
The Heort�



7 Years
11-06-2014, 10:25 PM

Post here if you agreed for your pack/wolf to be notified by raven, or if you agree that that happened right now. I want everyone to post here to start so that Natalya can give her welcome and lay out the plan. Once this thread gets moving, I will put up the others for part one, which will include:
-a pup gathering;
-a leader gathering; and
-a hunt for everyone else.

This will be announced when Natalya greets all of the guests, but I wanted to put an OOC notice here - there will be NO FIGHTING at this event! Anyone who starts fights/conflict will be asked to leave, or chased off if they do not comply. I understand that there are pack plots going on that involve animosity, but I request that you leave it at the door for the sake of a fun, happy event on Ala. If you intended on plotting some wolf drama or think that it would be too difficult for your character to keep it in, please contact myself or Lolaf OOC to discuss a solution.

All that said, if you have any questions, let me know! I am VERY excited for this!

Keeping it short and sweet and saving the good stuff for later ;)

It was finally time. Natalya had been planning and envisioning this in her head for many seasons and all of her efforts had come to fruition. Her family and friends had worked hard to help her and she couldn't have been more grateful. She led them to the lake, the nearest neutral ground good for hunting and gathering together, with a skip in her step. She could only hope they were as excited as she was for this day.

She found herself a comfortable place to stand along the lake's edge and called loudly to summon the wolves who were on their way to the event. Poe, proud of the number of guests he had been able to recruit, cawed cheerfully above her. Today, friendships would be made, love would be found, Phoebe would be married. She could only pray to the gods that nothing would ruin this momentary peace for them.

"Talk" "You" Think
Coding by Shelby


11-06-2014, 10:40 PM
The only Arcanum members that have signed up to go are Cat, Kylar, Amarant, Freya and Meinx. Everyone else must stay home and guard the fort.

The call would ring out, catching her attention. The last time she seen the ebony woman had not ben entirely pleasant, but the woman still invited her to this festival. And so she would attend. Her crown would tip back, summoning those who had wished to attend to her spot along the border. She would stand waiting, ears tipped forward. Only Amarant, Freya and Empyrea had expressed interested in attending, and she was dragging Kylar along whether or not he wanted to go. She would wait for them to arrive, not the most intimating bunch with two kids, but they would do. She would pin the three of them with a glare before speaking. "You will all be on your best behavior, got?" Spearing them with a silent threat before turning away and heading towards the source of the woman's call.

The pack had moved to unfamiliar places, but they would all arrive without issue. A smile would lift her ashen lips, her crowning dipping to the ebony woman. "Natalya, how nice to see you again. This is my mate, Kylar. And then Amarant, Freya and Meinx." She would introduce her small entourage, nodding to them each respectively. They would be the first to arrive but the silver Queen moved through the lands with confidence. She would linger for any politely necessities before settling into wait for the rest of the packs. Her gaze was sharp, sense on high alert as she kept the members of her pack close. They were bound to run into an enemy or two, but luckily for them, they would be safe for today.




4 Years
11-06-2014, 10:43 PM

Arian couldn't help but to be excited, it was nice to stop thinking about all the serious stuff for once. Of course this was also a chance for all the isokan members to socialize. They were small, many of them young but they were a family. Same with Natalya, she barely knew the woman, but her time spent in Olympus had been something that she could never forget. She had seen beasts fight, their souls poured out into something great. Something of honor that she only wished she could receive.
She limped towards the ebony woman, happy that she had created her own pack once more for her family. Her tail mildly wagging back and forth. "Natalya it's been a while." she barked as she settled herself in front of her. Scarred face blinking as she looked around. It felt a little awkward to be one of the first guests, she only hoped others would show up soon.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



