
we are what we are


11-06-2014, 01:12 AM
She would lead the precious babe away from Valentine, would take her away from his anger and his snotty words. Her demeanour had changed, rippling and bristling as he had threatened to take Mercy away from her. Inner turmoil coiled about within her belly, unsure if she wanted to rise to the challenge to take her chances and see if Valetine was a man of his word. The woman would shake her pelt out, fluffing her hackles and tail up much like a cat before allowing it all to relax and lay down flat on her tiny body. There? That was better. She would lead Mercy for a short time before pausing and turning to face the girl, plunking her butt down and allowing an easy smile to slip across her features. "So. First impressions?" She would urge, motioning around at the knolls languidly. Had Valentine scared her off with his potty mouth? Or was she still cool with staying? A girl could hope. "Also. I promised to teach you everything. Since you are young lets specialize then branch out. What would you like to learn first?" She would ask, head tipping as she considered what she could teach the girl. Poisons, drugs, fightings, hunting, snaking perhaps? Lots of things to learn? What would she want to learn though?

"Talk here."

Mercy I


5 Years

11-06-2014, 01:37 AM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2014, 01:38 AM by Mercy I.)

She followed after Dione with no hesitation at all, glad to be away from the bear-wolf. He had said many naughty things, as well as other things that made her head hurt. But whatever he said seemed to upset the smaller woman, she was all puffed up like a green cotton ball as she led her away. She smirked slightly at the thought, there had been a few cotton plants where she used to live, and dip one in green juice and bam! You had what Dione looked like now. Mercy snorted, coming to a stop as Dione turned around and sat down. Letting out a small huff she flopped on the ground in front of her, her belly flesh against the cold ground. Dione asked to her first impressions and Mercy shrugged, diverting her purple gaze from the woman. "Did he mean it when he said that he would take me away from you?" She asked, voice all shaken up as her ears pinned against her head. She didn't want that at all! She liked this woman, she promised to take care of her and teach her everything! She didn't want to be torn away from all she had left in the world. Ah, such a young age to have nothing nit a green cotton ball to look after her.

When Dione asked her what she wanted to learn though, her ears perked up and her head rose to look at her once more. Already? She had just gotten here and so soon she was to learn things? Awesome! "Fighting!" She squeaked, not hesitating at all. She wanted to be the best fighter around! Even though her limbs were sore from the trip, she didn't care. Not when she could learn all about being a great warrior.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


11-06-2014, 02:04 AM
All in all she liked this girl, adored her even. Despite their short time together Dione found herself quite fond of her in a way that had made Valentines threats crawl under his skin worse then usual. The girl would flop on the ground, would drop with a huff and Dione would smile warmly at the girl. She was glad Mercy didn't mind laying down, it made Dione feel like the adult rather then the child. Her smile would fade a bit as Mercy asked about Valetine's thread, hardening into something cold though an edge of her lips still remained tipped up at the edges. "I think so. But don't worry dear. I'll turn him into a woman before he lays his paws on you..." Her words were a dark purr, a promise. She doubted that the girl would get that reference but it had been the first threat that had come to mind when Valentine had issues his threat so it would be the one that she intended to stick with. Not that castrating her king was the top thing that came to mind that she wanted to do on the weekend but hey. Mercy was her's now. They would leave depressing subjects behind as Mercy smiled and got excited about learning things. Dione would chuckle and rock back on her heels as Mercy said she wanted to learn to fight. Aw man? "Fighting tomorrow, theory today." She would say after a moment with a nod. Mercy wasn't the only one with sore legs, it took a lot of energy to be 'up' all the time. "First rule of fighting is that anything goes. If you want to be the best you can't be considerate of your opponents. We can't have you marring your pretty features..." She would say, reaching out with a forepaw in an attempt to touch Mercy's cheek. "Do you know anything about fighting?" She would ask, allowing paw to drop back down as she studied the girl. She was big but sometimes that didn't always make the best fighters.

"Talk here."



