
--the way i die.



11-06-2014, 04:59 PM

teeth release him and he lands against the ground with an obvious thud. to anyone else it would have meant nothing but to a child as infantile as he it is an endless spiral downward and increment pain courses through him. eyes find this time far more appealing and he looks around in the darkness to find that in his pain he is a b a n d o n e d. a cry rises from his throat for it is too early for his lyrics to be of much sense. he cannot craft correct sentences yet. he only sings the mantra in his head. -mama. mama. she is gone. but why? the innocent child can feel the chill begin to devour him. he can feel the air around him tighten as the darkness becomes further consuming. this is treacherous and to a child it is deadly. cairus will surely perish. life ended before it can begin--and so be it. his corpse tightens around in itself clinging to the only warmth available (his one) and he devours all of it until it is gone. until again he can feel the cold creeping on his figure and much like a newborn he weeps and will continue to do so until his inevitable death



7 Years
11-06-2014, 05:03 PM

Screams of pain... something was terribly wrong with a terrible little child. Poor thing. As a commoner, the harlot oft found herself drifting toward the battlefield, to obsevre fights and learning new techniques to use in her own fights, and well... this poor being was simply vulnerable. A coo escaped the inky lips of the harlot, approaching in an unthreatening manner. "You poor thing. Let me take you home..." The small being was bleeding, on the verge of death. Even in the cold crust of the harlot, warmth blossomed with a motherly love from her heart, nearing the small child and seeking permit to lie down at his side, and pick him up, cuddle him... bring him up as her own son. "You can be my son..."

"Burn Baby Burn"



8 Years
11-06-2014, 05:44 PM


in defense of the innocent

Her oversized paws carried her at a steady pace as the struck the ground, returning from her task. She was deep in thought, reflecting on the fruits of her labors these early days as beta and looking forward to seeing her sons again, but the wailing of a newborn stopped her dead. Her head was flung up, eyes wide and wild, heard in her throat. Still caught up in thoughts of her own young children the cry momentarily sent an electric shock through her already-honed instincts and she half expected to see Shtiya racing toward her after having stuck his curious nose into something he shouldn't have.

It was not Shtiya - she had left him with the Solstice healer. Yet the cry continued to echo over her. Realizing her path had taken her into the battlefield Qanik was chilled. There was no plausible reason for an infant to be here. The child had been abandoned. Had she come to late to safe it from the elements? She leaped forward again, this time toward the cry, racing across the land before skidding to a halt near a scarred, purple-eyed white wolf curled around a small pup and Qanik, mother-bear instincts roused, bristled. She noted the scent of the wolf's pack, but she did not recognize it as an ally of her new pack. "Step away from the pup, please," she rumbled, her voice still polite and dignified despite the warning in it.


cowardice is the only sin


11-06-2014, 05:49 PM

Generally she avoided this place, not super keen on the idea of fighting so she would slip and slither around the outskirts. That is. Until She heard the cries. Massive ears would prick and she would lift her skull curiously. A child? Here? Young too by the sounds of it. Dione had never been the motherly type but as of late she had found herself more and more drawn to the children. Maybe it was because she was two and had her first heat. Whew pas baby cravings? Lithe form would turn towards the sound and break into a gentle lope before she would come across a gathering. Mothers. One was a white woman she recognized from her alpha's mothers pack, another was a white woman that Dione had met not too long ago. The tiny green demon would slow, moving cautiously around Qanik and looking to the white woman seated before the child. She was a slave wasn't she? That was what Valentine had said. Red eyes would narrow dangerously. "Qanik?" Her greeting was soft despite the glare she held the white woman in. "Please remove yourself and allow real mothers discuss this?" Dione would hiss. She was not a biological mother like she knew Qanik was but she had Mercy, she knew the maternal instincts now. Tiny green woman would fluff and bristle, ready to fight to protect this child if need be.

Table by Namaste


11-06-2014, 05:59 PM

Curiosity had her following the white girl out of the territory and towards the battlefield. Of places to travel when you first receive your freedom again... She didn't question it though, wanting to know what the girls plans were. But rather than watching a battle unfold, a far more curious scene unfolded. Several women had gathered, all spitting glares and subtle words at each other. Brows would lift as she approached, coming to stand beside her commoner. Lips peeled back in a vicious grin. Nostrils quivered, inhaling the scent of Solstice. Oh how perfect. "My dear, you would do well to refrain from bashing my wolves." Her stare was hungry, barely casting a glance towards the green woman who smelled curiously of her son. Perhaps a fellow ally from Imperium. Though it didn't matter if she stood against her, just because her son was her ally did not mean that his members got to do as they pleased. Nevermind that, she was far more interested in the Solstice member who stood before her. Somehwere in the back of her mind it registered that a tiny pup lay helpless between them all, death steadily creeping into his defenseless body. She could do this all day...

