered an average sized wolf, being of medium stature. He is, however, tall for this particular build. His body, much like his mother Wren?s, is long and slim with a lack of defined muscle upon the majority of his body. His shoulders and thighs, however, are the most noticeable places for the muscles this young man has. As a whole his body is built more for the sake of speed and flexibility rather than brute force and power.

Overall Shrike is nothing too spectacular to look at in terms of his build, though he might tell you otherwise. The only other things to take special note of are his smaller than average ears and slender muzzle, giving his face a more thoughtful look. He could be considered attractive, though he is hardly that gorgeous man that everyone chases after. Shrike takes careful pride in his appearance, just like his mannerisms, in making sure that he is carefully groomed and clean the majority of the time.

For a wolf of Destruction lineage Shrike has a bit more of a complex design. This is thanks to Wren?s genetics. The primary coloration upon Shrike?s body is white, with markings of tan, brown, and black found upon his form. The dorsal half of his body, excluding his head, is draped in faded brown. The base of Shrike?s right ear, as well as his tail tip, is the same shade of brown. Upon his face, like his father, is a diamond-like mark of tan, the same color as the lower third half of his tail excluding the tip. Below the faded brown on Shrike?s sides is tan.

The young male has also inherited even darker coloring from his mother?s side, having four black legs, fully black left ear, and a his right ear tipped in black. Just like his siblings Shrike bears one of the Destruction Family markings under his eyes which are also black. He has heterochromia, a trait more common in the Destruction line, with his right eye being light green ad his left eye being a faded yellow.


Nature:: Dominant || Favored Skill:: Healing
Good Traits:: Honest, Loyal, Protective, Kind, Patient, Good Listener, Well Spoken, Open Minded

Bad Traits:: Blunt, Grudge Holder, Narcissistic, Slow-Learner, Compulsive, Gullible, Flirtatious

At a glance one would say Shrike?s overall demeanor is that of a neutral good wolf. He has a kind heart and an open mind, willing to accept those of all different natures. Being the son of the leaders of Abaven, one might assume it natural that he would have good manners when speaking with others. When he speaks he is well spoken, not one to use slang terms or the ?less intelligent sort of vocabulary of swear words. He is a good listener, offering a shoulder to cry on and advice for those in trouble. However, if the situation is more than just a theoretical thing, sometimes this young man jumps into action first rather than thinking because of his compulsive trait.

Regardless of what path his life takes him down Shrike will be loyal to his family above all else, his pack following second. His family are precious beings, irreplaceable, and he considers his pack to be just an extension of that family. Even when he leaps into action because of his compulsive trait he does it because he is protective of those he cares about, and those who are innocent.

One thing that others can be sure of is that Shrike is an honest wolf, however he is known for being blunt when expressing his opinion. He does not aim to hurt others, however he is not one to sugar coat how he feels on a subject. While Shrike does not have a flaring temper, when he is angry with a wolf he would hold back nothing, speaking in a sharp tongue and clever words. He is one who would hold grudges, and will not be easy to earn forgiveness from if he feels you have wronged either the ones he loves or himself.

Like all wolves Shrike also has his other flaws as well. While he favors learning about herblore and such things along that nature he is a slow learner. This is not because of any learning disorder, however, but because Shrike learns best by doing the action rather than watching it or listening to how it?s done. While Shrike won?t trust everyone he is rather gullible into believing things that are not true, sometimes causing him to further spread rumors.

One of the more major flaws in regards to Shrike also lies in his bloodline. Since he is from a large family and such high ranking wolves he will be the narcissistic sort, paying himself compliments and such even if it is more an internal thought. While he loves himself Shrike will also have a flirtatious side, regardless of gender. This young man could honestly swing either way as long as you?re appealing to look at and have a good personality.

Relationship with family: Shrike will be incredibly close to his family, though he might offend some of them depending on their own natures due to his blunt manner of speaking. He will always be there for them, regardless of what happens.
Ideas for rank: Healer who doubles as a messenger. Minor fighting things. {Kinda like a field medic type thing.}
RP sample: The child would breath in, the scents of the world filling his nose while the sounds filled his ears. Today was the day, the first day the litter of Bass and Wren would be allowed to adventure from the den. Upon seeing the world, or rather just the small slice of it where his family lived, the young man would have so many thoughts, so many questions. The boy was full of wonder, his bi-colored eyes wide in amazement. This... This was the world that his parents were able to see every day of their lives. This was the world he was going to be a big part of one day.

