
quiet as a FIRE


11-18-2014, 01:51 PM

Sleek woman had moved herself inland with the coming winter, having sat down with Desiree and decided that if the prey vanished on the island over the winter that they wouldn't be able to make the swim back to the mainland. She wasn't quite sure where they would settle in, south seemed best but she would decide later. It was time to see family again. Long legs moved easily though her shoulder didn't move quite as smoothly as it once had, ankle not flicking like her other one did and instead paw would slam to the ground rather then be placed gently. It didn't bother her much. She had heard whispers of Svan and her daughter disappearing, of Cataleya's reappearance and then reclaiming. Was her brother home too? She would slither towards the boarders, towards the lands she had snatched from the white bitch who had killed her nephew. She was glad to see that they had kept the lands. Was that Kylar's doing? Red woman would move to the boarders, walking around the edge for a moment before head would tip back and she would howl, calling for the queen here. Would it in fact be Cataleya or had it once again changed hands? She would pause as she waited, shoulders rolling forward to try and gather fur around the scarring of her shoulder. Yup. She was ready for winter to be done.TALK HERE


11-18-2014, 02:41 PM

The voice that rang out for her was not one she ever expected to hear again. Her crown would rise and tip towards the border, a slow smile lifting her lips. She would rise without hesitation and trot off to meet her long lost friend. It was take no more than a few minutes for the silver woman to finally lay eyes on her red friend. Her grin would only grow as she closed the distance between them, aiming to touch her nose to the woman's cheek. "Vi, its been far too long." She would murmur into the woman's ear before pulling back to examine her. She looked healthy, though a jagged scar ran down her shoulder, a brow would lift as her crown tipped to the side in a silent question. But there would be time for pleasantries later. "What you brings you here?" The root of her curiosity would finally be voiced, wondering what could possibly bring the woman out of hiding and back into the real world. The last they had seen each other was when she had passed the Arcanum to Vi. When her and Ky had returned, Vi, and Covari had been long gone. Along with her own pack. The winter chill surrounded them, snow falling lightly as the plains began to turn white with the frozen substance. She would be happy when winter was over.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
11-18-2014, 02:45 PM (This post was last modified: 11-18-2014, 02:49 PM by Desireé.)

Winter had soon hit alactria, and with a mutual agreement they would both leave the Ibis island that they had made their home. With prey soon becoming scarce the purple nymph would follow Viridiana, back to when Svan had been ruling over Valhalla, though she had heard the woman had soon fled. Desire? had never really known the woman, but it was someone that Vi trusted, though perhaps she just wasn't suited to be a leader. The woman would remain quiet for most of the journey, taking in the scenery around them. It wasn't all completely new, though Desiree wasn't quite used to it either. She knew they had finally arrived when a pack scent would tickle her senses, which soon got them to halt in their tracks. The purple woman would look briefly to her wife, a soft smile touching her lips as she finally caught up. But before she did the queen would soon show up, greeting Vi as she did. Desire? would remain quiet, wishing to give them both a moment, knowing Vi was much better with communication with others.

Table by Neffs


11-18-2014, 03:30 PM

Desiree had trailed along with her, following quietly. Vi didn't mind the silence but at the same time it gave her time to consider their lives. She wondered if maybe they had made the right choices, if maybe they did still want a family or a peaceful life. Yes a Vi was happy but she no longer felt as young and spirited with her leg not up to full strength anymore. But what about Desiree? Did she long for more? There wasn't much time to talk now, but maybe later they would figure out their lives together. Cat would arrive promptly, reaching out in easy greeting, offering a touch that Vi would lean into and accept."I thought the last time I saw you would in fact be the last. I'm glad to have been proven wrong. I'm sorry this visit took so long." She offered an easy smile before leaning back and touching her should to her wife and offering her a smile. Had these two ever met? "I don't think you two have ever officially met? Desiree this is my brothers wife and good friend Cataleya. Cat this is my wife Desiree." She introduced the women to each other, nodding softly before turning her attention back to Cat as she asked what brought her here. Why was she here? Because she missed her family? She loved Desiree but she was feeling kind of disconnected from the world lately. Maybe it was time to reconnect. "We were beaching it down south but figured it would be for the best to move to the mainland for the winter. I heard for a silver queen back in old Valhalla territory and wondered if it was in fact you. How have you been? What have you been up to? How is my niece? I haven't seen her since she was tiny!" She asked in a bit of a rush. There were so many things to catch up on!

Table by Neffs


11-18-2014, 04:20 PM

A purple woman would arrive beside Vi. But the oddly colored woman was no stranger to Vi, so she would be greeted with a smile as Vi returned her greeting. An easy smile would follow an apology, along with a lift of silver shoulders. "We all have our reasons." When introductions were made, her smile warmed as Vi identified the woman as her wife. "It's a pleasure to meet you, my dear." Words would flow easily from her lips, sickly sweet and husky as always. Words would rush from her friends ruby red lips, bringing a chuckle from her deep in her throat. It appeared that she was in a rush to get back in the know, to see what she has missed. And she had indeed missed quite a bit.

"I have been well, busy terrorizing my lovely neighbors." Her lips would curl back into a wicked grin, flashing a hint of fang. "Basanti is doing well. She just reached her first year. She taller than me." She would huff the last part. It seemed her daughter had gained her fathers height. "But how have you been?" Her haunches would recline as she made herself comfortable.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
11-19-2014, 03:23 PM

Desiree hadn't realised how long they had both been away from all the others, all the things they had missed in there absence. Perhaps now was the perfect time to be filled in. She would glance at the silver queens every feature, a smile twisting upon the purple nymph's lips as she was introduced. Little did she know that it was rather rare to be greeted so warmly and casually by Cataleya, but it was none the less welcomed. It had slipped Desire?'s mind that some family where here [or well Vi's side] and the fact The purple woman has yet to meet kylar. Would they get along? " Who was unfortunate to cross paths with you?" Though, Desiree was uncertain how bad the pack rivalry was, little did she know it was also against crucifix. She had been rather uncertain about her feelings towards him, half of her drowning in jealousy and suspicion, the other out of respect just before handing Covari over. She had often missed it, though she was sure more opportunities would arise in other packs without having to think of the well being of the members.