
How to level up



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-02-2014, 06:53 PM
Proof of competence is needed before your character can "level up" in Imperium. Each tier has different requirements, with the lowest tiers (tier 6 being the exception) having fewer requirements than the higher ones. Below is a list of what is needed for each tier.

Tier 6 to Tier 5:
Servus - Being the lowest of the low, those ranked as Servus have their work cut out for them if they long for a better title. The slaves of Imperium are ranked the way they are for a reason. This rank is a punishment and as such, redemption is needed to escape it. For a Servus to level up, he or she needs four threads showing off their skills to make it to Tier 5. Being a slave, the threads can be about anything and none of them have to be the same. Two spars and two hunts; a spar, a hunt, a rescue and a lesson, it doesn't matter. Any four things are acceptable.

Captivus/Captiva - Not eligible except through special circumstances. Pm Valentine's account if you would like to see if your character is eligible.

Tier 5 to Tier 4:
Libertus/Liberta - Need two threads to level up. If a Liberta wants to be considered for the rank of Legionary then she'd need two combat related threads to be considered. Spars, fights, hunts anything of that nature. Likewise, a Libertus seeking to become the Nutrix would need two threads that show of their healing/caring skills, like a thread where they mentor a pup, soothe a distraught packmate, tend to someone who is wounded etc.

Creatus - Not old enough to be considered. If your character has reached their second season without being approached to consider a mentorship, pm Valentine's account and I'll get to it ASAP.

Tribune - Needs two combat related threads to be considered. These threads would preferably involve training, but full fledged fights and hunts are acceptable. One thread involving learning first aid can be accepted (and is encouraged) but the second should be combat related.

Discipulus - Needs two healing related threads to be considered. These threads would preferably involve training, but full fledged healing and rescuing threads are acceptable. One thread involving fight training or hunting (or a spar) is acceptable but the second should be healer related.

Tier 4 to Tier 3:
Legatus - Needs three combat related threads to be considered. One thread can involve healing, but the rest need to be more related to the rank they currently hold.

Legionary - Needs three combat related threads to be considered. One thread can involve healing, but the rest need to be more related to the rank they currently hold.

Praesidio - Needs three combat related threads to be considered. One thread can involve healing, but the rest need to be more related to the rank they currently hold. Spars, fights, intruder encounters are good places to start.

Venator/Venatrix - Needs three combat related threads to be considered. One thread can involve healing, but the rest need to be more related to the rank they currently hold. Hunts, spars and fights are good places to start.

Nutrix - Needs three caring/mentoring/healing threads to be considered. Threads involving fights are acceptable but can't make up the majority unless they clearly show your character defending a packmate or acting in a way befitting a caretaker.

Tier 3 to Tier 2:
Gladiator/Gladiatrix - Needs five threads to be considered. The majority should involve combat related activities, but healing threads are also welcome. Threads where mentoring takes place count as two!

Bellator/Bellatrix - Needs five threads to be considered. The majority should involve combat related activities, but healing threads are also welcome. Threads where mentoring takes place count as two!

Medicus/Medica - Needs five threads to be considered. The majority should involve healing or caring for someone, but combat related threads are also acceptable. Threads where mentoring takes place count as two!

What counts? Any kind of beneficial thread, a thread where something is learned or won or bonded over. It can be a spar, a fight, a hunt, a rescue, anything and everything that benefits a member of Imperium in some way is eligible. For specific ranks, threads that deal with some kind of skill or value that goes hand in hand with that rank are preferred, so fighting/sparring/wrestling/rescuing/teaching threads for fighter types would be good and healing/teaching/rescuing/learning threads would be good for healers etc. These threads need to have more than one player involved (so you can't heal or spar your own characters) to be considered. Lastly BE CREATIVE! ANYTHING can be considered, don't be shy! Ask away!

How do I get my character considered for a higher rank? Pm Valentine's account with the required amount of threads needed to level up. Your character needs to be moderately active and while there's no set amount of posts needed, your character's activity will be taken into consideration before the rank is rewarded. If I feel your character is up for the higher rank I'll post a thread with Valentine where he gives it to your character. If you can't finish this thread your character won't get the rank. Period.

Can threads used to level up once already be used for other tiers? No. Different threads are required for each tier.

Feel free to post any questions you may have below OR pm Valentine's account

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-03-2014, 06:13 PM
Mentors who complete two training threads with their apprentice(s) will be rewarded a small accessory of your choice.

Mentors who complete four training threads with their apprentice(s) will be rewarded with a large accessory of your choice.

Gems rewarded will be from my personal stash so if you wish to redeem your reward you'll need to pm me (Valentine's account) beforehand so I can give a thumbs up to the staff handling your request.

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-02-2014, 06:42 PM

In the unlikely event that Imperium reaches their member cap, members who have contributed the least (or negatively) to the pack will possibly be let go. This includes members whose players are largely inactive, members who have missed multiple mandatory pack events, those who have grievously (or repeatedly) broken pack rules  and those whose behavior towards packmates or allies has been unsavory/inappropriate.

Failure to post in a mandatory pack event will result in your character being lowered one tier. If your character drops into tier 6 then they automatically lose membership. Exceptions are made for members on absence and depending on the situation, scarcity.  

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.