


11-18-2014, 05:32 PM
i figured i still need a conception thread even if the father of art's kid is an npc so yeah ~
this post is a mess :'D

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? it is the intrusive cacophony of footfalls within her immediate proximities that forces a silent snarl to paint the features of her porcelain countenance, rugged appendages immediately detaching the deity from her carmine beauty?s side in favor of pursuing the unknown -- this ignorant trespasser. and she is the furtive specter as she glides through the perpetual mists of her dominion on her path to the invader, abstract gaze transfixed upon its behemoth physique as it manifests from the shadows -- chiseled and masculine. avid pupils ravage his features as the elysius lingers within obscurity, a singular brow quirking upon her forehead as she ponders. for although he had infiltrated her realm { a foolish mistake that she would cruelly reprimand him for }, the qualities of his exterior triggers the most devious of schemes within a twisted mind such as hers. and the phantom queen is reminded of her ambitions that had yet to reach fulfillment as her gaze envelops his brutish form, a smirk tweaking her velveteen lips as she resolves upon a plan so criminal -- so satiating.

?have you made yourself comfortable in my home?? the deity croons as she emerges from the shadows of her crypt, tones uncharacteristically sultry. and although her own visage is far from aesthetically pleasing, her motions are not; and her hips sway as she lays waste to the distance that separates a predator from her prey -- elegant and provocative, as she had witnessed so often from her darling scarlet consort. glacial gaze bores into the depths of his soul as she halts a mere foot away from the behemoth, palpable confidence seeping from pallid pores whilst her wry grin dominates her marred features. he is responsive to her inquiry -- humor and heavy flirtation coloring the cadence of his vocals -- and the elysius deity plays her role well in response. bewitching chortles cascade from frayed lips as she offers him a coquettish simper, muzzle inclining towards his own until she can feel the warmth of his breath upon her flesh. ?-- then perhaps i can help you get comfortable, my dear.?

pale flesh collides with his own dark, warmth radiating from his form as she allows her own robust physique to slink along the length of his own body -- feline-esque and alluring. and the elysius stifles a disdainful snort as he crumbles beneath his own carnal desires { and so hastily, too }, her own neck craning as she feels the pressure of his teeth against her skin. and she does submit to his lecherous tendencies, feigning pleasure that does not truly manifest within her bones as he plants kisses along her arched spinal column and forces her beneath his hefty weight. but she has no incent to succumb to his wanton foreplay and thus shifts into an accessible stance, allowing him { degenerate stranger! } to take the reigns if only because she is so unfamiliar with these games played by harlots and casanovas alikes. and as he mounts the tyrant queen { a feat no other had accomplished before him } she allows him his false dominance over her for the briefest of moments before her own jaws tip to her right and align with his right forelimb, serrated incisors clamping assertively around the appendage with the increasing threat of breaking the vulnerable bone as their bodies interlock.

{ ? fade to black. ? }

the phantom queen is so uncertain as to whether or not their loveless copulation would prove beneficial; however, as his mass collapses upon her, she seizes what opportunity has presented itself. the pressure of her bite upon his right forelimb intensifies ruthlessly, strangled whimpers breaching the enigmatic silence of their surroundings as the bone splinters betwixt brutal jaws, sanguine fluid spewing from his wounds as the elysius relinquishes her grasp. and a smirk does warp her abhorrent features as the deity slithers out from beneath his crumbled form, frigid gaze stagnant upon his own as she yet again infiltrates his personal space -- enthralled by his writhing motions upon the earth. ?i do hope you are comfortable now, dove,? she murmurs with a deceptive croon, pupils encumbered with amusement as she scrutinizes the bitter contempt lacing his dark countenance. ?-- for your stay here is far from over.? and her motions are abrupt -- fluid -- as gaping jaws strive for the precious throat, guillotine-esque incisors piercing beyond his flesh to impale the life-sustaining jugular vein located upon his left-sided neck, eyes rolling back in their sockets in sadistic ecstasy { the only pleasure he had managed to offer her } as she drains him of his blood and, subsequently, his life.

bastard children -- now that idea appealed greatly to the elysius tyrant.


table by lu.

[Image: J2Sc3Va.png]