
Rock my world


11-16-2014, 06:32 PM

Winter had set in. Snow had begun to fall though none of it was yet sticking. But she didn't care about the weather. Not right now. Winter had brought about her season. Her body was on fire, desire unlike anything curled in her belly and spread through her veins. She had an itch that desperately needed to be scratched. Her travels had brought to her to crumbling castle. Normally she would stopped to admire the decaying stone or the vines that wrapped around the structure. But right now, she simply wanted to get her mind off the need the was clawing at her mind. She was bound to go crazy before winter was up. She could smell herself and knew it was like a beckon for any males that crossed her trail. But she had no worries here, unless the northern wolves had infiltrated her home. A low whine would squeeze out from between clenched jaws. There was no relief, not even for a moment. Lavender pools had glazed over with lust, her senses on high alert. Instincts were driving her, despite the logic of her mind telling her to stay put and not to do anything rash. Her mind would immediately snap to Shai. No, she would shake herself, trying to push away the thoughts of his touch that only seemed to amplify her torture.

"yoruban" "english"



8 Years
Extra large
11-16-2014, 09:18 PM

He?d scented her when he?d woken up, not even having to open his eyes to realize what time of year it was. He wasn?t entirely sure how well he?d be able to hold himself back, so as his day progressed he?d gone the opposite direction he?d suspected her to have gone. He knew that at some point during the season he?d need to find her, he couldn?t just disappear after he?d only started courting her. He?d spend the hours composing himself, trying to contain any thoughts that might betray his rampant desires.
Still, as he found himself at a ruin of an impressive castle he would not feel ready to confront Gwena and her heat. However, by some twist of fate the pair would end in the same place. Her scent would overtake him again, like the sweet aroma of the most addictive of drugs. White marked ears would fall to his skull as he debated about turning, she was far from home though and a feeling of protectiveness would appear in his breast. She needed to be home, somewhere he could protect her from any wandering northerners.
He?d maneuver his way around the castle, his eyes finding her form easily. He?d wear a shy smile as he brought himself closer to her slowly, focusing on protecting her. Hopefully the tactic would keep him focused. "Gwena," he'd greet her softly and with a smile, keeping himself a few wolf lengths apart to keep himself from temptation.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


11-17-2014, 11:19 PM

She would not be left alone for long. Her name would roll off his lips softly, immediately having her entire attention. Her lavender gaze would snap to his face, her body standing springing to life with new vigor. "Shai." His left her lips on a breath, low and husky with need. Limbs would move to bring her closer, aiming to press her chest against his own, her jaws tipping upward to rest beside his ear. Jaws would part to allow her tongue lash out against the outer shell of his right ear. Her body quivered with desire, his cologne just wants she needed to be pushed over the edge and shatter her control.

Her body now screamed to be sated. A low moan mingled with a whine. Lust clouded her gaze and shattered her control. Some part of her wanted to have more control, to be able to control her desire, but she couldn't. She didn't have the willpower. She craved his touch like a drug and she was helpless to stop. She refused to let any space come between them, she desperately wanted his touch all over her, she wanted to feel his warmth seep deep down into her bones, for his scent to be embedded in her pelt so that the whole world knew that she was his.

"yoruban" "english"



8 Years
Extra large
11-17-2014, 11:47 PM

He found that he?d barely have to speak her name before complete attention would be focused on him, he could barely even believe such a moment would have been possible. The look of pain haht had streaked across her features that day were still fresh in his memory. He would never want to see her like that again. Her voice would find his ears, they?d caress his audits with a tone he?d never heard from her before, the sound reminding him briefly of the Northern girl who?d stolen him that night. He?d push those thoughts away roughly. He had to focus on Gwena?s safety first. "Hey, I thought I?d bring you.." He wouldn?t finish his words as she closed the distance he?d made between them.
Her heady scent would wash over him, aiding in the plea that he could so plainly see written all over her body. He fought the urge to take her in his arms and give in to that tantalizing request, but he would remember his oath. He was going to do this right. With out any words at all she would beg him to please her, the heat obviously taking its toll on her normally clear head. He?d feel his own mind slipping, his body ready to take control. Shai would keep his head a bit longer, he?d refrain from taking her into his embrace just yet. "Are you ready for this Gwena?" He?d ask softly, his only affections a gentle nuzzle into her neck.
This was a rather clumsy idea as his senses were filled with her essence. As he inhaled her deeply bright yellow eyes would roll back into his head, as he grasped for leverage over his primal needs. "Are you ready to be mine forever?" He?d whisper those words into her ear softly as he moved his features above her own, finding it impossible to keep from kissing her softly.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


11-20-2014, 12:22 AM

He would start to speak, but he never got that far, she would caught off his words as soon as they collided. His friendliness would change into something more carnal as he embraced her, his husky words soft against her neck. His questions were so tantalizing, held such promise. "Yes." The single words whooshed from her lips on a breath, soft and husky. She felt as though she was going to explode, she couldnt possible last all of winter like this. She needed him. She needed his touch, his love. She would plant a trail of kisses along his neck, traveling up until she would tug gently on his ear. Her body quivered with desire, all logic went out the window. She was wild with lust and lacked the control, and will, to reign in her desires. "Shai, I...." She couldn't put coherent thoughts together, she wasnt even sure what she was trying to say. All she knew what that instinct drove her, her body knew what it wanted, and he stood before her, ready and waiting. She would tucked her head beneath his chin, pivoting her body so that they were perpendicular to one another. She couldn't wait another minute.

