
taste my beating heart...


11-02-2014, 07:44 PM

Miniature demon would sashay her way through the lands, leading Mercy in silence for quite some time it seemed. She would transition flawlessly between paces, trying not to tire out her new ward. Night was beginning to fall when they finally arrived at the boarder and she would slow, pausing for a moment before she would turn around and grin slyly at Mercy, jerking her head in a motion for Mercy to follow. "Come my dear, lets see if the king has been visited by the sand man?" Her words were a sweet purr, chuckling as she loped forward, head high and ears pricked as she tail flew behind her. She looked joyous, happy, at ease. Lower jaw would unhinge as tongue lolled out over her teeth. They had gotten almost half way there when a thought struck Dione. She needed a present! Oh yes, a gift for the king. Maybe a mouse or a bird perhaps? Head would thrash too and fro as she looked around, looking around as she tried to figure out what would work best. What present would be deemed worthy of her king!?! "Wait here my sweet!" She would squeal, not looking back at the big white girl as she turned and darted to her right. A groundhog maybe! She had decided on a rodent, yes a rodent would be suitable for her king. She would find one and wound it and then bring it for him to kill so he could share in the kill. The meat would be fresh and warm still then. Oh yes perfect! It would only be a few minutes of sticking her head into holes in the ground before movement would flash to her right. Oh perfect!

Skull would snap up and immediately long limbs would propel her towards it. She moved in the most efficient manner, body bending perfectly as she streaked after the little brown creature. Squirrel. Not as exciting but she didn't want to keep her dear waiting. The squirrel would try and corner sharply but Dione was quicker, left paw slamming down and spinning her body as jaws came down to clamp down on the squirrel's body. She would aim to grab it around the neck and upper body but instead tiny jaws would close around it's rib cage. She snatched the squealing creature off the ground, giving it a good shape to try and shut the creature up. It would begin to silence to a quieter squeal and whimper as Dione loped back to Mercy, jaws bloodied but smile wide. Again she would jerk her skull, motioning for the girl to follow before starting off towards Valen's den again. As they approached Dione would slow, crouching down into 'stealth' mode and smiling. Head would snap and toss the wounded and now once again squealing creature into the depths before dropping into a laying position. Ears would fold to her skull as she whimpered slightly, tail thumping against the ground. Was he even in there or would she have to go get another animal to bring to him elsewhere? She would let out a bark, hoping he was within but if not maybe he was nearby and would hear her.


Table by Namaste

Mercy I


5 Years

11-02-2014, 08:01 PM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2014, 09:02 PM by Mercy I.)

The child followed after the smaller woman, still quite shocked that she far dwarfed the woman. As winter was approaching fast, so was her first season. And yet she stood at just about 38 inches tall, still slightly clumsy on her large paws. She was good in keeping pace with Dione, although pleased that she stopped to walk at times. Mercy had not roamed to this part of the world before, and her purple eyes moved to and fro to take everything in. She was so absorbed in the land before her that she just about ran right into the green lady, able to stop just shy as Dione told her to wait here. She nodded her head, still slightly confused at who this 'sand man' was. Was he another wolf that belonged here like Mr. Red? Such silly names these wolves had! Shaking her head, she went back to looking around. Although it was dark, she was aware at how different this place was from the home that she once knew. It was so vast, and green. The colours of Autumn were well known here, and the pup had lost herself in such pretty things.

Well, until Dione came crashing in with a rodent in her jaws. Mercy blinked up at her with wide eyes, taking in the grin and the mouthful of blood and fur. Her ears pinned back against her skull, swallowing hard against the fear that stirred in her belly. But Dione had promised to take care of her, so the girl knew that she was safe. She was called to move once more, and letting out a small whine the young girl walked, paws screaming at her by this time. So much walking! She just wanted to be done. But the smell of the pack was strong here, she hadn't picked it up at the border but did now. She was still learning things like packs and smells, but knew that this scent was a totally unique one. It belonged only to this pack, which she had forgotten the name of already.

