
Brokering deals



6 Years
11-03-2014, 03:39 PM

Alamea walked with a purpose, marched towards lands that had once seemed so friendly so open but now stood before her tainted. The small woman flew with in a rage, something so rarely seen upon her usual calmer face. The woman had a mission, she had kept well enough tk herself and yet she knew that Kylar was now the renowned ruler of his pack, Arcanum was run by a silver woman and Alamea would go straight to her if she had too.

The snowy woman had to see if the woman was a monster, had to see if the silver woman was one that would tear orphans from the only comfort they had. She stood solidly at the border a growl curling from her gritted teeth. With an uncharacteristic violence she threw her head back calling for the woman who could fix what her mate had wrecked.



11-03-2014, 03:45 PM

A call would breach her silver audits. It was a stranger, but held so much promise. She had been waiting for such a call. Kylar had been housing his grandchildren here, and from the condition he had returned home in, she doubted that the pack he had taken them from would simply let them go without a fight. Moving with purpose, she lope to meet the woman, her legs stretching long, eating up the ground with no problem. It wouldn't take long, mostly because sick excitement churned in her gut that kept her from making the stranger wait any longer.

Coral pools would meet the face of a smaller pale woman. She would slow to walk, not halting until only a few feet separated them. She was significantly smaller than the Queen, forcing her to look down. Audits tipped forward, curiosity dancing her gaze. Nostrils would quiver, inhaling her pack scent. "My dear, you don't belong here." She would coo to the woman, the corners of her mouth lifting fractionally.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
11-03-2014, 04:35 PM

A giant of a woman approached and internally Alamea began to squirm her own lacking size suddenly thrown into clarity. Outwardly she stood strong, a look of defiance painted across her small face, her tail raised high over her rump and head held high, the only time she had ever embodied the dominance her rank afforded her. Brilliant rose robs met the like as she watched the giantess move towards her, stopping with marginally less distance between them than Alamea was comfortable with but she refused to back away, to back down. A purr would drop from the woman?s tongue and despite herself Alamea snorted.
?I held a place here long before you did.? She gave a sweeping gesture with her muzzle indicating the plains behind the silver female. ?But you are right, I do not belong here, and neither do the two children.? She quirked an eyebrow up at the woman knowing full well that she knew who the two children were.



11-03-2014, 04:44 PM

The woman's first response was to snort, stating that she held a place within these lands long before herself. A low chuckle spilled from her lips, her crown shaking back and forth. If this woman came here to toss around useless information then she would be unfortunately rewarded for her waste of time. It didn't matter who was here before her, she was here now. Her chuckle would fade away as the woman spoke of the two children. Colten and Amarant. No, they didn't belong here. She doubted they had the up bring her own daughter had that had toughened her to survive such a place. They were both old enough that trying to break them into a new lifestyle would be nearly impossible.

"I couldn't agree more." She would state, her gaze searching the woman's face for her reaction. Surely no one would expect such a response. The woman before her stood dominantly, looking very much prepared for a brawl, while she, herself, remained perfectly as ease, allowing the power to simply ooze from her rather than openly display it.

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-03-2014, 06:25 PM

He would hear the howl and immediately a cruel smile would curl over his lips. So she had come? She hadn't exactly been impressed with him when he had taken the children, he had wondered if she would ever show her face here. The massive beast would unfurl himself, long limbs pushing him up as he arched his frame around to turn and head at a rather lazy stride towards the sound. Maybe Cat would get there first. Maybe she could keep things under control. Maybe he could keep himself under control? Though from the sick smile that twisted his lips he doubted it. A shiver of excitement would ripple through his massive form as jaw unhinged and tongue rolled out over lower jaw. He would arrive as words slipped from Alamea's voice and Cat would reply. She agreed? Something about her body language caused him to drift to her right and stop there, lowering haunches into a seated position. He would shuffle his paws close to himself, head lowering and narrowed eyes watching the white female intently. She was here for his grandchildren? Did she want to join them? He could make that happen? A chuckle would rumble up his throat at his own thoughts, smile still wide across his lips.




6 Years
11-03-2014, 08:31 PM

The white woman was not nearly fast enough to catch the shocked look that flashed upon her face at the silver woman?s words. She reined her emotions in though the air of power she had hoped she exuded was dropped. The giantess before her seemed to display her dominance without effort but it felt wrong on Alamea, like a jacket two sizes too big. She felt much more comfortable slipping into the mother role, earning her respect rather than commanding it. ?Glad you feel that way.? She spoke absently her attention suddenly pulled away from the silver queen.
Rose orbs landed solidly upon the form of her father in law, the grin he wore churning her stomach and she removed her gaze from him almost too quickly. Her eyes lay pointedly and heavily upon the silver woman acting as though she had not even seen him approach, ignoring him. ?What?s the catch??