"Burn Baby Burn"



11-06-2014, 06:26 PM

like the predators they were they came. fueled by instinct and primal desire they craved to claim they craved to take what they felt was rightfully theirs. The queens of the lands seeking a child to raise as their own it was a world of possession and this child would be broken into the ways of women. women who hungered for life to be survived by them. they were hungry, and he was unaware. ignorance was not always bliss. regardless, he registered the heat of someone he registers the warmth and presses his head hungrily towards the chest. a cry echoes out as more and more sounds surround him. he understands none of it. in his youth he raises his head staring at them and allowing fright to creep into his gaze. none of these are mama. yet they all wear the same expression. they all wear the same deepened eyes and bristling furs. he experiences fear. cairus can feel the terror grow in his chest...his stomach? what was it. his ears instinctively tucked behind his skull and his tail curled beneath his legs. he felt appreciative of the warmth being offered to him by the first white one, but he had a feeling it would be fleeting. he would be going home with...someone? what were they here for? he stares at each of them. quickly. inquisitively. terrifed.


11-06-2014, 06:35 PM

Massive beast was never far from his wife, today she they had watched Empyrea leave pack lands for the first time since her new rank and Cat had immediately set off to stalk her. Kylar had waited a short time to set off stalking his wife stalking their newest commoner. Was she leaving? If she was Kylar did not want to miss the maiming that would follow. Maybe he could have another turn? The beast would travel sometimes with his wife and sometimes behind or ahead, slipping around and checking everything out easily. Their path would take them to the battlefield and immediately he would straighten a bit. Head would lift though chin would tip down, tail arching and curling over his back in an obvious show of dominance. He was not a king here but he was a king in his own mind. The world out here was ruled by muscle and that he had plenty of. And then. Shrieks. His ears would pin back. What the HELL was that noise! Cat would continue to move towards the sound and he would watch her for a moment in disbelief before following. There was Empy, seated before a child. With a white woman who smelt oddly of a pack he had come to despise and a? Green wolf? Was there a fucking rainbow of wolves out there? The green woman smelt of Valentine so Ky would purposefully ignore it and move towards Empy and Cat. "Make sure it stays warm." A soft rumble from the massive beast to the newly appointed commoner as he move to his wife's side and stood. Staring. A green wolf? Weird...




7 Years
11-06-2014, 07:02 PM

Just after she would coo, came the sound of a pack wolf. One whose scent was quite entertaining. Of Solstice. They did not know what was coming soon. Or had they caught wind of what was to be in the next wavering moments? The child was obviously cold, and the harlot had given into the child, lying at his side and giving the young boy all of the heat and warmth she could muster. The summer winds were retreating, bringing colder polar winds from the northern lands south. Then the woman became miss Mama Bear. A demand fell from her maw, but the harlot left her a reply of some degree of defiance. Solstice was not a pack of authority over her, ranked or not. "But then who would keep this poor child warm?" In a bit of a teasing motion, she would lean over, nuzzling the frail child and giving him a lick on the back of his small head, but concern lit her amethysts, and licking the child would get his blood to circulate better and warm the infant well enough so that if she would have to fight for him, she could leave his side long enough to.

Then came... spinach? Rotten spinach with cranberry eyes? The hell was this? Alacritia had a rainbow, but a walking salad was too much. It looked like a demon, and those eyes. They bore holes into her skull. The little thing was a tiny being, even smaller than she. For a moment, the harlot had an image of the slate male she knew as Valentine and this demon standing side to side. What a difference. Nearly two feet of it. She felt the glare she was locked into, in the woman's crosshairs. Then came another demand to move. The harlot held back the urges to speak against it, refusal flashing across her features. What children had the tiny demon given birth to that weren't toddling around her paws. The woman certainly didn't seem like she was old enough to be having children, unlike Mama Bear and her sapphire eyes.

