
Breakin' my heart BIRTHING THREAD

Motif I


4 Years
11-28-2014, 03:04 AM

Lately it took forever to get to sleep, no position was comfortable, the world outside her den was too loud, the night was too dark or the moon to bright. Nothing sat right with her, and she woke often in the night, often to the kicking of the young in her belly as they squirmed about her, too big for the crapped area her stomach provided for them. So when the queen finally found herself asleep, lulled by the gentle pit-pat of rain outside her door it was with a horror to wake for a start, disoriented some time in the night. Her chest heaved, and her belly burned. She cried out, and her tongue lolled between her teeth as she began to pant. She cried out again, her toes stretching out behind her in exertion as the realisation struck her – it was happening, it was time.

She also learned that it was excruciating, the feel of them pushing inside of her, searching for the exit as body automatically pushed. “Bass, Rhythm!” she cried out, but her hoarse voice broke and it could barely be called a cry. She panted, heaved, and her body pushed some more. She didn't want to be alone for this, where were her siblings, her family. She pushed again, and felt the resistance, she cried out in pain, something was wrong! Her body was heaving and pushing and nothing more happened, she could feel the need to push the young out of her, and she felt the blood that left here, she knew it was time, why was it not happening? Sickened, she struggled to think, crying out again as another spasm of a push racked her body. The first was stuck! That had to be the problem.  




13+ Years

Treat 2019
11-28-2014, 08:29 AM

She felt odd sleeping in her den by herself, she'd gotten quite used to Motif overpowering presence and found herself unable to sleep without her. Especially now Rhythm would start to worry, those pups were literally due any hour and the she wolf had one ear open for any disturbance. Though in admittance it was not the sound of her sister's voice that would pull her to her side but a feeling of wrongness that would not allow her back into slumber. Sighing the dark girl pushed herself tiredly to her paws, needing to check up on Motif before she could find peace one more.

She'd pull herself from the hole in the earth she called her den, paws would eagerly eat up the ground as she rushed to her sister's den, already she would contemplate staying with her until the actual birth took place. However as she approached the sound of labor would reach her as did the scent of birth and blood. It was time, and there really was something going wrong. She wouldn't wait for any kind of welcome nor would she search for any of the plants that might have helped her sister's labor. Motif was struggling, there would be no time for that.

She'd slip in, worry on her features as she went right to work, pain was ever more obvious as her sister flailed under the pressure of the birth. Now was when Rhythm would be put through her trial. She'd stifle the wan to whine and panic, knowing Motif and her children were in trouble she'd hum softly, trying to calm the new mother. "Mo, you've got to be calm now more than ever." She'd plead as her nose would poke and prod at her sister's massive girth. It felt like at least one of the pups had to be stuck.

She would take in a deep breath, the potential disaster hanging over her head as she would prepare for what she needed to do. "Rest in between the contractions, during the next one you're going to need to push hard," She'd say as her paws would stand in the discharged blood, she would focus on pushing into Motif's belly she'd try desperately to move the pup into position before the next wave would hit Motif. "Ready?" She'd ask with all the confidence she could muster, though if the question was for her or her almost twin she wasn't sure.


Motif I


4 Years
11-28-2014, 11:16 PM

Stealing two months of her time wasn't enough for the buggers, now they had to kill her too, it was all she could think of as she lay on the floor of her cave and panted. It would be then that she would hear the sound of her sister, her sound a life rope as the queens eyes searched for her sisters face in the darkness. She grunted acknowledgement to her sisters words before feeling her paws prod the birthing woman's sensitive stomach.

It was difficult to do as Rhythm asked, but she forced herself to calm, found some strength in her that bloomed in her sisters presence. She breathed in and out in pants, the sweet scent of oxygen fulling her lungs until her sisters voice spoke out again, asking softly if she was ready. In response, Motif closed her eyes and pushed, knowing things had to be okay now that Rhythm was here – who would have thought, it would be Rhythm that saved her life. Somehow, Motif always thought it would be the other way around, that her protective feelings to her sister would rear its head and bring her to foll-hardy action in order to see her sister out of some situation alive – but instead it would be Rhythm's calm, healing hands that would win this challenge first, it would she, who saved Motif's life.