11-03-2014, 10:07 PM

The relief that washed over the woman's face was almost too much. Immediately the dominance dropped from her posture and she breathed relieved words. But her attention would shift to a figure lurking. She didn't need to turn and look to know who it was. His presence was electrifying, sending goosebumps across her flesh. He would come to stand behind her, his haunches plopping to the ground with a thud. She would look at him briefly, taking note of the sickening grin that was plastered on his face. His chuckle would invade her ears, tugging at her curiosity, though she said nothing.

The woman's question would pull her back to reality, bring her attention back to the woman. She was smarter than she thought. There was always a catch, and this situation was no different. "You have a mate, yes? You love him? You would do anything for him?" Her crown would tip to the side. The scent that clung to her ivory pelt was that same that clung to Kylar when he first returned from fighting for his grandchildren. Her tail would begin to sway idly back and forth, like a ticking clock, counting the seconds away.

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-03-2014, 10:27 PM

The smell, it was so familiar. Though it was more than just Secruta, it was floral, innocent, but he couldn't quite put his nose on it. Chin laid on paws in their selected den, the thought of Colten being there or not slipped his mind. He was so drawn to the strong scent plaguing his mind.

Finally after so long it became frustrating. He took hold and stepped outside raising his chin as high as it could go, even a paw came off the ground. He followed it, slowly, hoping not to cause trouble if it wasn't even a scent he knew, but suddenly it hit.

Aunt Alamea.

Oh shit. He thought, the first time in his life feeling that sense of fear for his family. He didn't understand why everyone kept itching at the ordeal if he even wanted to stay. Of course Colten had his own say and feelings, it was dreadful that they were both pulled into this. Because Amarant was happy to be here with Kylar.

Paws moved quickly as he followed the aroma, it couldn't get much stronger. And just in an instant he fell to a stop. Kylar and Cataleya had reached her, both with a smirk to their lips. Amarant did think vaguly of his uncle's motionless body as they left, and though he was too drowned in his sorrows then to really think of that. It was engraved into his head though, and now that his aunt was here he couldn't think but the worse. He hoped Kylar wasn't cruel, he seemed to only fight Rune to take Amarant and Colten home with him. But the face he had on now had a complete turn, a new side to the young man.

"Ky?" Spoken softly, hed dipped in submission as he came close enough, "What's going on?"

Rune I


5 Years
11-03-2014, 11:03 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had managed to slip away. Of course she had, Rune was not on top of his game presently. His wounds on his neck had needed to be tended to by his daughter to stave off infection and even now moving his neck too much caused pain to flare up along the wounds his father had left behind from their fight. Even the bruising on his chest was irritating in its own way, creating a dull ache with every step he made. It made him slow as he tried to find his little mate, though after realizing that she was no longer within the pack's territory but beyond he knew he was in trouble.

Pushing himself, he left the safety and confinement of Secretua and followed after her, unsurprised but also anxious when he realized where it was she was headed. Her trail went westward, toward the place his nephews had been taken away to, and knowing what waited there for her once she arrived made him move as swiftly as he as able.

He was grateful when he finally reached the location she was at, though dread crawled and settled sickeningly within his stomach when he saw who she was with. There, standing across from his timid little mate, was a grey woman whose confidence was palpable, who seemed absolutely too comfortable in comparison to Alamea. There, behind her, sat his father, the expression about his face causing the dark furs along the back of his neck to rise warily. And, coming along with a nervous look, was Amarant, sticking close to Kylar as if he was someone who could be trusted to protect the poor youth. A part of him wanted to dart right past them all to his nephew and sweep him away, as futile as it might have been, but this was not his endeavor. It was Alamea's.

Though he glared at his father and the Arcanum leader and bit back a growl that threatened to rumble within his chest, Rune made himself move to stand close beside his petite mate with forced calm, feeling rigid and ready to jump to the defense of either of his family members if the need presented itself. Still recovering or not, he had already forgotten about those injuries and could only think of defending those who he knew needed it.


11-05-2014, 09:56 PM

Damn kids? Ruining his fun. Seemed like he should probably act like an adult now. He vaguely listened to Cataleya and Alamea, vaguely processed that they were speaking and that his wife was scheming. She wouldn't give up his grandchildren, he had to trust in that. Amarant arrived in the middle of their discussion, slithering up and asking Ky what was happening. For a moment he would close his eyes, grin fading before tongue would slip over upper and lower lips as if wiping away that smile. Damn kids. He yawned, jaws gaping before her would look to Amaramt. Acidic gaze was bright, twinkling but smile had faded. One massive paw would lift from the ground and extend, paw motioning for Amarant to sit with him. "Hey Ammy? Come watch with me. Where's your brother?" Words were a soft rumble, obviously meant just for the boy but he wouldn't be surprised if others heard him. Whether Amarant joined him or not after a moment Ky would lower his paw and return his attention to the group before him. Rune was here. Immediately the massive man's eyes would narrow as he looked at the grey male he had once called son. "I think that they are here to try and take you from us? If you don't want to go I will do whatever it takes to make sure you stay." Kylar would say his first sentence while looked Rune dead in the eyes before gaze would veer off and look to Amarant. He may have originally taken the children for selfish reasons but after getting to know them? He wanted to make sure the kids actually wanted to stay.




