
sweet jesus�


11-12-2014, 01:55 PM
Tiny woman was curled into Nova's side deep in the confines of their den. The winter chill was almost upon them, she could feel it from the slight bite of wind if she moved any further forward or if Novaro shifted. She got grumpy when he shifted and often jabbed him in the ribs with tiny horns to wake him and get him to curl around her again. As usual she was curled into be chest, head tipped down as to not unintentionally stab his chest in her sleep, and tiny body curled iny a tight ball. But something felt wrong. Her body felt like it was rippling. She felt hot and cold despite the warm temperature within their den. Ugh what! She would lift herself slowly, feeling a hot wave ripple through her body. Jaws would part so tongue could roll over her lower jaw as she began panting. Was it just her that thought it was hot in here? Damn... She lifted her head slowly before allowing hips to lift her into a standing position. Was the breeze hot too? She cold feel it on her face but it didn't feel cool. Another wave of heat, this time her throat burned with its passage and her stomach convulsed painfully. Ugh she needed to cool down? She would move slowly, long legs practically dragging her slender form out of the den. It seemed as soon as she hit the cold air, front half of her body out of the den it would drop in temperature and she would begin trembling. She took a few more steps before another wave hit her again. This time her stomach convulsed, pushing the remainder of her last dinner from her stomach. Her that burned as she hunched over and began wrenching up EVERYTHING. By the time she was done there wouldn't even be a stray bone shard in there. Woah. Bad bunny? After a few heaves she would pause, thinking she was done before another convulsion, this time nothing coming up. Would this ever end!

"Talk here."



2 Years
11-13-2014, 12:50 PM

He had been a rather heavy sleeper, though he doubted anyone could ignore the little stab of the horns you get on your tender flesh. He would wiggle uncomfortably, though he soon got back to sleep, Dione nestled close beside him. Though, once she had left his side he would open up a single eye, the faint breeze against him not welcoming. He would look upon her, confused on her sudden change. Panting? It wasn't that hot, was it? He would let a moment go by before finally dragging himself out of the den to see what she was up to. Though bringing up dinner really wasn't what he expected. His orange gaze would stick upon her petite frame, wanting to go and comfort her though not really wanting to get stabbed with her horns. He would blink, lips parting " D... Dione? Are you ok?" Had Mercy seen his green nymph like this? What was happening?

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: G6jciao.png]