4 Years
11-07-2014, 07:35 PM
The golden girl perked up at Catalya's call, trotting happily off to join the small group that would be attending. She adopted the suitable stern expression as the silver woman eyed her commanding them to behave. As if she was the one that would start anything. One part of her prayed her aunt would stay home, away from the wrath of the silver queen and another part longed to see the russet woman again.
Freya trotted off silently behind her alpha, glancing from time to time at the black and white boy who had volunteered to go. (Amarant) They slowed as they approached, a black woman a smaller russet man sitting stone faced behind her. Catalya spoke to the woman and Freya nodded as her name was spoken. She shifted from paw to paw unsure if she was do anything.
[Image: wrqQfHn.png]



2 Years
11-07-2014, 08:03 PM
ooc: Any Fehu members that are interested can hop in. I'll have him mention it at the meeting. He will stress showing respect and being on good behavior. :3

Drashiel had been slowly venturing from Fehu's borders to investigate the other packs though so far he'd only visited Regium and Imperium. Isokan had come to his door. When Roman mentioned she'd been invited to a gather being held by a pack named Olympus, Drashiel knew he wanted to go. This would be a chance to scope out the other packs, get a feel for the other leaders, their weaknesses and strengths. This was the perfect chance to gather information and a good time to gather it as well. Fehu had no pups to worry about and they were fairly free to move as the felt.

The call rang out and Drashiel was on his feet, striding confidently to answer. Traveling along the lake edge he finally came to the, thus far, small gathering. Ahh? perhaps he was a bit early. His eyes narrowed slightly as he gazed at the black femme that had called them? he eyes were dark, very dark. A most peculiar color. Isokan's leader was present as well as a silver and black femme that seemed very familiar?.

Drashiel cleared his through and approached the dark femme with the raven. "I am Drashiel Armada. My sister Roman told me of your gathering and I decided to tag along if that is alright with you. I'm the leader, the Linjal, of Fehu. Our pack formed mere weeks ago." He assumed this was why he'd not met with the raven. After all they had moved locations and very few knew Fehu even existed.




8 Years
Chrono I
11-09-2014, 11:21 AM

She would follow her mother here, Helios being with them as well. If any of her other siblings were here as well as anyone from Pantheon, she paid no mind since she was just behind her parents.

She would take seat as Natalya took roll and the other packs were joining them. She would take a moment to eye every member that joined them, but her expression seemed more as if she didn't care. She wouldn't say a word as they spoke, only speaking to Natalya. She didn't see anyone she knew yet but didn't expect to either. The other wolves she knew were the ones captive in Yfir, those that were not invited. She would wait for her mother to give order on what to do next, she was only in for the ride of course.

"Yes darling, be selfish. Is what I intended for you all along."



11-09-2014, 11:29 AM

The boy would hop along after his new queen, letting his sorrows be put aside in order to have fun and be good on this trip. Cataleya would demand for their good behavior and Amarant would reply with a determined face to please her.

"Yes Ma'am!"

He would come not too long after Cataleya approached the queen and the host. Surely, full of excitement, he would take seat a little on edge as a few other's came and took roll. But he could help himself but to wonder, "Where's Ky?" A whispered shout to his step-grandmother. He hoped he wasn't too far behind them, but for all Amarant knew, he could be sitting the opposite side of Cat. He didn't hear as she spoke of the other members, he could barely stay seated!


11-09-2014, 12:11 PM
Any Regium wolves are welcome, but must act with respect. Failure to follow the guidelines that Natalya has laid out- will be met with corporal punishment. (I will edit this into the second post of the meeting- to give an IC alert of it.)

The ivory goddess would move west. Her muscles rippled under her coat, as she moved- the strength in her body undeniable. She'd come a long way, since Athena had found her. A call had rang out for her, and she headed towards a gathering- an invitation she received by raven. She wasn't exactly sure what to expect- though she'd invited her pack- and demanded that everyone would be civil, peaceful even. The scent of the gathered wolves was mixed- and she took a deep breath as she neared them. She recognized only two of the wolves here- and she headed towards the dark she-wolf that seemed to have organized this event. "Greetings. I am Roman Armada, Queen of Regium." She would introduce herself, her posture proud. She would dip her head respectfully, before moving to closer to Drashiel, giving Cataleya a slight nod as she passed. The rest of these wolves were strangers to her, but she was interested in getting to know the other rulers- and influential wolves in this land.


