
Make Me Blush



3 Years
11-07-2014, 04:05 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2014, 04:05 PM by Freyja.)

Winter would be upon them all soon. The thought was a dreary one, and one that had set Freyja into a pattern of nigh-frantic activity for the past several days. She dug her den a bit deeper, collected a fair bit of moss for padding and insulation. She gathered her own small set of herbs, very basic things like chamomile and feverfew, to set aside just in case. Sickness tended to be a much more dangerous thing in packs, and she was not looking forward to it. Despite all of this, however, she was beginning to feel out of shape. It had been so long since the golden femme had had to locate a mountain pass, scale an incline, ford a river. She was losing that hard edge of muscle, that keen mind. This simply would not do. So she was on the look out for older members of her congregation. Katja perhaps, though if she were being honest, she hoped to run into the woman called Daegmar. She had been impressed during the hunt, and had already proved herself more than worthy in their leader's eyes. Freyja wanted to test her mettle, see what she was worth.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
11-09-2014, 10:55 AM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar was hard at work, tracking the movements of the elk that roamed the valley as well as those of the bison. The nip of winter was in the air but it only filled her with excitement. Winter was the season of the wolf as well as her birth season and the dark-colored femme was more than ready for its return. Snow also made for interesting hunting conditions, often favoring wolves as long as the prey didn't fall to scarce or move out of the area. It also made a lot of noise and now that they had a healer D?gmar decided she might even be willing to let the blind wolf participate in the take down of prey.

Pausing briefly she shook out her coat, it was growing in long and surprisingly luxurious for a warrior such as herself. Trotting back to the dens she ran across Freyja. The lovely woman seemed to be limbering up. Oh? training? D?gmar grinned. She needed to unleash some of the tension she felt. It'd been coiling up in her all autumn long. "Looking to train Freyja?" D?gmar began to stretch, rolling her shoulders lazily forward and back. "I'll be honest, I could really use a brawl right now and as I've secured a healer there's no need to worry about that pretty visage of yours getting to badly shredded, mm?" The emerald-eyed woman chuckled as she faced off against Freyja, moving to stand directly across from her to make it clear that this spar was not an option.

Mottled crown descended as her skull aligned with her spine quickly followed by her tail. Emerald eyes narrowed hungrily at her target as her ears pinned tightly against her head. Ebony limbs spread evenly apart, equally distributing her weight among them. D?gmar's legs bent, muscles coiling as she lowered her center of gravity. Abdomen tensed as her snow-bitten toes splayed against the humming earth, claws biting into the soil. Lithe shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back as fur and flesh rolled over her vitals. Hackles rose, lacing down her back like thorns as her chin tucked, hungry jaws parting in a snarl.

Steely limbs uncoiled launching her toward Freyja. D?gmar's body shifted to her own right as she attempted to approach Freyja at a 20? angle. Limbs lowered further as her head twisted to her own right forming a diagonal as her maw hoped to latch around Freyja's left forelimb right in the center between the elbow and wrist, with her lower jaw seeking to collide with the front of the foreleg and her upper jaw against the back. D?gmar hoped to gain a crushing grip. The bones of the forelimbs were thinner and weaker and she sought to crush them in her jaws, to cripple her opponent and put the healer's skills to the test.

As she moved her weight shifted evenly to her back legs and right forelimb as she raised her left forepaw off the ground seeking to slam it down on the toes of Freyja's left forepaw with the intent of breaking the toes of the pallid queen.

D?gmar vs Freyja

For Spar

Round: 1 of ?

ooc: Here we go! <3 Please let me know if you want the violence toned back. D?gmar is inherently a vicious fighter but she will tone it back to match Freyja's.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



3 Years
11-10-2014, 10:52 AM (This post was last modified: 11-10-2014, 12:36 PM by Freyja.)

Daegmar would appear like a wraith; quiet, graceful and malicious. As soon as she would speak Freyja turned to catch her gaze and found a fire there awaiting her. Slowly, she would smile and turn to square their forms as she absorbed the dark woman's words. "Daegmar," she gave by way of polite greeting. "Just the woman I was looking for." Words would be shared, mention of a healer and all that nonsense which the golden empress couldn't care less about. What was there to life beyond the sweet manipulation of sinew, of grasping jaws and strained muscles. Freyja let her long forelimbs slide out before her, spine curving into a stretch as her body elongated, each muscle unfurling. "Hmm," she purred as she rose, "Sounds good to me." She rolled her shoulders once more, and took a step back.

