
Valentine, Sing Me My Lullaby {Valen}



4 Years
11-28-2014, 06:57 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2014, 10:44 PM by Bass.)

I call her the Devil

because she makes me wanna sin

Her large, ivory painted body would slowly step onto the familiarity of the Battlefield, small pebbles being kicked up from behind the fae as her slow walk became a trot, large paws carrying her over to the middle of the baren lands.

The adrenaline coursed through her veins everytime she stood here, feeling the aura of battle emerging from the dull tainted land. Her bones quivered with anticipation and her shortened tail flicked behind her, swaying above the female's hips.

So, what exactly had she come here for? For refreshment. For a new lesson in the art of war, or perhaps just a reoccurring sense of knowledge that she enjoyed being filled with.

The woman would tilt her ivory crown back, calling for somebody to be her new teacher in this game of cat and mouse.

and every time she knocks

I can't help but let her in

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-28-2014, 07:14 PM

Hearing the call from the battlefield, the brute grinned. He could use a spar. It was in his best interest to remain in good shape. Without hesitation, Valentine was on his paws and moving towards the caller.

Reaching her, he looked his potential opponent over. She was large by the standards of most, but nowhere near his size. This was in his favor. Not because he thought his height to be an advantage, but because it was likely that most of his future opponents would be closer to her height than his. Grinning wickedly, he approached her head on. "If you'll have me," he teased, fully aware of the two sided nature of his statement, "I'd like to take you up on that spar."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



4 Years
11-28-2014, 09:33 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2014, 10:43 PM by Bass.)

His ghostly form would appear almost out of nowhere, his large, enticing size towering over her's. His midnight tinted fur reminded her of simply devilish actions such as her own. "If you'll have me," his offer was said upon a set of lyrics she just couldn't resist, her gaze of topaz and amethyst watching him. "I'll have you in every way possible, sweetheart." The words would drip from her lips like sweet poison, a low, seductive purr emerging from the woman's chest. But, this wasn't the time for some rough jumble and tumble. No, it was the time to train. And so far, she enjoyed every angle she got of her new found teacher.
"Your move first, babe," she would whisper softly, watching him as she awaited his attack.


Anzhelika vs. Valentine for spar
Round 0/3? (3 Seem fine?)
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-28-2014, 10:59 PM

The dual meaning behind his statement wouldn't go unnoticed and the brute smirked in response. She would give the first move to him and the brute was quick to comply. He set his defenses with ease, the actions as fluid and comfortable as shrugging into a leather jacket. Valentine's head lowered, his shoulders rolling forward as his stance widened, his knees bent and his toes splayed. His ears fell flat, his eyes narrowed and his hackles lifted. For balance, his tail rose until it was level with his spine. Tension ran the length of his body, muscles taunt as he prepared for the fight.

Without warning he dove forward, hoping to rapidly close the distance between them and come at the fae head on. Choosing not to slow down as he neared, the brute attempted to ram his chest into Anzy's upper neck full force in the hopes of crushing her windpipe. His lowered head would roll to his left, jaws flinging wide as he attempted to clamp his jaws across the smaller fae's eyes. His aim was to drive his upper fangs into her right eye and his lower ones in her left. Simultaneously his right forepaw would lift and be extended to the right quickly before swinging forcefully to the left in the hopes of  pushing not one, but both of his opponent's forelimbs out from under her with his foreleg.


Round ONE of TWO

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



4 Years
11-28-2014, 11:51 PM

As soon as the male had begun to roll his defenses in, the pale woman would do the same, easily rolling her body into a protective and defensive mode. Her shoulders would be the first to move, rolling forward. Then her limbs would become splayed out, her knees bent for quick and easy movements. Her toes would splay out as well and her claws would dig out into the barren earth, adding for any needed balance. Her shortened tail would align with her spine and so would her skull, her core tensing as adrenaline rushed through her veins. Her hackles would raise, the skin around the back of her neck and shoulders scrunching up to protect vital areas. Her ears would pin against her skull, her chin instinctively dipping down to protect her throat. Her jaw would unhinge in a snarl and her cheeks would bunch up around her eyes, her nose scrunching up as well to protect it from snapping jaws or flying claws. Her topaz and amethyst orbs would narrow into small slits, watching the male. Finally, her obsidian lips would pull back, revealing her poison dipped ivory fangs, her tongue skimming over them as a distinct and soft hiss rolled off of her lips.