There was so much awe -- where did one even begin to learn about the world? There was green stuff under his paws, blue stuff and white stuff so high above him he couldn?t reach and so, so much more! Slowly, as if enchanted, Shrike would take a step forward. ?Mama, Papa, e?rrythin? is so bootiful...? His words, even if they were the high pitched squeak of a pup, had a certain elegance to them. Shrike practiced hard to speak like his mother and father, to not have his words sound so different. He wanted to sound good to others, as his parents did to him.

Something would then catch the attention of the small child. Something on the ground... It moved! The boy would lower his front half to the ground, rear in the air with his tail curling over his back as he stalked towards the strange creature. It was small but it hopped really far! Looking at it more closely he would see that it had six legs. Ewww!!! ?Mama! Papa! Som?in? wrong wiff it! It?s got too many legs!? He?d say, as if somehow his parents would take the two extra horrible legs off this abomination of a creature.



7 Years
Extra large
10-30-2014, 05:27 PM
Full Name: Verdin Desctruction
Alignment: Neutral Good
Design: user posted image
Quick Description: Verdin will grow to be 36" in height, dark brown base with light brown markings and white tipped ears. His eyes are Green.
Personality: Verdin is a playful tease as a pup. He enjoys rough housing with others but softly, never wanting to get into anything harsh as he dislikes the thought of being hurt and hurting others. While that might change as he grows Verdin is very mild mannered. Always trying to better himself in order to impress his parents and friends. Verdin enjoys long walks, and being up at night. One of his favorite things to do is probably tell stories, fake to the core about adventures he may or may not have been on. While a lot of others might see this as bitter lies, Verdin will become quiet the story teller in his later years. Though he is truthful in any other situation not wanting to have lying become a compulsive habit. Verdin cares deeply about his siblings and his family, the few people he would want to keep safe even if he was hurt.
Relationship with family: Verdin will be close to his family, but feel as if he needs to constantly better himself for them.
Ideas for rank: A fighter, a knight for his family ^w^~!

RP sample:
(I'm doing it as if he was a year old, of course this is just a estimate plots and stuff could obviously change him)

Verdin settled his paws on the root of the bone carefully, so that the larger end was facing towards him. His teeth dragging across it, the scraps of the caribou bone was enough to satisfy him since of the pack hunt. He hadn't tasted something so delicious before, only rabbits and elk. A smile grew on the boys face until it slipped out from his paws. The bone was now a few feet in front of him in the mouth of another. A small girl maybe looking his age of a year old. Maybe choosing to eat just outside of the pack lands wasn't such a big idea if the loners were going to grab his scraps. Yet true as he was he wouldn't get angry at her, standing up to watch her carefully as the white girl's black beady eyes looked at him.
"It's not nice to steal someone else's food." he said tilting his head to one side and raising an eyebrow. The girl settled down on her haunches, ears settling back on the end of her head. She didn't answer him, so Verdin got mildly irritated, but he had learned there wasn't a point in getting annoyed at another. "You can keep it, just next time, you should ask. It's nicer." he smirked as he started towards the pack lands again. Maybe he'd tell everyone he had his bone taken by a huge monster who tried to tear down the forest. He gave the bone to her as an offer to appease the spirit and save all of Abaven.
[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



10 Years
10-30-2014, 05:49 PM

fight for love and the burning light

[Image: 0RYIa9P.png]

Gender: Male

Alignment: Lawful evil

Quick Description: Lark will grow to be an impressive beast, standing at a solid 42" and usually weighing close to 200 lbs. His base coat will be a murky brown, though his snout, tail, and ears will be a gentle tan hue. He will also have a different shade of brown adorning his snout, and beneath his eye lay the stereotypical Destruction markings in white.

LOYAL & PROTECTIVE -- Love for family is what defines Lark. The love that he has in his heart for the Destructions and secondly, or Abaven, is unparalleled. From the moment he is born, he will be fiercely loyal towards his kin and nothing will ever surpass these feelings of allegiance and camaraderie. His dedication toward his family will exceed everything else in his life.