Each limb was laid carefully against the ground, each toe flexing to bury her claws in the earth below. Her spine would align with muzzle and tail as she gently lowered her weight, finding the sweet spot that was her center of gravity. Each limb was poised, tightened, eager to respond. Her ears would pin and her eyes narrow, small precautions but worthy of her attention nonetheless. Slowly she would allow her tail to sweep from side to side, shifting her weight ever so minutely, waiting for a charge. Jaws would loosen, part, eager to latch on to the first bit of flesh proffered to the golden demon. Abdominal muscles tightened, bracing...

And then Daegmar was on her. With a euphoric snarl Freyja lunges forward, throwing forth her left shoulder to meet the oncoming assault, hoping that sensitive snout colliding with hard muscle would prove to daze her opponent. A reckless action and she knows it, proved true by the searing pain that lances from her sternum across the meat of her shoulder, tapering off just before her elbow as Daegmar's fangs find a different purchase, yet rend her skin all the same. It is a substantial wound, but the pain only serves to excite her. Freyja's forward movement has displaced her limbs from their origin, now resting with left forelimb between Daegmar's front paws and her right forelimb resting between Daegmar's left limb and empty space. In her haste the woman does not notice any attempt was made to crush her delicate paw.

Now she sees her opponents scruff laid out before her, below and to the left of her own grasping jaws. Freyja cranes her neck to the left, shifting her body as she does so. Hind limbs will pivot a step to the right, orbiting her front, moving away from Daegmar's dangerous fangs. Jaws will dart downwards, attempting to seize the mottled scruff just below the woman's ears, hoping to gain a suffocating grip. She shifts her weight ever so slightly to the left, ignoring the pain that sears through her shoulder. The golden woman flings her right forelimb up in hopes to find purchase below the woman's shoulders, to hold her, to cast her own weight upon Daegmar's own limbs.

"Talk" "You" Think

FREYJA vs. D?gmar for

ROUND 1 of 2

ATTACKS: Attempt to grab D?gmar's scruff below the ears, hold and suffocate. Attempt to gain upwards position by half-mounting her.

DEFENSES: Limbs re-positioned, claws dug in, spine aligned, weight lowered, limbs tightened, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tail sweeping for balance, weight shifting for balance, jaws parted.

INJURIES: Moderate gash on her shoulder from sternum to elbow.

NOTES: Good luck Luns! <3



5 Years
11-25-2014, 05:21 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

As Dægmar charges so does Freyja, the golden femme realigning them so that they are facing across from each other.*  Regardless Dægmar's head and upper body still lower, her emerald eyes intent on Freyja's left forelimb, this downward motion causes Freyja's thrown shoulder to miss and instead strike the air above Dægmar's head.  However, Freyja's charge caused the pair to collide before Dægmar was low enough to meet her intended target.  Instead her lower fangs dig into the flesh of Freyja's sternum her upper one's near the shoulder.  Dægmar's own momentum continues to push her forward, her body shifting slightly to her own right to avoid a direct collision.  This causes her fangs to drag across flesh, tappering off just before Freyja's left elbow and causing her to fail in obtaining a grip.  Her raised left forepaw collides with the dirt rather than it's intended target.  However, Dægmar isn't put off, will all four limbs under her she aims to continue her assault.

Center of gravity remains low, Dægmar's head and tail align, her limbs bent and limber, weight distributed evenly across all four limbs. Ears remained pinned to her head and hackles raised.  Shoulders rolled forward and neck scrunched back as she coiled to spring again.  Her eyes narrowed and focused on her new target.  Toes spread, claws digging into earth as she launches forward, attempting to push herself to the outside of Freyja's left side, her movement aided by the fact that Freyja's body is shifting right [freyja's], almost as if she's inviting Dægmar to push past.  The dark femme's upper body curves to the left, her body forming an arc as her eyes focus on Freyja's left hind leg, upper body seeking to mirror those rotating hips.

As Dægmar moves she feels fangs cut into top of her left shoulder blade but due to her forward momentum and the bony surface the jaws do not gain hold and instead cause moderate lacerations 3 inches long, spilling her blood freely.  It's then she feels a paw land on her back directly behind her left shoulder blade, but due to her larger size, right ward shift to try and push past Freyja, as well as her body's arcing movement the paw rolls down her left side without pinning her to the ground, though the impact will leave light bruising.

