
The woman stay well the men go out to play

Motif I


4 Years
11-13-2014, 06:20 PM

Bass had left for a festival held in another wolves lands, it left the pregnant moody she wolves behind in Abaven, as well as anyone else who wished to remain. She had wanted to go, especially knowing that both Bass and Rhythm would be there left her feeling agitated and worried for them. She could not however, Bass had told her to stay behind, that she needed to stay in Abaven and look after everyone, to look after Bass's pregnant mate. How could Motif say no to that? No doubt he was manipulating her in his own worry and need to keep her safe, but that didn't matter, the words where still there and she could not betray them. She had told Bass in turn that he and Rhythm needed to look out for each other, that if either came back damaged she would kill them both herself.

She watched them go, rooting herself to the ground and forcing her body not to follow after. She waited until the party was out of sight before going in search of Wren. She moved to Bass's den, groaning at the elevated rock before forcing herself to scramble up it. She panted a moment before letting off a soft wuff outside the den to see if she was inside.




11-15-2014, 08:33 PM

Just when Wren had found out she was pregnant, Bass had left to go to the festival. Damn, she missed him. She wanted all his cuddles. It was so lonely to be there, all alone, without him. Like some pup deserted way in the forest. The thought made her want to roll about and scream. But today, she was curled up in their den, taking a little nap and snoozing away. Dreaming about---food? Food! That's what she wanted. Food. Maybe a big meaty leg of something. The pregnant dame rolled over and buried her face into her curled body, tail lying gently over her face as she breathed in her own aroma. When suddenly, a light yap reached her ears. Wren instantly raised her head, ears pricking and eyes fluttering open.
"The hell..." Her toes gripped at the soft den floor, before she shifted upward and squeezed her way out of the den. It took her a while to even realize that Motif was standing upon the roof, looking as if she was expecting her or maybe even Bass. No...not Bass. She obviously knew he was gone. After all, she was the queen. Wren sighed and moved around the side of the den until she could get a proper view of Motif. Then, she played on a weak smile, and managed to hum a few words. "Ah, Motif. Nice to see you here." The dame sat back and looked up at the chocolate girl simply. "How are you?"

Motif I


4 Years
11-15-2014, 09:43 PM

Bass's mate was perhaps a month behind Motif, not that she had taken much opportunity to note this herself but she had some vague idea of the time frame and that Wren had not gotten pregnant till after Motif had returned. Poor Abaven, with so many wolves out of commission she couldn't help but feel bad ? not that it was her fault, and besides she wasn't given her duties a rest until the day she couldn't rise or exploded. Her thoughts where on Abaven when Bass's mate shuffled to the exit of the den. The Queen couldn't help but smile to see the other in her condition ? not that she would have wished this hell upon anyone, it was still nice to see someone else who must feel as terrible and weak ass she did.

Wren would take a seat on the earth before Motif and her eyes would settle on Motif's golden eyes, as the Destruction looked back into Wren's green orbs. ?I'm fat and achy and feel wrong in my skin? she said simply, but with a wicked smile to tell the other she wasn't speaking harshly. ?But I imagine you feel much the same way?




11-15-2014, 10:07 PM

Now, staring at Motif, Wren really did wonder who those puppies belonged to. Maybe Motif had some secret man out there---hah. No, a queen wouldn't do that. But now that the question was up...she felt like she really needed an answer. She wouldn't ask Motif, that'd be really nosy. Maybe she'd find out when she gave birth? When she saw how the puppies looked? Wren drew her ears back and blinked, shaking her head and clearing her thoughts as Motif realized she had come out. "I'm fat and achy and feel wrong in my skin," She assumed she felt the same. And she was absolutely correct. Wren leaned back and returned that silly grin, tail patting gently at the earth. "Absolutely,"
The dame huffed and stood up, but instantly fell back on her rump. She thought she'd be able to climb all the way up beside Motif---but really, that's the last thing she wanted to do right now. A groan left her lips, and with a light pat of her tail, Wren invited the woman down beside her. "It's sleep, eat, sleep, take a piss, sleep, and repeat. Every single day." It was nice to have someone else who felt her pain. She didn't feel so alone and isolated. And just like Motif, of course, she didn't like to see others in such a state. But it was comforting. "These pups...better be grateful that I'm going through all of this for them. They'll find their little asses beaten if they think my misery is funny."

Motif I


4 Years
11-16-2014, 08:47 PM

Motif would see instantly that before her was a kindred spirit. She had begun to think something was wrong with her in how much this pregnancy effected her moods, her thoughts and lately her every waking or sleeping hour. She felt constantly sick and she felt she was getting whiplash from the constant change of her moods. Wren would confirm some of this in agreeing with Motif's words, telling the queen she was correct. Wren didn't seem to want to fully exit the den and move the few steps to Motif's side, which the girl could fully understand. She wondered if perhaps they would be more comfortable relocating the few steps into Wren's den but didn't say so, instead she found herself grinning at the others words.

?I couldn't have put it better myself. Don't forget the sick feelings, the inability to rise easily without the need to puke? she put in, dryly but with a teasing note as they spoke of the horrors of childbirth. If only Rhythm could hear them now, no doubt it would cement her desire never to give birth to children herself. Wren then joked about the children inside, reminded Motif that she was utterly alone in some of her thoughts. ?Yeah? she agreed with less conviction this time ? she did not look forward to the day of giving birth, even the desire for these children to be out of her body didn't beat the fear of what life would be like for her once they where
