
living secret



4 Years
11-18-2014, 12:53 PM

A moan would slip from her lips as she found herself in consciousness. Her abdomen would scream with pain as her eyes fluttered open and she flailed within the confines of the den. She?d feel herself whine as full consciousness took over and she would realize the magnitude of her discomfort. Breathing laboriously she would push herself from the den floor and emerge from the den that Soliloquy would share with her.
She?d hoped the fresh air might help, and it seemed like it might as her head cleared. However as she started on her second and third breath of the cold winter air her stomach would lurch, causing it?s contents to spill from her mouth and onto the ground. She?d collapse next to the pile, still dry heaving as she whined pitifully. What was wrong with her?


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



3 Years
11-20-2014, 06:00 PM

i know that a love like this won't last forever

Soliloquy and Isolde had spent a glorious number of days together, honestly he had lost track of them simply knew they had been incredibly enjoyable and very satisfying. He had been eager for such moments to continue but alas, as quickly as it had all begun it was now being torn away. Her deeply enticing scent had been fading, he was certainly still attracted to her though regardless and wouldn't let such a thing put him off, even if he couldn't quite put a paw on what was happening. Everything had changed so suddenly however though officially starting with the wonderful wake-up call for that morning; the scent of vomit meeting his nose.

Initially the man was disgusted but such a smell greeting he and Isolde and surely completely ruining any moment they might have had that morning. Who had been so careless to disrupt them in such a manner, he was no healer he wasn't actually sure about Isolde's skills if he was honest but either way they shouldn't have been disturbed in this manner. He was about to exit and give them a piece of his mind when he suddenly realised that Isolde wasn't in the den. She was the one being sick outside of it.

Now he was worried. What was wrong with Isolde? His first thought was of course Orchid, she was the best healer he was aware of, not that he had many to compare to, and certainly the only one he would have trusted to care for his russet princess properly. She had left them long ago now though and with her wavering loyalty his trust and will to ask for her help was fading. There had to be some other way to make her better.

but i don't really mind i don't really mind at all

Orchid I


5 Years
11-20-2014, 07:06 PM

Her thoughts had little strayed to the family that had not followed with her when Covari's lands moved and its pack became a new and different place. It was an act of self-preservation more then one of spite for the siblings she had not seen since and sorely missed. She didn't know what had come of them or where they had gone, she had followed with Cru and expected to see them there ? only to find an empty place in her heart where once they had belonged. She was faithful to her choice until the day a snake slithered against her paws, a rare sight in Solstice territory and its presence opened a floodgate she had thought sealed water-tight.

She had held back tears as she curled up alone in her den ? she had not cried since she the day she decided to be a healer, not once and she would not and could not break that now. When the next day came about, and the cool winter chill clung to her coat she despite to break her promise and slipped from Solstice's territory to explore the Range of Covari's old haunts. She expected nothing to come of it, so when the scent of Sol hit her, strong and fresh as through he spent a great deal of time in the lands she would find herself shell-shocked in surprise. Her next emotion, of course, would be fury ? she bet he knew exactly where she was, with the old wolves of Covari, had he ever come to visit her? no.

with furry stamping her paws she would follow his trail until she found him, her gaze would find his frame and her maw would open to announce profanities in his direction, until she saw the girl, and the smell of vomit that clung to the air. Her trap closed and she moved slowly forward, her nose already fumbling for the leaf bag of herbs she carried everywhere. ?Sol? she said, softer then she might have if the situation had been different. ?Im still a healer? it was the closest she would get to ask permission to see the girl before she was beside the other. She was quite prepared to snap if they kept her from her job. She crouched on the ground before the groaning girl, and placed her ear before the others mouth to listen to her breathing, before moving her head to place against her chest and listen to her heart. She sniffed freely, taking in the scent of the girl and the defined fragrance of her hormones, the changes in them that come about when a female is full with pregnancy. The way she touched and moved body parts could have been called familiar and shocking in any other situation, nipping her teeth gently against the skin to test her hydration, sticking her head against the others chest to hear her heart ? however her actions where clearly clinical and distant, as she did her job.

When the healer was finished with her assessment she rocked back on her heels and thought for a moment. Elderberry was a favourite herb of hers, she used it freely and collected it every chance she got ? it was fantastic for the old, the sick, the pregnant, it boosted their immune system and their was always plenty of cases when that was necessary. She did of course have some with her now, but that wouldn't aid with the main problem, but it would give a long-term strength that the pregnant woman might need. She nosed that out of her leaf back and placed it on the other girls tongue with a stern expression that held no room for nonsense. She needed Trillium, that was best for stomach pains caused by pregnancy, but she didn't have any on her ? it was really only for childbirth and no one in Solstice was pregnant. She did, however have Valerian Root, it was a more common herb and would help with cramps and sooth the stomach, that would have to do in the mean time and she would hunt down Trillium for the girl later. She placed that against the girls lips also, and as she did so she eyed the girl and spoke to her for the first time. ?What aches do you have? Any in your limbs, headache?? it wasn't uncommon for a pregnant woman to gain aches in all sorts of places.