"yoruban" "english"



8 Years
Extra large
11-20-2014, 12:43 PM

There would be one word on her breath as she answered him, and through his clouding mind he would inwardly ask if she was really saying the truth. Not that he wanted to doubt her, but with the loud screams of her body that could be drowning her voice of reason. However, that was the only word he wanted to hear and he was unwilling to push the matter further, he had to doubt she would be thinking any sort of coherently until she got her desire. The giant would become focused on the trail of kisses she would lay upon his neck, her need clearly visible. He'd breathe in her intoxicating scent again, letting himself grow lost within her as she played with his bone adorned ear.
He'd feel her shivers through her fur as she pushed against him, her words barely audible through her underlying tones. Words were not needed as he let himself fully embrace her need, having little choice as Gwena pressed herself against him, all but begging him to take her now. She'd press herself against him, making it incredibly clear her wishes. Shai would find himself very much unable to deny her any longer. With an easy sigh he would mold himself around her lovingly, protectively, hungrily.
He'd nuzzle her softly as he trailed kisses over her muzzle and cheek eventually reaching her delicate ears he'd groom them tenderly. His foreleg would lift, his claws trailing along her ribs as he drew it over her shoulders. He'd bring his weight to rest on her back, his hips aligning with her own. He'd find himself kissing her incessantly as he gently found his way within her, the moment of ecstasy causing a low growl as Shai would enjoy the girl he'd fallen completely in love with.

"yoruban" "english"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


11-26-2014, 12:11 AM

There was only one thing she wanted in that moment. Him. Passion consumed her, made her legs tremble with desire that she couldn't contain any longer. While he spoke no words, the wait seemed to stretch on for eternity. She would lean into his touch as he adorned her face and ears with kisses. She was going to explode if she had to wait any longer. But finally, he would rise up, a leg dragging across her side deliciously. His chest pressed against her back, his weight resting easily against her, her legs locking in place to hold them both up. He'd continue to adorn her with kisses, almost as though he was as helpless as she was. With a simple thrust of his hips, he would drive her over the edge and into oblivion. The last of her innocence was stripped away, but she was too high on his love to care. Together she would get lost in him, with him. In a fleeting moment of clarity, she knew that she was falling in love with him, if she hadn't already. And all it took was a single act of wild, crazy lust, to bind them together forever, to irrevocably tie them together. But she didn't regret a single moment of it, she would forever treasure this day.



"yoruban" "english"  




8 Years
Extra large
11-26-2014, 12:48 PM

There would be no resistance in their touch, neither wolf wanting anything more than the other. Hungrily Shai would devour her, finding the perfection in her body that he'd never imagined possible. He was totally lost in her and found himself unable to leave her until exhaustion took him. Panting he'd relieve her of his weight as his side would press into her affectionately. Even still he could not keep himself from touching her. Tender nuzzles would be placed behind her ears, his tongue slipping out to lap at the sensitive skin there. Euphoria would keep him in a high as he nuzzled her, "I love you, Gwena." He'd confess in a whisper as he moved to kiss her muzzle. Could he ever get enough of her? His tail would wag slightly and his beads would chime together softly, his pleasure in their encounter evident.

"yoruban" "english"


12-05-2014, 09:28 PM

He remained molded against her until exhaustion claim them both. Waves of pleasure slowly faded as he slipped from, leaving her feeling empty. She would press against him, unwilling to allow any distance to form between them. His tongue would lap at her flesh greedily, affectionately. But his words had her gaze tipping up to meet his, eyes widening in surprise. A smile would steadily grow on her face. "I love you too." She would murmur as he continued to shower her in kisses. Leaning against him, she would settle her weight into his side, her body begging for sleep. She would sinking to the ground beside him, hoping to pull him down beside so that she could nestle into his side. The gentle sounds of the beads in his tail clinked together as his tail wagged. Her own tail would wag, thumping lightly against his side.

"yoruban" "english"  




8 Years
Extra large
12-05-2014, 10:22 PM
He'd was almost surprised as she'd make a similar statement, but after their time together he really couldn't say anything else. She was perfect, the day had been perfect, and here they were together. He felt the same exhaustion she did, wanting the recovery only a sleep next to her could bring. He'd never thought that their relationship would excel so quickly, and for a moment was unsure if they'd even get to this point. Shai couldn't help the grin that spread over his paw after she replied to his confession, his desires flaring up once again. His heart grew warm at the thought that he'd made her his. He'd follow her to the earth, curling around her protectively. He'd hold her close to him as a deep satisfied sigh would lean his lips. Bright eyes would search for her own, wanting nothing more in that moment to fall asleep looking into her brilliant eyes.

(sorry tables not accessible right now) =[