
Be The Best We Can



3 Years
09-17-2014, 01:00 AM

Okay, so the summer heat was getting a little unbearable. Back in the willows there were plenty of refreshing breezes to keep her cool during this sticky season but nope, she had to wander into a desert. Great. So much for her herb hunting expedition. There was absolutely nothing out here except for a bit of tough vegetation here and there. Weren't there any green forests left, like she had seen in the East?

But she couldn't go home just yet...or this whole adventure would be a waste of time. She had to return with a little extra knowledge on healing, and so far the girl had learnt that she had no sense of direction. An emerald gaze searched through the vast desert. So maybe there weren't that many herbs out here but perhaps there was someone who could teach her instead. That wouldn't be so bad, would it? All she needed was to find someone who she can look up to...a role model.

Now if I was a rogue healer, where would I be?

"Speech" Thoughts
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



4 Years
09-17-2014, 09:41 PM

Aoto took another break from being with Tallulah and the pup they adopted. He was in search of herbs and other things he could use to tend to any injuries that might come about later on. His dusty brown fur was only being pressed back a little with the breeze he created as he ran and even then it did little for him personally. Aoto's eyes scanned over the landscape trying to find herbs which were not there however he found something else which peeked his interest. Spotting a very beautiful black wolf before him, he decided it would be best to go and greet them. Despite the fact he saw almost all females as beautiful, he remained ever so loyal to his mate Tallulah and as he closed the distance between himself and the stranger. Aoto let out a bark before his words came out "Hello there, stranger, you look like you're looking for something... mind if I ask what that might be?" his voice was his usual kind tone whenever he met a new stranger. What could this stranger be looking for exactly? Aoto was curious beyond anything and wanted to know if he could help them find whatever it was that they may seek.



3 Years
09-18-2014, 05:22 AM

Just when she was about to call it a day and head to the Eastern lands, another voice called out to her. A dusty caramel man with bright azure orbs had approached her.

At least I'm not the only soul in the middle of nowhere.

The man could tell the onyx girl was looking for something, politely asking what she might be looking for. Unless this wolf was a healer, there really was no point of telling him if he wasn't going to help. What use would there be telling a warrior to help find berries and herbs?

"I'm learning to be a healer so I'm looking for herbs," The girl replied in her usual quirky state, giving the man a curious look. "Do you know anything about herbs? Anything that might help me?"

She didn't want to sound pushy, but she was a little desperate to learn. She knew basics like closing open wounds, preventing infections and numbing pain but that was about it. If any wolf had a broken leg, she certainly wouldn't be the healer to call. Heck, this guy may not even know a single thing about medicine! If that was the case she would just have to move along and hope she bounced into another healer.

"Speech" Thoughts
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



4 Years
09-18-2014, 08:55 PM

Aoto's day couldn't get any better as his smile widened on his maw. She was wanting to be a healer, a duty that took quite a bit of work and well a rather strong stomach to handle but it was something that pleased him. He knew exactly what he wanted to say in response to her question "What herbs are you looking for exactly, something to maybe cure a illness, help act as a anesthesia to make healing a wound slightly easier particularly if the patient is sensitive to certain areas being touched if a wound around the area is tender? I can most certainly help you find most herbs that I know of, if you need a specific type of herb?" sure he had his own questions but hopefully she would answer him with what she was looking for. After all Aoto was also a healer and it was not often that he would be able to meet another healer.

He was quiet afterwards though but his smile remained. Azure eyes looking over the girl. However his silence wasn't going to last long before he spoke aloud "Not very often I come across another healer but then again a healer's job is rather difficult in its own right depending on the wound or illness" he chuckled a little as he thought about what he should have been doing which was gathering herbs to use in case his mate and the adopted pup obtained injuries or were ill he'd be able to treat them.

Like he always was though, Aoto had to introduce himself as for him it was rather mandatory he at least introduced himself to those who were strangers to him "I must apologize, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Aoto... a traveling healer at your service" he spoke gently as he bowed to the stranger.



3 Years
09-19-2014, 01:02 AM

Finally! It seemed this man also showed a strong interest in healing, what great luck! The young girl was already taking a liking to him. She beamed as she listened to the man's inquiry. He asked what specific herbs she may be looking for, or something to help cure an illness. And the girl knew exactly how to reply.

"I'm looking for a herb, berry or poultice that might help with defeating or preventing infections. I've recently treated a friend's wound, though I think it would be best if I knew how to prevent or get rid of infections, just in case it happens." She replied, continuing to listen as the man pointed out that he rarely came across healers and the difficult job they had. The dame nodded in agreement, no words escaping her silent maw. She knew that healing and medicine contained quite a lot of dedication, persistence and patience. Okay, so she may have zero patience but she was still learning, right? She was only just starting her great journey into medicine.

The tanned creature introduced himself as Aoto. The ebony las gave a faint smile as she gave her name. "I'm Titania, a rogue healer in training."

Healer in training? Wait, that didn't make sense. If she was a trainee, then that meant she had to have a mentor or someone to teach her. And right now she was "self-teaching", which wasn't very efficient. Though perhaps she could learn a thing or two from Aoto, who seemed like a wise-looking man.