He would come stampeding towards her head on, the woman watching almost in shock as he did so. Her brain seemed frozen for a moment, not moving her. Duck, dive, duck! But then the words would come, flooding her head for a quick escape. The woman would quickly bend down, dipping her crown low. She would barely miss his snapping jaws, his ivory daggers just inches away from her face. Instead of biting her face, the brute would have missed and clamped down onto the woman's rib cage on the right side, his daggers digging furiously into her ivory pelt.

She would snarl in pain as she felt the ripping of flesh and the warm sting of her blood being drawn, his body also slamming into her top middle backside, right in the middle of her spine. Yet, the woman faltered slightly, quickly regaining her breath as she planned her attack.

She would take the position that she was forced into as something useful, quickly swinging her head down and shoving it up with one, two, three, four! Strikes up, attempting to knock the male in the lower part of the jaw/chin area with the top of her skull/cranium, hoping to at least send him stumbling back from the possible impact.

Anzhelika vs. Valentine for spar

round: ONE two

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-29-2014, 01:04 AM

The fae was quick, ducking under his attack so that he missed his target entirely. Instead his jaws found purchase in the upward facing portion of her ribcage just to the right of her spine. He bit into her mercilessly, his fangs driving deep. Instinctively, Valen would attempt to wrap his forelimbs around the base of her neck (right in front of where it meet the shoulders) in the hopes of maintaining a dominate position over his opponent while squeezing off her air supply, possibly even choking her into submission.

Positioned the way they were, with Valentine draped over Anzy's front half and their bodies lined up and overlapping in an almost straight line, instead of making contact with his chin, the top of Anzy's head connected with the lower portion of Valentine's sternum. Bone against bone, Valentine felt the blow immediately. It throbbed painfully and promised a moderate bruise later. Her efforts drew a grunt from him and caused him to release his hold on her back.

In response the brute's jaws flung wide once more, his head snaking down and tilting to his left as he attempted to close his jaws around his opponent's spine, just behind her shoulder blades. At the same time his right hind paw would rise, toes splaying out stiffly as he attempted to kick forward and drive his claws into Anzy's left eye in a blinding blow.

To complete his attack, Valentine decided to use his superior height and his opponent's lowered position to his advantage. He rolled his weight forward suddenly, placing as much of it on his forelegs as he could in an attempt to drive Anzy into the ground. If he were lucky, she'd crumble beneath his weight, possibly striking her chin on the ground and becoming pinned helplessly beneath him.

His defenses, never wavering, adjusted accordingly to it all. Ears flat, eyes narrow, hackles lifted and tail held out stiffly behind him. Shoulders remained hunched forward. Valentine was careful to center his weight, rolling it forward in the hopes of balancing on his opponent's neck as he raised his hind paw to strike. His remaining left hind paw was firmly planted, the toes splayed and the knee bent. Every inch of him was tense, muscles coiled and ready for her retaliation.


Round TWO of TWO

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



4 Years
11-29-2014, 03:24 AM (This post was last modified: 11-29-2014, 12:26 PM by Anzhelika. Edit Reason: Font size )

She could feel the pressure around her neck tighten as he squeezed tightly, slowly suffocating the girl. No, shit shit shit. She thought as she began to breathe heavily, shaking her head

Luckily, her blow had hit him in the sternum, quickly making the male release his grip on the girl, yet she winced softly as she felt her head throb from the impact, a sudden sting and warm release of ruby liquid dripping from her right shoulder blade, where the midnight brute had sunk his fangs into her flesh, yet again. A sudden kick to the side of her face would make the ivory woman lash out with a snarl, drawing a small gash under her topaz audit, already feeling the wound begin to drip with scarlet. She began throwing her head around as she attempted to catch something-- anything, within her grip. The pale woman would lash out once again, seeking to grip the soft flesh of his underbelly and rip the flesh. If she would succeed, her daggers would rip away at his flesh, giving him a fresh wound.

Suddenly, the weight upon her back became a great mass, slowly crumbling the girl beneath him. But, no, she didn't have to go out like this, no.

She'd take a deep breath and bunch up all of her strength into her limbs and back, hips, tail, and hind legs swaying and lashing around as she tried to free herself from the brute's trap. Finally, she'd squirm out from beneath him, but not before regaining her breath, already feeling the bruises form across her back.

