
The Four Horsemen



7 Years
11-04-2014, 02:38 AM
Okay! So; the time has come to bring Saraks siblings to the land of Alacritia. I might take one of them, but if not; here, let me list them. They are from Chaotic Evil to Lawful Evil.

Their pictures can be found on Saraks profile, but I will be making some line art refs of them later on.

Arag, aka ?Slaughter? - This male has managed to exceed Saraks size by a couple inches, standing at 36? and weighing 165 lbs. He is black as ebony, and sports burning crimson eyes. He is all lithe muscles and agile sinew and no ounce of unneeded fat on his frame. He is the firstborn of the litter, and the most bloodthirsty. His warrior name is well earned and well fitting. He enjoys killing, sees love as weakness, and sex is only a means to procreate. Females are bodies to be used, and children are just as much sport to kill as the largest adult male. He enjoys the taste of blood; revels in the crunch of bone and marrow and the tearing of muscles between his teeth. Battle is his forte.

Slaughter became Alpha of Blackmoon Pack after killing both Fenrin and Whisp, the previous tyrants, in a battle for supremacy of the pack. Arag has proven every bit as terrible as his predecessor; children are killed if they do not come out strong, rule breakers are given no mercy. Instead, they are tortured to death over a course of anywhere from a week to a month. The worse the rule broken, the longer you live.

He believes he can outshine Fenrin in that one task that was failed over all the years since the legendary massacre of Redwood Pack; Kill the one remaining Heir to that fallen packs land. And thus he comes to Alacritia, with his two sisters.

Illusia, aka ?Slash? - Illusia is a delicate looking thing of beauty; slender, long legged, with a narrow, dainty face and enchanting large Purple and scarlet eyes. Her body is draped with heady swirls and spangles of dusky slate and cloudy white grey, her narrow dark face spangled with white freckles. Her most defining features, however, are her dusky purple tinged tail tipped with dark celestial blue, and her one violet ear. Where these markings came from, none know.
She stands at a slight 30?, her long legs making most of her height, and weighs in at about 95 lbs.

Illusia comes by her name through her violent nature. She is beautiful, and she knows it. She will use her looks to draw a victim in, like a siren of the sea with her smooth voice and svelte body, and when they are least expecting, she will bring them down with a slash to the throat. Like her brother Arag, she revels in blood splattering her fur and delights in making a victim scream. She is his right hand wolf, and one of only two females he remotely respects. Illusias odd colored markings at least will need to be purchased. See Gemstore for details.

Yssamega (pronounced ?Eesah-meygah?), aka ?Assassin? - She is a natural black wolf; meaning she isn?t a solid black (like in a Black Labrador dog), instead being peppered with faint browns and whites. As she ages, she will silver out, but as of now, at 4-5 years of age, she is mostly black, save for her ears. They are a solid earthy brown. Not as delicate as her sister, and slightly larger at 34? and weighing an even 100 lbs, she is, in build, a great deal like her missing brother, Sarak; lean and long legged, a hunter and master of stealth and silent traveling. Her face is narrow and angular, with sharp definition of facial bones, and her large eyes are a pastel sea green on the right, and a soft lavender on the left. Her face is usually expressionless, her eyes rarely showing emotion.

Yssamega is a master of hiding her secrets. She has scratched and clawed her way through survival, forever hiding the fact that she is not truly a wolf who enjoys murder and torture. She has dreams of a place where love is not hated and viewed as weakness. She kills to survive, but carries every death of an innocent by her jaws as a heavy boulder on her shoulders. She has joined her brother and sister on their journey, with the hope that she might escape and make her own life in Alacritia.


Now that you?ve met them, here are my rules!

These wolves must remain active (At least three posts a month), and be played true to their natures. Arag will be a wolf who wages war for fun and just to see wolves die and bleed, he will likely never fall in love, and will never ever turn into a good guy. Illusia is a murderess who enjoys toying with males until she gets to rip their throats out, like Arag, she will likely never find love, and will never turn into a good guy. And Yssamega is an assassin who wants nothing more than to have happiness in her life. She is the one who might be able to find love, and will most likely turn into a good guy, like Sarak has.

With Arag and Illusia, I expect to see a lot of fights. Let their chaos run wild.

I reserve the right to take these characters back if I find they have been set inactive, the player has left Alacritia, the player no longer wishes to play them, or they haven?t been posted with in two months. These Characters are for Alacritis only; their designs are not to be used off site. The names may not be used on a different design, and may not be changed.

Whoever gets these wolves must register the accounts as their Warrior names (Slaughter, Assassin, and Slash), and their full names in the profile starting with their birth names (Arag, Illusia, Yssamega).

Here?s the code!


Appearance Description: I want 200 words of original description.
Personality Description: I want 200 words of original description.
Roleplay Sample: I want 300 words of writing original to the character you wish to adopt.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.