They came to a stop, Dione flopping upon the earth after tossing in the squealing prey. Her ears pressed farther against her skull as she poked her nose in, sniffing at the den. "Is this where we are staying Dione?" She asked, as the woman had offered no explanation. Eying her new carer, she found her seat on the cooling earth, head tilted as she waited.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-02-2014, 08:57 PM

Deep in the bowels of his den, the massive brute slept. He lay on his side with his legs outstretched. His features lax, Valentine took on the innocent countenance of a child. Peace blanketed him, the soft rising and falling of his chest declaring his rest with each gentle breath.

Valentine would have remained at rest if not for the screaming, furry projectile that came flying into his den. It hit his upturned shoulder with a shriek and a hollow thud, immediately waking the sleeping giant who rose suddenly with a roar and banged his head against the den roof. The howl cut off immediately as pain flooded down his spine. Grit rained down from above, obscuring his vision as the wounded squirrel twitched and flopped around at his paws. The smell of blood assaulted his nose, sending the brute into attack mode. The brush of the squirrel's tail against his paw drew Valen's jaws down. Without thinking, he crushed it, and, still disoriented, shot towards the den mouth.

Seething with rage, Valentine exploded out of the den with a roar, a cloud of dust rolling out after him. The body of the squirrel hung limply from his gaping, foaming jaws. His hackles spiked up along his spine and murder in his eyes, the Imperator glared down at the green beast who'd ruined his slumber. What had happened clicked suddenly and his icy gaze narrowed, but he steeled himself, driving down the temper that threatened to overwhelm him. He dropped the mangled body of the squirrel before speaking. "What the ever loving fuck was that?" A trickle of blood ran down his forehead, running over the throbbing vein that beat there to fill up the livid crease between his eyes. He was not happy.

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


11-02-2014, 09:24 PM

Mercy was such a sweet girl, such a darling dear. Dione couldn't help but smile at her throughout their trip, proud of the girl for toughing out their rather long trek. She did so well. Dione would grin at her as the bigger child would plop herself down behind her and speak softly, asking if this was where they were going to stay. Head would tip and for a moment ears would flitter forward before folding back again. "Yes my dear. Welcome to Imperium. We are going to harass the king, Valentine first." A wink would be followed by a roar from within and immediately her eyes would snap wide. Ah shit, did he not like her gift. Forepaws would scramble to push her into a seated position before she scooted back to sit directly in front of Mercy as if her tiny form could protect the massive white girl behind her. He would come storming from within the depths of his den, now dead squirrel in his jaws and immediately her ears would prick and tail would start thumping. He had killed it! He had fulfilled his part of their social contract! She let out a delighted yip, giggling despite his obvious rage, hopping to all four paws. She almost bounded to him, almost sat before him in her typical manner before his voice would boom. Immediately her eyes would fly wide in shock at his language, hackles raising and tail fluffing in anger. "VALENTINE!" She would snap harshly, eyes narrowing as she took a step forward. "Be nice, I brought a guest. Young ears?" She would say as she jerked her heard towards Mercy then took a step back and frowned at him. She would look at Mercy apologetically before sighing and clearing her throat. "Mercy. This is Valentine. Valentine this is my new charge and if you will have her, your new pack member, Mercy." She would say, trying to speak as calmly as possible to defuse the situation. Obviously she would have to bring him dead dead things since he didn't like the social contract of killing wounded animals. Weirdo...


Table by Namaste

Mercy I


5 Years

11-02-2014, 09:37 PM

Mercy would smile as she called this place home, saying that it was called Imperium. Right, right. But that hadn't really been what she had asked, she was wondering about the den itself. But from the roar that came within it, she guessed not. Thinking that she had literally woken a bear from its slumber, Mercy jumped on to all fours and tried to growl, but her fear got the better of her and it came out in a garbled, choking like sound. Dione had stood in front of her, but she hardly noticed as she looked up at the man. Yes, up. The bear that Dione had awoken was taller than she, something that was not common at all. Purple eyes wide she tipped her head down closer to the green woman, ears tucked flat against her head. "Why did you wake up the bear?" She asked, eying the beast. In her haze of confusion, she really thought that this thing before her was a great big bear. She had never seen one before, but she thought that he looked like one. He was all angry and growling, and was huge! How could he not be a bear?

