
My my, how things CHANGE



8 Years
11-17-2014, 01:45 AM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2014, 04:26 AM by Crucifix.)

Winter. Her babies were a year old today. That was the single most saddening thought that she had heard all day, which made her paws heavy and her soul even heavier. Without realizing it she found herself wandering back to the place where she found comfort -- Crucifix. It had been a long time since her mind had whispered his name, since her toes tingled at the thought of him. Thoughts of love and lust were long lost on her, but the feeling of safety still remained. She longed to see the silver brute once more, to share her woes with someone. Last she heard Cru had a wife and children of his own, which brought a ghost of a smile to Othello's lips. It had been awhile since that kind of emotion crossed over her face, for a long time she had been devoid of almost all emotions -- empty. She lost the one thing that had made her world feel complete, the very thing that held her in check. And now that Revenge and Mercy were gone, she felt as if nothing mattered. But the one she sought had a way of changing things, of making them flip upside down. Perspective, that is what she needed.

She was following her heart more than her mind, lingering deep inside her was still a connection with him. Crucifix had once been what her world revolved around, and now that everything else was slipping from her grasp she craved to be near him once more. She had no intentions of forcing herself back into his life, she understood that he had moved on. She had as well, although there was a pang of jealously in her heart. He had what she always wanted, a relationship that just involved two. She didn't have the luxury with Scorpion, and when he came home smelling like other woman it made her want to wretch. It made her sick, thinking of him laying with another. She had devoted everything to him. She knew that he was giving her all that she could, and she would be selfish to ask for more -- but there was a part of her that just wanted a normal relationship. Something was was just plain Jane would be perfect, but instead she got stuck with the most complex... well everything. At least that is how she felt. A heavy sigh left her chest, her paws feeling more that numb as she padded through the snow. It was still a thin layer, her dragging paws leaving small trails in the fluffy down.

Elongated tail drooped on the earth, erasing the paw steps that she had left behind. It looked like someone had dragged a body through the snow -- her winter coat had made her prized possession even more thick and full. But the snow didn't excite her like it usually did. She should be celebrating her children's first year, but alas they too had left her. This did not help with the woman's depression, and she would be lying if she didn't admit to thoughts of ending it all. But perhaps a conversation with the crossed marked alpha would change her mind, would bring a new light to this whole mess. So at last she reached his borders, but no call rang out. Othello just sat upon the earth, long tail covering her snow-caked paws. Purple eyes were dull as they gazed across the woods, little white flakes coating everything in a white blanket. Even she in the state that she was in had to admit the beauty of winter, the look of perfection that it gave the world. But how ironic was it -- a pretty season that brought nothing but death and decay. Trees and plants lost their life, laying dormant and in wait for a less harsh season. Othello felt as if her life perfectly reflected that, it was just a waiting game to see if spring ever came to melt her frozen heart.

Othello had been seated long enough for a thin layer of the falling snow to coat her white pelt, giving her an even frostier look. Apparently the weather thought it would be funny to make her look like a part of the landscape. That was all she was, was it not? Just another piece to a never ending puzzle, one who's pieces always went missing. Found one? Too late -- another four were lost. A sigh passed through her inky lips, breath fogging before her as it danced among the white flakes. At last her purple eyes closed, a howl ringing out for Crucifix. His name was strong upon her song, clear as crystal as she called out for her old friend. As her howl came to an end, her eyes did not open. As snow coated her face and bodice further, she really did start to look like a pile of snow. She didn't even feel the cold as it bit into her pelt, eyes staying shut as she sat in deafening silence.



2 Years
11-17-2014, 02:24 AM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2014, 02:25 AM by Crucifix.)

No one could doubt that winter had finally found them. Once he had loved the season, the isolation it had once brought had been precious to him, the beauty of the stark land had seemed fresh and new each day as another layer of snow covered all that had passed the before. Now he had a pack beneath him, wolves relying on his planning an strength as the days grew colder and the prey skinnier and more scarce each day. There where pups in the pack, and not many hunters, he would have to gather all that he could to scout out the herds and follow their patterns, do all he could to ensure that every wolf in his pack came out of this harsh season alive and well.

The Alpha boy was running the length of his territory in the Tall grass Plains. His long stride bringing him across the snow and his breath coming out before him in visible wisps of air that disintegrated even as it was made. It felt good to run, to work up the heat in his body until he was panting despite the gently drifting snow that deemed endless as it hovered and flowed in the air before him. The land was still, life was hiding from the stark truth of winter and the colourful, boisterous birds had left for the season. In their place was an eerie silence until he felt he surely could hear the drift of the snow, the sound of the wind whooshing gently along its cool tops and spinning perfect flakes in a haze of white around his face. In the silence he would hear the howl with crystal perfection, hear the call as it echoed about his ears and sang for him. He would recognise the sweet, sad voice as it carried its song across its territory and asked for him, no body but Crucifix.

For some strange reason the boy thought he would never that howl again, nor look upon the face of its bearer. Why should he? She had moved on when Vi's pack had disbanded and found herself a mate and children. When he had first learned of Scorpion he had despised the man, he had felt a burn in his veins and his fangs to taste the life of the Stud that had mounted her even as he chose to mount others. In the end he had realised something with perfect clarity ? it was her decision, her choice and her lift to lead and eventually he passed his anger, passed the emotions he had felt for her and rested somewhere on friendship for the white female, and then when they had parted ways he had thought she had drifted from her mind and now they where nothing. As he heard that call he saw through the illusion and once found himself in a place of understanding ? he had never forgotten her and nor where thoughts of her as dormant as he thought or would have liked. As he heard that call an image of her came to his mind so clearly it felt as through he could only have seen her yesterday, and the emotions that followed through where relief and worry and joy at the thought of seeing her again, fear that the sight of her would bring back old pains long put to rest and a smug sort of appreciation at the thought of showing off to her what he had made for himself here ? not just in hs pack and lands but the little lives he had brought to this world with his mate.

And so lost in thought was he that he did not notice it, did not feel it in his muscles as he turned subtly and started off in the direction of her call. Without a concious decision to go to her, he went, she had called to him after all and he would see the face of his past once more.

He would arrive, even as he did so he would realise for the first time that he had gone that he followed the howl and arrived here. He would also realise he could not see her and he would dart about in surprise, the gently falling snow messing with his senses until his eyes rested on the blanket of snow that covered a wolf-like form. The ghostly way Othello showed herself surprised him, it was like she truly was an apparition of memories and he hesitated before taking those few steps forward and stopping just before her. His tongue darted out and he gently licked across the space her eyes should have been, warming and clearing the snow-touched features. He had no thoughts of intruding upon her space ? after all they had been intimate with each other at one stage and friends there after. He had been there at her pregnancy, he had seen her at her worst and at her best and realised she still held a place in his heart even if the placing was different to where once it had started. ?Othello.? he said gently, it wasn't a question, or even a greeting, it was a statement, she was Othello, she was his friend and she was here, and he was only saying what was so.




8 Years
11-17-2014, 02:57 AM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2014, 03:00 AM by Othello.)



Silence was a silly thing, how it messed around with one's head. As the dame sat there in the block of nothingness she truly felt as if she were floating, like the air and the sky were no more. She was hovering above nothing, and looking into nothing. Everything was white, clean, and there without really being tangible. It was the strangest sensation, like she were outside herself, yet not looking down at her own form. She was without thought, but at the same time held onto her consciousness. She was existing without truly living. Until a singular sound broke her focus, ears betraying her stillness as the stood erect, the slightest sound of crunching paws reaching her. Without having to take a breath she knew that he was here, she could feel it within the pounding of her heart. The string that still connected them to this day was slackened, the distance closed. She did not open her eyes, not until the warmth of his tongue dragged across her face, clearing away the snow from her thin eyelids. Her name was spoken, and she once more opened her purple eyes to the world.