4 Years
11-20-2014, 07:33 PM

Soliloquy would appear from the den a while after her, and miserably she would look up to him with her tired chocolate eyes. She knew he couldn't do anything and probably didn't want to be so close to her overturned meal so she would not ask his presence next to her. She was prepared to sit there for some time, at least until she was able to move again, when suddenly another presence was there.
She'd walk up like she belonged there, calling Soliloquy by his shortened name, telling him that she was still a healer. Then she was at her side. Isolde would look up painfully, too occupied with the pain to do anything about the sudden intrusion into her space. She'd inspect, pinch, and feel what seemed like every part of her form. She'd whine slightly at the unexpectedness, her gaze searching Soliloquy for some kind of assistance. He was going to let this stranger handle her this way?
She was fed some foul tasting berries and another odd herb before she would even find words for the unhealthy she wolf. "I am rather achey," She'd say softly, her voice hiding the discomfort, "and i do have a headache," though that hadn't shown up until Orchid had started her examination. Another whine would leave her lips after the words were spoken, she just wanted to curl back up with Soliloquy and sleep the day away.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



3 Years
11-29-2014, 05:21 PM
i know that a love like this won't last forever

Whilst he had considered his sister as the healer he needed right now, unsure on who else he could even ask for help, never in a million years would he have expected the other to suddenly appear, and his name, the affectionate nickname his family at times bestowed upon him, to be spoken and stealing his attention from his dear Isolde. He stood there completely shocked and hardly able to believe his eyes. Was he ill too, hallucinating perhaps another side effect before he had the vomiting to look forwards to. And yet he felt perfectly fine and this truly was his sister and she was stating the obvious fact that she was a healer.

She waited for no permission before starting to examine Isolde and Soliloquy stepped forwards protectively of his girl. What gave Orchid the right to waltz in here like this and suddenly decide it was time to play doctor without either he or Isolde asking her to? "Hang on!" He spoke up, a rather irritated look upon his own features as he eyed his sister still continuing on with her work. She had left them, he was busy remaining loyal to their brother why would he go and visit Orchid within that Cruxifix's pack? "Where on earth have you been?"

The speech could have continued, he had far more he could say but his sister continued to work and he knew in his heart he had to let her. He needed Isolde to be ok once more, he needed a healer to do that and Orchid was the finest he knew. "What is wrong with her?" He urged for an answer, voice suddenly calmer now there was no answer however. He had hardly given her the time to finish her examination after all and when she finally spoke it seemed that she needed more information. His poor Isolde would respond and whine softly, and Soliloquy would nuzzle her in comfort now once more looking to his sister for help. "Orchid, do you know what is wrong? Can you make her better?"

but i don't really mind i don't really mind at all

Orchid I


5 Years
11-29-2014, 08:37 PM

The healer clucked her tongue in thought as she went over Isolde, not allowing the distraction of her weary brother to pull her from the task. She would finish her inspection, and ask a few questions to which Orchid would nod approvingly, everything seemed to be as it should. She would need to top up her herbs for this wolf too, of course. She let the ice of her healer posture melt away and gently nuzzled Isolde. “It will be fine” she soothed gently, turning to Sol she opened her mouth, the closed it again, taking a moment to think. “Some of the Covari wolves went with Crucifix to start a new pack when Vi left, I followed them expecting to see you there. You didn't appear at his initial meeting nor any of the days after, you didn't look for me, come for me, nothing” she said, attempting to sound nonchalant, like she was stating a healers fact, but she fell short and her voice came out softer at the end, hurt, unwanted.

A little of who she had once been had wormed its way back into her heart, she remembered the broken, shy sister she had once been to them before she found her life and passion in healing. A part of her whispered that they where glad to get rid of her. She gritted her teeth and turned her head from the poisoning words, to stubborn to allow it to take over her. “As for what is wrong with her...” she tilted her head at her brother, puzzled, did he mean to think something was wrong with the pregnancy, or that he didn't even know of its existence? “Well, its completely normal for her state. Her body is adjusting to the change, morning sickness is only to be expected Sol... from a pregnant mother” she eyed him speculatively as she said this.





