
Cheers, Dork.



3 Years
Dire wolf
11-18-2014, 05:16 PM

Mithras cursed the nature of snow. So pliable, packable, in all ways adaptable, yet the wondrous material still had the gall to melt. It was enough to drive any male to distraction, especially those who had just spent many more hours than they would admit building a veritable snow fortress. He stood near the edge of this gargantuan forest, in which snow had drifted up far above even his own considerable height. After exploring his options (i.e. sticking his head right through the side of a drift to see what might lay inside) there seemed little choice left but to dig in. Slowly, carefully, he had hallowed out his icy den. This was of course after having hurriedly hallowed out the previous two and thereby caving them in. But he was wiser now! He could stand completely upright, pace three times from wall to wall, even swish his tail- Uh oh... That had been more contact than he was expecting. Perhaps he was closer to the wall than he'd originally been aware, and the male froze, not daring to move a muscle lest he topple his cathedral inwards. A long breath passed before he would exhale his relief. His shoulders drooped, and a lazy grin broke upon his violet maw. "That was clo-"


For a moment Mithras did not move, did not want to move, because that would solidify at last that he was entombed once more. He let out en exasperated groan and began to paddle his way through the pile of snow to where fresh air most likely awaited him.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!



8 Years
Chrono I
11-18-2014, 10:29 PM

(OOC: I just really wanted to pop chione in so I'll pretend it's a little closer to home x) Also, 50th post!)

Had she wandered? This time farther north. It was always a nervous way out of Pantheon, on the thin strip that connected it to the rest of the land. But she was willing to risk that and the thought of one of her parents running after her. But so far, she hadn't been scolded by one.

She would walk without actually being apart of this world, but her paws would make her jolt as she felt something new and unknown. Was this snow? It was the first time she had ever seen it, and the first time a smile was brought to her in a long while. Though, not for long.

"Perfect place for you to join me. Just lay down and freeze to death darling, it'll all be over soon."

Her chin lowered as her face returned to normal and she would continue walking. But in her journey across the white lands, she could hear the sound of crunching in the distance, a few times though separated by moments. When it stopped, she would feel a little relief getting tired of the distraction and went onward. She would only be surprised when she came across a large pile of the ice, but it started to move.

She wasn't sure if it was a deadly thing or not, but those things hadn't mattered to her anymore. She started to dig, but without fear or worry, even when she was able to spot the wolf inside. The solid casing of the cave had made her paws grow tender. She still wasn't her full height or strength and the dig took a lot out of her.

"No need to worry, the thing is dead. Move along."

She backed up to see if the wolf could finish the job and gave him the room to get out. She would still help if needed.

"Are you alright?"

Walk "Talk" Think