

Jupiter I


7 Years
11-13-2014, 07:07 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2014, 10:31 AM by Jupiter I.)

[Image: G6wzw14.png]
Confident strides fall solidly upon the earth as she traverses her beloved home, inexplicable emotions churning through her chest as she flows through the chambers of memory lane. Mercury sways silently at her side, gauging her reaction to everything she has lost coming back within her grasp. Well--perhaps not everything. Two of her children still wander somewhere, missing without a trace. Her mate has drifted away and Jupiter lives in fear of the woman attempting to drown herself again. Even now he sees her struggle against the temptation to head to the shores and patrol them, religiously, as she has the past few weeks.

The hurricane's effects proved fading in some places and non-existent in others. The mangroves have always protected them in a way that no other land can, holding the earth fast and serving as a shield for the weather that rolls from the unpredictable sea. Fallen trees decay quickly here with the bacteria that lurk in abundance in the constant layer of leaves that coat the black mangroves' bases--and new are always rapid to grow in their place.

She finds it and the nostalgia nearly cripples her, nearly drops her to her haunches. Limbs quiver as she reaches the sandy shore to see the massive fallen log still rooted firmly into the earth, washed from upstream years and years ago, before the invaders had come from their ruined lands to taint them. Paw lifts to nudge the structure and its surface does not give under her touch, dry and notably distanced from the water. The years under the sun have offered the wood a consistency of rock and its presence here is of great comfort. Like she did the very first time she summoned potential members of Ludicael in this identical spot, she nudges Mercury up the fallen behemoth of old. He settles quickly and she follows him, feeling a slight ache in her joints as she does but brushing the sensation away, denying the age that creeps up on her with every passing day.

"Ready?" she murmurs to him, hips resting on the log. He throws her a cocky, shit-eating grin that says a thousand words and then she throws back her head to summon it; she parts her lips to summon the Ludicael reborn from the ashes.
Those wishing to join Ludicael, or those seeking their freedom from it, are welcome here. I would personally request that any challenges for freedom happen outside of the meeting--one in the middle would stall it massively and likely kill the thread/its progress. If you're a prisoner seeking freedom, the rules on Ludicael's pack page regarding them may be of your interest. She will explain their situation to whichever ones come, also. No rounds or posting orders yet. Please respond ASAP if you're interested, though! Thank you!

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.

Medusa i


5 Years
11-16-2014, 11:40 PM
She will always come for Jupiter. They are bound together in ways nobody could understand; sun and moon, yin and yang. She arrives alongside her lover, midnight pelt sinking into her fiery one. Bi-colored gaze surveys the lands so familiar to her. It was here that it had all began, and here they would continue their legacy. Medusa has little interest in politics anymore; so long as she has her sun next to her, she will be content. "My love, what becomes of you?" she asks quietly. They had separated for a time, and now returned. It was a cycle; departed and reunited, never doubting how things would go.

Until the very grave end, they would forever be in one another's orbit.



11-17-2014, 12:17 AM

Oh, how things had come crashing down, shattering her very world. The pale she-wolf had been practically royalty in her mother's pack, and now she, along with each and every one of her family members - and even those in the pack that didn't share her blood were considered family - were prisoners. Prisoners to a ghost from her mother's past, a skeleton from her mother's closet come to make sure she leeched her hatred into every part of Note's home, her soul. Revenge for some perceived betrayal from Song - from Song, of all wolves! Note wasn't entirely certain what her mother did - or didn't! - do, but she didn't care. This fiery demon - this Jupiter - was destroying everything that Note loved and cherished. She was ruining Ludicael, ruining her very home.

There was a still unfamiliar call. An irritating noise that had the pale Destruction fae grinding her jaws, nose wrinkling. She considered ignoring the call, and perhaps would have, had thoughts of her family not come into her head. Ludicael had pups still. They would need caring for. Even if the other prisoners - none of whom deserved the label - did manage to fight their way to freedom, the pups wouldn't be able to, and Note doubted this Jupiter would let them leave. At any rate, a move for young pups was dangerous; Note knew this. She was slow to lift her lithe frame, to make her way lazily toward the sound of the call. As soon as her bi-colored gaze landed on the fiery demoness, Note barely twitched her chin upward, an almost defiant gleam in her usually such friendly, loving eyes. In the back of her mind, she knew that even subtle defiance was dangerous, particularly because the dictator was a stranger, and clearly violent. And Note? Well, she didn't doubt her reflexes or her agility, but she wasn't a fighter.

