
hell's bells


09-16-2014, 07:11 PM
Mishmish! For this fight I was thinking a 3 round dominance fight?

Oh how interesting life was! He was loving the pure innocence that the land was showing him. There was the inexperience in battle, the belief that demons and devils were just stories to keep children in line. It was quite amusing to him and he knew from that moment that he would enjoy every second of havoc he created within the lands. For surely it would happen. He would create havoc with his family. He would start wars and kill wolves. He was determined that he would stain his muzzle with the blood of the innocent as they pleaded for their lives. He was going to take their females by force and have them carry his children. He was going to raise an army of demons to march with his father as the lead of them all. A small smile crossed his muzzle.

It was the plan but as Azazel found his way through the caverns he knew that before he tried any maims or death matches, he would have to train and train and train. He was not a bad fighter in his current state, but he was a bit out of practice because before entering Alacritia, his family was one to be feared. Wolves would see them approach and they would run for their lives. He would have to, have to, stick to spars for the time being. Hopefully it would not take long to re-hone his skills.



4 Years
09-17-2014, 02:48 PM

The ivory sadist paced into the unfamiliar territory of the lifeless caverns, large muscles rippling under her pelt. She was still angered from the sick, dirty bastard that had practically ripped half of her tail off and scarred up her pelt.

Her shoulders were still bruised and her neck was still slightly strained, but luckily her movements weren't as painful as they once were.

She would sigh and shake her head, large paws leading her effortlessly into the lifeless caverns. She needed to get off fighting from her head, honestly. Just for a few days while she recovers. But, oh. How much she enjoyed defeating her opponents. It was so satisfying to rip their pathetic dignity away.

The pale Queen would then spot a small, steel grey coloured male. He was definitely shorter than her, so when she made her way up to him, she looked down upon the male.

"Salutations." The Queen would say in a single lyric, low timbre of elegance, a calm set within her chords. Her gold and amethyst audits would glance into his emerald green ones, the pale lady not really caring if he replied back to her or not.

(OOC; I didn't really want a fight, but if she does fight him, she will snap because she is tired of fighting and yeah xD Might end up severely maiming him)

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!