2 Years
11-06-2014, 12:37 PM

He was bored, and where had Dione been? Something had captured her attention that was for sure. So, with that thought alone Novaro would search for her around Imperium, having nothing else to do with his time anyway. He really needed to find a hobby or something, or at the very least look at climbing the ranks. His large paws would carry him across the terrain, his eyes absorbing the scenery around him, though nothing new had pickled his interest. finally, as soon as he caught sight of his little green nymph his pace would quicken, tail flicking more quickly against his heels. Though he would soon realise she wasn't alone, and almost immediately the boy would tense his muscles, alert to whom this stranger may be. and why was Dione so fond of her? or so it seemed. Once he was close enough to the two, he would simply stop, not sure what to say. " Di? Who is this?" his gaze would drift between the two, was it just a new friend? she seemed rather young. Though older then the girl he had met the day before. " Im novaro Red"

image by Away, Table by Oasis

[Image: G6jciao.png]

Mercy I


5 Years

11-07-2014, 12:30 AM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2014, 12:31 AM by Mercy I.)

Her head tilted to the side at Dione's first statement, her innocents painfully showing through. Make him a woman? Was she doing to dress him up and make him all pretty? Mercy couldn't help but giggle at the thought of the large bear-wolf with pink on his lips and purple berry juice smudged on his eyes. Her mother used to play like that with her. Used to. Shaking the painful memory away, she got excited when the topi of fighting came around. It would seem that she was not going to learn anything physical today, which made her blow a large puff of air of her nose. She was impatient, and didn't want to wait. She would listen though, this woman had been nothing but kind to her and there was no reason for her to make her upset. She was irritated, but was about to answer when a strange man approached them. Jumping to her paws she skittered backwards, not taking kindly to strangers right now. Well, besides Dione. She was about to growl and snap at him when he introduced himself, her head once again tilting to the side. He was a pretty wolf too, a mix of blues coloured his coat. Even though she was just under a year old she was still taller than the man before her, which made her smirk slightly.

But back to the topic at hand...

He was indeed not red for someone named Mr. Red. She looked back at Dione with question shimmering in her purple pools, a brow raising as she looked back at the blue man. "For someone named Mr. Red, you're pretty blue." She stated, folding herself to her rump as she allowed herself to calm down. This man wasn't a thread, Dione knew him.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


11-07-2014, 01:25 AM

She was pretty oblivious to most things but she did not miss Mercy's look of irritation when Dione said that they wouldn't be doing anything physical today. She would smile and chuckle, it would all come soon enough, she would make sure that the girl was well trained in everything would make sure that she was strong and fit and could take care of herself. Mercy would listen to her as they spoke and looked like she might reply when a familiar form began to form in the distance. A smile would split across her lips and she would stand, tail waving excitedly behind her. She barely noticed the sudden fear that overcame Mercy. She only tuned in when Mercy would hide a bit, red gaze following her curiously though she would say nothing at the moment. Didn't kids have to learn to self sooth or something? Nova's words would pull her from her thoughts and she looked back up at him with a smile. "This is Mercy!" She would exclaim, reaching around with a paw to touch the girl gently, offering her a warm smile and chuckling. The girl would speak a moment later after Nova introduced himself and she would state his difference in colour and name. A giggle would bubble up her throat as she grinned at Nova. "Thats what I said when I met him too!!" She exclaimed, another giggle before clearing her throat and trying to settle herself a bit. "Mercy this is my dear Mr.Red, Nova this is Mercy. She will be staying with us and I slash we will be overseeing her training. She wants to be a warrior? Like you!" She explained, grinning broadly at Nova. Would he agree to helping her train the child.


Table by Namaste



2 Years
11-08-2014, 09:50 AM

He would stare between the two, not quite sure how he should react to them both, though the girl before him was already taller then him, and well- it was rather shocking. His gaze would lock to her, and now he no longer felt like a giant. sigh. " Your huge young lady! have you eaten a whole buffalo!" He would tilt his head, Dione really did look like a dwarf now. It would be funny in the merle boys eyes if she adopted her. The girl had shifted away, and Novaro's ears would pin back, he would simply blink. He often got the whole 'but your blue speech' so he simply shrugged. " Hey, you can't choose family." He would lick his lips, somewhat alerted by Dione's speech. " with.... us?" It's not that he minded, but he did not yet know her. Was dione getting a new habit of picking up new wolves to claim? " You want to be a warrior? Excellent! im sure your size will be useful."