There was a bit of a surprising appearance, the silver queen. Her visage was twisted by malice, and a smirk curled her features, nose inhaling the scent of one obvious choice, Mama Bear, or Qanik. Her magenta gems flickered from each person in attendance, from herself, to Qanik, and to Walking Salad, before honey dripped from her bared fangs. Bashed. That word was brutal, as if Mama Bear or this tiny little demon could do too much damage to her. A smirk curled the harlot's visage as italian lyrics would flow. "Ma non vorrei inchinarsi cos? facilmente." Oh, it was refreshing for her language to flow off her inky lips once more. It had been so long since the last time they had filled her cranium with it. And as always, the husband followed.

The infant would press against her, seeking more warmth. His wails had receded, but his dim eyes were alit by terror and fear. Warmth blossomed from her heart, as his small skull pressed against the fur of her chest, and she would reply with a simple lick to his small skull. Kylar seemed also confused by the Walking Salad, but he rumbled, demanding she keep the infant warm, as if that wasn't what she already was doing. If a fight broke out, the harlot didn't want to be left out of it.



8 Years
11-06-2014, 07:30 PM


in defense of the innocent

The other white wolf's defiance didn't make Qanik so much as twitch, blue gray eyes remaining locked with the other woman. She took a step forward, fully intending to simply take the pup and leave, but her motion was stayed by a familiar though still strange form, that of Dione from Imperium. The green woman seemed to be taking her side for the moment and Qanik studied her in silence for a moment, gauging her likelihood to turn on her the moment she was rid of the purple-eyed female, but the point was moot as another female, silvery with coral eyes, looking and smelling very similarly to young Valentine, intruded. A threat oozed smoothly from the woman's mouth, but the elder wolf was unimpressed. She quirked a brow at the woman, though a faint thread of warning trickled through her. The oversized form of a black male stepped up, smelling of the same pack as the silver woman and her white subordinate. Qanik's ears twitch back a moment and the warning turned to suspicion. This felt almost planned, and she was not unaware of her vulnerability. There were three wolves arrayed against her alone, and she did not know where Dione would fall within this but she was certain it would not be with her.

Qanik took a deep breath and released it, keeping her inner tension from translating to her exterior. She kept appearance as relaxed and calm as she could, dignity a cloak enveloping her. There was little outward aggression in her, but she stood with regal readiness. She knew there was much to fear in this, but fear was distant. The whimpering fear of the pup was hear, was now, and she knew she could not abandon the small pup to these wolves. "This pup belong to Solstice," was her calm return, voice gentle though her heart pounded within her chest. She had made her claim clear, spoken it aloud as the others had not - she had a right to it as a representative of her pack. "He will be safe and well cared for - I can feed him and I have young children of my own for him to grow up with and does your pack really want to take on the care of a pup that will be of no use to you for quite a long time, if ever?" Her blue gaze met the coral eyes of the silver woman, only her gaze, and she willed the woman to be logical, to take the proffered way out. Everyone could benefit from this if she was allowed to just take the pup and leave.


cowardice is the only sin


11-06-2014, 09:12 PM

The Solstice beta would not greet or speak to Dione, she knew that alliances shifted quickly on the battlefield. Smart woman. Dione would remain silent after that, regarding the white woman cooly as she gathered the pup into herself and curled around it. A moment later a woman would appear, a familiar face that immediately made the green woman gulp. Aw shit. Her kings mother? This was gonna get bad. The tiny woman would take an instinctive step back, head lowering slightly as she regarded the silver queen. Next came the first male, a hulking and imposing figure. Shit she felt like a midget. Was this Valentine's father? She would side step away, distancing herself from the Solstice woman seeing as Cataleya seemed to have her eye on her. The massive male would instruct the white woman to keep the child warm and cooly Dione would regard him as his head was turned. But then he looked at her. Shit! Busted! Chin tipped down, and she snapped her gaze to the ground. Vaguely she listened to Qanik state her business and damn did she mean business. She laid out a valid argument but at the same time Dione wanted to interject. Why was Solstice a better place then Arcanum or Imperium? No? She was gonna shut up and sit in her corner. Yup. That was the best idea here.