She'd keep her defenses in check, her shoulders rolling forward once again. The woman's hackles would raise and the skin around her neck and shoulders would bunch up, protecting vital areas. She'd take a step back, facing Valentine, a fury burning in her audits. Her limbs would splay out evenly and her knees would become loose, her toes splaying across the earth.. Her toes would flex and her claws would drag against the dirt, her head aligning with her spine, and then her tail aligning with her skull and spine, all three falling symmetrically like three puzzle pieces. Her ivory ears would pin up against the woman's skull, her obsidian lips pulling back to reveal her alabaster fangs. Her cheeks would bunch up along in the snarl, protecting the soft flesh on the Queen's face. Her orbs would easily narrow into small slits, protecting the gems. Her obsidian nose would bunch up along with her snarl,  her chin tucking down and under to protect her throat. Her core would tense, adrenaline steaming up and coursing through her muscles.

She'd try to become bigger, lifting herself up onto her hind legs, her tail lashing out behind her, creating balance. Her claws would dig into the earth for balance as well, also a form of keeping her steady. The woman would finally snarl and lash out directly at his face, aiming left (which would hit his right side.) She'd aim for her top fangs to hit him above the left eye, and her bottom fangs to strike him across his left cheek, just under his eye. If she would succeed, her jaws would clamp down and drag across the soft, exposed skin of the male's flesh, ending at the tip, and bottom of his left Sapphire audit. Her front legs would aim to wrap around his neck as well, aiming to sink her claws into the fleshy part of his shoulder blades, dragging her claws against his skin. If she would be successful with her attack, short wounds would litter the top of his back, hopefully drawing blood.

Anzhelika vs. Valentine for spar

round: one TWO
[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!

The Judge


12-08-2014, 10:50 PM


Round 1

10 for clarity: All clear.
6 for powerplaying. “His lowered head would roll to his left, jaws flinging wide as he attempted to clamp his jaws across the smaller fae's eyes.” Head roll and jaws opening need to be attempted. -2 “Simultaneously his right forepaw would lift and be extended to the right quickly before swinging forcefully to the left in the hopes of  pushing not one, but both of his opponent's forelimbs out from under her with his foreleg.” Lifting of the forepaw, as well as moving it to the left need to be attempted. -2
10 for defences. Head lowered (next time state “to align with spine” to make it more of a clear defence), shoulders rolled, stance widened, knees bent, toes spread, ears flattened, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, muscles tense, tail level with spine
7 for attack. Slam to the upper neck +3, bite to the eyes +3, tripping of both legs +1 (lost points for PP)
10 for injuries.First round

Round one VALENTINE Total: 43/50


2 for clarity: “his body also slamming into her top middle backside, right in the middle of her spine.” How is this possible if they are standing face to face? -2 “male in the lower part of the jaw/chin area” Which is it, jaw or chin? Be more specific. -2 “She would take the position that she was forced into as something useful, quickly swinging her head down and shoving it up with one, two, three, four! Strikes up” You said that his bite landed on her ribcage, meaning than Valentine's head is no where near Anzy's. -2
2 for powerplaying. “The woman would quickly bend down, dipping her crown low.” Must be attempted -1, “quickly swinging her head down and shoving it up with one, two, three, four!” First off, this is major powerplaying. You cannot continue to strike more than once with the same attack. Secondly, this attack must be attempted. -3 Double leg pull was not addressed -2 “Instead of biting her face, the brute would have missed and clamped down onto the woman's rib cage on the right side,” I find it very hard to see how they would miss her face but land on her rib cage if they are standing head to head. -2 “...his daggers digging furiously into her ivory pelt.” How bad is this wound? -2
10 for defences. Shoulders rolled, legs spread, legs bent, toes spread, claws dug into earth, tail aligned with spine, head aligned with spine, hackles raised, neck scrunched, ears pinned
0 for attack. Head slam 0. Sorry, but since the attack is a minor attack and usually rewarded 1 point and it had a lot of PP in it, this attack gets zero.
10 for injuries. Severe laceration to right ribcage (decided by judge),