He stood before her as if he had never left, his form looking just like it had when they had last seen each other. She greedily roamed his body, taking in all that he was. It was not in hunger or lust that she drank him in, but for the sole need of feeling something. At last her heart beat, coming alive in her chest as his closeness warmed her very soul. A smile cracked her dry lips, although it was faint indeed. He was here, and it felt like he had never left. How long had it truly been since they had last seen each other? There was no way to tell, for it felt like they were simply picking up after their last conversation. There was no worrying about when they had last spoke, because it didn't matter. He was here. She was here. Reunited? No, they were never apart.

She let the small moment of silence pass before she spoke, mouth breaking open and ending the peace. "Crucifix." She whispered, and the emotions came rushing in. All at once she felt like throwing herself into his arms, to feel the warmth and comfort that she had been denying herself for so long. She wanted to plunge a million questions at him, and to simply sit as he answered them all. She wanted to return his soft kiss, for it was that that made her feel awake and alive once more. But she did none of that. She rose from her seated position, snow folding off her coat and making it look like she herself had risen from the flakes -- like the snow had formed her into a wolf. Othello closed the small gap between them, timidly pressing her muzzle into his thick chest. Melting against his warmth she tucked herself under that strong chin, his heat surrounding her and making her feel safe. The woman felt like she had found her home once more, here in his embrace. "Its been too long." Came her timid voice. Was this wrong, to be this close? They had both moved on, both found someone to fill that void that they left in each others lives. So what made this feel wrong? Perhaps that she was enjoying his touch -- not in the way that lovers did though. And yet she still felt guilty, as if she was doing something wrong. That is was made her force herself apart, to give him the space that he so deserved. It was her that had cut the ties, who had left once Vi's pack split. She was still regretting that, and not seeing his face.

Purple clashed with purple as she held his gaze, a settling sigh leaving her. Not only was her body relaxing, but her mind as well. Worries seemed to just melt away as she sat here with him once more. They had not seen each other much after the birth of her children, when she had truly wished that they were his. She would be lying if she denied that a small part of her heart still belonged to him, as it always would. He was her first love, and first heart break. He was unlike all others in her lives, there was no one on the same pillar that Crucifix was. For so long he had been her only standing tower, but as others added to them they did not match his own. He was unique in the way that all wolves were, but forever in a special place in her heart.

Her smile grew slightly as she leaned forward, pressing her nose to his cheek before returning to her seat. "How has alpha life been going, big important man." Her tease was half-hearted, falling short of what it maybe once could have been. There had been a major change in the snow dusted woman, that was for sure. She knew that Cru would ask her about it, he knew her unlike all others did. It was him who had experienced the worst of her mood swings, one of the deciding factors of why they parted as lovers. She had calmed somewhat after the birth of her two babies, but after they vanished she just became an empty vessel. Now that she had spoken there was no doubt in her that he would pick up her lackluster voice, notice that there was a large part of her missing. He was a clever man, and she would not put it passed him. Besides, she smelled of nothing but snow, it was obvious that she had been on her own for quite some time. However, Crucifix smelled the opposite. The heady scent of his pack clung to his fur, speaking of the success that he had wrought. But of course he had, for one had to be rather daft to not follow under the young boy's lead. But he was not a child anymore, he had sprouted into a man.

Othello wondered if she would be different if she had stayed in Solstice with Crucifix, had raised her children here with Scorpion. Would they have not turned away from her because of it? Would they still be at her side, both most likely taller than herself? Perhaps having others around would have made them more inclined to stay at her side. She let out a soft sigh though, knowing that she had to look passed all of that. Lingering on thoughts like that was only going to drag her further into the abyss. She had already opened the hole, it was best not to make it wider. Perhaps that is why she had come to seek her old friend once more, to see if he was able to piece it together the way he always had been able to.
[Image: CZ7X72Z.png]



2 Years
11-17-2014, 03:44 AM (This post was last modified: 11-17-2014, 03:47 AM by Crucifix.)

As through his touch had been the key that unlocked her life and returned her to this world her eyes would open and the wolf-carved snow would come to life. He looked into her purple gaze and saw the soul of his friend inside them. Something in him lossened and unclenched, he breathed for the first time since things had fine awry between and time has put distance between their forms. It seemed all his friends fell away from him one after another as they moved on with their lives and left him alone in his. As he saw the life of this snow angel he realised that it had been her absence that had left him the most lonely and cold. A part of him had frozen up in his friends absence, changing him with its loss and he could physically feel it.

As he thought about his mental reaction he took in account something else as well, his mind working even as she spoke and heard her gentle voice caress her name he realised the truth in the thought they had never been apart. They hadn't been separated persay but put on hiatus, and now in this moment as he looked in her eyes he wondered if his life with sibelle had been a gap fuller until she returned to him. He froze with the thought, mentally and physically he shut down and when he moved aaon it was to recoil. His feet did not move but his eyes widened and his ears flattened agiinst his these moments Othello had moved towards him, her sudden warmth against his chest startled him and hid her eyes from the subtle reactions he gave to his thoughts. No, he could not truly believe that that could be how things where. The thought of losing sibelle now gave him physical pain like something clenched about his heart and squeezed, draining with it his will and life. No, after all he had done for sibelle, fighting tooth and claw, and mentally for her to be with him he could not simply shake it off and call it a gap year.

There where two separate truths here and one did not balance out the other, could not live in the same heart. He could not believe Othello was a part of him in a way that could not be seperated, that they breathed eachothers air no matter the distance between them and no in the same breath that he could not live without sibelle, that he would die for her, kill for her, wait for her breath to breathe life into his existance. The troubles that had plagued the couple of late had not diminished his love for sibelle, it d strengthened it, tied him further to her and told him that her safety and happiness where a part of her life, without them he could not live. He did not want to look closer to his mind now when it betrayed him so and tore him in two direcrions, he did not trust his heart and mind in this matter. Besides, his life was chosen the moment Othello went with scorpion, their lives had gone down this track and they where set to it now. Othello had decided for them, and he could not imagine straying from that path now.

So, in utter contrast to his thoughts he lowered his chin gently over her heard, the gesture familiar and protective as he breathed in the scent of her and let the memories of their times together flood him. When he filled away he changed his stance to mirror hers automatically, moving with her like they where two parts of a whole. And so they wohld return to each other's life's in a style like they had never left it, like nothing huge and catastrophic yawned before them in the realisation of his thoughts and no touch of their past heartaches where felt in the words they shared. As she spoke he would see something elseu in her, she had always been a fury of emotion and even with the feeling he could swear she must taste and share in the air before them there was little of her burn in the tone of her words. She seemed quiter, more drawn in on herself and he couldnt help a twitch of his lips at the memory of her rage turned against him. She had always been a being of such fantastic life, yet he didn't feel the difference was borne from awkwardness in their reuniting. He would take a breath, dismissing the thoughts and answering her. "its been big. And important, naturally he told her slyly. "strange actually" he admitted softly with a truer smile. "its a suprisingly friendless job, perhaps that's what makes this reunion the sweeter" he lied, like it was his current situation that made seeing her the more treasurable, it was all in the moment itself, no matter how much time had passed or the events between. "Othello" he stopped, pausing before he was able to start again. "your welcome on my land, to stay as long as you need" hoping above hopes that she would somehow miss the raw emotion in hos voice, that echo beneath that begged her to turn around now and leave before her presence brought chaos to her life, and the other echo begging her to stay, stay her with him before he found out what her leaving for a second time might feel like.