Table by Namaste


11-06-2014, 09:15 PM

The child quivered in fear, so much was happening that he couldn't even comprehend. But her attention wasn't on the child, it was on the woman before. Kylar would come to stand beside her, ushering a soft command the their commoner. It came as no surprise that he had followed her here, he followed he everywhere, always lurking within the shadows. Her little commoner would keep the child warm, spilling some words in another language, but she could assume they were some sort of taunt. Her coral gaze rested on the Solstice wolf, watching as realization dawned on the older woman's features. She knew she was outnumbers, vulnerable, weak. But she had to give the woman some credit as she stood firm, openly declaring the pup as a member of Solstice. Her silver would crown shake back and forth, tsking softly. Did she not know that the Queen of Solstice had rested as a prisoner with her borders? Did she not know that the silver woman had no mercy for what she would do?

"Solstice is hardly in the position to be claiming anything, dear, with their Queen still recovering." Lips twisted into a sneer, her crown lifting above her shoulders. She would take a step forward in an attempt to stand between the two woman and her commoner. Her gaze would flicker back and forth between the tiny green woman and the Solstice wolf."Now, either all of you are coming home with me, or just the kid is." Her gaze would flicker back and forth between the two women. The tiny green woman seemed to have some sense. Her crown would lower and she'd distance herself from the Solstice woman. Smart girl. Though she trusted that Kylar could handle her should she decide to get bold. Her defenses immediately settled into place: her eyes narrowed, ears pinning, hackles raising, her crown lowering to align with her spine, chin tucking against her throat. Shoulders rolled forward, her neck scrunched, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed and her claws dug into the earth. Lastly her tail would align with her spine, straightening to acting as a rudder and her weight distributed evenly across all four limbs.

The prospect of a fight had adrenaline rushing her system, her heart pounding against her chest. But the prospect of claiming yet another Solstice wolf made it all more exciting. Her coral gaze rested easily on the pale woman's face, studying her closely. No one would be going home unscathed today, again she would spill blood, stain the earth with her supremacy. Lips began to curl back into a snarl, ivory daggers dancing in the sunlight. Power rippled across her pelt. She had no use for a pup, nor did she care to acquire one, but there was no way she would allow such a vulnerable life to fall into the waiting arms of Solstice.


"Burn Baby Burn"


11-06-2014, 10:44 PM

She wasn't sure what had brought her here, perhaps it was simply coincidence that she'd chosen to cut through the field on her way back to the north. Whatever had brought her here, whether it was fate or destiny- had certainly remembered to make her day interesting. Her violet eyes widened as she saw a group- and the meeting didn't seem to be pleasant. She inhaled- curiosity lighting her eyes as she realized that she recognized at least two of the wolves present. Queen Cataleya and Qanik- a traitor to Roman. Qanik carried a new scent, but she didn't really recognize it. How interesting. Roman Armada approached carefully- and she realized there was a small bundle on the ground, a child. Was this over the scrap of fur? It seemed a fight would erupt and she was curious to see the victor. She heard the last bit of Cataleya's speech as she approached. She'd halt a careful distance away, her eyes narrowed. "This is cozy." She muttered, as she watched Cataleya with a neutral look. She figured the strangers would assume she a passing wolf just interested in watching a fight, but to Roman it was so much more. She kept her distance respectful- to stay out of the fights.

She had little interest in the bundle on the ground, now she was just eager to see who the victor would be. From the scents she assumed two of the wolves were of Cataleya's pack, and Roman made notes of them and their appearance. The darker male held himself in a dominant position. "Cataleya's king?" She'd inquire softly, her muzzle turning towards him. She hadn't met him in the previous alliance discussion- but perhaps she'd meet him formally if the royals spoke again. And a green wolf loitered. She stared for a moment, amazed at the odd color, before her eyes journeyed back to the silvery queen- and she waited for the battle to commence. Regardless of the who the victor was, seeing Cataleya again reminded Roman that she needed to speak with her soon.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak



8 Years
11-07-2014, 08:02 AM

The silver woman issued her ultimatum, though for a moment she was confused as she, isolated with her children for so long, had been unaware of any problems with Sibelle - though it would certainly explain Crucifix's warning before she left about the pack Arcanum, and there was little doubt in her mind that these wolves were part of that very pack. Inwardly she gave a bit of a wry grin, shaking her head as she considered too late that she should have asked Crucifix for details concerning that pack when she had the chance.

The sight of a familiar form made her breath catch, but the elder could not spare her attention and forcefully pushed it to the back of her mind. Roman. Roman was not her problem right now. The silver woman was. There was the small matter of this... ultimatum.

