
These Haunting Memories


10-30-2014, 02:53 PM

He had been lingering, still unsure what to do about all of this. There was so much weight on this choice that he had to make, and not enough time for him to pick. He had heard his parents howl, claiming lands under their rule once more. But Helios had said that if he didn't decide soon, that he would not be welcomed back. That the Olympians were no longer his family. It broke his heart, that they wouldn't be around. That they called him a traitor for following his heart. They had always told him to follow his heart, to follow the path that the gods had carved for him. Well, his path led him to Chryseis. He wouldn't give her up, for he loved the woman with all of his heart. Pacing along the outside edge of the boundaries, he was careful not to step on Katja's land. His love had seemed happy the last time that he saw her, and he didn't want to ruin things for her again. Flaring his nostrils to pick up the scent around him, he tried to see if the black and gold woman was around. Guess not. So the albino man tipped back his head and let out a howl for her, his song stretching out far and wide. He had chosen her. There would be no going back to his family after this, all there was to do now was to see what she said. Apollo couldn't stand being away from her any longer, and he was willing to take the punishment that came with it. If is family couldn't see that he was in love... well then he wasn't quite sure what to say. It wasn't easy to walk away from either, but Helios' short timeline had pushed him over the edge. Pantheon now stood tall as the new Olympus pack, and he marked a traitor.

"Hear Me Talk,"'Read My Thoughts.'


11-04-2014, 06:25 PM

He had vanished again, leaving her utterly alone. He had claimed that he needed time to think, explaining briefly what his parents had asked of him. His absence made her nervous, was he going to choose his parents over her? Was his love for her not strong enough to conquer the disapproval of his family? She refused to let it get to her, she had carried on with her duties, though she constantly listened for the sound of his voice. And then it came. Her head would shoot skyward, ears perking as her body sprung to life. She would abandon her task, instead turning and rushing to the border. He had chosen her. He had turned against his family, for her. A grin would lift her lips as she broke into her run, her legs stretching as far as possible so that she could get to him soon.

It didn't take long for his familiar albino face to come into view. Her pace slowed only fraction as she aimed to collide with him, taking them both to the ground. Her tail would wag furiously, her body trembling with excitement and pleasure. "Ive missed you so much." She would murmur, covering his face and throat with licks and nips. She pressed herself against him, basking in the warmth of his touch, though not able to get close enough, she would never be close enough, it simply wasn't possible. His heady cologne lingered in her nostrils, making her head spin.

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-08-2014, 12:15 AM

Only moments passed until his dearest came into view, and a grin broke on his face. His tail picked up to wag, but he wasn't able to keep on his paws for long. The smaller black and golden woman launched herself at him and he let out a chuckle, tumbling to the earth with her in his arms. Nuzzling into her cheek, it was then that his scent hit him. Spine tightened as she covered him with licks and nibbles, making a guttural growl sound in his throat. She was in heat. No words could even be pressed from his lips as his desire for her grew. They had been apart for so long that his need for her had grown into something else. The smell of her was overpowering, overwhelming his senses. It was all he could taste, all he could feel and he knew that he wanted her right then and there. Another growl passed through his lips, his lips curling as his teeth sought to sink into the side of her neck. There was no need for words right now, only actions. Because after the long gap of time between them and the smell of her raging heat, he needed her, he craved her. Pressing up against Chryseis he attempted to roll them around so that he would be on top of her, belly to belly. Hopefully achieving this position, he bent down and placed fiery kisses along her neck and across her jaw, leading up to her ear. Dragging his teeth across the sensitive lobe he nuzzled his nose there, greedily breathing in her scent. "Oh Chryseis." He moaned softly, her name tasting like honey on his lips. He needed her now.


12-05-2014, 09:11 PM

Together they would collapse into a heap on the ground. They showered each other in kisses and nips, enjoying each others presence once more. It hit her like a truck. Her heat had been dreadful. And now she found herself once more in her lovers arms. Desire shot through her like a bolt of electricity. His fangs sank into her neck, pulling a guttural moan from her lips. He would roll them until she was pinned beneath them. His belly pressed against her own, causing her her shimmy beneath him, rubbing her bely against his own suggestively. His fangs would trail up her neck and along her jaw before tugging at her ear. Her name fell from his lips in a needy moan. He needed her just as much as she needed him. Her hind legs aimed to drag her claws along his sensitive belly, trailing lower and lower. Jaws part to plan kisses along his chest as she peered up at him through her lashes. She was on fire, and only he could be the one to sate her. "Apollo." His name dripped from her lips, spilling forth on a moan. There was no way she could last waiting much longer. She had spent weeks waiting for this moment.

"Burn Baby Burn"


12-05-2014, 10:45 PM

He groaned as her claws trailed along his belly, his eyes narrowing into pleased slits. Her back paws dragged dangerously close to his more sensitive parts, making his eyes fall to her golden gaze. A brow rose as he smirked, so she wanted to play that way, did she? Her need for him was grand, as was his for her. But in their time apart, he was not simply going to give in. He was going to draw this out, make her beg and plead and cry his name. His name was moaned off her lips, but he said nothing. Instead he bent down, starting a fiery trail of hard nips down her chest, growing softer as they reached her belly. Her scent filled his mind, cloaking it with its sweet perfume. His salmon eyes roamed upwards to try and meet her gaze, his nibbles stretching lower. Apollo gripped her tail in his mouth, gently pulling on the fluffy plume. He could smell her need for him, and his tongue snaked out and caressed her own sensitive parts, tasting her very essence. He chuckled, not lingering there for long.

"Hear Me Talk,"'Read My Thoughts.'


12-23-2014, 07:46 PM

He would groan as her nails scored his flesh, though the look at darkened his features suggested that she might regret her actions. She would return his smirk without hesitation, lips curling into a sultry grin. His fangs attack her chest in series of hard nips, each touch growing more and more gentle as he traveled down her belly. She would squirm with impatience beneath him, watching him curiously, though her indigo gaze was dark with desire. A surprised moan would slip from her inky jaws as his tongue rasped against her most intimate parts. Muscles clenched deliciously as she rolled her hips up. Desire shot through her with white hot ferocity. It had been so long, too long. She didn't want to play games, she wanted him here and now, there would be time for games later. Rolling onto her belly, so long as he didn't spot her, she would aim to rise up onto all fours once more, intending to start a game of her own, to prevent him from drawing this out for too long.
"Burn Baby Burn"