8 Years
11-20-2014, 01:46 AM

Out of all the things that she had expected, him holding her like he once did was not one of them. His head rested on top of hers, and the rest of the world slipped away. She no longer felt the cool flakes as they drifted down around them, nor the bitter winter wind that ruffled their coats. For a few moments she allowed herself to be selfish, purple eyes slipping closed as she thought of nothing else but how warm he was. She nuzzled further into his coat, her nostrils flaring as they filled with his scent. It was just like she had remembered, although there was a new taste of his pack on him. Other wolves. Othello had to swallow hard to quell the jealously that flared within her, Crucifix was no longer hers to hold claim over. He has moved on, just as she had. No longer could she be angered at the smell of others. Plus, it was rather condescending, her own lover came home smelling of other woman. But yet... the feeling was different than with Crucifix. With Scorpion she had always known that he could never remain faithful to her. While she still felt sadness as well as jealousy, it was unlike what she felt while with Crucifix. She knew him to be a faithful and loving man, and yet she somehow expected more of him that she did of Scorpion. She mentally shook her head, pulling back from the silver marked man. She could not think like that, she would not be a wench and drive this family apart. As much as she wanted more from Scorpion, she still loved him. And yet... she had never stopped loving Crucifix.

As she pulled back, she didn't miss the slight twist of his lip. She felt herself let out a soft puff of air, her eyes momentarily distracted by the cloud of mist that formed before her. She watched as it drifted upwards before completely vanishing, all at once becoming part of something bigger. She wondered if that what it was like when the body died, the spirit simply left and became part of a different, bigger thing. Energy never died, so the soul had to go somewhere. Perhaps that is where they meaning of 'old soul' came from, maybe they really did connect with new energy to once more come into the world. It was a pleasant thought, to think that a part of her would always be on his earth. But could their souls speak with each other? Would her and Crucifix have a reunion just like this, only in slightly airier forms? It was quite a silly thought, and yet something that pleased her greatly. She would like to think that, they she would never be apart from those that she cared for.

She blinked back to the conversation at hand when Crucifix's baritone reached out to her, talking about it being a rather friendless job. She didn't doubt it, you would always have something to do. Plus all those lives to worry about and protect, what a stress load that would be. A heavy weight must be carried by all pack leaders, and Othello was glad that it was not the kind of life for her. She had already failed at being a mother, she didn't have to fail at being an alpha to know that she was not meant to be in charge of others. The softest of sighs whispered between parted lips, purple clashing with purple as she inspected his face. It was his next words that tore her apart, that made her heart sit heavy in her chest. Her face pulled downward in her sudden sadness, ears pulling towards her skull as her head turned towards the left. Eyes left his own as she inspected the land beside them, the snow drifting silently to the earth. It blanketed everything now, covering it in a vast sheet of white. Confusion filled her mind as her emotions ran rampant. She heard the notes in his voice, his own song of emotion filled with two contradicting things. He wanted her to stay -- but didn't. "Oh Crucifix..." She whispered, sorrow making her voice thick. "I, I don't know if its a good idea." She fell silent, her head falling as eyes squeezed shut. Stars danced in her vision as she squinted them tighter, making her head feel light. Slowly, she lifted it and looked up at him, her sweet Crucifix. "Could we truly handle seeing each other with other people? Could you truly be happy with your wife and children while I linger, conflicting your thoughts?" She asked, searching his face for the answers. It had nearly killed him when he had first seen her with Scorpion, could he see it every day? And would Scorpion even come to a new pack? She doubted it, and her heart filled with regret.

The dame took a small step towards the silver beast, her head lifting so that her nose brushed against him briefly. It was a cold, shocking contact, but it helped her get her mind focused again. She truly still cared for this man, more than she had realized until he saw him again. But she felt so different around her, more aware of what was around her as well as inside her. He was the beacon that her heart sang for, and she didn't know if she could walk away. She hadn't felt alive since her children left, and while there was a large part of her still missing, she felt as if it could mend here. With him. But it wouldn't be fair, not to him nor his family. It would be best for her to walk away, to leave them to live her life. She would only be a burden like she once was, and it was about time that she stopped being so selfish. More wolves would get hurt if she stayed, and only the two of them would get hurt if she left. There was too much on the line, and she was being pulled in two different directions.




2 Years
11-20-2014, 02:20 AM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2014, 04:51 PM by Crucifix.)

She pulled away from him, the separation quick and expected and he had steeled himself again by the time she had rigthened. He tried to control the torrent of emotions that rippled through him, but he had never been one for keeping his feelings in check. He loved too much, and too fast and that had already gotten him into trouble in the past. One might even call him fickle minded, and maybe it was but it all came purely from the heart and sometimes he couldn't taint it with his mind before it overwhelmed him. Even knowing this, he could only look helplessly at Othello and feel it only stronger instead of the weaker he desired.

Perhaps they both could touch the tension of emotion in the air around them, for she seemed to read further into his words then he had spoken. He would watch, helplessly as her ears pulled back to her skull and her expression fell to one of sadness. He could feel his heart ache in his chest at the sighter of her, and not moving forward, not comforting her was one of the hardest things he ever had to do ? but hearing the words that tumbled free of her lips next he knew that he had to keep a hold of that barrier that stilled his steps. He watched in agonising moments as she pulled herself together again, he could almost see her holding the pieces of her heart as she shoved them somewhere inside her chest to lift her head again and speak once more. It was his turn to slip his eyes closed, wishing he could put a lid into the emotions that over flowed and suffocated him. He loved Sibelle, he knew that in every reach of his heart and he had to hold onto that, even as he looked at this girl of his past and saw in her so much, read some of what had happened to her and changed her in those few, naked moments when his heart stilled in his breast. He knew she was not happy and could only guess that Scorpion had not changed his ways, instead, she had changed hers. She was so much quieter her now in her emotions, that he felt as through he raged with them alone. He could almost smile at the thought, that she learned control as he learned how to lose it.

He was still struggling with himself when she moved that step forward, and her skin touched his. He felt the shock of it run through him, the sizzling of their touch as he watched her, refusing to close his eyes as he looked into her similar toned ones. He swallowed, incapable of speech and his knees felt weak beneath him like a pup looking at a pretty girl for the first time and realising what a female was. When he spoke, his heart betrayed him, it was that organ that unlocked his lips and not his brain as he looked at her through liquid eyes and asked. ?Could you handle leaving?? he swallowed again and looked away, no, how could he dare be so cruelly selfish when he already knew he could not handle leaving Sibelle, how could he asked her to enter her life so they could both torture each other thereafter. He wished she was somehow family, then perhaps this strong emotion would feel different and she could stay, he would not have to lose her again. Yet, even with knowledge rearing its ugly head against him he could not bring himself to rescind his words, nor lift his eyes once more to see into hers.