13+ Years

Treat 2019
11-28-2014, 11:59 PM

Motif was exhausted, she could easily tell as she would hardly move upon her sister's entry. Rhythm would take a deep breath, she needed to be strong and she needed to focus on the pup that was lodged dangerously within her sister. Rhythm wouldn't realize the danger her sister was in, but she knew very well that the pups wouldn't last much longer if they didn't move quick. Motif would do exactly as asked, even if she wouldn't verbally reply. Pushing hard the plug would be released, a giant black pup would spill from the chocolate woman and Rhythm would instantly attend. She wished Bass were there, especially as the second pup would arrive. She'd have to abandon the grooming of the first, nudging him towards his mother as she would focus on the second enormous pup.

She could only imagine how painful this was for Motif, urging her ever more to keep herself celibate. Once more she would repeat the actions done with the first, three incredibly large pups would be born. It wasn't until she released the tiny fourth female that Rhythm would realize how quiet the den was. The sound of squealing and suckling had been devoid until the tiny she pup. Ears would fall to her head as Rhythm nudged the tiny girl to Motif's stomach, her eyes coming to the unmoving boys at her sister's side. They'd all suffocated within the womb.

She'd look back to her tired sibling, knowing that she was through, the birth was done. And Rhythm didn't know how to feel.




7 Years

11-29-2014, 01:41 PM

He had been there the whole time, more or less. He had heard her call and rushed forth, only to see Rhy slip into the den first. At the sound of Motif's whimpers and cries, the scent of blood strong, he couldn't go in. Instead he paced back and forth outside of the den, his shadow crossing the mouth several times. He made no sounds, they were both busy and he didn't want to disturb them. He also couldn't stand the thought of watching his sister bleed, so he waited. But it was all too quiet, far too quiet for a birthing den. A whine slipped out of his mouth, worry growing thickly in the large male. It wasn't until he heard one little whimper that he paused and peeked in. His sister had been far too large to birth just one child, and he dreaded to see what lay before him. Three pups lay still and motionless, unmoving except for the one little one at Motif's belly. He felt as if he was going to hurl, both his stomach and heart heaving. This couldn't be... His first litter in his siblings and most were... dead. He was too afraid to speak, to scared to say much of anything. He whined again, ears flat against his head as he looked on, claws worrying at the earth. Was Motif okay?

Motif I


4 Years
11-29-2014, 09:04 PM (This post was last modified: 11-29-2014, 09:05 PM by Motif I.)

Motif was so exhausted she could barely keep her eyes open. She felt woozy, no doubt that was from blood loss, and she was lulled into a false sense of comfort now that Rhythm was here. She felt that so long as her sister stood over and attended her, nothing could go wrong. She believed in Rhythm as a healer, as strongly as she believed in Bass as their Alpha. She closed her eyes, concentrating only only pushing and any spoken commands Rhythm gave her. She only fluttered them open again when she heard the sound of a pup crying its first cry. She too realised what Rhythm and Bass had and her eyes would flicker to the pups lined up before and only then realise the cool touch of their bodies against her. Initially warm from her blood and womb, now growing cold in the outside air. She stiffened, her eyes moving first to Rhythm, then Bass, before curling herself around the one littler girl that directed her attention to the stillness of the others. She coaxed this girl to her teats where it began to drink in soft, sucking noises that filled the otherwise still and silent cave.

She closed her eyes, curled protectively about this girl, so exhausted she also didn't know how to feel. There was a dull ache in her chest where her heart should have been and she could still feel the cold, unmoving bodies beside her. She shuddered softly at their touch, and in wonder, she had felt they had taken so much from her, of her life and belly and food – how could it not have been enough? She was so confused to her mixed feelings, the mothers anguish that curlted her stomach, mixed with something else, something despicable in the moment – the relief, for she had never wanted to be a mother. “Rhythm, Bass?” she whispered, needing them to speak.



Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-29-2014, 09:10 PM

There was so much pressure, something was pushing her to an exit she could no longer sense was there. It was blocked by another body, but still the walls all around her heaved and pushed her to what was not even there. She felt bodies around here, she felt them flail in soft, useless movements as the desperation of the heaving walls effected them all. At last, the way would be clear and eventually she too would find her way out. She would fall into cold, into the soft embrace of another and for the first time in her life she would be held, the sensation of a tongue would rasp across her body before she was placed beside another warm presence that scented of milk and all good things. She would feel the warmth enclose about her, nudge her towards the scent of life.

She would cry out in indignation and her little nose would nudge and search until it found what she was looking for. Natural instincts would take over and would latch on her gums and full her belly for herself for the first time in her existence.


Manip by Dancing-Crows


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



13+ Years

Treat 2019
11-29-2014, 09:40 PM
Rhythm would watch unblinking as her sister would come to realize the toll of her difficult birth. More than anything the chocolate girl would feel a sense of failure well up within her. Had she been half the healer their mother was she could have saved those pups. If she's only been here when she'd started to go into labor there would be four healthy puppies nursing from their mother's breast. Bass would enter then, his eyes falling on the still forms as well as Motif curled Aroun her one living child. So much work had gone into developing their tiny forms, how could they so easily have ended?

The blue and purple eyed girl would do her best to refrain from fleeing the den, she wanted to cry and scream to take out her failures on the world around her. She felt despair and sorrow. "I'm so sorry, Mo." she'd whisper as she leaned in to nuzzle the new mother. "I tried..." her voice would falter as she felt tears welling up. How could she have failed her sister so thoroughly? She'd pull away from motif, her eyes falling on the still forms beside her. They'd need to be out to rest soon. With all of her grief she would forget to ask her nieces name.



4 Years
12-01-2014, 12:48 AM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2014, 12:48 AM by Chord.)
Chord had intended on sticking around to meet whatever nieces and nephews would soon be arriving and of course to spend time with his family. What he hadn't however quite expected was that the births would be happening quite so soon. Yes Motif was getting pretty big but having learnt the news not too long ago well he'd figured that there would be more time. Apparently it was a real good job that he wasn't the healer Motif would be relying upon. The call for Bass and Rhythm hadn't caught his attention at all, too far away to hear his sister's frantic cries and instead it was simply by chance that he would decide to visit her.

There was something wrong he immediately knew as he approached the den, the sadness and tension thick in the air but more worryingly was the scent of blood that he picked up on. From the silence he was too late to do anything if he had to, though he would find his way into Motif's den, fearful of what he would find.

First the tears of Rhythm and Bass but green eyes would find their way to Motif next, an exhausted looking heap on the floor and a pup nestled beside her. So tiny it amazed him, he wasn't blind though he too noticed the still pups set aside from Motif and the child and heard Rhythm's voice whispering words of sympathy. He stood silent, not sure what to say himself and scared to break the quiet that surrounded them. He was no fool though, and that aching pain of guilt and sorrow he'd grown far too familiar with as of late would rise within him again. He couldn't try take any sort of blame this time, this wasn't his fault and yet he still felt awful.



7 Years

12-01-2014, 01:01 AM

His heart stopped in his chest, refusing to beat as he eyed his poor sister, a new mother now. His form shook as he held back the tears, until Rhy spoke. "No!" He barked, startling even himself at the volume of it. Rushing forward he flinched at the smell, but pulled himself up beside his chocolate brown sister. "This is not your fault, don't you dare blame yourself. If it wasn't for you, that child wouldn't have made it either. And Motif, Motif might..." He paused, swallowing the bitter taste in his mouth. He couldn't even bring himself to say it. "You saved her life, Rhy. Never forget that." His last words were whispered, his nose pressing into her cheek as he nuzzled her softly. He turned his attention to Motif now, the sweet woman that had called out for him. "Its okay, we will take care of all of this, right Chord?" He asked, not missing the sight of his brother as he had stepped towards the den. A shuttering sigh left his maw, eyes casting on the still forms. He could see that they were distressing Motif, and they needed to go and bury them. The ground was frozen, but he was not leaving their little bodies out to be devoured. He would dig at the earth until it gave away, even if he lost all his nails.