4 Years
11-30-2014, 01:11 PM

She'd get a comforting nuzzle from both wolves, though it was Soliloquy she would lean into as he tried to reassure her frazzled form. She felt awful and it seemed the day could hardly get any worse. She'd feel a bit calmer as her lover would refrain from chasing off the odd healer. She'd listen quietly at the words exchanged between then two, the hurt in the pale woman's voice was quite obvious. She'd find herself feeling a bit softer towards the kind healer. However her next words would cause Isolde's eyes to widen and her breath to catch in her throat. Pregnant? The clues certainly did add up, her incessant desire as well as this awful hangover like state. Orchid couldn't be lying. Her dark gaze would clings to Soliloquy as she awaited his reaction, her ears plastered to her head and her expression becoming rather fearful. She wasn't ready to be a mother.




3 Years
11-30-2014, 02:30 PM
i know that a love like this won't last forever

It will be fine. Four simple words to soothe them and it did the trick. Orchid wouldn't lie, nor did Soliloquy think for a moment that she was lying now. Her explanation as to her whereabouts, the hurt tone as she explained she had joined Crucifix's pack and expecting them to appear. "I thought that Scorpion had made it perfectly clear that he wouldn't be following him." Quite what had caused any strains that'd existed between Scorpion and Crucifix, the younger Destruction had no idea. All he knew was that he would remain completely loyal to his brother, follow the man unquestionably for never really had he let him down. There had been a few instances where it had felt perhaps his brother had though here they were still together.

Scorpion had been considering finding a way to start his own pack, though with his kids missing other things had been occupying his mind and distracting him from that task. Soliloquy was annoyed by the delay, the little brats shouldn't have wandered off if they couldn't find their way home. He'd never developed the strongest of attachments to his niece and nephew, jealous of them for too long and that feeling evidently still existing to some extent. He would remain loyal all the same though and couldn't believe still that Orchid had left as she had feeling that now he and Scorpion were the ones in the wrong.

"You still have a home here if you come back to us." He would comment, though she had gone she was still his sister and he was certain that Scorpion would never deny her space in their lives and this pack if it ever found its way to begin. It probably wasn't quite the comfort that Orchid sought or needed though it was perhaps the best that Soliloquy was capable of giving in the circumstances.

Moving back to the topic of Isolde, Solilquy's ears would perk slightly. Had Orchid not said she would be fine? Something was wrong with her still though, well he had figured but her tone now suddenly made the white male jump to the conclusion that there was something that would need to be done to get Isolde to that stage of being fine. But no, it was all normal apparently. Never before had he thought that vomiting or any aches were normal and he almost interjected with such a comment until the final words the real explanation was given.

He stopped in his tracks there, mouth slightly agape and all words gone. Pregnant? Oh he knew what it was of course, he wasn't an idiot he knew it was certainly a possibility though never had he considered it actually happening nor was it something he particularly wanted. Children were not exactly his favourite thing in the world nor did they really get on particularly well. "Are you certain?" He eventually questioned, disbelief still existing within his mind. He didn't want to be a father.

but i don't really mind i don't really mind at all

Orchid I


5 Years
12-02-2014, 04:22 PM

Orchid gritted her teeth, feeling a sudden longing to lash out at Sol, to say that none of them had consulted her that she hadn't wanted to leave the life of a healer she had started. She let her breath out in a soft sigh and turned her head away instead. She prided herself on her control over her emotions, she was always a no-nonsense women who didn't abide tears herself – it was hypocrisy to get herself so worked up now. She didn't reply to his comment of home, busying herself instead to sorting through her herbs and grabbing something out for the headache. She still didn't let herself forget the need to collect pregnancy herbs for this woman as she offered out the herb she had decided upon.

She would see the stillness and surprise first in Isolde, and with a sigh would turn back to her brother to see it mirrored on his own face. So, they had no idea what so ever of what was going on inside his mates stomach. A smile tugged at her lips as she wondered what they thought would happen if they shared a bed together. She sighed again at his question, she had proved herself as a healer time and time again and well perhaps she had developed a lot in Solstice, it had certainty started in Covari. “Without a doubt. Her stomach is hardening, her teats are firming, she had morning sickness” she pointed out to Sol, who probably didn't understand all the signs the body gave out.





4 Years
12-02-2014, 04:42 PM

Soliloquy would give off a similar reaction to her own, stillness and quiet as the reality would overtake their thoughts. Of course, she'd known this was a possibility in the back of her mind, kind of. Still, she hadn't exactly expected them so easily. Her ears would stay pinned to her head as Soliloquy questioned the woman again, making certain that she wasn't just mistaken and she had the flu or something. Still, Orchid seemed awfully sure of herself and she'd been incredibly thorough. It wasn't likely she was just messing with them.

The words that fell from her lips would only reconfirn her first diagnosis, Isolde would feel her gaze shift off into the distance as she was forced to think on the turn out of events. She was going to have Soliloquy's babies, they were within her right now developing into her children. Oh what was her family going to think? She hadn't even married the tall male, would her mother find disappointment in her? Many questions would flow through her mind as dark eyes found their way back to Soliloquy, uncertainty etched on her face as she watched his reaction. What would they do? The thought of ridding them from her womb now would flood into her thoughts as she watched the father of her children, completely at a loss.