PASSIONATE -- Lark has a passionate soul that burns and spreads like wildfire. He will grow to be fiercely determined, often irritatingly so. Because he is so headstrong, he can often seem a bit hot-headed and arrogant. He will be driven toward bettering himself for the sake of his family, and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

ABRASIVE -- Despite his loyalty to his family, Lark will never be particularly warm or affectionate. His moods are a constant fluctuation and he tends to be quite abrasive and harsh without meaning to be.

EGOTISTICAL -- Excessive pride for his bloodline and his immediate family will manifest itself in frequent arrogance. His confidence knows no bounds and tends to get him in trouble, especially at a young age.

Lark will grow to have little regard for morals or codes of conduct that don't protect and support his own kin. Seen as amoral by some, there is nothing he wouldn't do for his family, even things others might consider downright abhorrent.

CHAOTIC -- Though he likes his own familial world to remain orderly and predictable, for things unrelated to his kin (which are far and few between) Lark is often impulsive and unpredictable.
Relationship with family: Extremely close -- they will be the center of his existence. Because of his slightly callous personality, I can imagine that his relationship with some of his siblings might be slightly strained but his loyalty will never waver and certainly never fade.

Ideas for rank: Fighter, preferably.

RP sample:

Hie elder parents' sleeping habits allowed Steel a significant amount of freedom. His siblings were rarely far off, and Sawtooth was a large pack, making it difficult to stay away from others. The young boy seemed to prefer solitude to the company of others, a quiet child who tended to speak little and observe often. Today, though, he was on a mission. He wanted food.

He'd accompanied his sister Ara on a hunting trip already, but he was far too small -- and certainly too young -- to be of any use. It was frustrating to not be able to help, but he had done so without argument, simply watching as she caught and killed rodents and birds to bring back to their parents. Today, however, was a different story. He'd been roused from sleep as he felt the warmth rays of sun beaming into the den's entrance, tickling his nose and causing him to slowly become conscious. A silent yawn escaped his jaws as he pried himself from his mother's gentle grasp, hurrying out of the den as though his life depended on it. He knew his journey most certainly depended on not waking up his parents.

As soon as he left the den, his hindquarters wiggled in excitement as his tail flung back and forth. Though he knew he might get scolded for wandering away without telling anyone, he wondered if he found some food for them all to share if he would be praised too? Curious crimson gaze darted about as he wandered, nose low to the ground as he sniffed every hole he found, wondering if he might happen upon a small rodent he could chase after.

Notes: Note his lawful evil alignment won't necessarily mean he will be evil. I can envision him as being slightly misguided, in that he might do bad things to protect his family, and as he gets older he won't care much for anything in the world but what supports & protects his own kin and himself.



5 Years
10-30-2014, 11:00 PM (This post was last modified: 11-03-2014, 08:04 PM by Herne.)
beauty queen on a silver screen

i know i'm livin' the dream

name Sparrow Sartaddi-Destruction

gender Female

alignment Chaotic Good

appearance White base with dark chocolate color on her front half, excluding her left front leg and lower muzzle. Pink nose. Gray 'eyeliner' beneath both eyes and lines above her eyes. Dark emerald eyes.

design 2

personality Sparrow has never been one to do things halfway. Her passion for life will be evident from birth; always, she will pour her heart and soul into whatever she does, whether that is exploring or interacting with friends and family. She will be full of fire and passion and enthusiasm will be an integral part of the way that Sparrow interacts with and views the world. This does not necessarily mean that she is joyous all the time - no, sometimes, Sparrow will be explosively angry, and when she is angry she does not do things halfway either. Her anger can be a strong force, and when angry, Sparrow does not bite her tongue.

The fact that Sparrow is very impulsive does not always mesh well with her passionate nature. She does not often think things through, and is less likely to look before she leaps than many wolves. Sparrow has ideas and then jumps to enact them, rather than taking the time to consider how they might get her into trouble. This especially will often get her into sticky situations as a child, though she may grow out of it with time.

Sparrow will always tend to look out for herself first. She's self-centered, though this does not mean that she will harm others. Really, it just means that Sparrow will make sure that she is safe when push comes to shove. She is not purposefully malicious, but it could come across that way to others, something that she does not properly understand. Empathy for others is a bit of a foreign concept to this girl. Not much beyond herself matters enough for Sparrow to attempt to understand it.