Taking in a deep breath he dipped down, teeth closing over one of the pups scruff. The scent of birth and death mingled, making him almost gag as he carried the child out of the den. Golden eyes looked towards Chord, seeing if he too would help him with this. Rhythm was best to stay with Motif right now, and he would come back for the third pup anyways. Sighing and trying not to gag, he walked back into the bitter winter. Eyes cast around to the bank near the lake, the earth around there was frozen solid. Maybe towards the tree line would be best... and he needed to get this out of his mouth. Swallowing, he made his way towards the trees, not bother to check for Chord as the first tears fell.

Motif I


4 Years
12-01-2014, 01:50 AM

Rhythm would lean closer to her, and despite the exhaustion and blood loss and her aching heart she would find some stretch no snap her teeth together and lift her head. Before the words could even touch her lips however Bass would be speaking, saying the words in her heart and she would nod mutely at her sister, in total agreement with their brother before letting her head collapse to the earth again. She was so tired, she felt so empty now that the little lives where no longer a part of her, in ever sense of the world – their very lives had fled this world.

Her eyes moved to Bass, seeing Chord in the corner of her eyes and they would widen in surprise – she hadn't even seen their brother enter, nor heard him. Her own eyes filled with sadness and shame, everyone that mattered to her was here to see this epic failure, to see that she was never meant to make it as a mother. Bass's voice however held nothing but sadness and tenderness as he told her they would deal with it. She sunk further into the earth, with the knowledge that the children would be put to rest she was losing her grip on conciousness. She had always considered herself strong, fiery, but she had nothing in her to face this moment, she couldn't bare to look up at her siblings faces for much longer.

As Bass left the den with a pup in his grip she closed her eyes, silent tears spilling beneath the lids as she let out a ragged breath and waited for unconsciousness to pull her under.





13+ Years

Treat 2019
12-01-2014, 08:38 AM
She would feel Chord's presence as he brought himself to the birthing den, though happy faces would not greet him. Rhythm couldn't help but feel like she'd failed her sister as a healer, she could have saved her other pups but she didn't. She would jump slightly at Bass's sudden disagreement with her, dark ears would fall to her skull as bright eyes searched both her siblings faces. She could not take this blame upon herself, neither would allow it. She'd take her brother's words to heart, knowing full well that Motif could have lost her life in this endeavor. She would lean into her brother's touch, a long sigh filtering through her lips as he moved his focus back to their sister and Chord.

The men would take Motif's sons to be out to rest, she would stay here with the new mother. Watchin as Motif lowered herself pitifully Rhythm would bring herself back to her sister's side. She'd press into her protectively, nuzzling into her fur and being careful not to disturb the tiny girl from her meal. She'd feel herself sigh as her own eyes closed, embracing Morif tightly she'd make sure her sister knew it was okay. Everything would be alright. "Rest Motif, I'll watch over you." her voice was a soft whisper against her almost twin's fur. rest and recover..



4 Years
12-07-2014, 04:02 PM
Chord would see no failure in his sisters even without Bass' words of encouragement for the pair of them. All he would see was a tragedy life apparently not full of them enough as of late he stood there silent now though, barely taking in what else was happening around him as his eyes remained fixed upon the still pups. Bass' words would stir him, the mention of his name the real clue that he had to answer now though still the saddened man would remain quiet for a moment a weak nod of his head his only answer. No he didn't want to deal with this really. Bass would already begin to move though and Chord knew he had to follow suit. He was hardly there most of the time for his siblings, he had to do something now.

Picking up one of the pup's carefully praying it would suddenly start moving and it had all been some horrible trick the children had played on them. Of course though so young they knew nothing about pranks and the pup would remain still clearly lifeless. He felt lifeless himself at the moment, mind refusing to comprehend it all though perhaps that was for the best. He'd mindlessly follow his brother's lead placing the pup beside its sibling once more before looking to his brother for what to do next. He just couldn't think right now, it hurt too much.