Round one ANZHELIKA Total: 24/50

Round 2

9 for clarity: “At the same time his right hind paw would rise, toes splaying out stiffly as he attempted to kick forward and drive his claws into Anzy's left eye in a blinding blow.” Weight not shifted to make up for standing on two legs. -1
7 for powerplaying. “his head snaking down and tilting to his left” Must be attempted. -1, Too many attacks (Choking, kick to eye, bite to shoulder, squishing)-2
8 for defences. Not shifting weight after wrapping both front forelegs around Anzy. -1, ears folded, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, tail aligned with spine, shoulders rolled, weight adjusted for standing on one leg, toes splayed, leg bent, muscles tensed
7 for attack. Choking/hold around neck +2, kick to the eye (Really Laz? xD) and stunning blow +2, bite to shoulder +2, attempt to flatten +1

9 for injuries. Moderate bruise to sternum -1,

Round two VALENTINE Total: 40/50

0 for clarity: “drawing a small gash under her topaz audit” First off, there are many different colours of topaz, so this does not say what eye the blow landed on. Also, audit is ear, not eye. -2 “The pale woman would lash out once again, seeking to grip the soft flesh of his underbelly and rip the flesh. If she would succeed, her daggers would rip away at his flesh, giving him a fresh wound.” Conditional, also where on the belly? -3 “She'd take a deep breath and bunch up all of her strength into her limbs and back, hips, tail, and hind legs swaying and lashing around as she tried to free herself from the brute's trap. Finally, she'd squirm out from beneath him, but not before regaining her breath, already feeling the bruises form across her back.” It is very unlikely that she will be able to wiggle out from under him. She is 36 inches and 141 pounds, while Valentine is 42 inches and 186 pounds. -2 “The woman would finally snarl and lash out directly at his face, aiming left (which would hit his right side.) She'd aim for her top fangs to hit him above the left eye, and her bottom fangs to strike him across his left cheek, just under his eye.” What is she lashing out with? What eye is she aiming for? -2 “If she would succeed, her jaws would clamp down and drag across the soft, exposed skin of the male's flesh, ending at the tip, and bottom of his left Sapphire audit.” Conditional again, and again audit means ear. -1
0 for powerplaying. “right shoulder blade, where the midnight brute had sunk his fangs into her flesh, yet again. A sudden kick to the side of her face would make the ivory woman lash out with a snarl, drawing a small gash under her topaz audit, already feeling the wound begin to drip with scarlet.” Neither of these attacks state the damage taken. -4 “She began throwing her head around as she attempted to catch something-- anything, within her grip. The pale woman would lash out once again, seeking to grip the soft flesh of his underbelly and rip the flesh. If she would succeed, her daggers would rip away at his flesh, giving him a fresh wound.” Way too much movement, also you cannot force your opponent to take damage by flailing about. -3 “already feeling the bruises form across her back.” How severe? -2 “She'd take a step back,” Must be attempted -1
10 for defences. Shoulders rolled, hackles raised, neck scrunched, legs spread, toes splayed, claws dug into ground, head aligned with spine, tail aligned with spine, ears pinned, lips snarling,
2 for attack. Wolf claws are not sharp, they will not break through the tough skin along the back or shoulders. Face, maybe, but hardly. Bite to face +2 (points lost for clarity)
2 for injuries. Severe laceration to right ribcage (decided by judge) -3, Moderate lacerations on right shoulder blade (decided by judge) -2, minor laceration under eye (decided by judge) -1 , Moderate bruising across her back (decided by judge) -1, Moderate bruise to the top of head (decided by judge) -1

Round two ANZHELIKA Total: 14/50



And the winner is...

Valentine! Anzhelika must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Valentine: Moderate bruise will fade after 1 OOC week.

Anzhelika: Severe laceration to right ribcage will heal after 3 OOC weeks and will scar, moderate lacerations on right shoulder blade will heal after 2 OOC weeks, minor laceration under eye will take 1 OOC week to heal, moderate bruising across her back will take 1 OOC week to fade, Moderate bruise to the top of head will take 1 OOC week to fade.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)


For Lazuli

Great fight! Like holy cow I didn't know you could fight this good. Awesome attacks, just watch too much movement and making sure that you attempt all movements that your opponent would be able to alter/stop.

For Misha

Okay, so you have some stuff to work on. Remember to state just HOW much damage you are taking from the opponent, as well as being specific about where you are attacking. You lost a lot of points on clarity and powerplaying, so just watch that a little. Attempt all movements against your opponent, as well as being specific about how your character is standing. I know you are trying to sound pretty by using fancy words too, but make sure you know what they mean! Audit is an ear, not an eye so it was rather confusing. Try making more attacks, as well as making them more varied.

- By [Evelyn]