Her head snapped up as the male spoke, saying a naughty word. The child gasped in horror, shrinking back from the very angry bear-wolf. He had to be part wolf, cause as far as she knew bears did not speak wolf. But then Dione called him Valentine, which she remembered was the name of the king. Blinking, she looked up sheepishly, her cheeks growing hot beneath the white fur. "So you're not a bear-wolf?" She asked, rather mystified. Surly even a bear-wolf could lead a pack of wolves, right? "Do bear-wolves always say naughty words?" The child had very little time in a pack, so she didn't really understand the etiquette that should follow meeting a king. Plus, she had never met a bear-wolf before, and didn't quite know what to do with all of this.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-03-2014, 07:00 PM

His attention shifted to the massive fae that dwarfed the little green beast. She wasn't quite as tall as he, but next to Dione she was enormous. Valentine's attention didn't linger on the newcomer for long. The tiny gremlin barked at him with authority she did not possess and the brute's gaze snapped to her face with wrath painted across his features. It was like Empyrea all over again. Wait, what? Young ears? His gaze darted back to the fae and this time he studied her more thoroughly. That was a child? Appreciation for the little fae's efforts cooled his temper modestly. She'd done well.

The pain throbbing down his temples reminded him of the indignation of the situation, but he was torn over the appropriate response. On one hand, Dione brought him what appeared to be an excellent specimen. On the other, she'd chucked a squirrel torpedo at him and made him crack his head on the roof. Begrudgingly, the brute parted with the words, "She's accepted, but if I find your training lacking she'll be paired with someone else."

The youngling would speak to him, her words betraying the extent of her youthfulness. "Always," he rumbled, the tiniest amount of amusement lifting the corners of his lips before he continued, "Rule one, precious, naughty words are the only words worth using here. I know all of the good ones, if you'd like to expand your vocabulary." He watched Dione out of the corner of his eye, daring her to react inappropriately again. The brute was being wicked and he knew it.

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


11-04-2014, 01:29 AM

"Because the bear is fun?" She would chuckle softly, trying to ease her darling dear's worries but it seemed Valentine would have a different idea in mind. She could see the wrath burning in his expression but her own would be held defiant. She wanted him to snap at her. He had not tested her skills, had not wanted her to prove herself for her rank and though she enjoyed her rank she wanted to earn it. Showing him just how much of a ruthless fighter she could be. But maybe this was a start. Maybe this would be enough. He would begrudgingly quell his anger before stating that if she did a shitty job teaching Marcy that she would have her charge taken away. Red eyes would glitter as they narrowed, a mixture of excitement at the idea of a challenge rolling through her eyes and a simple 'you can try' challenge for him. She would not be letting this girl slip from her grasp anytime soon. Mercy would speak slowly, asking about curse words and Valentine would speak, offering to teach her. Dione would not interject, would not interrupt as their exchange continued. Hey, he was her king and all. Dione would only undermine his authority a little bit every time they met. Probably more if they ever had time together alone. All things that would come with time. "Take him up on the offer if you like. Until then welcome to Imperium?" She would purr, though something shifted within the woman. She wasn't smiling her usual goofy smile anymore and eyes glittered like ice. Mouth would still hold a bit of a smirk but the joy was gone as she locked Valentine in a hard stare. Slowly her gaze would slither down, she was small enough she could slip under his chest with little to no effort and with lots of clearance. Idly she wondered? Would he be pissed if she snatched his balls out from under him? They were eye height after all...


Table by Namaste