Helios I


9 Years
11-09-2014, 01:57 PM
The man was more than happy to help his wife organize, offering his input where he could but also more than happy to stand back and watch her work. This was her brain child after all and he?d not stand in her way. Still there was excitement in him at the prospect of what could be achieved should Nat?s gathering come to fruition and as the much spoken about festival came together he could hardly contain his own enthusiasm, though he did his best to keep his excitement from showing.
Now as he sat behind Natalya, watching the wolves begin to stream in he once more happily allowed his wife her spot in the lime light, she had brought this together and deserved all the credit. Helios for his part did his best to keep an eye on his daughter while also silently greeting each approaching wolf with a silent, respectful nod. Only once did his fa?ade shift, a tiny smile tugging at his lips at the sight of Arian. It was quickly replaced soon after his expression remaining somewhat stern but not wholly unfriendly.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Oberon I


3 Years
11-09-2014, 02:14 PM

running through the fields i know; join the ranks of the favored few .

Oberon seemed to be one of the few that had not arrived with a pack. He had stumbled across the raven purely by chance, and when it had informed him of a festival, Oberon's interest had been piqued. It had been a long while since he had interacted properly with the packs of Alacritia; since before he had left, at least. The introverted male had never been inclined to wander far from Ludicael until the day that he wandered so far that he didn't come back. And now the lands were vastly different from what they had once been. It was interesting, he thought, to see how much an area could change in such a short while. He wasn't certain that he liked it, but there wasn't much that he could do about it. And perhaps if he gave these strange new packs a chance, he would discover that they contributed positively to the lands around them.

With that in mind, Oberon resolved to view these packs with an open mind. He approached the black woman that the raven had indicated was its companion and inclined his head towards her. His voice, when he spoke, was respectful, despite being rather quiet. "Natalya Olympus, I assume?" Oberon was certain that this was the woman; she was quite distinctive, in her own way. "I am Oberon Illiadis. It is a pleasure to be here." He didn't have much else to say, and so he fell silent, waiting to see what she would say if - if she said anything at all. He was nothing but a stranger, after all. But he was curious about this woman and about her pack as well.



4 Years
11-09-2014, 02:34 PM

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

Elli had decided that it would be best to accompany Roman to this grand festival of sorts. She would follow just behind the regal leader with her eyes full of pride. As she arrived at the event, she looked around for familiar faces and was saddened to learn that she did not recognize a single wolf that was currently present. She dipped her head to the queen f Pantheon who had called the event together before settling towards the back of the gathering. The fact that she only knew Roman had slightly unnerved her. The girl gulped as she sat up a bit taller. As a healer, warrior, and wolf of Regium, she should stand taller. Right? She tried her best to hide her insecurities that were nonexistent when she was on the lands of her own pack.

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-10-2014, 08:55 PM
OOC: All Imperium members are welcome to attend, but must follow the rules laid down by the hosts. Rule breakers will be dealt with swiftly. Valentine will talk more about it in the meeting.

Skirting the lake, Valentine made his way towards the gathering. A peculiar bird had brought word of some kind of festival and, having never been approached by such a creature, the brute had decided to check it out. Some investigating had confirmed the raven's message. Intrigued, he'd decided that such an occasion would be the perfect place to introduce Imperium to the rest of the Alacritian packs.

With a long and languid stride, the fledgling alpha was quick to reach the meeting place. He followed the howl to its source, unsure exactly which wolf had let the summons loose until he noticed the raven flying high overhead one fae in particular. Near her was his mother and Valentine, seizing the opportunity, moved to come up on Cataleya's left while facing the she-wolf she was speaking to. Unsure of the Arcanum's politics, he offered his mother a warm smile and a polite nod but made no further comment. He would let her set the tone of their public relationship.

To the familiar smelling, but nameless black fae, he said, "Hello, ma'am. My name is Valentine, Imperator of Imperium." Olympus. He could be wrong, but her scent reminded him of Arcanum's deceased neighbor. Perhaps she was an old member?