8 Years
11-20-2014, 02:52 AM

All at once she wondered the true reasoning behind her returning here and to him. She had thought that it was for a simple visit, to collect their thoughts and be joyous in their shared past. Instead it brought up old feelings, and made her feel like she could never leave his side again. But the thoughts that danced in her head and the images that followed were not things that should be thought about a married man. She was no longer his, and she needed to get that into her thick skull. So why was it so hard then? She knew that he was in love with another, and that she was in love with Scorpion. But was the heart not capable of loving more than one soul? She thought so, because she loved her children, as well as Scorpion. It may be a different kind of love, but was all love not different? Did you truly feel amorous about one person the same as another? No, it was all totally unique and unlike all others. There was nothing the same, for each wolf was different. Love was not a tangible thing, but it was something that could be shared. It is infectious, and oh-so delightful. So why limit it to just one? The answer was that you couldn't, it was rather impossible.

She watched as his eyes closed, shutting him off from her. Othello let out a low whine, knowing what he was doing. She had done the same thing many times when they had first met, and knew the signs well. "Don't block yourself from me." She whispered. She needed to see his face, to try to read his thoughts and emotions. She was lost without them, growing more and more self conscious. Should she just slip away when he was not looking, or would that be too tricky for both their hearts? Crucifix's own heart was on his sleeve, just the way it always was. She wanted to reach out and caress him further, to pull him away and curl into him. She wanted him to warm her body the way he was her mind and soul, but could not. So many strings pulled her back, thin and brittle, but numerous. But the one that connected her to this man was thick, gold, an never breaking. It may loosen when distance kept them apart, but it was always there. Every moment that passed another brittle string drew her back, but they were not enough to pull her away. Her whole self was involved with him, and her world seemed to revolve around his sun. Even with Scorpion, her love for this alpha never faded. It most likely never would.

His gaze opened, once more holding her own. Her gaze shifted between each shimmering orb, lighthouses directing her safely home. She could truly lose herself in that one look, but it didn't last long. He posed her a question, his eyes casting away from her. Could she bare to leave? No. The answer was simple, but the consequences were not. "Crucifix." She whispered, his name like honey on her delicate lips. "Look at me." Her voice was pleading, ears now flat against her skull. She needed him to see her as she spoke, to read the emotions that were so clearly written on her face. For once she wasn't afraid of hiding herself, of wearing those masks she had once dawned. She had changed, had grown into her soul and righted her mind. Mostly. The tendencies were still there, but her depth of sadness quelled almost everything else.

She was sure to hold his gaze before she dared to go on. "Are we being selfish here? Are we craving what we once had, because it was new and wonderful?" She asked, knowing in her heart that it truly was wondrous. "What would you tell your wife? That I am simply a friend? You know as well as I that that is a lie, and she would read right through it. She would see how you would look at me, and how I look at you. No, it is not fair to your wife and children. Maybe I shouldn't have come..." She regretted her last words as soon as they left her lips, her body pulling backwards as she flinched. Three more strings. "I just wanted to see you, but perhaps my actions were rash. Because now... now I find that leaving would hurt more now than when you walked away the first time." Othello's vocals dropped down to a whisper, her voice trailing off until it fell silent once more. She sniffled as tears threatened to fall, but she swallowed back the bitter taste. She would not cry. Two more strings.

The pale woman could not handle the distance any longer. She took a few tentative steps forward, seeking approval to close the gap. "If I asked you to hold me, would I be completely out of line?" Her words were soft, hardly there at all. But the wind would carry them to his ears, and there was nothing else here but their songs to one another. The rest of the world was holding its breath, the snow now drifting lazily to the earth. The sky grew dimmer as dawn neared, the chill setting in. She wanted nothing more than to fold up into his arms. But these were his pack lands, anyone could stride by. "Or should I go?" She added quickly after, looking down at her fore paw as she twirled it in the rested flakes. Sheepish now like a school girl, her ear tips and cheeks grew hot with embarrassment. Had too much been said?

Othello's breath puffed out in quick successions now, a slight panic in her chest that he would say yes. If he asked her to leave, she would listen, no matter how much it may hurt. She needed to know how he felt, in words and not just in underlying tones. Those could easily be misread, taken the wrong way. She had certainly done that before. But now, it was a whole different ball park. She felt as if more was on the line, because if she left now she knew deep in her bones that this would be their final goodbye. She could not return after this, for leaving today would be too raw and painful. Yet another heart wound to add to her growing list.



2 Years
11-20-2014, 03:29 AM (This post was last modified: 11-20-2014, 04:51 PM by Crucifix.)

He wished he was alone in this confusing storm of emotion, because seeing it in her face made it all that harder, if she did not love him also then it would have been possible to turn his back to is and concentrate on the family and people here and Solstice, perhaps he would have been able to push her from his mind. His wish was far from true, he could see that she fel every bit the same tortured way that he did. He had looked away and she had begged him to look back, did she really want to see that raw emotion in his eyes? To know he felt the same way despite the improbability of them ever being together. The strange thing was his love to Sibelle wasn't this strong and fast and uncontrollable, it was a steady flame in his life compared to this.

His eyes had moved from her form again as his sinful words had slipped poisonously from his lips, and in return she would say his name in a sweet caress. He shivered at the sound of it, as it ran goosebumps along his flesh. She told him to look at her and he could not deny that speaker. His head shifted an inch and his eyes flicked back to her form again, and locked there, mesmerised. He heard every word she spoke and read every motion in her face as she gave him the gift of putting it there. He could almost feel his heart, as it limped along in his chest, each beat ragged and broken. ?Are we being selfish here? Are we craving what we once had, because it was new and wonderful? ? his lips parted and he heaved a breath, wishing he could control his emotions, wishing they didn't slap him so strong, so painfully in the face of her sweet voice and those dangerous words she spoke. She would tell him, each word in sharp logic that she could never stay here because neither of them could ever hide this, even before his wife and children and he knew that she was right. It was too vivid, to painful, that no box in his chest could contain it.

?Maybe I shouldn't have come... there was a cruel symmetry as they both flinched together, two white faces four purple eyes pulling back in pain. ??than when you walked away the first time he felt his teeth grind at the words, through he knew there was a truth to it, that he had indeed walked away the first time, before she had even meet Scorpion, but there was more to it then that... or.. or.. in her mind, could that be the deciding point, for him it was the moment she chose Scorpion, that was the point where she walked away from him, but was it possible.. yes... he had done the walking in the first place. He found his eyes straying, needing a respite, but he caught them the moment he realised and levelled them upon her too-familiar face again. He realised he had missed the almost-tears that didn't fall and her felt legs buckle before he was able to steady them, his whole body deflated and it wasn't until that moment that he knew how rigged he had been standing. Every word she spoke was truth, yet he wished he never had to hear it. This day should never have happened, yet he couldn't bare to think it might never have come about.

She would move yet closer to him and well they where not touching he could feel the heat of her skin, more pronounced by the cold winter that hung about them. Her words would bring a catch to his breath, and he realised that still he had not spoken. She was the one doing the telling this time and he could only listen, dumbstruck by the beauty and terribleness of the moment. He wasn't certain what to say, what he should do, what would be the right thing? He loved Sibelle, oh, of course he loved her but his heart was reaching out to Othello in a steady, undeniable rhythm. She would speak again, and his body would react, reaching forward even as his lips formed words. ?No? he whispered. He knew in every reach of his heart that if she left now he would never see her again, and his heart did that final bit of breaking at that thought. He drew her into him, tucking her head into the crock of his neck and placing a paw over hers. His body was shaking, trembling and he could feel it more pronounced as their skin touched and their heat jumped in erratic movements between their bodies. ?You leaving would kill me. You staying, might just do the same? he whispered, his voice unsteady, losing control. He didn't know how to make this work, he didn't know how to fit her in his life just as he didn't know how to let her leave. This was so messed up he in utter shambles.