Her square head raised in show of regal, quiet confidence. "No," she answered simply, calmly, but firmly. "The pup and I will both be returning to Solstice now." Still she did not display outright aggression, though her sturdy body slipped into a balanced stance, ready. She did not want this fight; she was badly outnumbered, and any one of the three were larger than she was, but she had already been a warrior before any of them had been born. Experience, and the very fact that her size and age made it easy to underestimate her, would be her ally. "Do not do something you will regret here. This does not have to end in violence." The gaze she locked upon the silver Arcanum queen was cool, quiet, with a healthy tinge of sadness and, yes, pity, as Qanik made one last effort to convince the queen to end this peacefully. "Just let the pup and I leave and nothing more need come of this."

Round 0 of 3 "


11-07-2014, 01:09 PM

She would ignore the growing crowd behind her, allowing her focus to rest on the one woman who so foolishly defied her. If a final display of resolve, the woman would square her shoulders and lift her head, as if it made a difference. Again she stating that her and orphan would be returning to Solstice. But what was more curious was the soft threat that rolled off the woman's tongue. Something she would regret? A lo bubble of laughter rolled off her tongue. Coral eyes examined her opponents face with faint amusement, taking note of the sadness and pity that filled her cyan gaze. A brow would lift and her crown would tip to the side. "Solstice's Queen could not even defend herself, you honestly believe that they could defend a child?" Amusement riddled her words. Enough chit chat, she was tired of listening to this woman.

Her defenses slide into place, locking down in preparation for battle: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, her crown lowered to align with her spine, chin tucked against her throat. Shoulders rolled forward, her neck scrunched, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed and her claws dug into the earth. Lastly her tail would align with her spine, straightening to acting as a rudder and her weight distributed evenly across all four limbs.

Haunches would lower, hind legs coiling before attempting to launch herself forward, aiming to come at the woman head on. She aimed to close the distance of only a couple of feet in only a few strides. The silver woman however, wouldn't aim to center herself against the pale woman's chest. No, instead she aimed so that her (cat) right shoulder could be aligned with the right side of her opponents chest. Her own right shoulder would jut forward as she aimed to ram the hard bone into the soft spot between her opponents right shoulder and right side of her(qaniks) chest. Her hope was to hit with enough force that she could dislocate the right shoulder of her opponent, or at least cause enough bruising that it would hinder her (qaniks) movements. Using her 6 inch height to her advantage, her silver crown would aim to tip to her right, neck aiming to arch over to her right as she aimed a bite at the woman's right sided face. The fangs of her upper jaw sought to sink into the woman's right eye, while her lower jaw sought to hook fangs into the soft skin of her opponents right cheek. It was of no concern that she was aiming to blind the woman, her goal was to inflict maximum damage, leaving behind scars that would be a daily reminder of this day. Following her attempted bite, her right forepaw would attempt to lift, her weight redistributing onto her remaining three legs though mostly onto her widely spread and bent hind legs, and she would aim to slam it down on her opponents right forepaw, hoping to break toes. Her tail would remain straight and aligned with her spine, ready to act as rudder and to help better balance while splayed toes and claws dug into the ground to keep her upright.


ATTACKS: aiming to ram the point of her right shoulder into the soft spot between qaniks own right shoulder and chest, aiming to sink her top teeth into qaniks right eye, and sink her lower teeth into qaniks right cheek, lifting her right foreleg to slam it down on qaniks right forepaw

DEFENSE: 2nd paragraph

INJURIES: none/pending

OOC- tea and i agreed that cat and qanik are only a couple of feet of apart




8 Years
11-08-2014, 09:49 AM

Again the silver woman made mention of Sibelle, and though Qanik had no more idea what she was talking about now than she'd had moments before, she simply shook her head. "I am not expecting Solstice to protect him," she murmured. "I will." And a ghost of a smile, more sad than happy, touched her muzzle. She did not want to fight this woman. But the time she could have talked her way out of this had passed the moment she'd come upon the pup. Very well.