She will also be very self-confident, and this plays a role in her flirtatious nature. As Sparrow will consider herself beautiful outwardly (she is aware that her appearance is rather unique and is quite proud of this) and also will view her personality in a positive light, she will come to view herself as all around irresistible to those around her. This will manifest itself in bold statements as a pup, though she will become more subtle as she matures and grow to be very flirtatious towards wolves outside her family of any gender without any sort of selection.

Very idealistic, Sparrow tend to view the world as the best possible place that it can be. She will be naive in this way, and unless anything out of the ordinary and very negative happens to her, it is unlikely that this part of her nature will change as she grows. Being raised by good wolves in a pack that is oriented towards the good side of things will cause her to view the world as a whole as something good and safe and beautiful. The bad things that happen in the world that do not affect her personally will be written off as flukes - however, if they impact her, she will likely react very strongly to them, as she does not believe that she deserves to be hurt by anything.

family relationships She likes her family, but isn't necessarily good at showing it. They're not going to be the only part of her life - Sparrow will be pretty extroverted and will form friendships easily, I think, and so though she will care about her family her love will not be limited solely to them.

future rank I'm thinking a messenger would fit her well.

roleplay sample She had caught this strange scent while attempting to hunt, and promptly forgetting her hunger, Sparrow had set off in search of whatever this new animal was. Sparrow had never scented it before on Abaven territory, which made her quite curious as to the identity of the strange creature. It had a sharp odor, one that almost burned her nose, and as she loped easily along, Sparrow found it easy to track it. The thought of calling one of her other siblings to join her never really crossed her mind - unless they were with her, she was usually hesitant to seek them out.

The scent was growing stronger, and it was making Sparrow's eyes water. She had definitely almost found it - and indeed, even as she thought this, the brown and white girl was faced with a strangely patterned black and white animal. It was small, and not particularly intimidating, and without any hint of fear, Sparrow padded closer towards it. The strange creature made a few warning sounds that were met by little more than a twitch of an ear on Sparrow's part, and she watched with some amusement as it reared back when she drew closer, stomach rumbling loudly. Hmm. It looked pretty boring, and she was rather hungry.

It was then that the stench reached unbearable levels. Sparrow let out a startled yelp as the creature sprayed that vile smelling scent at her, leaping back as quickly as she could. Her eyes burned viciously, but the only thing that hurt more than her ears was her sensitive nose, and Sparrow turned tail and fled as quickly as she could. The only thought on her mind was finding water; something, anything to soothe her burning skin and eyes.

The sound of a babbling brook reached Sparrow's ears and she bounded forward, picking up her already desperate pace. Eagerly, Sparrow splashed into the water, burying her face in it. She expected the sensation to fade immediately, and it did soothe her skin a little, but not by nearly enough. What was she going to do? This was awful!

Desperately, Sparrow tilted her head back and let out a loud howl, calling for any of her family members in the area. Maybe one of them could help her? She needed help. This was awful. Something had to help her! Sparrow was fresh out of ideas, and she needed assistance.

(written as though she was ~1 year old)

( i'm a primadonna girl )s p a r r o w ,

Sage I


3 Years
11-02-2014, 02:53 PM
Alignment: Lawful Good
Design: 4
Quick Description: Nutthatch's long coat will be dominated by snowy white fur. Along her mid back a creamy brown will gradually take over, all the way to the tip of her tail. Her fur will remain pure white down from mid rib, broken only by a deep chocolate brown. This colour crawls down the back of her back right leg, completely consuming the pure white two third of the way down. Her other back leg is pure white, excluding the paw which is coated in the same colour. Nuthatch's front left leg is the same as her hind right, save the chocolate holds back until her law to take over. The girl's face is the same white ah the majority of her coat, save an ebony marking above her nose, like the reverse of that of Black Beauty. Curving around her eyes, the same creamy brown underlines her eyes, stopping just before the edges of the marking above her nose. Nuthatch's eyes, in question are her family's trademark 'Destruction eyes'.
Personality: As a young pup, Nuthatch is the normal, happy-go-luckyand curious ball of energy that most are. She's always wanting to know more with a constant supply of questions, ready to fill your ear with them whether you'll listen and answer them or not. This inquisitive side benefits the girl as she gets older, becoming very intelligent and calculating. The girl finds it easy to talk to other people, about anything except herself. She will be very logical and practical, but slightly self-conscious aswell. Her eagerness to protect her family and her Pack will make her strive to become a great guard, training diligently. She'll enjoy spending time with her family and siblings, sticking close to her father. Certain leader-like qualities will emerge, but often dampened down by her self-doubt in her abilities. Her loyalty to her family will be set in stone, unwavering as her nerves of steel.
Relationship with family: How they feel about everyone, if they like everyone
Ideas for rank: Are they wanting to be a healer, messenger, or fighter?