"Speech" Thoughts
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



4 Years
09-21-2014, 06:32 AM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2014, 06:32 AM by Aoto.)

Rogue healer in training, now that was interesting to hear but to say he wasn't a rogue healer in training himself once would be a lie. Aoto kept his smile as he spoke with his usual tone of voice "There is one plant that I can think of that would help deal with infections and that is Trillium, however its a rare plant to find but its not impossible to find it either, it'll help in cleaning infections among any other wound that might be there, also its great for helping with toothaches and earaches so long as it's chewed for those purposes..." Aoto took in a breath before continuing on, now that this was a sort of topic that was in his field of interest he felt like he could go on for days with this kind of discussion. Aoto continued to speak again "Periwinkle is another one but its main use would be as a purge, so it will cause your patient or in this case friend to have diarrhea but as a secondary function that I've noticed is it helps with cleansing wounds as well but this I'm not particularly sure of" He stopped for a bit to catch another breath.

Thinking about trillium, he didn't get to use it very much because of its rarity but he knew enough about it to know that the effect of it wore down after repeated uses and thus he would have to tell Titania this. The brute opened his maw letting the sound of his voice come forth "Do note that with the trillium, the effects of it will wear down after you use it more and more on a patient, also take into consideration when using it because in when you give a patient a lot of trillium it tends to upset their stomach so be cautious about it" Trillium and Periwinkle were two of his favorite plants that he liked to use if he could get his paws on them however sometimes the location of where he was at wouldn't permit their use.

Now another thought crossed his mind, perhaps he could take Titania under his wing as a mentor to her so he could pass on his knowledge to her. The more healers there were in the world the less others would die from grievous wounds or deadly illnesses. With that in mind Aoto had to ask "Titania, since you are a fellow healer, if you would like, I would be willing to teach you all that I know about healer techniques, plants, fungus, and other things that you could use when taking care of a patient..." He closed his eyes as his words trailed off. The thought of an apprentice sounded rather pleasing and exciting to him but his excitement of the idea was hidden before opening his eyes again to gaze upon Titania. His offer would come forth to the beautiful black fae with the wonderful green eyes "Would you allow me the honor to be your mentor" Aoto bowed politely towards Titania as he awaited her response.

(OOC: Had a spark of muse for this post)



3 Years
09-23-2014, 04:12 AM

Aoto had spoken about trillium and periwinkle being the two plants that helped with infections, though periwinkle seemed to cause diarrhea. She would listen carefully and quietly (which she rarely ever did), taking in as much information as her mind could hold. The man did seem to know quite a lot and she was glad he wasn't one of those liars that went around saying they were a healer but really had no clue. Her heart would bounce up and down, flip and turn. The excitement could easily be recognised on her features, and her energy rose as the male suggested teaching the girl and becoming her mentor. He looked quite serious about this matter and so Titania would calm herself down and sternly meet Aoto's oceanic eyes.

"Of course Aoto, I would be willing to learn all that I must." She would reply with a nod before fitting in her own little bow. Electric eyes met his and a black tail wagged uncontrollably. She didn't know what was going to happen now, but she did know that a whole new journey and career had opened up for her. One day she would a legendary healer, trekking the unknown to help those in need...and she would never be able to thank Aoto enough.

"Speech" Thoughts

[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



4 Years
09-24-2014, 06:13 AM

Aoto listened to Titania as he heard her say that she would be willing to learn. Now that kept making his smile grow wider and wider by the minute. He had to figure out how he would set up each lesson to make sure he could maximize the learning experience so she could learn in a manner than just having him talk over and over again. However he had to know if she already knew anything and capitalize on that as to refine her current knowledge and focus on other things later on. Aoto's voice rolled from his maw "Titania, do you have any knowledge of any particular herbs? I just want to make sure what you do know so I can better teach you what I know so I'm not having to speak about everything and instead be able to teach you with practice situations as to make learning fun instead of just a boring speech".

He figured it was easier to learn through practice with a hands on approach than a off hands and only listen to the mentor approach. Hopefully Titania would like how he would plan on handling this as it was how he was taught by his own parents via hands on approach by helping them care for strangers. Eventually he would find his way into a pack with his mate and the adopted pup that would welcome his skills. Aoto spoke again however "It's no problem though if you don't have much experience with any particular herb, just figuring we could first focus on what you know and refine that before moving into unknown grounds" some of those grounds would be the rarer and harder to find herbs and the plants that were essentially a drug with what they do.



3 Years
09-28-2014, 08:34 PM

He was smiling, she was smiling, this really couldn't get any better, could it? But the girl would try to look serious as she listened to her new mentor's question. What herbs did she already know about? Not many, really. She wasn't some epic and wise healer (like she wants to be), she just knew the basics. Aoto had also spoken about practice situations. What were those? Actually getting a sick body and explaining the curing process? But where would they find a sick rogue? Well whatever it was, it surely sounded better than a long boring speech that she certainly was going to fall asleep in.

"I know some remedies. I use white willow bark for cuts and wounds, dandelion to help with lost appetite and bruises and poppy seeds to help sleep and ease pain," A delicate and high-pitched voice would reply. "That's all."

Did she know of anything else? Nope, that seemed to be it. She couldn't even imagine how many other herbs and berries there were that she didn't know about. What about diseases? There had to be plenty of those too. From simple coughs to life threatening infections, this was all that she had to know.

"Speech" Thoughts
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]