6 Years
11-06-2014, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2014, 09:08 PM by Alamea.)

The silver woman barely reacted when she questioned her motives, Alamea might have been na?ve but she had enough dealing with evil to know how this worked. The woman asked of her mate and Alamea stiffened. "Yes?" She was given an excuse to turn her attention away from the silver queen as her nephew arrived on the scene and she offered a small smile in acknowledgment of his presence. Rune came up behind her, his distinct scent catching her attention and though she did not turn to face him her tail twitched. "I would."
The man that had so violently taken her family spoke them, talking to her nephew and anger rose once more within her. " If Amarant wishes to stay I will not force him. I?m not so deluded to preach that I love him and yet force him away." Her voice was bitter, gaze now locked upon Kylar, barbed words hurled in his direction.



11-11-2014, 10:44 PM

He had heard the call of his aunt. But for the longest time he didn't move from his den. He was almost 100% certain that his grandpa would be there, along with his new Queen. Perhaps his brother would there. He doubted that his brother would ignore the call of their aunt, especially if he wanted to leave this place. Finally he would rise, and drag himself from his den. His thick fur was ruffled and dirty, his eyes dull and lifeless. His pace was slow, so when he finally made it to the border, a crowd had gathered. His gaze lifted just enough to see his uncle, his aunt, his brother, his grandpa and Cataleya. His aunts buttered words pierced his mind, pulling his head up from the ground. "Im staying. With my brother His gaze flickered briefly towards the spotted boy, desperately wanting to repair things between them. His slumped posture would straighten enough so that he could meet the gaze of his aunt and uncle before once again dropping to the ground.



11-11-2014, 10:52 PM

The woman would answer without hesitation, though she seemed skeptical of the question. Speak of the devil. A monochromatic man slide in beside her, his gaze burning with anger. The clumsy steps of a child would soon fill her ears. Well this was going to be quite the family reunion. Soft words would be exchanged between the boy and her husband. Her attention would return to the pale woman as she spoke, claiming that the boy could stay if he wished. And it didn't take long for the gravelly words of Colten to fill her ears. Briefly she would look at his bedraggled appearance, frowning slightly. He was a wreck.

"Well, it appears both will be staying here." Lips curled into a wicked grin, eye coral eyes dancing with sick amusement. Too bad. There would be no blood shed today. Her gaze would slip towards the man, Kylars son, her grin only growing with the small victory. Kylar had bested him once, how she would love to best him again. Her tail would flick at her hocks. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" Words were sickeningly sweet and polite, oozing from her lips.

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-11-2014, 11:18 PM

Amarant would hesitantly pad his way next to his grandfather, still not understanding what was going on. Uncle Rune would come up beside his lover and the four wolves would be matching each other on both sides of the border. Though where Rune and Alamea stood, they were angered and desperate for the boys back. And Kylar and Cataleya were holding grins of the devil.

His aunt would give him the choice, if he wanted to stay. And before he could get a word out, his brother would speak from behind. Amarant would rip his neck to face his brother beside him, a heartbroken emotion if anything.


He would shout just as loud as he did when Maia had died. Though this wasn't a cry of hate, he wanted to protect his brother. He had been so cruel to him, he would be the blame of Colten's health, physically and mentally. And he would realize that now. And even though Colten wanted to stay with his brother, Amarant knew he would do much better in Secruta where the rest of their family was; where Maia was.

"You need to go with them."

His pale gaze would sting at Colten before looking to Ky, almost daring him to object. But not for too long that gaze would last until he turned to Rune and Alamea, flicking back and forth.

"I want to stay here... But I want to come and visit? If that would be alright?"

He had almost forgotten the silver woman was there, but he wouldn't let her presence hold back his word. Whether she cared for the boys or not, she'd get half the deal, right?