The pale she-wolf tore her hateful gaze away from the demon and onto a dark mass. It took only seconds for Note to realize that the dark mass was another wolf. This blackened canid was a stranger to the yearling, but already she could feel the cold embrace of hatred wrap temptingly around her heart. Any friend of the fiery demon must surely be wicked, after all. Note could not hear the words spoken from the charcoal bitch, but her affectionate touch and look painted a clear picture for anyone with eyes. It was clear the two were more than friends. Something about that fact made it worse to Note. Not because the two were female - it wasn't exactly a 'rare' thing, or something she was unfamiliar with - but because Note could never fathom taking on a lover who was as dark and vengeful as Jupiter. But the snow painted yearling kept quiet, her bi-colored gaze circling the territory in search of her family.

Act. "Speak." Think.

Bronze i


12 Years
11-18-2014, 04:02 PM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2014, 04:04 PM by Bronze i.)


Being held captive was not something new to Bronze. He'd been born a prisoner, only leaving his tyrant father when his uncle had stolen him away in the night, bringing him to the safety of a strange pack in a strange land. Freedom was not something he had ever taken for granted; he had forever been thankful for his uncle's courage in rescuing him, in bringing him to safety and for allowing him to live a somewhat normal childhood.

It was all he could do to try to ensure that Steel would be given a similar life -- the fact that his son might grow up a prisoner was something that lay heavy on his heart.

Once, the over-taking of his pack would've angered him. Even just a few years ago, he would've quickly grown hateful at such a blatant disrespect for the kind wolves that once made up Sawtooth. But time had changed him, and he was far too tired to be angry. A slight limp was evident in his step as he rose, quietly making his way toward Jupiter's call for a meeting. There were no other wolves of the pack here, he noted, as his gaze swept over the few that had arrived. He would inhale sharply, and soon after a puff of white air would escape his flared nostrils. His age was obvious; the limp only accentuated the man's failing state. A slow nod would be offered to the orange-pelted female as he drew a bit closer.

The brute was silent for a long moment. What would become of his life here? There surely wasn't much left of it, and the same was to be said for his wife. His children, however, had so much future left ahead of them -- Ara had children now, and though they were not hers by blood, he considered them his grandchildren just the same. Slowly his jaws would part, weathered voice escaping as he slowly settled down on his hindquarters. "Jupiter," he would begin, his voice level, only a hit of sadness touching the bass tones. "My name is Bronze. I come to ask for my son's freedom." He would not fight for his own life, nor for his wife's; they had lived good lives and she would not take that away from them, even if they were no longer free. So long as they had one another, he would die content here, slave or otherwise. "Steel. He is just a boy, not yet two seasons old. He does not belong here," he would explain somberly. Perhaps Jupiter thought the rest of these wolves had done her wrong, for whatever reason, but Steel was as innocent as they came. "You can have me, and my wife -- though I am certain that we will serve little use to you -- but I beg for his release." He did not know whether Silent would consent to his decision to speak to this woman, but the thought of Steel spending even another day of his childhood here was painful for him. It was a shot in the dark at best, but one that he knew was worth taking.

Jupiter I


7 Years
11-18-2014, 11:21 PM

[Image: G6wzw14.png]

Darkness captures her gaze and a warm undercurrent of relief floods her iced heart. It is only natural that Medusa is here--Medusa has never abandoned her, and she never will. As her serpent rises upon the log to press against her side, Jupiter tucks her nose briefly into the other's neck, a rare, genuine smile touching her lips. "My queen," she breathes softly, claiming her, drowning in that scent she had been afraid she'd never drink again. "A villian." The words fall as but a sneer, mocking in memory of the concept presented by the black bitch at the challenge. In peripherals she captures her first arrival--a yearling.

