
A Thousand Miles from Comfort



2 Years
11-07-2014, 05:04 PM

Astrid dug into the half-frozen sand, hissing against the cold. It bit at her paws, burrowed into them, latched onto her bones... Vibrant eyes narrowed. She needed those gods-be-damned clam shells and that would be the end of the matter. Complaining would not deliver them unto her, so she might as well just suck it up. Her claws scraped against something larger and she fished it up and out of the freezing muck. Several down, several more to go, she thought with an acidic tone. The pale girl tossed the clam onto her growing pile. Much longer and she'd have to call off, warm herself. Frostbite was nothing she wanted to contend with, mostly because she did not have any poultice recipes to combat it. Still, she was planning on wintering near by, and the shells made excellent water dishes to rehydrate her gatherings... Not to mention she rather enjoyed the taste of the meat hiding within inside. She would retrieve two more of the shelled beasties before deciding enough was enough.

It took some time to ferry the mollusks from her dig site, up and over the dunes, to the rocky outcrop she had decided to call her home for the time being. Perhaps when the winter turned truly nasty she might move in a more southern direction, but that was a thought train for another time. For now she saw the mouth of her quarters and smiled. It was a small crack in the rockface, created by two colliding slabs, which opened up to a wider space within. She'd been able to dig down a bit, and all things considered it was beginning to grow on her. The young alchemist set herself down before the mouth and began fishing around for something to pry open the stubborn shells.

"Talk" "You" Think