
Get Along With The Voices



11-11-2014, 10:02 PM
Monster - Eminem

Grey paws moved lightly across the stone floor. The stone under foot was smooth, and cool to the touch. This cave inside the caverns had actually taken the woman quit some time to find. And now that she had managed to find her way here, she was awed by what she saw. It was a round cave that had only one way into it from the caverns, settled deep into the mountains. It was mid day outside, but in here time could pass and you would be none the wiser. It's walls where bathed in a dim blue light, and situated in the center of the cavern was a pool of perfectly transparent, crystal blue water. There where a few wolf scents that existed here, but one stale scent greatly overpowered the others. A male with a very rich and royal scent. As she moved her duel colored gaze across the room, she spotted a pelt laid across the stone floor in one corner. This place had been a den once. Someone, this male, had lived here.

As her gaze rose to the ceiling as she continued to look around, her maw hanging open lightly with the wonderment, the fur down her spine tingled. Tessi was a very superstitious wolf. This made her a very open minded wolf. For all her trust issues and people problems, she still had a very attuned mind. And one of the things she believed was that emotions could leave scars. Emotions where very powerful things. Emotions where the most powerful thing that you held inside of your body. Emotion could rip a perfectly healthy wolf in perfect shape to pieces. And it was almost as if this place had been flooded to it's roof with emotions, more than once. She could smell him, this strange male, his stale scent still lingering here. She could swear that she could almost still hear his voice ringing off the walls. It would make perfect sense what with the location of this place.

The way it was sort of hidden away from the world. It was a sanctuary. It would take a wolf with a truly dark soul to bring violence here. This place was safety. And who ever it was that had hidden here from the world, he'd done so for a fair deal of time. This place had been home for him. She made her way around the floor and stood beside the pelt that had been laid out on the floor as a bed. It had also been his, because here, his scent was strongest. Lowering her nose to it, she sniffed in curiously a few times. It was all one big puzzling picture for her. Here was these sanctuary, and in it all these traces of this scent from this male. A bed that had clearly been his. He'd made home here. But he was here in this sanctuary no longer.

Perhaps what ever had drove him here had healed. But what had drove him here? All the mysteries. You see, living the love of solitude turned you into a very wise creature, because all this free time you had you filled with digging for knowledge and the answers to all the mysteries that surrounded you. It also lead to a very open mind, because, often times, it lead you to learn just how fekking off it's rocker the world was. Or, at least, in Tessi's case these things had come to pass. Standing here, a strange sensation washed over her. She wanted to hear it for herself. She wanted to hear this cave sing once again. To hear the sound of someone's soul bounce off of it's walls. So, raising her maw to the ceiling, she let her voice loose and sang. Then, her eyes closed and she went silent, and just listened.