The youth's appearance amuses her. Only in lack of age, she supposes, would any of their cowardly bunch be the first to approach her. Disappointment touches her visage, however, as the dark-dappled girl says nothing. They'd been so close. Impatience strikes her, like a spoiled prince tiring of a new toy. This one she tosses carelessly away as she searches for another, simply desiring one soul worthy enough, courageous enough, to even speak with her. Funny how they all wanted to talk until when it actually mattered--when their freedom stands in the balance, just a word away from being earned as Jupiter simply waits for something to happen.

He approaches. He is slow, tired, and for a moment she sympathizes with them, remembering the painful chill in her bones that has begun to creep on the coldest of mornings, but only briefly. Finally, he speaks, and she visibly eases the tension in her muscles, satisfaction crossing her visage as one of the bastards finally speaks. And she listens.

Lips purse and she gazes at the old man, calculating, a lengthy silence spanning as she considers his request. Then, nonchalantly, she nods--and speaks. "Very well. I will release him." That is his reward for approaching her--his reward for manning up and actually making an attempt to work for the freedom of those he cares about. Unlike the rest of them. And Jupiter respects that. "You and your wife are free."

She presses lightly, almost boredly, into Medusa, and then tips her maw up to release another cry. "Come!" she calls--giving them all what they never deserved in the first place. "Does anyone else wish for their freedom?" This is their last call--their last chance to answer and escape Ludicael. Jupiter wonders if they'll take the quake from their cowardly bones long enough to do event hat.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.



1 Year
11-18-2014, 11:40 PM

The child had come at the call, bored and alone. She didn't understand that she was a prisoner, she didn't know the meaning of it. But she knew was freedom was. The tiny child walked up to the galactic woman, fear plain on her gray masked face. She tried to be brave, tried to smile, but everything was new and unknown to her. Her parents had been no help in explaining things, they said that she would understand when she was older. But she didn't want to wait! She heard the old male talking about Steel, which gave her a bit of courage. "I wan' 'o go wi'h S'eel and play all 'he 'ime!" She stuttered out, those nasty 't's' still not able to be pronounced from her young lips. Charm looked up at the woman, those cyan eyes wide as she searched her face. "I don' know wha' you are doing, bu' everyone has been quie' and don' wan' 'o play wi'h me. If I get wha' S'eel and his family has, will I be able 'o play?" Small body came close to the ground, a pleading whine leaving her lips. Surly the woman would have no need for a small child. "My paren's have 'o come 'oo, 'o look af'er me!" Charmeine added quickly, her tail tucking between her legs. She didn't like this, but her burning curiously made her stand out. Usually she was not shy around strangers, but everything had changed recently.

come and sing for me

Because of nearly drowning, Charmeine is very afraid of water and may panic if she gets to close to it.



11-19-2014, 12:03 AM


Where was Charm going? Panic would fill her as she followed her daughter back to the place that was not theirs any longer. Dhiren? and many of his family had fled the lands already, not long after Song had returned from the call of the battlefield. Where they were she was not certain, she caught word of Ahlon and other places but not much else. She?d not quite decided what she would do yet. However, Charmeine was her priority, and she would follow her back to the groves cursing herself for letting her keep the habit of running off without her.
She'd appear in the clearing as her daughter would plead to go with Steel, her heart would burst with love for the girl as she came to stand protectively over her. She'd wanted to scold the child, but would remain silent, her eyes falling to the bored looking woman before her. Would she let her take her daughter unscathed?

Bronze i


12 Years
11-20-2014, 09:22 AM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2014, 09:24 AM by Bronze i.)

Bronze would've fought tooth and nail for Steel's freedom, if Jupiter had requested it. He knew there was no way he would've won -- he was far too tired, too weak, but he would've given it his all regardless. The male would watch silent as she assessed his request, a bit of empathy gleaming in her violet eyes. All he cared about was the freedom of his youngest son, and of his family's general well-being; suddenly he was unconcerned with the rest of the wolves here. They could fend for themselves but it was Steel that he wanted so badly to get away from this place. He'd never wanted his son to feel like property as he once had.

