


11-13-2014, 10:35 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Keeeeeno
How did you get here?: I sneezed really, really hard, flew through several universes, and smacked into Ala's interface. Hi.
Age: 22

Character's Name: Einarr Akemason
Age: Pup
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 42"
Appearance Description:

Einarr is of an extra large frame, one that will eventually stand at fourty-two inches tall and a massive two hundred and seven pounds; an inheritance of his father?s size with greater bulk. He?s going to be a hugeeee boy, and nothing short of a walking tank. A fluffy walking tank no less. Muscles will ripple under his fur, particularly evident on his broad chest, shoulders, strong back, and thighs. While his legs will support him, Einarr will not be a wolf known for his speed and will rely much more on strategic powerful attacks to win his battles.
His head alone is rather large, his ears sharp and his eyes more cat-shaped than that of an average wolf. His expression is normally that of a more intimidating individual -- scowls and things of the like. His nature, protective ways of his mother, and the fact it is hard for him to trust others is something that doesn?t exactly make him the friendly sort. He holds himself with pride, though his lumbering gait is hardly something anyone would consider regal.

The primary color found upon Einarr?s body is a soft tan, marked by an underside of white. The color carries onto his tail, stopping to give the tip a shade of brown. His socks are also white, though his paws are brown instead, much like his ears, mask, and some flecking along his back in the style of his mother. This is due to his undercoat upon his back actually being a bit darker, and the different shades of fur mingling with one another. His eyes are a red-violet and, for the most part, he has inherited his image from his mother rather than his father.

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Fluffy Marshmallow

13+ Years
11-14-2014, 02:05 PM

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