8 Years
11-20-2014, 04:04 AM

Words were such silly things, and yet held so much more power than most thought. They could not be taken back once said, no matter how much you said sorry. Covering words with more words, that is all it truly was. But the body never lied. It reacted to every little thing, moved and bent different ways to showcase emotions. It told more vast stories than words did, for in the shared silence all you needed was a little motion, the smallest movement and you knew. As Othello watched him, she knew. They were both as much in love with each other as they had once been. It had never faded, but been put on the shelf while other wolves and new emotions came out to play. But there it had been sitting, collecting dust and yet breathing at the same time. It still lived on as they did, awaiting its turn to be brought out once more. It made its big debut today, shining so brightly that it could have melted all the snow around them. It was starting to cover them now as well, making them look like just another part of the landscape. Rooted. Connected. Together. As much as they knew it was wrong, deep roots were spreading once more.

He had listened to her, and moved with her. Bodies reacted to each other, pulling back at the same time as her too harsh words were said. The tongue was truly the most powerful weapon of all. So she sheathed it, waiting for him to wield his own. She had nothing else to say, and couldn't without his words to set her free. She had trapped herself in her own statement, relying on one little word for her next action. So she moved the only way that she could, towards him. And then it left, that one word that answered two questions at once. He rushed forward, crushing their bodies together. In something that sounded so violent, it was as sweet as baby's breath. They molded into each other, fitting perfectly in each others embrace. His head tucked around her own, ears pinning gently against her head as purple eyes closed. She breathed in his scent, pushing her nose into his neck until it rested on hot skin. The snow was not the only thing that started to melt off her, the tension and sadness following it. She just sat there, until his next words were spoken. Othello wiggled herself further into him, his paw over her own making her knees feel weak. She wanted to ask him to run away with her, so they could be together away from all of this. But she couldn't, it would be too much for him to drop his pack and too just melt away. But as her heart beat picked up in her chest, she realized that it was just more than love for him that was shining through. His heat wrapped her up in a comforting blanket, and she swallowed hard to try and rid the emotions that were unwanted. She could no longer lust after this man, that place was not hers. But he was just so delicious, and the way that he held her made her think that he might want the same thing.

"I... I can't just leave you like this. I want you still, sweetest Crucifix. I need you." She whispered, knowing that if her actions had not been out of line, that her words were. She should not be doing this, it was not fair to either of them. But she couldn't help it. He was too much a temptation. Her tongue snaked out of her mouth and caressed his neck, his taste making her fur stand on end as a shiver ran through her spine. She could not deny the feelings that he was bringing out in her, but she would suppress them if he asked. "What do you want me to do?" She asked, pulling her head out from under him for only a moment. Her tongue wet her lips as her nerves grew, eyes searching his. She didn't want to pull apart, but she needed to see the truth in all of this. Words could lie, eyes could not. Was this totally wrong of them to be doing? Probably. But they were both adults, he was no longer just a boy. She may be older, but age didn't matter when love was involved. She found herself leaning in closer to his own muzzle, eyes roaming down to it. "Just... tell me to stop." She said delicately, brushing the side of her muzzle against her own. Nose came close to his cheek, a soft, lingering kiss pressing there before she drew back slightly. She knew this was wrong, but already her lids were heavy. She wanted him. Thoughts of all other things were gone, and it was getting hard to focus. If Crucifix didn't want this, all he had to do was say so. She might not be the best at self control, but his words held a little more power over her.

Othello's breath came out more weighted than usual, her head wrapping around so that a similar kiss could be placed on his opposite cheek. He tasted sweeter than she had remembered, but perhaps that was just because of the lingering need to consume him. Her eyes roamed up to his, seeing how he was reacting to all of this. Her elongated tail came to the left, curling around the side of her own body and a part of Crucifix's. She drew her nose around the side of his face, her teeth drawing a line up his cheek bone. And then she stopped, wrapping her head back under his own chin, the top of her head pressing against it with a soft amount of pressure. She held her breath, her claws digging into the earth. Had she just gone too far and ruined everything? Maybe it would be for the best, and they could part just as fiery as they always seemed to. If not... perhaps they should move indoors. Othello shook her head, she had no idea where this was all coming from. Did Crucifix think that she was some mindless whore who only came to see him to reconnect in every way possible? She sure hoped not, because her mind was screaming at her for stopping where she did. Wiggling herself closer to the male she waited on baited breath to see what he would do.

baby you're all I need



2 Years
11-20-2014, 04:30 AM

He held her tight like the world might end if he ever let her go ? and it just might, one way or another their rash but needed actions might just break the world. In one hand, he knew that this was a step to far, if they let go now it would break them both like tearing the fragile wings off a butterfly. Yet, nor could he choose one over the other when one was already too ingrained into his life, the other appearing like a hurricane as she wrapped him in emotion and need and love. His paw gently cupped about hers strained ever so gently against her paw as through he needed to drag her close, even as his chin dug deeply into her back as he held her close to him. He could feel his heart thrumming wild and fast, yet fragile in his chest. It was the quick beat of a birds heart and at the moment he felt every bit as fragile as a bird without wings.

Her wings would tear further gashes into his burning heart and his shaking body could not still, and he had no doubt she could feel the movement and hear his heart. She was telling him she wanted him still and it was worse then just seeing that she still felt the same in her eyes. When he felt the cool touch of her tongue against his neck the world froze, his body was as hard and still as ice and his heart skipped a beat even as he forgot to breath. The next thing he knew the world was alive truly alive as through he lived in a monotone grey since she had walked from his life. A groan escaped his lips, a sound every bit as sinful as the words she had spoken. Her touch was a drug to him, and he needed more of it, begged for more of it as he arched his head, giving her full access to the area she caressed.

Then she was pulling away again and he was gasping, breathing and struggling to think. His body and heart where on the same page but his head was spinning, screaming, crying out for him to stop before it was too late, it pleaded with him in agonising, dying tones but he could not hear it, his head spun to quickly and his body couldn't stop. Her words cut through it all and he closed his eyes and rasped in another breath. What was she doing to him, he couldn't think, he half accused her of drugging him, but then that's exactly what she seemed to be for him. They had always had a passion, and he knew that bottling it up hadn't weakened it, and now that they had opened that bottle there was no jamming a lid back in place. Oh, god, was it too late?

She leaned in closer to him and he could feel her cool breath on his face as further words slipped free. He almost took them as a challenge, he was so high on his drug and he was burning for another hit, for their bodies to touch again and her lips and teeth to be on his skin. Then she touched her nose to his and he leaned into the touch, his body crying more more! even as his head screamed profanities, it cursed and cried out and called him a fool. He turned it off, his mind had lost dominance the moment she tasted him and now his body was in control. She would place another kiss against his other cheek and sensual sigh escaped his own lips as his body told her to give him more.