11-12-2014, 12:24 AM

Alamea would speak, hesitant and worried obviously by her tone and Kylar would watch her with cool detachment. Amarent would move towards Kylar slowly, coming to sit beside him as Kylar spoke. Alamea would immediately interject, speaking harsh woulds that would only make the massive male smile and chuckle. He knew that was supposed to be a cheap shot at him but he didn't really care, he had the kids and she didn't. He barely noticed Colten, only heard his weary steps as he drew close followed almost immediately after by his soft spoken voice. He wanted to stay? Kylar would turn his gaze to the boy and nod gently in acknowledgement. Cat would speak, offering Alamea a way out and offering a cruel grin. He had never been so turned on? He would try to reign it in his grin, try and keep his smile sane and it worked for the most part. That is until Amarant shrieked a single word. No. What? Kylar's eyes would snap wide, listening to Amarant as he spoke before sighing. "Ammy this isn't your decision to make.'' He would say softly, motioning for Colten to join him and Amarant. Damn the kid already needed another bath, just wasn't getting better was he? "You guys should stay together one way or another, being apart can do no good." He would offer. Siblings were supposed to be your best friend, when everything else was wrong you could lean on them. Damn. Where the hell was Vi? She was so much better at this shit then he was. He realized he was saying that they should be together either either here or in Secretua but if they chose Rune and Alamea? Well he would deal with that if it came to it.


Rune I


5 Years
11-12-2014, 01:03 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Kylar's words, spoken with enough volume to deliberately be heard, were taunting and overconfident. Obviously the wannabe dad felt that he had the boys already within his grasp, that they would choose him over the two wolves who had striven to take care of them and their ailing mother up until the end. Rune was naturally offended and stared at his deadbeat father through a hardened glare, feeling the wounds upon his neck protest faintly under the tension that knotted his frame. Alamea of course remained the voice of reason, speaking the words that Rune was not altogether sure he would have been able to say himself. He did not want the boys here with this man, with these wolves. But neither did he want to prevent them from making their own choices.

He still clung to the hope that the boys would choose to come home, to return to Secretua and the life they once had, but that fragile wish cracked when Colten, who had quietly sneaked up beside his brother, answered the question that had been lingering upon the air. He wanted to stay. And not only that, but Amarant did too. He might have cried out at first, might have tried to sway his brother into changing his mind, but he too wanted to remain in Arcanum. The tension in Rune's body slackened and suddenly he felt weak. How could he fight to bring them home when neither wished to be there? What had Kylar done?

Feeling at odds with himself, Rune did not immediately try to speak. He wanted more than anything to keep the boys safe, to protect the last remaining fragment of his sister that he had left, the two nephews that he had watched grow. But they chose danger, they chose a woman whose mind was twisted and a man who would likely break their hearts because he could not love them the way they deserved. He could not say anything regarding their choice to remain in Arcanum - anything he would have said would have been entirely against it and arguing was not going to get him anywhere in this situation.

But he had to make one thing clear. "Secretua is your home," Rune stated, "no matter what." His ice blue gaze shifted between Amarant and Colten, his words meant for them alone regardless of who listened. "You will always be welcomed there. Always." Just because they chose Arcanum, just because they had been twisted by whatever stories their grandfather fed them, did not mean he was going to turn his back on them. He was still their uncle, their protector, their guardian. His home would forever be theirs.


11-16-2014, 10:50 PM

He wouldn't listen to anything spoken until his brothers voice filled his ears. He would lift his head, his emerald gaze snapping to his brother immediately. His face remained void of any emotion, even as his brother pleaded with him to go, to leave. He would meet his brothers gaze with emotionless eyes. No, he wasn't leaving. He wasnt going anywhere. His gaze would flicker back to his uncle as he spoke. I'm staying. But I will come visit. His voice was surprisingly strong, firm. There was no arguing with him, he had made up his mind. He would meet the gaze of his uncle, his aunt, and his grandfather before finally looking against at his brother. Without another word he would turn away from the crowd that had formed. He would pad away, his plan to return to his den and go back to sleep. He would leave without a word, not bothering to stop if anyone protested.




11-17-2014, 08:16 PM

Kylar would go against the young boy's hard gaze, but Rune's words would lift Amarant's heart. He just wished it had lifted Colten's. Rune had gave Amarant the chance to visit the family he always knew, even though he was basically betraying them by staying here with Kylar.

"I better get a say in this!"

He would hiss at his grandfather, showing more of a side of him he didn't even know. He didn't want Colten to go home with Rune because he hated him. He actually wanted to make up with him. Though he was the problem in this situation. He made his brother hurt. He believed Colten would be happier at home with the rest of their family that loved them.

Amarant would snap his gaze back to his brother as he spoke, demanding that he stay too. And before Amarant could process what to do or say, Colten would look at the rest of the crowd and then turn away. Amarant would stand, maw partially opened unable to say anything else. And then his head would face forward again, though this time his chin was pulled in to his chest with his eyes closed. And his teeth would bear out from his jowls. He would deal with this later.