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: G6jciao.png]

Mercy I


5 Years

11-11-2014, 10:29 PM

Her eyes were still careful as she looked at the big man, getting used to looking down at wolves at this point. She let out a slow sigh, purple gaze roaming over to Dione. She didn't really feel like meeting wolves, she wanted to fight! But when the green woman brought up that this Nova was a fighter as well, he had her interest once more. Pale ears pulled forwards as she inspected him, almost as if the young girl was sizing him up. "You are a fighter too?" She asked slowly, gaze flickering back between the two adults. Mercy was still feeling slightly uneasy, the way that Dione talked about this man and the way he looked at her... she had a feeling that they were like her mom and dad. That made her ears flatten again, her heart sinking to her paws. Did that mean that they were going to have pups and leave her all alone again? She didn't want to be alone! No! She suddenly decided that Mr. Red was not a nice wolf, cause whatever he did to Dione that made her have pups was bad. She was supposed to be the special one! She simply would not take being tossed aside once more. Backing up, the girl stepped behind Dione, carefully resting her large head atop hers so that she would not impale herself on her little horns. She still thought that the woman stole them off a poor goat, wolves didn't have horns. Mercy's lips pulled back into a snarl, a silly little half-hearted growl leaving them. "Dione is mine! You can't do what mommies and daddies do to her cause then there will be more pups! There is always more!" She called, careful not to yell as her inky lips were quite close to her ears. Burying her nose into her mop of neon green hair, Mercy sniffled slightly. She was just going to be replaced all over again, she just knew it.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.


11-12-2014, 01:31 AM

Tiny woman would watch the pair with interest, she had wondered how they would get along. Well the had to get along otherwise Dione would have to shove them in a den together until they liked eachother. She would chuckle at Red's question, a whole buffalo! Well they were common here. Was that was made people big? Maybe her mother had only eaten rabbits. Odd thoughts. He would comment on choosing family and she would chuckle, head tipping. "What are you talking about Red? The best family is the ones they choose!" She would say with a knowing nodd to Mercy before smiling softly. They would speak about warriors, size fighting and Dione would allow them to speak. That is until Mercy's mood suddenly shifted. Dione would look at the girl as she slithered behind Dione again and then she would look to Red with a 'what did you do?' look. The young girls head would plunk down on Dione's head, carefully placed atop her mop of head and between small horns that sprouted from them. She would chuckle at what it must look like before Mercy would speak.

"Sweetie. Red is mine and I am his. But that doesn't change how I feel about you. Dont worry about other pups, they ruin your body and eat your soul... The only children I ever want are the ones that I choose and you will always be the first... It will be fine sweetie. We will always be a family, will be a family of our own creation." She would say softly, a smile dancing on her lips before she would duck, dropping her head so she could turn and face Mercy, paw reaching out to touch her young charges as head tipped back to the point where her horns almost touched her shoulder blades. "What about other people who feel as lost and alone as you did? Should we deny them a home? Sweetie you will always be my sweet girl but it is my job to find and recruit other wolves to the pack. I would love you to help me with this." She would offer, head tilling and tail thumping against the ground rythmically. She knew this was a lot to lay on the girl, would she understand?


Table by Namaste



2 Years
11-14-2014, 03:53 PM

He would not relax with the two present, feeling as though something may go wrong at any minute. He didn't really know this stranger, and couldn't really be his self. His attention would be drawn to the placid babe though as she showed her interest in fighting. He would nod " Of course, im better at nothing else" He would shrug, that was true really. He would look to Dione then, she was right. The best families are the ones you choose. He wouldn't reply though, watching the sudden change of behaviour. What happened? what did he do? He would become defensive almost instantly, watching carefully as the girl would blow out at him. Though technically, Novaro thought Dione was always his and he was willing to fight for that claim. Though, this felt different, it seemed Mercy had bonded with his green nymph as though she was her mother, and well, he was slightly confused. Would he get along with the yearling, or well- would she be willing to get along with him. He had no plans for children, there was no parental nature within him. [or so he thinks] And well, they seem like to much effort to raise. Perhaps Dione was clever by adopting a pre teen.

OOC My next post will be better, i just really want to go to sleep now<3

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: G6jciao.png]