She settled her stocky body into a fighter's stance that came as naturally to her at this point as breathing. Her sturdy legs squared up, spreading slightly wider than normal and her joints bent slightly, loose and ready to move, to better absorb the impact of motion. Pale toes spread out, increasing surface area, and the dull claws flexed into the dirt for grip. Her weight shifted to be evenly distributed between each limb. Her tail rose to be level with her spine, a dominant position but one that would also provide balance. Her head lowered to be even with her spine as well, pulling towards her chest slightly as her shoulders rolled forward to bunch up her scruff and her chin tucked down somewhat to protect her throat. Pale hackles rose to give the appearance of increased size for the compact warrior and she pinned her thick ears to her head and narrowed her eyes. The adrenaline of having tipped over the point of no return wove a heavy thread of anger through the pity, lighting a fire in Qanik's chest and though her expression remained calm and seemingly serene, she nearly trembled from the force of it. How... dare... she? Did she think Qanik would allow the course and foul trio to take a defenseless, innocent pup to kill or to twist into another one of them? Or did she know and count on Qanik's instincts to protect and manipulate her into a fight for reasons that were lost to the elder? Either way... she would bring the silver queen to regret it.

Then Cataleya charged. From a greater distance her greater weight may have overthrown Qanik if she allowed Cat to strike without moving away, but the shorter distance, she calculated, would not allow her to build the momentum. Swiftly the older wolf curved the front of her body to her left, her head tucking toward her left shoulder to bring the side of her right shoulder forward more prominently, and she braced herself against the impact. Cat's shoulder struck squarely in the center of the side of Qanik's right shoulder, the slightly-built momentum rocking Qanik's weight back onto her hindquarters and concentrating deep muscle bruising on her shoulder where it was impacted. With her head tucked slightly as it was Cat's attempt to grasp her eye failed in its intended target but instead sliced deeply into the scruff of Qanik's neck and held - high on the top and right side right behind her ears, barely missing nicking the thick appendages.

As Cat lifted her paw to attack Qanik countered - her weight already redistributed onto her hindquarters from the blow she swiftly attempted to life her right paw and try to hook it around Cat's sole remaining forepaw contacting the ground, her left, at the ankle with the intention of jerking it out from under the coral-eyed wolf (counter). As she did, she attempted to throw her lesser weight back forward, her already-contacted and bruised right shoulder trying to push against the front right part of Cat's shoulder - nearly the side of the shoulder - in a diagonal shove to Qanik's front right in an attempt to unbalance the larger wolf and combined with the attempted pawswipe potentially even throw her.

Qanik's muzzle moved to point to her right, toward Cat, and a faint rumble of protest was torn from her as the wounds compressed with the movement, but she braced herself for even greater pain and attempted to jerk her head forward out of the grasp (pending damage depending on what Cat does), seeking to bury her fangs deeply among the flesh and cartilage and bone of Cat's right-side ribcage, as far back as she could reach (approximately midway back from the shoulder) and toward the bottom where the bone of ribs turned into cartilage as it prepared to come together at the sternum. She sought to crack and tear the cartilage there where it connected to the ribs, hoping to make breathing and movement too painful to continue the fight.


Round: 1/3

Out Of Character Notes: I added some slightly OOC notes into the post itself but if you're confused about wtf I'm going on about cartilage and ribs and wtf Tealah? here's a picture of a ribcage showing the cartilage in white. It's a human ribcage because apparently it's really hard to find detailed anatomy pictures like that for wolves but it gives some idea of where the cartilage is anyway.


11-09-2014, 03:59 PM

The pale woman remained unmoving as the silver queen charged, successfully colliding with her. However, she did not meet her intended target. Her right shoulder would strike dead center on the flat portion of her opponents pale right shoulder. A moderate bruise would immediately flare across the point of her right shoulder, it would be tender to the touch. Due to her opponents curved stature, her fangs would land on her opponents pale scruff, her top jaw landed high on the woman's scruff, while her lower jaw struck below her opponents right ear. Jaws would attempt to clamp shut, wanting to keep of hold so that she could, in hopes, have control of the woman?s head. As her right foreleg lifted, the woman would strike, reaching out and gripping her planted left foreleg. The silver Queens right forepaw would carry on with its momentum despite losing track of its target, so she would attempt to slam it down on the ground where the white woman?s right forepaw had once been. With hind legs already spread wide and bent deeply, most of her weight sat on hind legs, in this position she would aim to rear up slightly, just enough to hold herself up should her right forepaw not strike the earth, this would also allow her left paw to simultaneously attempt to snap upwards and out of her opponents swipe.