RP sample:


11-03-2014, 08:09 PM
Rockin' Robin

She hops in the treetops all day long

Hopping and a Bopping and a singing her song

38 inches tall - 155 pounds

Full Name: Robin Sartaddi-Destruction

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Design: 8

Quick Description: The stubborn girl will grow to be large in every aspect. The bird with much potential will be coated from head to toe in different shades of browns to highlight her emerald eyes that often appear to be sea green. When she is full grown, she will tower over most other wolves with a height of 38 inches and she will weigh a hefty 155 pounds to support her length from the tip of her tail to her snout being 70 inches long. Being a child of Bass, she has been marked with white curved lines running underneath her eyes. There is a strip of cedar brown running up from her nose to the midsections of her eyes and her tail is ended off with a cr?me-brown color. The insides of her ears match the tip of her tail and the rest of her is a dark chocolate brown color.

Personality: Chiseled and defined as a proud warrior and huntress, Robin will always do her best to keep physical activity at a high while keeping procrastination and laziness to a low. She will be a proud creature who is not afraid to express her opinion no matter how strange or bizarre it might be. She likes to remain kind towards those who show her respect or even common curtesy but she will not be afraid to call out a rude brute when she meets one. She will care little for what most people think but being a family type of girl; she will always seek to approval of her siblings and parents. While Robin is all for obeying the rules, she seeks a certain freedom for all wolves that can only be achieved through lacks rules and ideals. She is determined to help those who need it, regardless of who they are unless they have done her some kind of evil. She seeks to be daddy?s little girl because she looks up to him for being the leader of a pack and a strong while independent wolf.

Relationship with family: Being the good-natured girl she is, she will most likely get along well with all her family though she might feel uncomfortable towards any chaotic, lawful or neutral evil characters that might carry the same last name as her.

Ideas for rank: Hunter would fit her best and that is her intended path but in-character circumstances might lead to her be a warrior or a healer.

RP sample: The russet brown beauty held her breath for a few seconds as her eyes narrowed. The herds were moving but not fast enough. Perhaps she could call a pack hunt, though she was sure that she wasn?t old enough to participate. She was only two seasons old but that didn?t mean she couldn?t help bring down a deer in some way? okay yes it did. She turned away from the deer and bounced off towards the pack den to tell her father of what she had seen. That was assuming he wasn?t out on patrol or doing some important leader things.

She was buzzing with happiness from head to toe like always as she watched the birds fly above her. Her emerald green eyes widened in amazement. ?Pretty!? She said one word in exclamation when she saw the Robins and the Chickadees and Warblers above. Robin then broke into a run; chasing one of the Robins flew away towards the pack den until she skidded to a halt in front of a fallen log. She had almost tripped! Robin climbed over the log and continued her running until she arrived at the pack den. ?Mama! Mama! Guess what I found!? She yelled as she entered the pack den, not taking into account the fact that it was dawn.

The wise old owl, the big black crow

Flappin' their wings singing go bird go
Robin Sartaddi-Destruction


Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
11-15-2014, 10:50 PM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2014, 09:43 PM by Bass.)
Okay! So Eve has decided to make a pup, and will be taking design 5 as a female, Finch.

Arin gets Starling! Table - { here }
Avatar - user posted image

Keno gets Shrike! Table - { here }
Avatar - user posted image

Nyx gets Lark! Table - { here }
Avatar - user posted image

Fawn gets Sparrow! Table - { here }
Avatar - user posted image

Eve gets Finch! Table - { here }
Avatar - user posted image

It was a really close call guys, you made it really hard on me and Salmon. Thanks so much for applying, and don't worry. Unused designs will be saved for possibly a next litter. Pups are due December 7th!

My focus needs more focus.


11-17-2014, 08:58 AM
Eee this is awesome! Congrats to everyone~ <3