
One With The Wind



11-17-2014, 08:42 PM

OOC: No one can save her, she purposely committed suicide sadly <3
She walked along the edge of the cliff, feeling the breeze tugging at her russet fur, the ebony stripes moving in waves along her right forelimb. Her jet black ears pricked forward, listening to the cascading waterfalls flow beneath her paws. She was young, only just barely a year old, and yet she carried so many burdens on her shoulder, weighing her down with each step she took more and more until she could bare it no more. Simple satisfaction could no longer please her and she took that as a sign. Maybe it was her time to go.

Tears filled her lavender laced orbs as she looked towards the pool below her, seeing no sign of any wolf, and smelling only the faintest of tracks. She was alone. A single crystal tear fell from her eye, but she cried not out of pity or longing or regret for the decision she was about to make, but for her family and her friends and her life. She only held regret for not making more friends in her short time on Earth. She stepped towards the edge, feeling the cool mist graze her muzzle. It was time.

The wind sang to her as she took the closing step towards the end. Closing her eyes, she felt one with the wind and the water and the earth. This was her home now, up in the air, seeing all around her. This is where she belonged.

Made by the lovely Anastasia