The seducer would curl that elongated tail he had always cherish around his own and he shivered deliciously at the luxurious touch of it brushing against his fur. He moved closer and he struggled to catch his breath. Yet, despite the arching of his back, the single moan and sigh that had escaped him he did not fully move to further then embrace. He breathed in and out in quick, deep movements before at last, he finally found his voice. ?Wait, wait? he gasped, before he truly lost himself, he knew a few more touches from her sinfully soft skin and he would lose himself in her aroma and body, he would lose control. He needed her to stop even as his body contradicted him and arched itself closer to her, his body attempting to mould into the contours of her body and his heart begun to beat in time with hers. ?I need you, Othello, god, I don't know if I can stop myself, from this or from loving you, but wait? he whispered, the sound agonised and laced with the need for her to continue ?God? he moaned as he struggled with himself. ?I don't know what to do, I don't know who I cant live without, but I can't.. I can't cheat on her, if we do this, Othello, its for life, and we do it the right way? oh god, what was he saying, he made it sound like he had already made up his mind, but he hadn't, he was incapable of coherent thought with her aroma fogging his thoughts, his body responding in time to hers.




8 Years
12-01-2014, 12:39 AM

The heat of their passion was thick, it was almost tangible in the air between them. She could feel it tugging at them, pulling them to and fro. His heat soaked into her very soul, making her toes tingle as he held her close. There was so much familiarity there, a past -- but was there a future? That was a question that she could not answer, thoughts of Scorpion and her pups clinging to her mind. But she wanted to push that all away, to just feel and not to think. She wanted there to be no names, no thoughts, just hungry and feral actions. But it was too much, wasn't it? It just might be, with all that was holding them apart. It seemed like it would be such a simple answer, just something that she wouldn't even have to think about. But that was not the case here, no matter how badly she tried to quell the thoughts they persisted, nagging at her and chirping in her ear. All her mind wanted for her to do was stop, stop! Her heart longed for him though, it was yearning for something that only he could supply her. It was getting easier to forget, to just feel the sensation that was Crucifix.

His moan sent a shock down to her very core, the sound making her toes curl into the frozen landscape. A soft breath whispered out of her own mouth, a taint of that delicious sound. His head moved upwards and she extended her touch, teeth pulling at his fur. Her heart was thrashing in her chest, and she feared that it would break free from its confines. As the snow fell in a steady pattern around them she reached further yet, wanting to explore every inch of his body with her own. Inching closer still she pressed her chest flush with his own, hearts now one and she nibbled on the lobe of his ear. A delicate moan slipped forth, whispered against his ear. "Oh Cru." She mumbled, his name tasting like honey on her lips. She rose up on her toes, sharp teeth closing softly on the tip of his ear, tugging on it. A hiss sounded, the need for him to please her needy form growing by the moment.

She pulled back slightly, resting her nose on his. Crucifix's body reacted to hers, leaning in. She jumped on it, pushing herself against him harder still, a more harsh nip falling on his cheek. He craved his special flavor, needed it. Damn, it was an unmatched passion. It was different with Scorpion than it was with Cru, it always had been different. She needed that, needed the changed. She thirsted for it, like she hadn't had anything to drink for ages. His moan cried out towards her again, making her more vociferous in her movements. They became desperate, sharp and in utter ecstasy.


Words and body language conflicted, voice telling her to wait while his body leaned into her. She was confused, unsure of what to listen to. Hesitation was the key, it made her stutter step away from him. She backed up so quickly that she nearly tripped over her own paws, the pink haze that seemed to surround them shattered. Othello felt the cold winter air against her form once more, where only a few moments ago it had just been his heat. The scent of snow coated the inside of her nose, replacing his heady scent. She seemed to snap out of it, although her body was stretching towards him again. She still felt a need for him to take her, for her to just turn around and move that tail of hers that he loved so much. Her purple eyes grew cautious, watching him struggle for breath. He said he couldn't fight it, and her head tilted. "Then don't." She whispered. Her critical thinking had not caught up with everything just yet, her thought patterns were twining into one another like grape vines. But, his next words brought everything bad up. Her body grew cold, the passion slipping away from her all at once. Sinful thoughts were replaced by more wholesome ones, her jaws parting as if she was going to speak. Nothing cam though, only a sputtering breath that she nearly choked on. For life? "I can't make you do that Crucifix... I can't tear a family apart. My children may have left me on their own will, but I cannot force the pain that I went though on you. Scorpion has been scarce, I haven't been able to find him either. I cannot have you feel that pain and sorrow that I did. I..." She cut off, gaze leaving his own as her heart started to crack.

Othello looked back up at him, tears collecting in those purple eyes. A soft smile was on her lips, although it was not a sign of joy. "I need you Crucifix, and I find that I cannot walk away But I crave you in a much deeper way, and it is all much to complicated. Can we not have one night, just one last night of fiery passion?" Scorpion did it, and still he cared for Othello greatly. So could she not do the same? Could they not. She took a slow step towards him, nose stretching out to brush against his silver coat. Was she crazy for expecting him to go through with something like this? Perhaps, but Othello had always been a bit crazy...



2 Years
12-01-2014, 01:26 AM

It was obvious that things where spiralling unbearably out of control. Every fibre of his being cried out that he wanted and needed this, with only one small voice in his head whispering Sibelle's name, telling him that this was not right – not that being with Othello was wrong, because good, it felt so right but that this was not the way to go about it. He couldn't do this to his pack and family, he shuddered, a motion of warning and need, or worry and lust as he scented her all about him. She had pulled back an inch and her nose resting on his. His flanks heaved with breath, finally feeling the air they pulled into his lungs was quenching his need for air. He gasped in the respite and fought to clear the fog of desire from his mind.

The respite was short lived before they where pushing themselves together again, as through trying defy the laws of physics and merge themselves into one with the heat of their emotions and desires, turning two beings simply into one astonishing creation. When his voice cried out between them she would listen, the white, unearthly beauty before him would back quickly from him like he had horrified or startled her. He panted again, lungs burning for air as he watched her. His words had broken the spell and he cringed as he looked at her now, as through feeling and knowing that he had done wrong. His body had answered her even as his mind cried out, it had been wrong of him, as through leading her on when he wasn't fully decided.. not fully decided? He needed her, oh, god, the thought of them getting that chance to spend a life time together touched his heart so completely he thought it might stop from the ache and pain of desire for this image.

She would speak then, at last, he would taste something of what went on in her head. Ohh... his heart whispered, as he understood her changes. She had been abandoned by the very family she had created, abandoned by the boy she had chosen over him. His heart ached for her in a whole different way and his thoughts where lost as she spoke again. He refocused his eyes, startled, with the next words she spoke. He thought perhaps he could understand them – he knew Scorpion had not been faithful, but he knew also... that this had caused Othello some heart ache. She stepped closer to him again and he moved his nose to gently touch her, where he could look directly into her eyes.  “I think.. I think I want you forever Othello, and I still think that what Scorpion did was wrong, I can not and will not ever do that to Sibelle”  he closed his eyes and tried to imagine what this would do to his world, beyond the elation fo running off with Othello at his side, but to Sibelle and Solstice and the children he loved. His heart ached with indecision and pain, he knew Othello was right for him, he knew it in his heart of hearts that she was the woman he had born to live and die with – but they had gone wrong somewhere, their paths had gotten twisted and confused, was there anything they could do to change that? And even if he chose not to, even if he did not chose Othello over all he knew, he knew he could not keep this from Sibelle. He winced at the thought, of telling her of this reunion with an old flame and admitting he still had feelings for her – even having not slept with her, she would not forgive him, or perhaps, being in love with another was an even worse sin then just sleeping with them. He closed his eyes and let out his breath in a soft sound of pain, he had to tell Sibelle, and he would, but he would not sleep with Othello without taking her as a mate for life, that side of him had been lost the moment he took the road of having a mate.