Attempting to maintain her hold on her opponents upper right sided scruff, she would attempt to savagely shake her skull back and forth, hoping to rip the woman?s scruff open. Her hind legs would shuffle several steps to her (Cats) left in an attempt to put them at a ?T? angle. As a result, her opponents fangs would only scrape her side uselessly, not obtaining a grip, fangs slicing flesh as she stepped away a second to late. Hind legs remain widely spread, her left hind leg leg would aim to slide back several inches, her legs bending deep, tail straight to act as a rudder and aligned with her spine, claws gripped the earth, her toes remaining spread as she would attempt to rear up and aimed to force her weight onto her opponents neck, so that the flat front of her chest pressed against her enemies pale right sided neck, she would try to push her opponents skull to her (qaniks) left, hoping to use the curve of her adversaries body against her by attempting to force her pale skull to the ground and topple her pale enemy over.

All the while her defenses remained intact: ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, head level with spine, chin tucked against her throat, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, tail straight and aligned with her spine.


ATTACKS: shaking her head back and forth, leaning her weight onto qaniks neck, pushing qaniks skull to her (qaniks) left in hopes of toppling her over

DEFENSES: 3rd paragraph

INJURIES: moderate bruise to her right shoulder, small lacerations to her right sided rib cage

OOC- confirmed with tea that qanik is only moving her head when trying to bite cats side.




8 Years
11-12-2014, 03:58 PM

Qanik found herself in a bit of a bind - the silver queen's paw did not smash down on hers due to her quick movement but neither did Qanik manage to catch the paw she had aimed for, Cat's awkward hop-skip putting painful weight onto the hold she maintained on Qanik's scruff, and when Qanik lunged her jaws for Cat's side the queen shuffled to the side nearly out of reach. But the lunge and Cat's own attempt to shake her hold on Qanik's scruff tore the grip free, opening moderate gashes a couple inches long where she had been holding. Freed of its confining grip as her own opponent sought to push her skull down, Qanik attempted to spin her own hindquarters to her left, while trying to back at the same time hoping to bring herself face to face with the larger female once more. Cat's weight would crash over Qanik's shoulders, for Qanik's head was still lowered, but with her legs spread evenly she would be able to hold the weight, and there was only minimal bruising across the top of her shoulders from the sudden weight.

Adjusting her stance, Qanik maintained her posture with her legs squared, weight held evenly between all four limbs and joints bent slightly. Her shoulders were rolled forward to bunch up her sore scruff, her tail tucked beneath her to keep it from Cat's reach. Her toes were spread and gripped the earth tightly to help her take the weight on her shoulders, and her back was arched upwards slightly to round it and make the weight and movement easier to bear. Her hackles were still raised, her ears pressed flat and her eyes narrowed despite her position.

The white female attempted to lunge toward Cat, hoping to push the tops of her shoulders against Cat's sternum and shove the queen over backward. As she attempted to push forward she adjusted her weight and tried to pull up her right paw, trying to snake it beneath Cat and curving the paw up against the larger wolf's belly, hoping to tickle the belly in an effort to distract her. Simultaneously she attempted to send her jaws on a similar but more painful mission, aiming to lunge and grip the upper front part of Cat's left hind leg.

Qanik vs Cat for Claim, round 2/3


11-12-2014, 11:46 PM

The battle continued to rage. Her right paw had missed its target, though it didn?t matter, it struck the ground successfully, even if for only a brief moment. Her weight had indeed landed on the woman?s neck, and she would attempt to keep it that way, wanting to continue to force as much of her weight as possible onto her opponents neck as she remained on hind legs. Unfortunately, the woman would rip free of her grasp, leaving behind skin, fur and blood in her mouth. Beneath her, her opponent would pivot, bringing them once again to a head on position. However, they ended up in a peculiar position. The smaller woman was beneath her! Pale shoulders pressed against her silver sternum. Hind legs remained spread wide and bent deeply, her toes splaying and claws dug into the earth to keep her anchored. Her tail was straight and aligned with her spine while her back hunched to keep her balanced. Forelimbs would immediately attempt to wrap around her opponents chest, just behind the woman?s forelegs and shoulders. A moderate bruise immediately flared across her sternum, spanning across her entire chest. But because of her weight and defensive stance, the smaller woman was unable to push her over backwards. The unfamiliar feeling of claws against her belly would cause abdominal muscles to flex, the feeling unpleasant but not enough to deter her. It was the sharp pain of fangs sinking into her hind left leg that caught her attention. Her opponent successfully met her mark, fangs sinking into the upper part of her left thigh, leaving behind moderate puncture wounds that dug into flesh and muscle, missing the artery that lay beneath her skin.