His gaze flicked lazily over those gathered, a few faces jumping out to him. The members of Arcanum of course, were immediately recognized, but others he knew a little less well. The alpha from Fehu, for one, and then, much to his surprise, his younger sister Freya. "Freya," he greeted warmly, before turning his attention to Drashiel. "Linjal Drashiel, it's a pleasure to see you again." Once more Valentine found himself fixating on the young alpha's vividly colored eyes. A pleasure indeed.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



1 Year
11-11-2014, 01:34 AM (This post was last modified: 11-11-2014, 01:35 AM by Alectrona.)

Alectrona was doing much better now after having a good deal of rest and time to herself and with her guardian at the time Rurik. She would quickly make her way to her mother's side and her best to politely greet her mother "Hello mum, good day isn't it?" she let a smile dance across her maw. But then she made her way next to Helios and giggled as she gently brushed up against him "Hello dah" she was far better than she was for the past few days as she sat down next to him and looked at all those who had gathered here. There were a lot of wolves she did not recognize but surely she would get to know them over time while they were all gathered here.

This would be a perfect opportunity to let her mind soak in all the knowledge she could and eventually apply it later when she was older. Today was truly wonderful to Alectrona now that she was feeling better and her mind cleared of any troubling thoughts for now. Alectrona did still feel a little terrible about missing out on any training her mother was having her siblings and cousins do but she would find a way to make up for it sometime soon. But for now it was the Heort? and she planned to enjoy the time given with it and with the rest of the wolves who attended it.




2 Years
11-12-2014, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2014, 06:34 PM by Crucifix.)
Solstice wolves: obey the rules of the festival or face the consequences! Those that will be attending are Sibelle, Cru, Illaria, Orchid and Odette, if any else wish to attend please message me first

The day of the festival would arrive, he had told Sibelle about it the moment he had come home from his meeting with Nat, if the past had taught him anything it was that he and Sibelle needed to talk more, to ensure she was always on the same page with him ? the thought that she decided he wanted nothing more to do with her because he had given her space still made him shudder and he would ask for no such repeats of the past. He had asked her to accompany her there, laying out all the facts and admitting that well Arcanium might be in attendance, Pantheon and all else who attended would not allow any disharmony to ruin the day. He had given her all the facts and left the decision up to her.

He has also given the choice to all other members of his pack, he knew that Orchid and Odette would be in attendance and he had told all to be on their best behavior, they would be going to work on friendships and learn what was happening in the world outside their packs. There was one other member coming, and her presence made him edge and weary, and furiously protective. All the same, he would not deny Illaria the chance to meet other packs and learn a little of the world outside of Solstice. He had sworn her to behave, to stay by a Solstice member at all times and never be out of their sights. She knew that if she disobeyed she would never be given such a chance again.

Walking with his girls they would make their way to the festival and slip in with the crowd, looking out for wolves he knew he would quickly see Natalya, the creator of this event. He herded his family to a point far away from any Arcanium wolves he could see in the growing crowd, and kept a look out for the other Solstice members that would be making their way into attendance.




7 Years

11-13-2014, 01:02 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2014, 01:04 PM by Bass.)

The leader of Abaven seemed to be one of the last packs to show up. He had to go through the wolves and pick and choose who was allowed to go. He wanted Wren, Motif, and Venus to stay at home, but knowing his sister she was bound to show up anyways. He had told Motif that she was needed there, to protect everyone else and to rest. He her a sigh slip from his mouth though, she was bound to do her own thing. Hormones seemed to be raging in Abaven with three females with pups, Bass was glad to have a distraction. Looking back he smiled at those who followed him, pausing at the edge of Pantheon's territory. "Now, no going in and picking a fight with other wolves here. This is a peaceful gathering, and no fighting. Well, unless there are spars, then just don't kill anyone." He teased, although there was no doubt that he was serious. "All rules set my Pantheon for this festival must be met, otherwise there will be strict consequences. It is an honour for another pack to be hosting everyone. I know it was a long walk to get here, and I know you are tired. But put on your happy faces, okay?" And with that he turned around, tipping back his head to let the alpha's know that Abaven was entering their territory. He was nothing if not a gentleman.