8 Years
12-02-2014, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2014, 05:52 PM by Othello.)

“I think.. I think I want you forever Othello, and I still think that what Scorpion did was wrong, I can not and will not ever do that to Sibelle”

The girl froze, feeling like she was fighting against time itself. If she could only go back to where they once stood, back before she had gone off and let her crazy self go. Being a mother had mellowed her out like she couldn't imagine, but could the children she have now be different if they were from him? She didn't regret having her Mercy and Revenge, only regretted them growing apart and for her to allow them to leave her side. Her ears fell flat against her skull, she really felt like she was being torn apart. She couldn't break up a family, she knew more than he knew how it felt. It was not something that she would ever wish on others, nor inflict on them. Her purple gaze fell from him, that last piece of her heart breaking for him. She couldn't do this. She couldn't watch him suffer every day because he chose her. A shuttering sigh came from her maw as the woman took a few steps.  "I can't Crucifix... I can't ask you to break apart your family."

Thoughts of Scorpion clouded her mind, drawing her away from the scene that laid out in front of her. She knew that he cared for her, even if he slept with others. She knew that it wasn't right, and that she deserved better. That is why they split apart, why they were apart more often than they were together. This is why she had come to seek out Crucifix, to see an old friend. She felt so alone in this world, and that everyone was leaving her side. Was she not good enough? Did she not love them all enough? The bitter sting of tears tore at her eyes, making her shake her head back and forth in short bursts. As much as she longed for this to work out, she just would not allow herself to split his family apart. "Go back to your family, spend some time with them. I would hate for you to lose them like I lost mine." She whispered, eyes finally rising up to meet his own gaze. Yes, once more they would need to say goodbye. Her heart pulled against her as the breath rushed out of her lungs. She didn't want to part like this, not after everything that had happened on this night.

It was then that a howl rang out for her, desperate and full of pain. Othello's whole body shot up, her attention pulling across her shoulder. Scorpion? He was in trouble, she had never heard his voice sound like that before. Wide eyes turned towards Cru, taking a few more steps back. "I need to go... But I will be back to visit Crucifix. I promise, I will not keep us apart for long." She promised. Pushing herself forward she nuzzled into his cheek. "I love you." Her lips brushed against his ear, wet nose pressing against it softly. She would return, but she could not ignore a call like that. He was in pain, in trouble, and her soul cried out to him. She had to go, she needed to. As much as she wanted to stay, as much as her heart yearned for him, Scorpion needed her. She would not leave him in his time of need. Taking one last lingering look at the silver boy, she offered one soft smile. As her head turned, her wings tore, heart shatters, and tears fell. But this was not their final farewell, she would be back. That was a promise.

-exit Othello unless stopped-



2 Years
12-02-2014, 06:29 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2014, 06:30 PM by Crucifix.)

His head was killing him and he was so utterly, desolate and confused. He knew he wanted Othello, and standing her with her breath clogging his nostrils, her beauty about him it was hard to to think of anything other then her. Yet he knew he still loved Sibelle and he thought of all the trials that he and his mate had gone through together. His heart felt hollow and cold at what this would do to her. He had never wanted to hurt for her, had believed that he would always fight for her, always try and carve a life for them in this world. How could it be that he was so utterly split, that he wanted desperately two separate things, he wanted Othello, and Sibelle, but knew also that he could never have them both.

He hung his head and cursed his heart, thought himself fickle and untrustworthy, if it could love so fiercely, and so freely like this. He was lost, and Othello's words echoed that lost as she told him she could not break his family. He parted his lips, attempting to find speech, to say something meaningful, something that would make all this ok.

Then... she was gone, like a ghost against the snow she would tear away from him and be lost from his world as she vanished in the night after the howl of someone who always seemed to bring her away from him. His heart broke a little in his chest as he watched her vanish amidst the snow that had never ceased its falling. Her scent began to bury beneath the white flakes as they fell stronger and heavier, until he felt that he too might be buried amidst them. He whimpered softly, the sound of confusion from his heart before he the snow from his head, even as his body heated melted it against him. He was drenched and freezing, a fitting punishment for the havoc he was about to cause. He stood there a while longer, until there was not a single trace of her to tell him this had happened, to prove she had actually been here at all. But he felt it in his trembling heart as slowly, painfully he unburied his legs, stamped off as much of the snow as he could and moved through the pack, attempting to follow familiar pasts despite the white landscape and confusion of the falling snow. He moved back towards the tree line, huddling beneath the leaves for a semblance of protection from the snow. He hesitant, uncertain if he wanted to call Sibelle out into this light snowstorm, but sighed, and decided waiting for the snow to stop was a silly excuse for delaying this. He lifted his head and howled for her, knowing he would have to explain it all – the snow had wiped away all traces of her scent off his land and coat.




12-02-2014, 06:37 PM

The voice that rang out across her home was not familiar in the slightest. But it called for Cru, and Cru alone. Her brows would furrow in confusion. Not many showed up at their borders calling specifically for her husband. She would rise, moving through the forest steadily. She didn’t rush, taking her time in pinpointing the source. Not once did she doubt him, or doubt his loyalty, so his summon didn't strike her as odd. He had her entire heart and not once had she ever expected to come across the scene that unfolded before her. Legs would lock, bringing her to sudden halt. Standing the shadows she would watch as her husband found himself in the embrace of another. Another woman. They stood close, they scents intertwining, they gazes locked on each other in a way that was painfully familiar. For a moment she stood shocked, unsure that she was even seeing this right.

The pale woman would flee, disappearing into the snowy abyss, but not before issue three little words. I love you. His voice would ring out, but she was already there, he had stood there for the longest time, silent and unmoving. And then blinding fury. Hackles shot skyward, her ears pinned to her crown as her singular gaze narrowed. Lips peeled back to expose daggers. ”You bastard.” Words came out in a guttural hiss, slipping between clenched jaws. Is that what he had sought after? Another woman? Her gaze would first pierce her husband, before finally flickering to his whore as she fled. Her crown would lift above her shoulders, chin tucking against her throat while her tail flicked up and over her hips. ”After all we have been through, you would throw it away for a night with a whore.” She would snarl angrily, her gaze piercing. Hatred burned wildly in her verdant gaze, it seeped for her pours. The closer she got, the more she could smell quickly fading stench clinging to her mates pelt and it only fueled her anger.

Her marriage was over. There was no going back now. The damage was done. Betrayal swarmed her, threatening to drown her. After all she had done, all they had been through together, and here he was, throwing it all way for some other woman. She had fought to keep their home, to keep their children safe, to provide them a place to call home. And now, it was all gone. Anger and betrayal battled for the upper hand. A war had been unleashed, and there was no taming it. Never had she strayed from him, nor even thought of it. Her heart had never yearned for another, he had held her, heart, body and soul. Yet here he stood, ready to bed a common whore on the outskirts of their home. He hadn’t even had the balls to invite her in. Her gaze continued to bore into her husband, all her anger and hatred was directed at him. She would see this woman wither before her if it was the last thing she did. This woman had entered their lives unwelcome, and there would be hell to pay. The stench of husbands whore was imbedded in her mind, never would she forget it.

"Burn Baby Burn"



2 Years
12-02-2014, 06:56 PM

Somehow, strangely, she had been there the entire time. She must have followed him to the tree lines as he walked at the pace of an old man. He had no idea why she waited as long as she did, waited until he had already settled beneath the canopy of the trees and howled for her, for her to then make her appearance known. He had moved away from that part of the territory and by this time there was utterly nothing left of Othello to be seen. Whatever her reasons where, she had a right to her anger, to the cruel words that slipped like poison through her fangs, naming him for the bastard that he was. His already dropping body would slacken and become that much more lifeless as he realised she had seen it, and would judge him now before a single word could slip out of his mouth. His ears folded to his skull and his head hung in a submissive posture. He deserved it all, even if he had not allowed his body to, his heart certainly had betrayed her.