Pain from her shoulder blossoms in her head but she will not stop.  Fangs part as Dægmar's head tips to her own right, jasw parting in an attempt to seize the metatarsals (bridge of the foot) of Freyja's left hind limb right in the center.  Upper jaw aims to land across the back of the limb and lower jaw aiming to be placed across the front.  Her goal is to gain a crushing grip, hoping to tear flesh and perhaps fracture a few of the little bones.  Ultimately she hopes to injure the limb enough that Freyja will not be able to put her weight on it.  In addition to her bite the top of Dægmar's left shoulder thrusts forward and up, aiming to collide with the left portion of Freyja's luscious underbelly, midway between the bottom of the rib cage and the left thigh.  Her goal is a simple one, to cause bruising, pain and perhaps nausea.  Weight shifts to her back legs and right foreleg.  Her left forelimb already raising for the shoulder thrust, immediately after she intends to bring her left forepaw down on Freyja's left hindpaw, seeking to bruise the appendage and strain the toes.  

Dægmar vs Freyja

For Spar

Round: 2 of 2


ooc:  * -confirmed with Fox that Freyja adjusted so they were directly facing each other, also that Dægmar did not achieve a grip
I kind of just pushed right on through so if something is confusing feel free to skype me.  I can see the motion in my head but struggled getting it into words.  xD

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]




3 Years
11-28-2014, 08:15 PM

The heat of battle was driving her mad. Freyja's mind was alive with it's seduction, the way it made her body crave more and more. She could not be sated. Even as Daegmar moved to react, she could not fear the impending pain, the bruising or the blood which might come as a result. In truth, she yearned for it. Her attacks fall short, but she is not dissuaded in the least. She could not mount the larger woman, and damn her genetics for all of that, nor would she gain hold of her scruff. Even so, she tasted the tangy blood of her adversary and it only made her thirst for more.

Pain lanced upwards from her left hind limb as Daegmar's jaws closed around it, just below the hock. Weight well-balanced on her remaining three limbs, Freyja felt safe in hurriedly drawing it backwards. Once again, an action taken with foolish abandon would serve her poorly, but it would beat crushed bones any day. The dark woman's fangs would dig deep into her skin, more severely on the hind side where the majority of the pressure was dealt. It would begin to bleed profusely and Freyja adjusted her stance accordingly, allowing her hind right leg to take on more strain, just as her forelimbs tensed to provide the same support. With a growl, Freyja drew the hind left leg back for an instant only, before thrusting it forward in the hopes of finding contact with the center-mass of Daegmar's skull, be it nose, snout, or squarely between her eyes.

Freyja knew she would have to be careful with her stance from there on out, made unstable from her now-bum leg. Her eyes remained narrowed and her ears pinned, this had not changed. She forced her abdominal muscles to tense, along with her thighs and shoulders, should her remaining limbs require any swift evasive maneuvers. Each claw dug into the earth for a secure purchase, and her tail aligned with her curving spine, all in the name of balance. Her chin tucked inwards, head lowered and wary of any hind legs that might lash out.

A mere breath had passed and in the midst of trying to intuit what Daegmar's next move might be, Freyja noticed the woman begin to shift. From her down-facing position Freyja caught sight of the lifted paw at the very edge of her vision. Her muscles may have been tensed but that would not be enough. Perhaps if her hind left leg had not been injured she might have side stepped away but as it stood she was fairly handicapped by her wound. Freyja grunted at the brunt of the impact as Daegmar's shoulder blade found purchase three quarters of the way down her flank, catching the tail end of her rib cage. Pain bloomed from the attack's epicenter and she knew it would cause severe bruising, and her stomach roiled. She swallowed against a wave of bile that threatened to overcome her will.

