
It's Just The Cards I Drew


10-30-2014, 06:28 PM

Mind knew that her dear lover would be displeased at her wandering so far away from the safety of home while pregnant; however, soul needed relaxation. A time of pure peace and to release all anger and frustrations. She would grow to miss her days without being tethered. But now, so many chains and ropes held her in inescapable grasps. Today, though, she would be Houdini. A magician capable of escaping from even the planet's gravity. This strand of land was exactly what she was searching for. It was a peaceful shore that shone beautifully against the noonday sun. The clashing of water against white sands relaxed her all too well.

She would lie upon the water's edge where it would kiss the sand. The cool waters washed over her limbs. Marbled eyes were closed, taking in the soft warmth the sun offered. Nature's spa offered a welcome release from pregnancy symptoms. It soothed her emotions and cleansed her fears. Life seemed all too perfect for a tainted life. A man who loved her and pups on the way. A family in which most would die for, yet she still felt so unsatisfied. For what? She was unsure, perhaps it was adjusting to her new life that would paint her with such feelings.

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4 Years
10-30-2014, 07:04 PM

Time away from Isokan was a bit dangerous, but with members being fully fledged she wasn't as worried anymore. She took this time to be with herself, near the shore as the crippled female's eyes fluttered for a moment. There was a pregnant female wading in the waters, being able to tell being a healer and her scent it wasn't obvious but Arian had dealt with many pregnant female before. She also scented of Abaven, the pack that Quelt had returned to, she couldn't help but to get curious.
She approached with a sly smile on her face, despite her scar and leg. "It's a nice evening to be relaxing in the water." she commented as she sat near the shore. Still a little away from Venus though. Just in case any hostile behavior was to be shown. Arian was never too careful, ever since Neo after all. She was not stupid, in fact she was probably smarter than her years that she had on her.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


10-30-2014, 07:21 PM

Peace would be interrupted so soon. Too soon. Senses had not picked up on the aroma of the intruder, the breeze had washed it away from her. But words would blend in with the clashing of waves - words in which would once again tether her to this inescapable world. Quickly and defensively she would rise to her limbs, marbled eyes narrowed against the sun as they set upon the silhouette that approached. The gal appeared decorated in warm colors, and seemingly injured. Galactic form would slither toward the stranger to get a closer look. Something inside whispered that this woman and herself was somehow connected. Indeed. My name. . . my name. . . Words would all of a sudden grow weak, a woozy sensation falling over her. Venus.

With the last word, her name, trembling legs collapsed beneath her and she fell heavily upon the sand. Mind was conscious, but the weakness was unimaginable. Perhaps, from a spike in blood pressure due to the extra crimson liquid her body had created to support the parasites within her body. Breathing was shallow and vision grew cloudy. Ah, what a pitiful warrior she was. Demons and devils had been defeated by her claws, yet minuscule puppies could bring her to her knees.

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4 Years
10-30-2014, 07:29 PM

Of course she would be on alert and come to approach. That would be the obvious choice wouldn't it. Though as she spoke her name and fell a frown fell over her face. Had no one been giving her the medical attention she need. She shouldn't be falling over like this over some pups in her stomach. "Arian, Alphess of Isokan." she introduced herself before thinking for a moment. "I'll be right back." in the nearby lands was Alfafa. Arian could easily pick it off before returning to the girl with only a small amount.
"Here take a little of this. It should help your blood flow, and your strength, just don't take too much." she urged the girl. Hoping she wouldn't instantly distrust her and assume she was trying to poison her. Arian hadn't gathered enough for it to be dangerous to her pregnancy, so no matter how much Venus took there was a low chance of her getting sick from it.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


11-02-2014, 08:07 PM

Throbbing head ached. Vision was still obstructed, as if she were wearing blinders, darkness shadowed peripheral view. She could hear soft paw-steps scraping against the sands, a soft embrace of the talons. The stranger would introduce herself as an alphess of Isokan, but. . . Isokan - that was Quelt's former pack, was it not? The woman would return with herbs and she followed the instructions given. Maw would pick up the plants delicately within her maw. The taste was definitely different and seemed almost bitter. But, regardless of instinct to spit it out, she swallowed the medication.

A sort of jealousy stung within her. Why had he given this gal his throne? Marbled eyes would shift to meet the woman's gaze, her expressions were rather puzzling. Somewhere between anger and thankfulness. Our pack has a shortage of healers. One of the few healers has been busy caring for her own pups. And another just has not seemed quite herself as of lately. Kind of. . . detached? She would attempt to stand, the woozy seemingly to be much less than before, but definitely yet to be cured. She would close her eyes momentarily as if she were gathering thoughts and then meet the woman's gaze once more. Do you know Quelt? She would question with a faint bit of envy washing over her tone. How well did she know the man?

