
Hot Damn, pretty babies!



2 Years
11-07-2014, 05:57 AM

Finding himself in strange company, Crucifix made his way from Solstice to the pack Diane had hailed from. Still without the knowledge of who ruled there and their connection to Arcanium he would do so without worry and a lightness in his step. He would be bringing his strange green friend a present today, the introduction of another strange being, a black panther bathed in hot pink! The pair walked in silence and eventually Crucifix stopped in a territory adjoining Dione's ? he wasn't about to step on Qanik's feet and would steer clear of the new packs until she returned to him with a report on what she had discovered.

Settled in the Souless Forest, near but not too close the borders of Dione's pack, he would raise his head and howl for the little green wolf, he was very interested to see what she thought of the boy he brought with him ? or if she was even interested at all.



11-07-2014, 06:01 AM

His long stride would slow to match the wolf that walked in front of him as they moved across nameless lands and easily forgotten places. He did not know this world, this world of wolves and he would walk in silence as he watched Crucifix navigate them through places he seemed to know. From what he could tell the place they where going was only a few lands over from where this Alpha boy called home, so perhaps it wasn't too long a stretch that he knew the way. Holding back a sigh he resigned himself to the wolfs pace and walked until at last Crucifix came to a stop in a forest and raised his head and howled, calling in the way that wolves did for the green soul to join them.

The panther stretched out his paws, swishing his tail lazily behind him as he waited for the arrival of this being that was promised to be perhaps even stranger then he was, he dearly hoped he would not be disappointed, he hadn't met another that could truly match him for strange appearances, not yet anyway.



11-07-2014, 11:09 AM

The woman had returned home right after she had slithered off to meet the cross marked boy from her last pack, returning to Mercy and Nova with no hesitation. Maybe she should harass Valentine, chuck another bloody squirrel bomb into his den and run but maybe not. Maybe next time she would simply kill the creature and leave it in silent offering outside his den for him to find when it suited him. Grumpy bear-wolf... So that was what she would do, and that's was what she was doing when she heard the howl of the boy she had visited only a short time ago. Head would lift from her incessant sniffing as de tried to find the right prey to gift her King, instead lifting to test the winds. What was this? Crucifix? Aw shit why was he here? That meant she had to be an adult! Alright. It's cool. Deep breaths. Annnd beta face. She would draw in another breath, whiling the stupid smirk from her face before heading towards the sound. She found him beyond the knolls, through the trees and into the place she had originally met Valentine. Her smile was easy, languid. Trying her best to keep her composure as she nodded a greeting to him. "Cru..." Her voice broke off and died as her eyes hit the massive beast accompanying him. It was a cat. A FREAKING CAT! For a moment there was terror, then amazement then sheer awe as her lower jaw unhinged and she took a tentative step forward. He was sleek and black, sexy was the best word to describe him but the absolute best part! HE HAD FREAKING PINK MARKINGS!!! "Oh my god. Oh my god! No way. No freaking way?!? What have you found Cru!! He's magical!!" Her voice would alternate pitches quite frequently, raising and falling as she giggled with excitement, practically wiggling. She wanted to touch it sooo bad! Yup. Beta face gone...


Table by Namaste



2 Years
11-07-2014, 01:44 PM

It was easy to spot the small figure that made a path towards him. She would spot Cru first and his name would fall from her lips. ?Dione? he replied sweetly, waiting for the moment she spotted him ? and he wouldn't be disappointed. His own serious expression would fall away to an un-Alpha like boyish grin ? one couldn't keep a straight expression in the face of such amazement. its a gift? he said, winking at the green nymph before him ? because the being wasn't actually his to 'give up' for safety he decided to add in ?The introduction is anyway, the rest is your drama? he laughed, remembering the silence they had walked in the whole way here and figuring she would have a tough time getting much out of the strange beast beside him.



11-07-2014, 01:56 PM

The silence between wolf and cat would stretch out a few moments later before they would be interrupted with the appearance of the being they sought. He was hoping to find someone that matched or surpassed his unique coat and he was not disappointed. He would stare in wonder at the little green forest spirit that bounded towards them. She was... she was tiny! Unbelievably so for a wolf and her tone was bright and undeniably different. She was unlike anything else he had ever seen before. She bounded towards them and looked first at Cru, but he knew the moment her eyes found his, and the catch of surprise set his own expression twitching upwards into a sly grin. Such expression was uncommon for him and so where the rest of his actions. He crouched lower to the ground to put himself at a more even height to the forest spirit, flicking only one, somewhat exasperated expression to the Alpha boy as he called him 'a gift' before removing him from his mind.

?Hey little Forest Spirit, here to avenge the trees I've ravaged?? he teased, scarcely believing the creature before him could be a solid born-and-breed wolf and not a crazy little forest spirit. If she would just come closer and he could see and touch the solidness of his form then he would have found what he was looking for ? someone that outmatched him in being a unique and one of a kind creature in this world.



