
Joining of two souls; Marriage



2 Years
09-18-2014, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2014, 09:17 AM by serendipity.)

Crucifix had moved to the packs meeting point in Weeping Woods, a clearing, and one that also held a convenient rock he could jump upon to raise his head and call out to the wolves of his pack to gather. Today was a long awaited day, ever since Twig had told him she wished to marry Alpine within Solstice borders. He was truly honoured, he loved his sister and was glad he could do this for her. He jumped down again after completing his howl and padded over to Sibelle's side where the two Alphas could wait together for the pack to arrive. He nudged Sibelles side, and smiled at the thought of marriages, he hadn't asked Sibelle, but.. it was certainly food for thought. He had ensure the wolves knew this was a mandatory meeting, This was an opportunity to bring the pack together and he wanted all of his pack family to be there for this moment, to witness the marriage of his sister. He would have liked to walk Twig to this point and 'give' her to Alpine himself, but as an Alpha he instead had the responsibility of marrying the two.

The reason they had waited as long as they had for this was to find their father so that he could do the walking and be here for this moment in Twig's life, but after fruitless searching the siblings had decided to go on ahead without him. He pushed aside any worry for his family, not wanting to put any clouds upon this moment, instead he stood tall and waited for all to arrive.


Twig I


09-22-2014, 09:05 AM

She?d hear her brother?s short call, one that would summon her and the rest of the pack. Today was the day she?d been waiting for so long. She was going to be married to her true love, the one wolf she could say she owed her life to. She did feel a pang of sadness that the rest of the family could be here, she had spent little time in search for them since the birth of Fawn and Solor. Her duty was to her children and Alpine now, even more so after the ceremony. She had every intention of taking her husband?s last name, instead of the one handed down to her by her father.
She?d nudge Fawn to follow her as she walked with her family to her brother?s side, little flutters of butterflies would play in her belly as she stepped closer to the future with Alpine. She couldn?t help the smile that played on her features, the skip in her step or the wagging of her tail. She was so much different now, she had changed so much in the past year. She just hoped her mother was proud. A smile would play on her lips as she saw Crucifix and Sibelle. Before she could nuzzle her brother Fawn would leap forward and show him her affection first. She was so big now, her and Coal both. She could hardly believe it.



09-24-2014, 04:02 PM

Cru had mentioned that his sister wished to be married, he just never said when. So when he said that today was the today, she would follow him to the chosen place. She would take a seat while he called the pack, demanding everyones presence. Upon completing his call, he would take his seat beside her and together they would wait. It didn't take long for Twig to arrive first. A smile would lift her lips. Her family was in tow, as usual. Excitement and nervousness hung in the air. Today was a big day for the little family. Her tail would wag, thumping against the ground. "Congratulations." She would murmur as she leaned forward to numb her nose against Twigs shoulder. She had never been affect ate with the woman, not really knowing her well enough. But today was a special day. Leaning back she would smile, her face bright with excitement. Shooting a smile at Alpine and the kids, she would again settle i in to wait for there rest of the pack to arrive. For their sake, she hoped no one would be late, she would not hesitate to dish out punishments for such rudeness. Leaning against Cru she would wait patiently, sneaking glances his way and smiling softly when he caught her looking.

Talk like this



10 Years
09-27-2014, 11:41 AM

The call from Crucifix was one of importance. Odette did not hesitate to respond. She had been in the middle of fishing, but the lack of food was enough to make her easily give up. After abandoning the stream and shaking all over, she began to make her way towards the meeting place. The clearing was not far from where she stood and the restlessness in her paws would be fed once she travelled the half mile to the location.
Tan paws brought her to the edge of the clearing and it was oh-so-beautiful. A smile broke out across the girl's face as she walked towards the bride that had arrived first. Once Sibelle had given her positive vibes, Odette did the same. Gargoyle's mini-me didn't have to be told what the ceremony was going to be for. Red and blue eyes twinkled as she greeted Twig with a soft bark. "Congratulations, Twig," she said, words warm and happy. She glanced down at Twig's children before respectfully backing up and recling to her haunches, silently waiting.

"You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



09-27-2014, 10:10 PM

Alpine Twig and the children would move together from their dens and towards the call of the Alpha. Even the pups seemed to get that something exciting was happening as they bounced and trotted along side their parent's. Alpine could hardly believe how big they where now, they had been so utterly tiny when they had been born and somehow in his heart they would always be that soft and vulnerable, even if they had headed so far down the road to becoming adults. Luckily there weren't many young boy pups in the pack for him to stress over when it came to Faun. He hadn't had 'the talk' with her and hoped he could leave that story to Twig, all the same he fretted over the day that might bring her first heartbreak and watched over his two children with love. He took them to the Lake as often as possible to teach and strengthen them, and so that they could play. Twig and he spent long walks together when duties to the pack didn't bring her away, and all and all Alpine was content with his lot, in fact he loved the life he led and the wolves in it.

They would reach the waiting Alphas and give the pups some reign to play in the field before them as the pair went and stood with Crucifix. He wasn't entirely sure what to expect from today, be he had no doubt it would be wonderful.



2 Years
10-03-2014, 05:27 PM

His Twig would be the first to arrive and he would smile lovingly at his sister. The two of them had been through a lot and well he hadn't always managed to be by her side when trouble struck her, he could at least be here for this. With Twig came Faun and he smiled at the girl as she leaped forward and showered him with affection. His little niece was growing fast, he remembered the day he had seen her with Twig, curled against her side so tiny, and new to the world. Next would come Sibelle and the boy would watch as she welcomed Twig also, thinking what a perfect Alpha partner she was. When she came beside him and the two sat regally, looking upon the pack and waiting for more members to dwindle in he would catch her sneaking glances his way. He couldn't help but grin, a slow seductive smile sneaking across his lips, promising her that perhaps Twig and Alpine wont be the only ones enjoying themselves tonight.

He would return his features to normal as Odette walked into the group, he nodded his head at her, considering her a friend as well as a loyal member. Everyone had warm greetings for Twig and the sight of it filled him. Next would come his mate, and well he would wait a little while longer it seemed the rest where lagging behind. He let loose another call, in case they had not heard the first, summoning them here. But no matter, there was at least a small gathering of loving members here to look upon Twig and Alpine and he would call them both up to him, to stand before him and side by side.