Once across the border, it didn't take long to know where everyone was. Familiar scents tickled his nose as he led his pack further in, smiling as he saw some of his fellow leaders. He made sure to pick his way towards Nat first, letting out a friendly bark as he neared. "Thank you for hosting such a wonderful event, and for the invitation as well." He said, stepping forward and placing his damp nose on her left shoulder. He dipped his head, then cleared his throat as he realized that she couldn't see that. "I will be taking my leave now." He said awkwardly. He didn't have much experience with blind wolves, and he was still young. Thankful to exit from his awkwardness, he looked around until he spotted Cataleya. Grinning, he picked his way through the mass of wolves to come to her side. "Biting any tails or stepping on any toes today?" He teased, aiming to lightly bump his left shoulder against her right as he came up to her.

Settling down beside her, he took a seat for a moment, looking around. He saw other wolves that he knew, and a face that he did not expect to see. Doing a double take, his golden gaze rested on Roman. Blinking, he turned to Cat beside him. "Roman is back?" He said, so far behind in politics. Granted it took a long time to wander across Alacrita, and with his wife expecting pups, as well as his sister and one other member, he certainly had his paws full.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
11-13-2014, 01:18 PM

Rhythm would follow easily behind her brother as he led Abaven to the festival, she was eager to observe the goings on. She was 1,000% sure that she didn't want to get into politics, but she knew that this would certainly be some fun. Her brother would swiftly go over his rules, none of them she was sure she would break, and would announce their presence. It wouldn't take long for him to find the rest of the gathering, already many wolves having appeared. Bright blue and purple eyes would take in everyone curiously as she looked to see if she might recognize anyone.
She wouldn't get too much of a view as she kept herself close to Bass, he'd lead her to a dark woman, whose eyes were barely visible upon her features. As Bass said his thanks she too would offer a tiny thanks, but would move aside at Bass's heals. The pale Destruction would pause only a moment before spotting where he wished to be, and with grace the she wolf would follow him.
He'd greet and impressive looking woman, as Rhythm caught up, her form sinking a bit as she tried to make herself invisible. She'd slink to Bass's side as he sat down, wanting to make more observations than actually integrate herself into the crowd. She'd listen to Bass's words as she scanned the wolves around her. None of them looking familiar until he caught the dark form of Valentine. She'd watch him curiously from afar, doing her best to remain unnoticed by everyone.



11-13-2014, 01:28 PM

Cru had told her about the festival and his plans to go. Of course he had mentioned that Arcanum would be in attendance, but she wouldn't let that deter her. She was going. They left their home with Orchid, Odette, much to her annoyance, Illaria. She had not bee keen on the idea of exposing her child to Arcanum, but Cru had caved before she could get a say. With eyes like a hawk, she watched her daughter, nearly threatening a life time of misery is she strayed away from them.

The little group would leave and make it to Pantheon in decide time, crossing the border with ease. Her crown was held high, tail swaying idly behind her. Cru would immediately steer them away from Arcanum, not even bothering to make introduce. With a frown she would fall behind, separating to greet the woman that appeared be the hostess. "Thank you for hosting this event. Though I do believe we have not met. I am Sibelle, Regime of Solstice." She would dip her head, allowing the woman to introduce herself before moving away to sit beside Cru.

Emeral gaze swept the crowd, immediately picking out a few faces that she knew. Roman was in attendance, along with several wolves from Arcanum, including her nephew, Valentine, who seemed to be leading his own set of wolves. Had he taken up a crown since her return home? She would try to catch her half sisters eye and smile in greeting. In a final sweep, she would take note of her niece, Freya, sitting amonst the wolves in Arcanum. Alarm would immediately spread through her, but the girl seemed well, she didn't appear distressed or harmed. Was she willingly part of the pack? She couldn't imagine that Maija would allowed Cataleya to harm any of her children. So rather than causing a scene, she would shoot the small girl a friendly smile. Otherwise the woman sat silently, resisting the urge to drag Illaria between her front paws where she could easily keep track of the girl.

