
Stepping Into Life Again



8 Years
11-12-2014, 08:28 PM

Sarak padded slowly southward, one ear cocked backward toward the two boys who trailed him. His two sons. Sarka had taken off, and it hurt his heart that she had. He had left word with Soren and Kismet that if Azalea came back and ran into them first that the boys were with himself, and hopefully he would be able to reassure his daughter that she was safe and welcome. He paused, turning his head to look at the two boys. Azael looked like his grandfather in a way. Timber in coloring and markings, with a blaze streaking up from his jowls and nose to his brow. Raziel was like their mother, but with Saraks coloring instead of the auburn coloring of his mother. Raziels eyes were a near match to Saraks own in color, while Azael was a boy of bi color; one blue, one amber.

Sarak gave the boys a smile of encouragement. Thus far, he was following instinct, and it led him south, toward Erani and her family. Perhaps Surreal had rebuilt the pack, as she had planned. Even if she hadn?t, the small group was a safe place, where the boys would be well cared for and watched over, and he would have time for them to better get to know their father. ?We?re almost there, boys.? His low voice was soft enough to carry to the boys but no further. Turning to face back toward the south, he continued onward until, at last, he found what he sought.

Ahead, the boughs of the willows swayed in the wind. Even from here, he could smell the familiar scents of Erani and Surreal, Alsander, and even Cael and Imena, and Deviant. There were extra scents, too. They must have found several Valhallan remnants. Sarak padded forward until he was flush with the outer fronds of the willows and tipped his head back, taking a deep breath. It had taken a while to find them; Erani and Surreal must have been staying here and travelling out hardly at all. Their scents were condensed here. ?We?re here, boys. Sorry it took so long to find them.? He lifted his head a little higher and let out a low howl.



1 Year
11-12-2014, 08:49 PM

Ugh. Walking was torture, even when you spent days trudging through thick snowbanks and climbing steep mountains with your little sister -- especially with a broken heart. His sister... she was gone, left in the far northern lands they had left days ago. The whole journey, the boy had only stood in a sad mope, walking in big strides so he didn't have to be left behind and feel important. Ebony ears drooped against his dark skull, jaded eyes fixated only on the floor, watching as it changed, as they traveled across lands. His white tail that was always waggling wasn't. Every step was painful, as it took him farther and farther away from everything he had loved.

Multiple times, his father had given him encouraging looks, along with his brother, but they flew right over Raziel's head. His words had fallen upon deaf ears. Finally, the boy muttered. "Craziest thing, dad..." It was only a weak mumble, hunger gnawing at his stomach. He hadn't wanted to eat little catches of food at once. He was too sad for that. "...I think I forgot someone up north... Someone I didn't get to say goodbye to... Or even some others I wanted to say bye to... Everything I had ever loved is gone, dad." Maybe someday he could take it all back, for when his mama came back. If she ever would. Not like she had cared anyways. She had pretended to be such a caring mother, and then she just left. They had a home, they had a family, the had belonged. Now there was nowhere for that.

It didn't seem like Sarak had heard him, they just pressed on. The scents of others were getting louder and more condensed as they neared a cluster of willows. As soon as the smells licked his nostrils, he gave a huff and stopped, standing in place, eyebrows furrowed as he reclined, haunches folding, and tail curling around paws sloppily. Jaded gems stared into a small puddle that he had stopped before, his paws submerged in it slightly, pressing into the mud. "I don't want the life of a pack anymore, I don't belong, dad. I want the life of adventures, the northern lands, the snow."



1 Year
11-13-2014, 01:47 AM

Of course she had run off, she barely knew her father, after mother left she felt like nothing. She was a burden, she really was, small frail, she couldn't do anything. Sarka didn't want to be the reason to hold them back, she didn't want to be in a place where she felt like she didn't belong. But, she missed them, her brothers. It made her shiver as she hung behind, like a little stalker, she had been following for some time now. If it was one thing she was good at, it was sneaking around. Her ears pinned to the back of her head, she tried not to have a panic attack. Did her dad hate her now, she had done something terribly wrong hadn't she?
She went to Regium to see if Roman was there, but her visit had been brief, and she had nearly been dragged away by a smaller green lady. Her tail tucked underneath her as she listened to her brother speak. Did he hate her too, she had left like mother did. But, Sarka didn't feel, needed. She couldn't hunt very much run without getting trouble with her breathing. Of course no one had noticed her medical problems. She didn't even know she had them herself, until she noticed how nervous she was around everyone. How fast her heart beat, most times she felt like she was going to pass out. So she just hid in the shadows.

?I speak?