3 Years
12-02-2014, 05:29 PM
i know that a love like this won't last forever

Orchid wouldn't comment on his suggestion she join them here again nor would she make any further comments of Crucifix and Solstice. It was something it seemed that they simply wouldn't ever be able to properly agree upon, for whatever strange reason the girl had signed her loyalty over to the Black male. Scorpion didn't have his pack yet but they were still a family, they could still be a unit of sorts. There were no arguments that would change his mind on that matter, it was fortunate that there was a bigger distraction at this moment in time. The family was growing.

Orchid was confident in her diagnosis. Of course she was he didn't truly doubt her skills though he longed for her to be wrong. He knew what could happen when men and women did such things though he'd thrown himself thoughtlessly into this thing and never dreamed it could possibly happen to him. No they hadn't taken any care, in fact as of late when Isolde had evidently gone into season they'd taken even less care if that was possible. It was no surprise really this result and yet still the expectant pair simply couldn't help but be completely gobsmacked.

Only a small huff of air would sound in response to Orchid's definite answer. It told nothing of his emotions, any fears and irate feelings upon the matter kept entirely to himself. He couldn't tell what Isolde was thinking either and a somewhat awkward silence would take over them. There were different worries in his mind, no thoughts of marriage and certainly no fears of what to tell his parents, although he knew he certainly had to speak to Scorpion about the matter. His doubts of all this were full of entirely selfish reasons.

but i don't really mind i don't really mind at all

Orchid I


5 Years
12-02-2014, 05:38 PM

Orchid would sigh yet again as she looked about at the 'elated' and 'glowing' happy faces of her brother and his mate. It ws clearly that pregnancy was everything they had ever dreamed of, their wishes come true.. right. There would be no more words after her declaration, and rochid would sit back on her hunches as she examined the faces before her. She was considering her words very carefully before she spoke them. “If your thinking of asking me to negate the pregnancy, you will have to know that its possible only at the earliest stages after concieving. In fact, often when the signs start to show your nearing the wrong end of that possiblity. I want you to know the dangers if your thinking of asking this of me, Sol” her speech was carefully directed at both of them, even as she said her brothers name.

The worried atmosphere, and silence after she had ensured them that she was correct was what had brought this line of thinking forward. In fact, she did not even know if this was where their minds where taking them, and felt the need to put it out there in the light that emphasiesed the complications before it could start to form in any sort of hope in their minds. “Administering such herbs late could cause problems, both for your mate and the pups, lets say it late, but it still works, what your body will have to go through to ride itself of the deceased will not be fun nor pretty, and if it does not work it could cause problems with the pups. I just wanted to get that out there first” she said with a sigh.





4 Years
12-02-2014, 05:49 PM

Soliloquy wouldn't add his voice into the opinion as she looked up at him, feeling fear course over her fur she'd put her head on her paws as she looked up at the two Destruction born wolves. Silence would overtake them, she'd try to keep herself from crying especially in front of Orchid. UNfortunately as she spoke that was what would happen. She'd try to look away before the tears spilled over, the feeling of being lost would overtake her again. She felt like she did when she'd first met Sol. Alone and afraid in the cold. He was still close by, but it was clear his thoughts were not upon what she was going through.

Orchid's words would continue and she would think further on the possibility of getting rid of them. Orchid would paint the terrible picture quite eloquently and quickly teh thoughts would leave her mind forever. They were going to have these pups, ready or not they were officially going to be parents. She'd never expected to be having Soliloquy's pups. A whine would escape her as she looked back to Sol, her expression pleading for some kind of reaction. He was a blank slate, always. He would have to talk to her now though, they were a team, he'd help her raise them.. right? Feeling even more insecure then before she'd blink back her tears, emotions running over as she wanted to panic. Delicate paws would start to shake as she became simply pitiful looking.




3 Years
12-02-2014, 06:11 PM
i know that a love like this won't last forever

There were little thoughts upon his mind upon how bad timing this all was, how he didn't want children now if ever and how damn awful kids were! Yes his thoughts were completely selfish, one could argue the idea of getting rid of them was a selfish one too in some ways, taking the lives before they'd gotten a chance to even live them because of a careless mistake. Soliloquy wouldn't be one to see it that way just yet though at Orchid's words of warning his selfish ideas would now extend to Isolde too.

He would glance only briefly at her before looking back to Orchid, giving a stern shake of his head without even waiting for the russet girl's opinion on the matter. "No." He informed her. He was not going to put Isolde in any danger, they'd find another solution to this mess. "If it's dangerous, no." He cared little about what exactly those dangers were, any danger was bad. They may not have had a typical relationship though Soliloquy still cared about her.

but i don't really mind i don't really mind at all