Freyja lacked the length to offer a shoulder in retaliation, but her skull was not out of the question, risking the strain, she pushed forward on her remaining leg, placing most of the driving force with her front paws, and drove her skull forwards and up. She hoped the blow would catch the larger woman in her undercarriage, behind her ribs but not so far back as to be between the legs. It was a long shot perhaps, circumstance would have to align, but she could hope. A well placed blow would certainly cause a bit of havoc, right? Freyja couldn't guess the specifics, but she supposed time would tell. Perhaps she congratulated herself too soon, because just as a smile began to curve around the lingering pain of her last attack, weight crashed down on the toes of the already wounded limb and she snarled, feeling at least one toe snap. Daegmar was good, she'd give her that, but Freyja hoped to have done some damage of her own.
"Talk" "You" Think

FREYJA vs. Daegmar for SPAR
ROUND 2 of 2

ATTACKS: Knee seeking to bash Daeg's muzzle, head thrust upwards into underbelly.
DEFENSES: Re-Balanced weight, legs tense, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tense abdominal muscles, tensed thighs and shoulders, claws dug in for grip, tail aligned, chin tucked.
INJURIES: Moderate gash on sternum, severe lacerations on hind left ankle, severe bruising on left flank.
NOTES: Thanks for a good fight, Lunar!

The Judge


01-10-2015, 05:19 PM


Round 1

10 for clarity: All clear
9  for powerplaying.  -1 'Steely limbs uncoiled launching her toward Freyja' – you need to attempt all movement towards your opponent  
10 for defenses.  +1 for each seen
7 for attack. +4 for grip attempt +1 maim attempt, +1 paw slam +1 maim attempt
10 for injuries.First round

Daegmar's round one total: 46/50

7 for clarity:  -1 'Freyja cranes her neck to the left' Whose left? 'Hind limbs will pivot a step to the right' Whose right? -1 '...shifting her body as she does so' How exactly is she shifting? To her left? Her right? Just one paw? Her whole body?  -1 'Jaws will dart downwards, attempting to seize the mottled scruff just below the woman's ears' How is she trying to position her jaws? -1 What kind of grip does Daegmar get? Is it a solid grip or a glancing blow?
8 for powerplaying. -2 'Freyja lunges forward, throwing forth her left shoulder to meet the oncoming assault...'  Daegmar is aiming for Freyja's left foreleg, so how does her bite land on Freyja's shoulder without Freyja moving in some way?
6 for defenses. +1 for each seen -1 for not redistributing weight after lifting right forepaw. 0 for limbs repositioned (how are they positioned? Are they placed squarely beneath her?), 0 for limbs tightened (I consulted another judge on this and we agree this doesn't count as a defense), 0 for tail sweeping (given the circumstances I can't see her benefiting from it) 0 weight shifting for balance
5 for attack. +4 for grip/bite attempt, +1 for grip attempt with foreleg
10 for injuries. First round

Freyja's round one total: 35/50

Round 2

10 for clarity: All clear
10 for powerplaying. None seen
9 for defenses. +1 for each seen, -1 for weight not redistributed after raising the left forepaw
8 for attack. +4 for grip/bite attempt +1 for maim attempt, +2 shoulder slam, +1 paw stomp

7 for injuries. -1 for light bruising, -2 for moderate lacerations

Daegmar's round two total: 44/50

6 for clarity:   -2 In your notes you say Freyja is trying to knee Daegmar in the face but in your post there is no mention of what body part she's attacking with. At first glance I assumed it was a kick. -1 ' the hopes of finding contact with the center-mass of Daegmar's skull, be it nose, snout, or squarely between her eyes' You need to pick a specific target. -1 'she pushed forward on her remaining leg' Which leg?  
8 for powerplaying. -2 'Freyja felt safe in hurriedly drawing it backwards' Breaking free from a grip needs to be attempted
7 for defenses.  +1 for each seen
3 for attack. +1 for kneeing, +2 for the headbutt...thing
2 for injuries.  -3 Severe bite wound, -2 severe bruising, -3 fractured toe(s)

Freyja's round two total: 26/50


Daegmar: 90/100

Freyja: 61/100

And the winner is...

DAEGMAR! Freyja must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Daegmar: Light bruising – 3 OOC days to heal,  moderate lacerations – 1 OOC week to heal

Freyja:  Severe bite wound – 3 OOC weeks to heal, severe bruising – 2 OOC weeks to heal, fractured toe(s) – 4 OOC weeks to heal


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Lunar:

Nothing to note, very good fight!! You're very clear in your writing and I, quite frankly, am jealous.

For Fox:

Be specific about everything! Even if it's obvious what body part is being moved and where, for judging purposes you need to list left/right/front/back and the like every time. As a judge I can't assume anything. For your defenses think about what your wolf would benefit most from in that moment and then try to list as many as you can. You may only get points for ten of them but listing a couple extra is a good idea if you're trying out new defenses in case some don't work out.

- By [Lazuli]