She would strike ruthlessly. Splayed jaws aimed to dig into the woman?s exposed spine. The silver Queen hungrily sought to tip her crown to her left, so that her upper jaws hopefully landed on her adversaries right sided spine, and lower jaws aimed to land on the pale woman?s left sided spine. Jaws aimed for the spot half down the woman?s back, hoping to clamp jaws down and inflict massive pain on the woman. Following her bite, haunches would drop even lower, almost to a sitting position, her goal was to put as much weight as possible on the woman?s head, neck, and shoulders. The silver queen hoped that her hefty weight was enough to strain muscles and force the woman into submission.

All the while defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, tail straight and aligned with her spine, skull level with spine and her chin remained tucked.


ATTACKS: aiming to bite her spine, and basically sit on qanik, wanting to put as much of her weight as possible on her head, neck and shoulders, wrapping her legs around her torso

DEFENSES: 3rd paragraph

INJURIES: moderately bruised sternum, moderate bite wound to her hind left leg




8 Years
11-15-2014, 10:43 PM

Qanik's push against the silver queen did little, Cataleya maintaining her precarious position, but forelegs closed around around Qanik's middle as she lunged forward to bite. Qanik's forward movement prevented Cat's legs from striking right behind her forelegs as intended, instead wrapping around the middle part of Qanik's ribcage as the white wolf slid beneath her in order to reach Cat's leg.

Her defenses remain solidly in place despite her position. Her stance was squared and slightly widened, her joints slightly bent and loose in order to better take the weight of her adversary. Her weight was as balanced as it could be with Cat's weight on her forehand, Qanik's back rounded to bring her hips slightly down to act as counterbalance. Her toes were spread to increase her balance with greater surface area and her claws dug into the earth for greater traction. Her hackles were raised, her shoulders rolled forward and her ears pinned back and eyes narrowed - she was safe from Cat's teeth for now but not her claws.

Qanik did not take the time to savor the moment as her teeth reached flesh. She had no reason to - she did not savor blood and gore and the causing of pain. She did relish the feel of muscle moving beneath her skin, the heightened senses, the adrenaline of the fight, but not the blood. So when her teeth gained a hold she made only a single attempt to jerk her muzzle back toward her chest as she continued to attempt to push forward with her shoulders, not giving much hope to the attempt but still hoping to pull her off-balance, before her teeth let go and she continued her attempted motion in a cross-body movement to try to put her muzzle nearer her left shoulder.

She immediately squirmed beneath Cat, trying to raise her right forepaw in an attempt to hook it around Cat's already-bitten left hind leg above the hock in an attempt to pull it towards her, as she also sought to drop her right shoulder to try to press against the leg and shove against it. This twisted her body so that her spine curved toward her right, exacerbated as she tried to fold her right hindleg to drop her right hip as well, and in the same movement extend both left legs in an attempt to throw more of her weight against Cat's leg where she was seeking to wrap around it.

Pain arced through her as Cat's bite - aimed for her spine - met instead in the very top of Qanik's side at the very end of her left-side ribcage, the angle and Qanik's own downward movement confining the bite to a couple moderately deep and long gashes over the ribs. The pressure as Cat sat back on her haunches pressed Qanik down further, straining the muscles in the right side of her neck right next to her shoulder as her head was pressed further to the left. In an attempt to... discourage the pressure, she tried to open her jaws against the furry underbelly that pressed against her, attempting to snap them shut in the flesh of Cat's lower abdomen midway between the bones of her pelvis with the intention of slicing open skin and muscle to expose what lay beneath.

"Qanik vs Cataleya for Claim
Round 3/3"



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-20-2014, 09:08 PM

Ghosting in, Valentine paused to breath in the chaos before approaching. Too much was happening for the cause of it all to be readily discerned. He knew most of the faces in attendance so it was on them that his focus fell the heaviest. One in particular stood out to him, as he was sure she would in any situation. Dione. His eyes roved over her person, taking her reserved stance. Good. He wasn't sure what all was going down, but it was nice to know he could trust the Dominus not to start shit.

Seating himself a short distance away, Valentine watched the fight unfold. In one corner was Qanik and in the other, his mother. This would be interesting. An unfamiliar all white fae lurked on the outskirts, but after a single assessing glance, he turned away from her, the majority of his attention on the fight. There was a sickly looking child to the side, but no pity touched him; the boy appeared too far gone to waste energy on. He wasn't what this was all about, was he? No matter. The participants of the fight were what captivated him. This would be interesting indeed.

"Speaking" "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.