Jupiter's expression seemed to morph as he spoke. She was a strange woman. Slight surprise painted itself on his features as she accepted, releasing himself and Silent as well. Was it really quite so easy? A slow nod was given, gratitude gleaming in his hard stare. "Thank you," he would say simply. Perhaps a greater creature might've continued on, to make a plea for the release of the other wolves, a bargain of sorts -- but Bronze had never been known to be selfless and already he felt like he was getting more than he'd anticipated. He could only hope his other children might approach and request to be released, but alas he would not stay, not when Steel's freedom had been granted. A brief glance would be cast to Charmeine, one of the children that Steel had met among the Sawtooth wolves, and he hoped she too might be released. But there were too many wolves to consider, and he was overcome with worry for his own adult children. Quickly, with another dip of his muzzle, he would turn to find his child and wife and seek refuge away from these lands.

- exit Bronze -



12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
11-25-2014, 03:05 AM

His mothers had warned him away from the dappled woman, a feat easier said than done as his natural curiosity piqued. Still he had done his best to stay out of the bright woman’s way, which wasn’t too hard considering something about her scared the boy. He snuck through the lands, unable to be contained to the den, with ears constantly perked and his nose twitching so that he could dive for cover at the mere glimpse of the woman’s celestial pelt.

Now though, he watched his friend Charmeine sneak off to answer the scary woman’s call and he worried for her. Huddled in the underbrush he watched, the girl’s mother coming to stand protectively over her. With a sudden burst of courage the boy would pelt towards his friend. Pushing his way beside her he’d nuzzle the girl.

"Ma muvers too!" He’d say, a slight demand to his voice, though it shook and he couldn’t meet the scary woman’s gaze. 


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3

Jupiter I


7 Years
11-25-2014, 10:33 AM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2014, 10:34 AM by Jupiter I.)
She surveys them with bemused grin as they come now, now that she has broadcasted the potential of their freedom. The pup is the only one with enough guts to speak to her and she surveys it with mild interest, audit twitching with bemusement. She is quiet for a long moment, celestial orbs flicking to the satisfactory beast that had secured his family's fate. "Farewell and best of luck, Bronze," she rumbles evenly, affably, soft smirk pulling her lips. She turns to look at the crimson-masked babe that sweeps silently over the youth that had earlier addressed Jupiter, as well as the new one who comes with bold demands.

"Your parents have to come too, you say?" she croons, piteously, to the both of them. "And what will they do for your freedom, child? Or do they not want you to be able to play, too?" A challenge rings here, forth from obsidian lips as she shifts upon her petrified perch, as dark pupils seek to bore into the woman so protective over her child but willing to do nothing to secure her safety. Gaze falls firmly upon the latter youth. "Find your parents, and then we'll think about your little predicament."

Oberon I


3 Years
11-28-2014, 04:36 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2014, 04:38 PM by Oberon I.)

Jupiter had once again reclaimed their home, and Oberon stilled in his tracks when his mother's howl rang out over the horizon. He had wandered far from the mangroves, but not so far that he would not hear her call. And so he turned on his tail, abandoning his hunt for sustenance and made his careful way back to the mangroves. Their glowing waters had been surprisingly familiar after all the upheaval that the lands had experienced while Oberon had been away, and he took comfort in the knowledge that this was once again his home. Peach and black paws carried him effortlessly across ground that was still as familiar as the back of his paw and though it took him time to make his way back to the the heart of Ludicael's territory, each step was unerring.

Quietly, the boy made an appearance as a pup asked for her freedom in a high, clear voice, claiming that she would have none to play with in these lands. Oberon's ears twitched for a moment, looking vaguely disinterested in what was happening here. None of it was his problem; his family was safe. Jupiter had handled her battle with ease, and now she reigned as Sol of Ludicael once more. Things had been returned to their rightful way. This was how things should be. The prisoners he cared little for; he cared little whether they stayed or left. That one was all up to Jupiter.

In a friendly manner, Oberon inclined his head towards Jupiter and her mate. Medusa, the serpent that had fought beside his planetary mother. She had supported Jupiter more than he had, Oberon knew, and he had never felt any ill will towards the black wolf. However this meeting went, Oberon was content to know that the disorder in his life had been righted. The discontent of the prisoners was not something that Oberon was inclined to get worked up over, and he listened dispassionately as they made pleas for freedom, the pups in particular. 