Her next words would cause him to look up at her again, wondering exactly how much she had heard or witnessed, because clearly she hadn't heard his words of denial to Othello. “No, Sibelle,  I told her that I would never betray you that way,and meant every word, that I would never ever sleep with another woman well already devoted to a mate. But even if not that way, I have betrayed you, with my heart. Her name is Othello and we where almost mates once before, long before I even met you. I didn't realise I still harboured feelings for her, I called you to admit this because its not something I would ever wish to keep from you Sibelle. I just.. I just want you to know that I never would have done more without admitting this to you, without you saying we where over” he groaned, knowing he was going about this all wrong but unable to find the right words. “You deserve far better, and I only ever wanted to help you, to look out for you and fight for you. I.. I wish I had never seen her again and the old feelings would never have risen again” he whispered, seeing now what Othello had said in the pain of splitting apart a family.



12-02-2014, 07:29 PM

He bowed before her, barely looking like he could even keep himself standing. He at least managed to look pitiful, like he had never meant any of this to happen. But it had. It had happened. Ice spilled through her veins, blocking out the cold of the winter as it wrapped around her heart, locking it in a frigid box. His betrayal cut bone deep, a lesson she would always remember. His immediately denial meant nothing to her, it fell on deaf ears. She didn't want to hear another word he had to say even as he claimed to have never physically betrayed her. But, he had. It would spill from his own lips that he harbored feelings for this woman, that she had a part of his heart. He might as well just rip her heart out now. When he spoke of his history, she would flinch back as though he had struck her. Othello. It was a name that was forever branded into her brain. His voice was a harsh whisper, his claims, and silent pleas for forgiveness meant nothing, they rolled off her like water. Her anger had yet to be curbed, her betrayal only worsened with each word.

Not once in his speech had he said 'I love you', not once. He wanted to protect her, to help her, but he didn't say that he loved her. Her vision blurred with unshed tears that she refused to allow to fall. She would not cry. Not another tear would be wasted on him. "You don't love me. You love her." She would spit the accusation at him like it left a bad taste in her mouth. Her singular gaze burned like liquid fire. Her body trembled as her heart shattered into a million little pieces. The desire to spill his blood was overwhelming, it clouded her mind and pulled her a step closer. No, she couldn't do that, physical wounds heal. She wanted to make him feel the pain that radiated in her chest. "Go. Go tell your whore how much you love her." Her words were like acid, spoken slowly and softly. "But you will stay away from me and my children. Try and stop me and I will rip your balls from your body and you will never bed your whore again." Lips remained curled back, as she took a step away from him, refusing to be anywhere near him. It no longer matter what happened or didn't happen, his heart belonged to another and she wanted no part any loner. She would pivot away from him, not once glancing back as she left him to stand in the cold.

-exit unless stopped-

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
Extra large
12-02-2014, 11:17 PM
The atmosphere in his sister's pack had been tense and the cobalt titan hadn't been able to figure out just exactly why that was. He had been keeping to himself for the most part, figuring that it had something to do with her family and although she was his sister, that was her family and he had no business meddling in family affairs. After all, he had confidence in his sister and her ability to overcome whatever was thrown at her. She was missing an eye along with most of one ear now and was nearly as decorated with scars as he was, so if that was any indication that she could hold her own he wasn't terribly worried about her. But just because she could handle herself didn't mean that he didn't need to be there to look after her; she was his baby sister after all. 

Ebony paws would pull the titan through the somewhat familiar territory, scarred nostrils flaring as he hunted for Sibelle's scent. The tension in the air was so thick he could've probably ripped a chunk through it. Something was happening and it didn't feel like it was a good thing either. His first instinct was to seek out his russet sister, to make sure that she was okay, but never had he imagined the scene that he would stumble across. Sibelle's scent hit him hard, catching his attention as he followed it to the source, her familiar voice angrily echoing in the air around him. What the hell was going on? He could hear pawsteps moving towards him and he could only assume it was his sister, seeing as though her scent was nearly overwhelming now. He could sense fury rippling off her in waves and he knew something wasn't right. Little red, what the hell is going on? He would purposely put himself in her path to stop her, needing an explanation, her mood be damned. Her mate Crucifix's scent would tease his nostrils as an afterthought and he would have a sneaking suspicion that brute had something to do with it. Gargantuan frame would tense up as he pulled himself up to his full height, milky eyes narrowed with suspicion as he waited for his sister's explanation. 


12-03-2014, 05:14 PM

He didnt answer her, he simply fled, running away from her like she had done sometthing wrong. An angry noise would leave her lips as she continued to move away from this place, but a familiar face stood in her path. She would look up at his unseeing eyes, tears immediately falling and wetting her cheeks. She could see the tension in his frame, a ghost of his old self resurfacing as he jumped to her protection. She would rush forward, burying her face in his neck. "He-he loves her." Her voice shook with pain and hurt, hatred burning brightly in her gaze. That would never change. If she ever came across this woman, she would ensure that she never forgot who's husband she had stolen. Her weight would fall against her brother, shoulders sagging wearily. It stung to know that he no longer cared for only her. A choking sob ripped through her, she was no longer able to control it. "She was here." Words came out in a hiss despite the tears that wet her cheeks. She wasnt sure what was worse. His faithfulness despite his love for another, or that he wasnt man enough to just do it and fuck his whore. A growl vibrated in her throat, emotions battling for the upper hand. She needed to get a grip, she needed to get her children.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
Extra large
12-04-2014, 08:56 PM
The ghosts of his recent discoveries haunted the titan. Maija was no longer his wife, having found someone else to fill his absence, a child having come of that substitution. He had no right to be mad. He had after all abandoned the golden women and it was only natural for her to have gone in search of someone to comfort her when the man who had promised his life to her had disappeared. But just because it was justified didn't mean that it hurt any less. It was a constant sore to the titan, but as he stood in front of his sister, demanding to know what was going on, he could care less about his own grievances. Something was clearly going on here and she needed his support and his support she would have. Sure, he had left her behind when he'd disappeared but he was back now, and as he'd told her before, he wasn't going anywhere anymore. She was his little sister and she would always be. He would protect her with his life from anything and everything that caused her harm, physical or emotional, even if that came from her own mate.

He would get no response at first, simply feeling her smaller figure curl against his own, her head burying itself against his neck. Chin would automatically tuck against her, holding the russet woman to him as she finally revealed what it was that was going on. He-he loves her. Dark brows would furrow together in confusion, skull turning in the direction from where Crucifix's scent came from, finding it to have started to become faint. Where had the man gone? How could he have left his wife in such a state? She was here. And then Taurig would begin to put the pieces together. Crucifix had been with another woman? Cobalt hackles would bristle, a low growl rumbling in the beast's chest as he held his sister tighter to him. The knight had left his wife, but he had never dared become unfaithful to her. Even know that she was no longer his, he desired no other. He could hear the pain and the hurt in Sibelle's sobs and it only worked to anger the man. No one was allowed to hurt his sister like this, not even her so called husband. If Crucifix ever came back to try and mend things with his sister, it was guaranteed that he wouldn't leave in one piece. He was blind, but that didn't mean that he couldn't kill.