11-07-2014, 03:50 PM

She scarcely paid any mind to the boy who had deliver her such a magnificent gift, though when he finally said that it was indeed a gift for her her red gaze would snap to him, shock and awe evident in her features. A gift? For her? "How did you know..." she asked slyly, lifting a law and waving at him as she giggled. "It's exactly what I wanted!" A bigger grin as she turned her attention back to the massive beast before her. So much magical fun! Crucifix would speak again and Dione would lift her paw once again, this time not sparing him a glance and offering him a 'shoo shoo' motion before stepping a bit closer to the massive creature who thankfully took her height into consideration and lowered himself to the ground. Forest spirit? That was not a new one and yet she still found herself playing along. Her eyes would widen, lower jaw unhinging in mock horror. "What did you do to my trees!" She asked in mock horror. But obviously she didn't really care as she took a few more steps forward before seating herself before him and lifting herself up into a 'sitting pretty' pretty positions with paws crossed into her chest. "Can I touch you?" She would ask, her voice barely above a whisper as she stared at him.


Table by Namaste



2 Years
11-07-2014, 04:02 PM

This little green friend was clearly excited, and the Alpha boy had to work to keep in his laughter. She was a pure ball of crazy energy, it was hard not to fall into that when you where around here. He smiled, shaking his head in amusement as the two began a stare off, or whatever it was they where doing. She waved a paw at him and spoke between giggles, and he smiled back at her. ?Call it a hunch?? he offered, more of a statement then a question. However all Dione did now was wave a paw his way again, like she could barely move her attention from what excited her. Well, that clearly went very very well. ?I guess I'll be off then..? he said, to no one in particular, and humming like a job well done he turned and would leave if Dione didn't stop him

- Exit Cru.



11-07-2014, 04:10 PM

Dione and Cru would interact a few moments before before both of them could put the Alpha boy to the back of their minds. No one really noticed or cared when he decided to take his leave, and all the panther did was twitch an ear in his direction, weary as the wolf moved behind him before he was gone. Her full attention was on the little mite who moved a few steps closer to him now. She would put on an expression of mock horror and demand to know what he had done to her trees. He put on an impish smile and moved a lazy paw around on the dirt as he spoke, one claw extended as he dragged it gently against the earth. ?Oh nothing substantial little Spirit, just shaved a bit off here.. and there? he scrapped the claw with more force to highlight his point of 'here and there' before he looked up at her again fully, noticing she had slipped closer to him as he spoke.

There would be something more intimate as she spoke next, sitting before him like a strange little angel, her voice a breathy whisper as she asked of him her request. He stretched himself forward, his lowered head moving closer to her, another smile playing on his lips. ?I have a better proposition. Climb on my back so I can see if you really weigh as little as you seem to?? his eyes glint with amusement, daring her climb onto the back of a beast she little knew, she looked courageous enough.



11-07-2014, 05:51 PM

Just like the massive beast before her she barely noticed the alpha say his farewell and take his leave. She would have to repay him some other time but for now she was fixated, completely and utterly fascinated on this magnificent being before her. He would speak of his damage to the trees, dragging a languid claw through the ground and she would follow with each motion with rapt attention. She would not respond to this comment, simply smirk evilly at him as he turned his attention back to her. He would stretch himself forward slightly, almost nose to nose as she asked him if she could touch him. His counter offer was AMAZING! Mind blowing even, immediately her forepaws would drop to the ground, lower jaw unhinging again. Woah. What? "Yes!" She would exclaim, not even giving it a second thought as she scampered around him to his side. She would hop first, bouncing to allow forepaws to rest on his back before she would lift a hind leg and place it on his bent hind leg, using that as a step stool to push herself up and over the crease of his back. She ended up flopped over, front end on one side and hind end on another. After another few moments of shimmying she would turn so she had her right side on his right side and her left side on his left side and was draped over his back with her head behind his. Yeah. This was magical. She would lean back so her hind legs would drape over his spine and fore paws would press on the flesh behind his shoulder blades. "Oh yeah? This is awesome. I think you need to stay here. You can meet Mr.Red! He's blue!" She would exclaim, giggling softly.


Table by Namaste


11-07-2014, 06:01 PM

To his amusement, her reaction was instantaneous and explosive as she spurted out a yes and in moments her little paws would be scampering about on the earth around him until she was in a position to climb. He would remain still, patient as he waited for her scramble up him, using one of his bent knees as a stair as she made her way onto his much larger frame. He continue to wait until she was fully in position. When she was he would rise slowly, bring himself up without putting himself at an angle, his forward position made that easier, unbending his knees at the same time until he was standing on all four paws. He gave an experimental spring, pushing on his legs lightly to bounce slightly in the air, she truly did weigh nothing.