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4 Years
11-02-2014, 08:22 PM

Arian would always handle aggression fairly well, she had spent most of her life around huge beasts like Quelt with far more scary faces. Her uncle's lower jaw bone had always been exposed, as if he was a zombie straight out of the ground. Though she also witness the titan fall to a albino's jaws, a gruesome death befitting a king. She suddenly came to wonder how she would die. She may have only been two years of age, but things happened. Wolves got hurt, crippled, killed, died from diseases before they reached the appropriate old age as they would call it. As Venus spoke, she frowned a little, well she would have to speak with their alpha just in case they needed help.
She sat down, hoping Venus would as well, if she couldn't relax around her then maybe she should have just left her be. As yet, Arian didn't want to leave the pregnant lady alone. "He knows me far more than I know him, we spoke a few times when I came to speak about Hajime and the adopted pups, they're my cousins. While I'm an adopted Adravendi, I'm a walker by heritage my mother and father died when I was two months old." she said, her ear flicking as she stayed calm and exposed. She acted as if she wasn't crippled at all.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


11-02-2014, 10:12 PM

Galactic form would shift to maintain balance. The woman would speak of being a walker by heritage and that would add some comfort, though, she would contain this comfort within herself. The stranger seemed all too open. She could never reveal so much about herself to another so soon. Nevertheless, the extraterrestrial body would pretend to be interested. In truth, the woman's lineage held no interest to her other than the relief that she was somehow related to Quelt. Mm, I see. . . what about Irune? Does she still lurk within Isokan's borders? It was her inner devil that wanted to locate this woman, to break the interesting news. Her inner demons seemed to burst out in a psychotic laughter. It would be a thrill to see what would come of such a meeting.

And so she would withhold the information of her and Quelt until she got what she wanted out of the woman. And Venus was pretty confident she would get just that seeing she was so willing to speak about her personal life. I am a good friend of Quelt. Naharar of Abaven. I am sure you know he used to call it his home before he founded Isokan. I understand he parted ways with Irune. She would speak as if she was halfway concerned about this Irune's feelings; however, she did not. Perhaps the added words could be all the more persuasive.

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4 Years
11-02-2014, 10:20 PM

Arian was very smart, possibly too smart for her own good. A small grin grew on her face with Venus. So was this the woman that had cause Quelt to tether to Abaven even more, the one that was pregnant with his children. It seemed to be that way, she was not stupid, and probably more so she knew Venus didn't give two shits about her. Arian saw no point in lying, or hiding herself in front of an Abaven wolf. It wasn't like she felt like she was in any danger, otherwise she would have kept her mouth shut.
"She does not, who knows where she is now. I highly doubt she even realized what Quelt did for her. And now he has you, so that's good for him." Arian chuckled a little. "So I'd say you're more than a good friend. Trust me if I see Irune I'll let her know Quelt has found something better." well, there went the most innocent part of Arian. That had been left behind a long time ago though.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


11-04-2014, 08:25 PM

Balance grew all the more steady as the drugs began to take a stronger grasp. It was a nice relief from the seemingly endless headaches. Though, the uneasy feeling withing her stomach would remain. The extra weight was a bit noticeable now, growing tired so much more easily than before. She could even see herself swelling from the growing babes within her. It was rather annoying, though, eventually this adventure would come to an end and a new one would take its place - one in which she was truly nervous about.

It was disappointing that the woman did not know of Irune's whereabouts. Perhaps she could manage to find her before the weight becomes unbearable. But then, maybe that impulsive idea would not be such a good one to follow through on. Better is an understatement. Bitter words would be spoken through clenched teeth, syllables seemed to be an annoyed murmur. But she would then continue as normal. Ah, but I am his amour. Don't ruin my fun and break the news to her. I would like to do so personally. Eyes would soften a bit as words finished and an apologetic look would fall over her face. Afterall, this woman helped her. Thanks for helping me.

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4 Years
11-05-2014, 02:07 AM

Arian's attempt at making a friend was thrown for a loop, but that was understandable. As the crippled girl shut her eyes and stood for a moment. It was far more than just an understatement. Though Venus seemed to struggle on the social level somehow. The alphess wouldn't blame her, she wasn't one to judge anyone on their life style. It was all what she thought of them, it didn't matter if they killed on a daily basis, if Arian was unharmed and they had done nothing to harm her she had no problem with them.
"Have more confidence in yourself Venus. You're a lot stronger than you think you are." Arian said as she flicked her tail. "If I find Irune I'll let you know about her whereabouts. And as for better being an understatement. You may as well been the soul Quelt needed to meet. Evil is only a perspective no wolf is truly good or truly bad. Take care of yourself Venus. No matter what happens, you will always be you." Arian turned around to leave.
=exit arian unless stopped-

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.