
None the less I must confess



4 Years
11-13-2014, 04:08 PM

Chord Destruction

His last visit to Abaven had been quite some time ago now. Chord had been rather busy since that point though, although there had been more exploring to do in the new Southern continent, he had first stopped by Threar to finally pay his grandparents that visit that they so deserved. Well it hadn't exactly been the greatest visit in the world, unfortunately they were ill and as much as they'd tried to look pleased to see Chord even he had been able to see they were feeling rather tired. He had intended upon lingering with the rest of the pack for a little while, though quickly his plans had changed.

He had a baby aunt and uncles. So they weren't exactly tiny children any more though it was still amusing to have such family members that were younger than you. If he'd been around them, Chord knew he'd probably have looked up to his elder aunts and uncles for advice and learning, to some extent anyway. Here before him though were young minds for a nephew to have an impression on! That didn't happen all that often. And so an adventure had began.

Truth be told for a brief while he was lost something familiar hit him on the travels however and with Sonnet, Envoi and Limerick in tow, he had arrived back at home in Ahlon. There news had been shared and scoldings had been given, his mother had not been too impressed with his antics. For a while he had remained there though it simply didn't feel right being stuck in Ahlon without his siblings around him. Sonnet, Envoi and Limerick had remained behind but now just before winter hit Chord had found himself back in Alacritia and once more upon Abaven's doorstep beckoning for his family. There was probably much to be shared between the siblings, poor Chord didn't even know the half of it!



7 Years

11-13-2014, 04:49 PM

The call that rang out made him jump up so fast that he nearly bumped his head on the roof of his den. Scolding himself with a few choice curse words he looked down at his wife, giving her a small kiss on the head before racing out of the den. It had been nearly two season since he saw his brother, and with all the raging hormones around it would be great to have some time alone with him before their sisters arrived. Plus, he had a lot to tell the boy. So he raced across the plains, easily picking out his tan and white brother, skidding to a stop before him. His tail picked up and wagged behind him as he lovingly nuzzled him. "Chord, I am so glad to see you." He breathed, eying him with love as well as relief. Sitting down in front of him, he wondered if he should unload all the information now, or wait until they all got here. But then he remembered just how big Motif was getting... Probably best to let him know before he had a heart attack.

"You've missed a lot since you've last been here, brother." Bass said, his pale tail curling around his paws as he cleared his throat. What was the best way to go about all of this? "Well..." he started, taking in a deep breath, "I have a mate, her name is Wren. She is now expecting pus, although it wasn't her season." The boy was still highly suspicious that there was baby making things in Abaven's water. "She isn't the only one either... Motif got pregnant outside of her season, as well as one other Abaven member. None in season." He said with a groan, eying Chord to see if he was going to have a heart attack or not. "Motif err... came back to Abaven, instead of staying with the father of her pups." He was still unsure how to deal with this. On one paw he didn't want her out of his sight, but in another... He didn't want her to be unhappy. "Harmony has also become sparse... its not unsual to not hear from her for weeks at a time." Letting out a sigh, Bass sat quietly and allowed Chord to take this all in... it was a lot of heavy information after all.



4 Years
11-13-2014, 05:04 PM

Chord Destruction

Chord fortunately wouldn't have to wait for too long at the borders, the first form would soon begin to approach and was the familiar form of his brother. A grin would spread across his features as Bass neared and he would return the nuzzle with a brief one of his own. Even the russet and white male would admit this time that it had been too long since he had last seen his siblings, had the visit home softened him and made him miss them even more than usual? Why yes, perhaps it really had.

"Hiya Bass" He'd give a verbal greeting of his own, though he had news as well he would remain quiet now and allow his brother to speak first. A mate, ooh such teasing comments would start to spring to mind though they were swiftly banished as he continued. Bass was going to have kids?! Motif was going to have kids?! Damn, he really had missed a lot and now he had to go ruin the possibly happy and surely terrifying moment with some news of his own.

"Certainly settling into life then aren't you daddy? Don't tell mum, she might take them off you guys!" He would begin, letting a small smile once more fall across his muzzle. "I ended up visiting Ahlon recently, and took our little uncles and aunt for a visit as well. She seemed to think I wasn't the greatest baby sitter in the world, the kids must have agreed with her as they weren't ready to leave when I did."

He wasn't sure whether to give him the bad news now or not really. He'd thought long and hard on the matter and to be honest perhaps all of this stuff should have been told to his grandparents first. It was their kids now setting up camp in Ahlon after all and in Dutiron's case, his sister who'd bring the saddest news. Honestly Chord was shocked his mother hadn't tried to send a message to them about Arelahn. No, he wouldn't tell Bass now, he'd keep the mood light and pay a visit to his grandfather before he told the rest of the family.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
11-13-2014, 05:30 PM

She too would be napping peacefully within the den, Motif having found her way to her side. The two sisters would be quite smooshed within the confined of Rhythm?s rather tiny hole in the ground, and at the same time the pair looked rather comfortable. They might have stayed there all day would Chord?s howl have not interrupted their sleep. Rhythm would rise first, obviously quite aware of her brother?s voice as she began to get excited.
Eagerly she would rush her growing sister from the den, her stomach was growing quite well and every day Rhythm would wonder exactly how many children were within that awkward belly. Though she?d refrain from thinking much past that, her emotions always became more turbulent after that. Smiling she?d nudge her sister comfortingly as the pair moved to greet their travelling brother.
Tricolored tail would beat erratically as they came in sight of the russet and white brother who?d been gone so long. Rhythm would hardly stifle a squeal as she rushed to his side, fully embracing him and missing all of the words he?d just spoken to their brother Bass. "Chord!" She?d smile eagerly as she withdrew from him, wanting Motif to have her share too. Would Harmony show up?


lineart by

Motif I


4 Years
11-13-2014, 05:50 PM

She was so very comfortable and out of it in the den beside her sister. She always felt more peaceful, more able to shut out her worries when she was beside Rhythm, and this little fact brought her to her sisters side day after day. They enjoyed each others companies and got to know each other perhaps better then they ever had before. If there was one positive about her pregnancy it was what it had done to the relationship between the two sisters, the way it had brought them closer together then ever. The howl of one of their siblings would not penetrate the sleepy cloud that kept Motif under, but the nudging of her sister would do the trick. She groaned, glaring at her excited twin as she unfurled herself and climbed unsteadily to her feet. She fought back a wave of nausea at the motion. Winning that battle, she would sigh and follow after her sister. ?where's the fire...? she muttered in gentle sarcasm as she kept herself to her sisters side.

When they came in sight of their siblings she would miss a step and a smile would touch her expression, it was Chord! that's why Rhythm was dragging them from the comfort of her den. As Rhythm rushed to their brothers side, Motif in turn would bump shoulders with Bass and smile at the Alpha boy ? somehow, she found herself seeing less and less of him these days. As Rhythm stepped back she moved forward, awkwardly leaning over to hug the boy, another smile tugging the corner of her lips ? what would he think of her current... 'state'