He would rumble thoughtfully as she spoke, some gibberish about a red blue wolf, but it wasn't that that he latched onto and what brought a sly smile across his mouth. ?Stay... hmm.. I might have an idea there? he mused out-loud, to catch her attention ?In fact, Little Spirit, I have another proposition for you. Hold on tight, and no im not afraid of your claws... I bet that I can throw you off with a few good bucks. If I win, you get to be my slave for a month to do with as I wish... if you win, I'll be your exotic mount, to parade about as you desire...? he dangled the tantalizing offer before her with a sly smile, rolling his eyes upwards even through he couldn't see the creature nestled against the back of his neck.



11-07-2014, 06:33 PM

He was kind and considerate as she scrambled up on his back, remaining completely motionless as she rolled and repositioned along his back. Yup. Amazing. She would stretch hind legs out, toes flexing and wiggling as she giggled softly to herself. Freaking. Magical. And then he moved. But unlike Novaro he would not leap up, instead he would take his time to painstakingly move himself into a standing position, unfolding each and every limb inch by inch as to not displace her from her position. She would shift and schooch, repositioning her weight as needed until he was standing. Shit. He was big. Oh wow that was a long way to fall? She would gaze over his shoulder at the ground even as she spoke. She noticed the twitching of his round ears and she chuckled softly as she reached forward with one dainty paw to touch the velvety softness of his ear. Yup. Magical.

The was when he bounced, tossing her what was probably only an inch off his back but felt like 20 feet in her mind. She would squeak as she flew up then came heavily back down on his back. Immediately she would lower her forequarters down so paws would drape on either side of his neck. Shit that was freaky. She would glance down at the ground once more before gulping and look back up. A moment later he would speak, considering her offer and countering. Ride him? Throw her off? ?How many bucks are we talking? And you mean like stay latched onto you?? She would ask, a bit cautious about this. She didn?t like the idea of being a slave but the idea of getting him to stay? That was what made her consider the idea.


Table by Namaste


11-07-2014, 07:35 PM

He would feel the touch of soft pads against his ear and he would grin, still unable to turn his head to face her, not with her sitting right in the crock of his neck. He twitched his ear again for her, flicking it back and forth like one might when a fly buzzed about its edges. When he gave a light bounce she would actually come off his back and up into the air a short way ? she really did weigh nothing. He was really smiling now, grinning wide and knowing she couldn't see it ? he hoped that she would take him up on his offer, that tiny thing wouldn't stand a chance staying on his back and.. ohh... he could just imagine all the useful ways he could use a little midget like her, there where so many things her small frame allowed in sneaking and trouble making that his own larger bulk did not.

She would sound interested as she asked further about the rules of the challenge, and he paused, considering. ?So long as you don't touch the ground and come off in any way where you have to mount me again ? if you latch onto a tree and drop back down, fail, if you fall to my paws and you touch the ground ? fail. In saying that, if you fall to my paws and somehow keep all paws and tails from touching the ground, that's a win too? he would say, he had to take in account she may bounce off and still make it back on to him, so he couldn't say constant contact and no touching the ground. ?As for bucks, lets say five with a few movements of my feet but no real running or twisting? he allowed, he was certain he could see her flying by use of his hind paws and backs ? and win the use off her for a month.



11-11-2014, 10:00 PM

His ear would twitch and quiver beneath her exploratory touch and she would chuckle softly as she watched the rounded appendage move. So much strange? She wasn?t sure if he was actually enjoying this or simply enjoying screwing with her. She would take careful not of his rules, considering them herself as she shifted her weight and considered her grip. Could she do this? Five bucks with minimal twisting. She wanted to say yes but was it worth the risk of having to leave Mercy and Novaro for a month? She would wait, again shifting and considering before a sigh would slip from her lips. God damn it. Yeah she had to risk it. IT WAS A PINK PANTHER! ?Okay? But if you twist or run more then two steps or try and do anything other then buck then I win!? She would say hesitantly. Okay. Don?t fall off.. That was the main goal. Again she would shift, moving closer so her forepaws wrapped around his neck, claws flexing to try and dig into the lower edge of his collarbone. Haunches would curl beneath her, balancing on either side of his spine on his upper rib cage to help her absorb some of the shock. She drew in a deep breath before uttering one work. ?Ready?? Jaws would remain open, poised over the back of his neck. She would attempt to latch onto the back of his neck as soon as he began bucking. She would dangle from his neck like a necklace if she had to?


Table by Namaste


11-12-2014, 03:00 AM

Arrogant in his confidence the large cat gave a soft chuckle beneath his breath and stretched out one paw delicately before him, pawing gently at the ground and leaving a soft indenture in the earth, showing showing every bit the confident figure. ?Deal, little Spirit, no more then one or two steps at a time, no stunts but bucking? he agreed, easily agreeing to the rules she set down. Alabaster already tasted victory and already he considered what trouble he and his new Little Spirit could get up to. As he settled his weight in his back hunches, his forepaws light before him, barely on the ground, and waited, he felt the soft dig of her claws into his coat and the pull of his fur as she settled and prepared herself. He figured he could afford the generosity of ensuring she was fully ready. The moment the girl was ready he threw his weight forward and thrust his back in the air in a fluid moment, flicking his hind paws in the air behind him before settling again. His front paws shifted a step as he came down to rebalance himself, keeping him in the allotted two steps.

For the second time he bucked again, kicking out his back paws, this time as he came down he bucked his middle and shoulders in a flick before settling again. Two bucks where down, three more to go. His third buck was more furious, a good kick outwards, snapping his paws out before he came down again, and again he needed two steps to righten, forcing himself to settle for only two and pausing a moment after to ensure he wouldn't stumble. His last two bucks he did together succession, shove his butt in the air, kick-out, land, shove and settle. He danced on his paws, balancing precariously a moment to sure he took no more then two steps. He shivered then, flicking his fur gently and feeling for the Little Spirit.



11-17-2014, 02:05 AM

Tiny demon thought that she was both physically and mentally prepared for this, barely hearing his words as she positioned herself and hunkered down for the ride. He would agree to her terms and instantly he would begin bucking. It caught her off guard, the first one flinging her up a bit, body lifting with the motion but paws staying attached to his body. She would come flying back down and immediatly jaws would attempt to clamp around his scruff. She wasn't looking to grab hold of loose skin, no, she wanted to wrap her teeth around muscle and flesh, something solid and unmovable. She didn't want to inflict damage and by getting tossed around but she was more interested in winning this bet then keeping him in one peace. The next two bucks came easily, she clung on like a tick.

His fourth and fifth bucks came quickly and as his haunches were tossed up on the fifth buck she felt herself slide. Tiny body began slipping to the left, right pass scrambling at his body in an attempt to right hersel but gravity pulled his body and here down. Immediatly she would tuck her tail between her legs, fore and hind paws tucking in as if to hug her massive tail. He would land and she would drop, neck staining painfully to support her free handing weight from her grip on his neck. But she wouldn't wait, as soon as he stilled she would release her grip, not wanting to further whatever damage she had already done. Her butt would hit the ground and she would remain curled up, holding her tail as she rolled onto her back and stared at the sky, eyes wide as breath came and gasps. She didn't speak, couldn't find her voice just yet. Unlike when she had rode Novaro this had been pure fear and adrenaline, no happy 'I wanna do that again' moment. Nope. She was good on the ground for a bit.


Table by Namaste


11-19-2014, 02:59 AM

The insistent, sharp pain in the back of his neck would make itself further known as he calmed down from his bucking and made note of the smaller girls positioning. She had lost her balance but had clung to his coat, ripping a light tear in his skin that bleed lightly from her sharp teeth before she dropped herself to the earth. Since he had settled as his bucks had not thrown her, she had won the bet. He twitched out his coat now that she was not on his back and moved his shoulder muscles as he thought about his current predicament. He had not thought she would cling on to him so fiercely, it seemed she did not want to be his little helper at all, no, instead he would be hers.

He looked down at the little form curled about herself on the ground, appraising her form as she hugged her tail, curled in on herself as through she never planned to move again. He moved to her side and gently nuzzled her side. ?And what does my little Mistress command of me now?? he teased, not quite willing to coddle her but impressed with the power of will that kept her in place. Well, the outcome it seemed would be her control of him for a month ? it would perhaps he interesting to see what use she made of him.



11-19-2014, 01:52 PM
She would cling to her tail in the way a small child might cling to a beloved toy, seeking solace and comfort in it's presence as she took a moment to stare wide eyed at the sky. For a short time she didn't realize she had clung on for all five bucks, just knew that she had only hung onto his neck until he had settled before releasing him. She had not wanted to cling to his neck for more bucks and risk either damaging his neck further or hurting her own neck by suspending her own weight along tiny muscles. She would snap from her trance as he pressed his large flat nose into her. Slowly limbs would unwind from their death grip on her own tail before rolling onto her side and looking at him through wide eyes. His words would register and she would blink, looking up at him. She had won? She had won! A grin split across her features and slowly she lifted herself to her paws and shook herself. "First I need you name. I am Dione Lydia. Second we need to hunt bunnies. They must be caught and hurt but not killed. Then we need to go throw bunny bombs at Val..." Her grin would turn devious as she eyed the panther. Would he agree? Was he a man of his word? God she was excited! Valentine would freak!

"Talk here."