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-13-2014, 05:56 PM

Illaria had fought and dug in her paws to ensure she should go with her family, promising she would get up to all sorts of trouble here at home. She had won the fight, and would get the chance to experience something new in the outside world. She decided to be on her best behaviour, prove that she could do this so that they might take her again next time they went somewhere fun and different. Her little nose was quivering every step they took from Solstice territory, in fact her whole body was quivering from excitement. Her tail was a whirlwind behind her, beating furiously against the air. She mostly kept herself by her mothers paws, but she would often stick her nose to the side and breath in deep, her eyes flicking this way and that to identify the new source of the taste upon the air.

When they reached the lands they headed towards, it was a load of new information, and she twirled herself around her mothers walking paws, first darting beneath her to the left, and then moving again to the right. As Sibelle moved forward to greet some dark wolf she would move through those paws to the front, standing just beneath her mothers head and peering up at the black wolf that stood there. Again, her nose was quivering so furiously it brought a sneeze on, and she giggled softly, before her mother was moving them away again. They sat down besides their father and she twined herself again around Sibelle's paws, lying with her head against the right side of a fore-paw and her body under her mothers head. She stayed their, twitching softly with excitement as her eyes took in everything




7 Years
11-13-2014, 08:38 PM
People can still feel free to join, just wanted to get another Nat post up after the week! Just liquid time you posts to just before her speech, she can meet them afterward.

"Cataleya, I am glad you made it. It is a pleasure to meet you all."

"Arian, congratulations on your new title."

"It is not a problem at all, Drashiel. Welcome."

"Queen Roman, a pleasure."

"Ah, Oberon. The rogue I presume? I'm glad you made it."

"Valentine, welcome to Pantheon."

"Good morning, Alectrona, dear. I am glad to see you feeling well."

"You are most welcome, sir."

"Sibelle, I am glad you finally meet you."

She would respond to each and every wolf in turn, even stopping to give her thanks in return to those who merely followed others. She acknowledged only her direct family beyond words, greeting each daughter and her husband with a kiss as they joined her. More wolves continued to trickle in, even those from her own family, but she felt an adequate number had arrived for her to give her formal welcome to everyone.

"Everyone, thank you for coming to our Heort?. My name is Natalya Olympus and beside me is my husband, Helios. We are the Matriarch and Patriarch of Pantheon." Her tail would flicker only slightly before she continued. "As I'm certain you are all aware, the purpose of this festival is to get to know one another while celebrating the joining of two wolves. Our Delphi, my sister Phoebe, and our Peltast, Conan, will be wed this evening. Before that, there will be great opportunity for everyone to mingle.

Phoebe will oversee games for the children present while the rest of the adults participate in a general gathering and a group hunt. I will meet with the leaders of each of the packs present, as well as any rogue guests, during this time so that we may get to know one another. Following these events, we will return to our pack lands for the wedding and feast, and tomorrow we will have closing gatherings."

She paused, finally finished with the itinerary. What she had to say next was much more serious, but perhaps even more important. "We request that everyone treats this event as a peaceful gathering. Whatever differences you have, please set them aside until you leave our presence. Anyone who fails to follow this request will be dealt with harshly.

Are there any questions?"

"Talk" "You" Think
Coding by Shelby



2 Years
11-15-2014, 05:17 AM

She would follow slightly behind Cataleya, not exactly thrilled with mingling though not despising it either. She would walk at a rather fast pace, eyes hungrily taking in the scenery around her. she had been here before, and everything she witnessed was not completely new. A sigh would roll of her tongue, though as soon as they arrived she stayed standing, not really liking the thought of having so many wolves present. Her crown would shift to each individual, her gaze falling upon Roman. She remembered her from the death match, though Meinx was never truly interested in who she truly was, or well, who she currently is. Her father had died, and though she had grown to despise him, she had also loved him.She would disregard the woman before putting her attention back to Natalya, listening to her lengthy speech.

Image by Luisiana

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.