


11-13-2014, 10:43 AM
For your information her is an ooc description about Regium: Regium welcomes all types of wolves, from light to dark alignment. These are wolves seeking to be great, and are ambitious. While Regium is generally going to be militant aligned, Roman will not force wolves to fight. She respects that hunters, healers, and helpers are needed- and to her they are valued. Challenging for higher ranks is encouraged, but wolves will also be promoted based on activity and showing a desire to serve. Regium is quite similar to the Slytherin house (for you HP fans). If you have any questions, please PM me!

She would stride forward to the battlefield, her coat rippling over muscles. Her ears are alert for any fighters and any strays She hopes to recruit them- to bring them to her empire where they can be great. The greatness she offers is unlike anything else offered in the land. She'll make them royals. Her violet eyes shine, the tribal marks contrasting the blinding ivory of her coat in the warm, bright, sunshine. She halts in the center of the field, a small smile flicker about her jaws.

Greek scurries after his mistress, his dark coat blending in with the dark rocks as he follows her closely. Occasionally, her darts between her legs, ducking his head so he doesn't bump it on her underside. "Will any that are worthy show up, mistress?" He asks, his tone for her ears alone. She chuckles, and a smirk reveals his sharp teeth.

Roman pauses, tossing her head back with a powerful summons for loners and rogues who have no home- or even wolves seeking to leave their own packs. As her call ends, she falls to silence to wait for them to appear- the scattered and the frayed. She will make them royals.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak