
this is how it ends


11-18-2014, 09:34 PM

Winter was here. But to him winter was never marked by cold or snow or shorter days, no. They were marked by that tantalizingly sweet scent that followed his wife wherever she went, that scent that drove both of them mad. He had avoided her for the past few days, trying to collect himself and clear his thoughts before he would head back towards her. She was not hard to find this time of year, easy to follow that perfume that danced along the winds. No, she did not honestly smell that strongly but it seemed that ever since meeting her he had been strongly attuned to her scent, seemingly unaware of other females. Thank god. Seemed he couldn't even speak to other women without getting into trouble. Maybe he would have to stick with knocking them out and dragging them home to offer as presents to his wife. Yes. That wasn't a bad middle ground.

Massive beast would slip and slither through the plains, paws leaving impressions in the snow as he followed Cat's scent. It was early evening but it was already dark, the days already shortening but he didn't mind. The darkness provided him a bit of cover on his trek. But soon he found himself a bit lost, the trail leading him to an area where all he could smell was her. He would stop, feeling like she should be standing exactly where he was considering how strong her scent was. Coy smile would trickle across his lips as her swivelled slowly, acidic eyes trying to find her in the shadows. Was she here? Or was she just fucking with him?



11-18-2014, 11:07 PM

Winter. It had not only brought snow, freezing temperatures and just general misery. But it was also her birth season, bringing about her yearly cycle. Her body burned with a need that count be ignored no matter how hard she tried. Her skin was on fire despite the snow that fell around her. Lust occupied her every thought and idea of holding her husband hostage for all of winter was becoming more and more appealing. She moved across the plains, hoping that she might freeze to death just to escape the misery. But instead she found herself in a secluded spot that led down to a peculiar alcove. Nostrils would quiver as she approached, slipping side. The faint scent of herbs and unknown wolves would greet her. Nails would click against the stone floor as she pushed forward, exploring a little slice of peace and quiet.

Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and she could soon see where the natural stoney den broke off into several other private dens. Idly is crossed her mind that with the smell of wolves and unknown wolf, if this was indeed an old healers den. But it didn't matter, it was hers now. She had known that Kylar was following her, he rarely did anything different, unless he was out forcing claiming slaves. And she knew that the scent of her heat was driving him mad, bringing him to her like a beckon. Instead of calling for him, she lower herself to cool stone floor, lounge lazily until he found her.



11-18-2014, 11:32 PM

The beast would stand for a time, immobile as skull tipped back and eyes slipped closed. He would draw in a deep breath, drawing in a deep breath of her scent as he tried to narrow form her location. Eyes would open again a moment later, skull swivelling as he allowed his gaze to roam over the surrounding area. He would allow his gaze to adjust to the darkness before he would see the den. The stone structure that was set away from anywhere else. Had she found herself a new home? He would turn towards the den, long legs devouring the distance between him and this place. He would pause at the entrance, inhaling deeply before lowering his skull and stepping inside. Her scent was mingled with others. There was a strong musty scent of herbs here, the scent of a healers den, the scent of old Valhalla? Fur would bristle immediately as he stepped inside, hatred and rage bubbling within him despite the lust that coiled within his gut. For a moment he would pause, half in the den as he took a moment to just breath. "It smells like them. Like that pack?" His words were a low rumble hissing from between clenched teeth as acidic gaze slithered over the nooks and crevices. He would move forward once more, closing the distance between them and pressing his face into her neck. It was a tender motion, desperate almost as he exhaled heavily and allowed his breath to cascade down her shoulder.



11-19-2014, 12:39 AM

She wouldn't have to wait long. The click of his nails against stone would echo off the walls as his massive form filled the entrance. A slow grin would curl her lips, though it faded when she took in his posture. Rage poured off him, his words came out in an angry hiss. A brow would lift as she watched him come closer, pressing his face into her neck. There was something different. His touch was desperate though tender, as though he wanted to erase the painful memories of the past. His breath would ruffle the fur on her shoulder, hot against her skin.

"Well then lets make it smell of us." She would purr, tipping her face up to him. Her grin would return, lips lifting with wicked delight. She would pull her legs beneath her, rising up to stand before him. His cologne was all she needed to be pushed over the edge. Desire consumed her, ravaging her body with desperate need for satisfaction. She aimed to press her chest against his own, enjoying the heat that radiated from him. Desperate for his touch, there was no way she could ever be close enough. "What do you say, baby?" Sultry lyrics dripped from her lips in soft tones. Her skull would tip as jaws parted, aiming to cover his throat in nips.



11-19-2014, 01:04 AM

She would accept his touch without a word or complaint, she would allow him to take a moment to feel her and be near her. His body begged for her, craved her in a way that he couldn't explain. His skin felt like it was on fire everywhere it connected with her flesh. A tremor would ripple through his body as she broke the connection and lifted herself. Verdant gaze would follow her movements, ears pinning to his skull despite her sultry words. He looked desperate, lost even despite her obvious motions. She needed him. He needed her. Her chest would press into his and he would lean heavily into her, long neck stretching forward as far as it could reach and looking to nibble her mid spine gently. Again his skin would come alive against her touch, her words tantalizing and tempting as a low rumble rolled up his throat. Eyes closed against the sound of her voice, clinging to it like a cast away holding onto a life raft. It was the only thing rooting him to this moment, the only thing other then her touch of course. "Have I ever said no to you?" His words were soft, a low rumble of a whisper as he lifted his head and backed up, separating them slight before moving forward but slightly to his left. He would look to run the right side of his body along hers, pressing shoulder into the curve of her waist behind her ribs and in front of her hip. Teeth would attempt to run and gentle line from her mid back to her hips. "I am yours to command my queen?" A low rumble of a sigh as hot breath slithered down her side. He wanted her to want him, wanted her to tell him what she wanted. Wanted her to tell him that she wanted him, that she needed him.



11-19-2014, 03:46 PM

Something was different. His ears pulled back against him skull, he looked lost, desperate. Nevertheless, he would embrace her, his jaws leaving a trail down her spine, sending shivers across her body. He needed her, just as she needed him. This would not be another one of their rough and wild flings. This time she would make it her goal to wash away the pain, to push aside the bad, to make him forget, even if only for a moment. His gravelly voice would echo softly around them, pulling a chuckle from her throat. He was moving then. Their connection would break for a brief moment before he would press against her side. His fangs would drag across her flesh until they reached her hips. His breath would cascade down her side as he spoke words she had heard so many times. But knew that they were entirely true. They would run to the ends of the earth for each other. She would watch the entire world crumble before her if thats what it took avoid his pain.

Her body would curve into him, aiming to press her side against his chest. Her movements were slow, lazy almost, she was in no rush today, every memory of Valhalla was going to be wiped from this den if it was the last thing she did. The desire that churned in her belly demanded to be sated right then and there. Her skin came to life beneath his touch, drove her crazy and to the brink of having no control. Continuing her slowly assault, jaws would trail light kisses and nips along his throat as she imprinted her scent into his coat, as if it was anymore possible. Lust consumed her every though, she felt as though she was going to explode. Her crown would tip back, wanting her jaws to rest beside his ear. "I need you." Words came out on a breath, tones low and husky as she tried to tug gently on his ear. She wouldn't rush him, or demand anything from him, but she needed his touch, craved him like a drug.



11-19-2014, 05:14 PM

Rage had all but vanished from him, the usual fuel to their fire. More often then not their time together left them both bloody and broken, worse for wear but feeling good none the less. But this was different. There was desperation in his touch as her pressed himself into her as if attempting to combine their forms. This was a side of her no one else knew, a side of him that few had ever seen and he liked it keep it like that. This, this right here, the here and now was their own little world. In this moment there was only her, there was no pack to worry about, not vengeance to be had, no dead children and failed promises. He had nothing here to worry about other then the only thing he wanted to worry about, and that was pleasing her. She was his everything, the singular pillar on which his whole world teetered precariously on. It was as if all the other things that kept him going were slowly crumbling down around him as her stood in her presence. All the hatred, rage, confusion fled him only to be replaced by a burning desire. A feeling that had been there since the day he had met her, a feeling that had never faltered or flickered despite everything but had simply been covered and blanketed by all the other emotions that tangled around him and dragged him down into their cold embrace. Now. With them gone... There was only heat now.

She would move lazily, languidly... She was obviously in no rush as she moved her still to allow her own teeth to trail along his spine. Hackles would raise instinctively against the odd yet pleasurable sensation, a tremble rolling its way through his muscles as they tensed then relaxed in a wave through his whole body. Her teeth would move to his neck and head would tip slightly, showing his throat fully to her. How easy it would be for a stray tooth to clip his artery, how easy it would be for her to reach forward and crush his wind pipe but he didn't mind. Would there truly be any better way to die then in the arms of the one you loved? Her words would drip from velvet lips like a song, an easy statement but he had needed to hear it so desperately that when the words came he could feel tension leave his body in a rush. Teeth would pull on his ear and he would cast her a sidelong gaze, questioning, easy. She didn't seem to be in a rush but he had no issue with giving her exactly what she wanted. Just because this was the last time they would meet like this. Did it?

He would reach around, swinging his skull to gently nip towards her face in an attempt to get her to release his ear from her grasp. A boyish grin would tug at his lips as he would move around her, never breaking contact from her body ever as he moved to press chest against her hips, massive form looming over her. He would slide forward, looking to grasp her hips with forelimbs, teeth searching for a hold on her scruff. He would remain motionless until she would give him some sign, until she would give him permission. Everything was for her after all...

-fade to black?-



11-19-2014, 07:29 PM

He would surround her in every way, his touch like a drug and she was a helpless addict. He was the only one that ever got to see her this way, so at ease, so relaxed. Her walls would crumble around him, allowing him to see the tenderness she held and the love that consumed her. There were no words to describe what she felt for him, or how her world revolved around him. Together they were a force to reckoned with, an unstoppable pair that would undoubtedly bring the world to its knees. And yet it hadn't always started that way. But in the end, they had been created for one another, the perfect combination of fire and ice.

He would respond to her every touch, a tremor rolling through him. He would tip his head, giving her more excess to his throat. Oh how easy it would be to simply sink her fangs into the tender flesh, to puncture the artery that lay just below his skin. Or how easily she could crush his windpipe and watch him suffocate at her paws. But she wouldn't dream of it, no matter how often she threatened it. She needed him just as much as he needed her. They kept each other grounded, kept each other form truly tearing this world apart at the seams. He would nip at her face, pulling her own soft giggle from her throat as she released his ear. His boyish grin was contagious, pulling her own lips back into a devilish grin.

He would move, his massive form lift above her. His chest would press against her back as his forelegs gripped her hips. Anticipation made her quiver. A low moan would leave her lips as his fangs gripped her scruff, though his touch of gentler than normal. But he didn't move. "Kylar" Her voice was barely audible, whooshing out with a breath as his name rolled off her tongue. She would rock back against him, encouraging him, demanding that he not make her wait any longer. And when he did, together they would tumble over the edge and into a world of carnal pleasure.

-fade to black-



11-26-2014, 01:10 AM

Massive form would slip from her, one form becoming two once more as breath took its time shifting from laboured pants to a more steady tempo. They had done as she had promised, this den no longer smelling of herbs and old Valhalla instead smelling of them, the whole place smelling of carnal pleasures. For a moment he would stand behind her, surveying the den before turning a devilish smile to her and dropping to the ground in a heap, offering his side for her to curl up into. This den was larger then any of the others they had been in, not as warm but far less drafty. Acidic gaze would trail the walls and crevices, taking not of old herbs that littered the earth here and there as well as in the nooks along the den wall. "Valhalla was known for a healer that lived amongst them. Erani I believe. My sister met her once during the war. It was said she could heal anything. I wonder if this was her den…" He mused, grin still twisted as he looked to Cat and offered her a lopsided smile. The desperation had fled from him, leaving an easy comfort in her presence rather then the need to cling to it like a small child. Hips would flip to the side and and head would drop to his paws heavily as he allowed a puff of air to gather around his maw. There had been so many things he had wanted to say to Cataleya when he had first entered the den, had been so many things he had wanted to confess but now. They all seemed to weak, pointless. They all seemed laughable, things she already knew, things that did not need to be spoken and yet slowly head would turn and he would look to his wife. "Okay. I know your going to laugh at me because even as I go over this speech in my mind it all seems to laughable but either way I need you to hear it." Voice was a deep rumble, trying to be serious but still smiling and struggling to keep the joy from his eyes. "Thank you for everything. I honestly… I don't know where I would be in my life right now without you. I love you, our family that we have together… Fuck I love that we get to terrorize people together." He would say, smile growing as he chuckled. How many men could say that they had never had a thought about another woman? That the scent of other women often repulsed them? For him all of that was true. He was forever completely devoted to this woman despite the rocky roller coaster they seemed to be riding together. "I really don't think I would have or could survive without you..." Tone would dampen a bit, gaze shifting to look up at then den that lay in and eyes narrowing slightly. How many people could have helped him in the way she had? How many people could have turned this place of pain into a place he would always hold fond memories of? She was the only one...




11-30-2014, 09:58 PM

He would slip from her, relieving her of his weight. Labored breaths bounced off the cave walls, echoing loudly in her ears until it all faded away into steady breaths. The stench of valhalla was gone, replaced with the heady cocktail of their carnal pleasures. His husky voices would pull her gaze to his as she settled in beside him. Her amusement would match his own, a low chuckle rolling off her tongue. They had just violated an old woman den, a place she had once called home. She would lean against him, even as he shifted, his massive skull lowering to his paws. She would drape her own crown across his shoulders, enjoying the moment of peace, a moment to just be together. Again he would speak, and immediately her interested spike. Ears tipped toward him, a brow lifting even though she knew he wouldn't be able to see her expression. His thanks came as a surprise. It was a rarity that they openly confessed their love for each other. Her chuckle would leave her lips in sync with his, amusement dancing across her face. She would fall silent, even as he once again confessed that he would lost without her. "You've become quite the sappy bastard in your old age." She would grumble good naturedly, a smirk toying with her lips. Sliding her head towards his, she would drag her fangs across one of his ears, tugging gently on the appendage. 
