
A little adventurous



8 Years
11-28-2014, 10:47 PM

Occ: Laazy :3.

Curiosity had pulled her into the south lands, far from home, where she was more used to. The sparse pines for one, but the wraith had never bothered to travel more South. Alas it was a curse perhaps, but she had heard whispers of whose of her bloodline being in the area. That was all she knew, weather they be a pack member or a ruler the wraith couldn't say. Perhaps being a bit foolish on top of it, the ghost was quite well within the pack lands. Moving silently over the freshly fallen snow, a step not making a sound for one being so light it was a gift. Hunting perhaps was the calling for her and yet she yearned for more then just that, battle like her brethren had done so before. Alas, she had negelected to brush up on her skills as of late, perhaps this would provide a opportunity, despite her foolish act of trespassing. But she wasn't seeking a fight, no, she was seeking family.

Mercy I


5 Years

11-29-2014, 01:18 AM (This post was last modified: 11-29-2014, 01:22 AM by Mercy I.)

She had settled in now, and was starting to find her backbone. Gone was the fear of being left alone, and it was replaced with the need to do well within this pack. She strove to seek a higher rank, and to become a better warrior. She may be young, but that didn't matter. She had been training hard, her muscles growing more defined under her silky white coat. Her elongated tail swirled behind her as she made her way through her home lands, when the scent of a stranger reached her nostrils. Mercy stilled, head raising as she looked over the snowy knolls. Her coat blended in perfectly with the snow, giving her more of a cover as her eyes roamed for who ever dared crossed Imperium's borders. Lips curled back to reveal her teeth, jaws working as her anger rose. Was the stranger stupid? Their borders were marked well, it shouldn't be a surprise to the woman that she was breaking in. Well then... The girl smirked, toes stretching as her muscles coiled beneath her pelt. It would seem that it was time to teach someone a lesson, as well as test her own growing skills.

Heart bounded in her chest as purple eyes locked on the intruder. Her silver form stood out among the blanket of snow, making her look like a ghost. Nevertheless a growl tore from her throat, hackles raised as she stalked forward. She came at the woman head on, stopping and hoping to leave about three feet between them. Purple eyes narrowed as she eyed the smaller woman, she was quite a bit larger than her. The stranger stood at 29 inches, and she herself stood at 38 inches. A grin split across her maw as she eyes her, huffing softly. "This is claimed land, although I am pretty sure you knew that already. Trespassing is not something we take very lightly." Her words were a soft purr as lips pulled back into a snarl, tail aligning with her spine as her ears flattened against her skull. Shoulders rolled forward as she lowered her head, aligning her head with her spine as her chin tucked closer to her chest. She meant buisness, and she would show this wench that Imperium was not to be messed with.

Mercy did not hesitate in her attack. She hoped that the distance between them remained at three feet as she jumped forward, aiming to land right in front of her. The white girl dipped her head down, jaws opening as she attempted to bite down around Abelinda's muzzle. She wanted to keep her from trying to bite her, as well as allowing her full control of her head. Mercy's top jaw aimed to land on the left side of her muzzle as her bottom jaws sought the right side of her muzzle. The girl then yanked her head downwards, hoping to pull Abel with her. She hoped that from her attempted bite along the thin skin of the muzzle, Abelinda would have no choice but to follow the movement. Unless of course, she wanted the puncture wounds to tear, and for the flesh around her jaws to be torn. As this occurred, Mercy aimed to raise her front right paw, stretching it forward. She tried to bring it up to Abelinda's face, aiming to dig her claws into Abelinda's left eye. This would not be the final attack on Abel's left eye, she hoped to fully blind that eye. Perhaps when she would learn to depend on her sense of smell grow stronger...

To make up for her tri-pod stance, Mercy leaned her weight to the left, trying to evenly spread her weight through her remaining three legs on the ground. Her toes spread as her claws bit into the earth, hoping to further aid her balance. This woman would not be leaving her lands without a mark to remember her by.

MERCY vs ABELINDA for MAIM - PARTIAL BLINDING (blinding of the left eye)
ROUND 1/2 (sound good?)

Defenses: Hackles raised, eyes narrowed, tail aligned with spine, ears flattened, shoulders rolled, head aligned with spine, chin tucked to chest, weight spread, toes spread, claws dug into earth.

Attacks: Trying to lock her jaws around Abel's muzzle, yanking down to hopefully pull her head lower. Raising her own left paw, trying to dig her claws into Abel's left eye.

Injuries: N/A

OOC: Kayi gave permission to edit, I put Mercy's size down wrong.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



8 Years
11-29-2014, 02:06 AM

It would seem her little adventure hadn't gone unnoticed, but it was clear this was far from a friendly greeting. The tension in the air was quick to be sensed, much less the crunching of snow a head of her. Although Mercy was white, that keen eye sight spotted the dame before she got too close. The wraith quickly could tell this was going south and quickly, but she knew equally this one would not listen to reason. It was her self, for being ambitious enough to trespass as she had done so; clearly not an Armada. A pack member of some sort then, but the serpent wasn't going to analyze this situation fully, at least not yet. Those eyes narrowed as the white dame stopped before her, leaving three feet between them. The words were spoken and that body was quick to react.

Those hackles raised, her ghostly eyes narrowed as those ears flattered against her skull. Knowing what was to come, those shoulders rolled forth to protect that neck as her head aligned with her spine, chin tucked to further this action. Lastly that tail aligned with her spine, being used for balance. Seeing her coming, that body crouched low, leveling spreading that weight among her limbs as those toes as well spread, for more traction as those toes sought a grip from the frigged ground. Knowing the attack coming, that head went with Mercy's motion; downwards as the scrapping of teeth dragged across the upper and lower part of her muzzle; causing moderate wounds but at the same time hoping to avoid the grip from the dame's jaws. The feeling of claws could be felt upon her brow causing a light scratch, in hopes to have it graze off the eye ridge to miss the eye completely in turn with the motion. Once knowing she was free of the oncoming attacks, that head rose and rapidly aiming to smack it against Mercy's lower jaw; if such was successful in doing so those jaws would open only to in turn grab a hold of the left side of Mercy's jaw. Being small then this one, she could not use her weight against her, but she hope to once grabbing the muzzle to shake that head left and right to cause jagged wounds along the upper muzzle and lower jaw.

Abelinda vs Mercy for Self Defense/Maim.

Round I of II. (Yesh xd.)

Defense: Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, head lowered, shoulders rolled forward, head aligned with spine, chin tucked, crouched low, legs and toes spread, tail aligned with spine.

Attack: Tries avoiding the muzzle lock, by following Mercy's movement bowing her head down, then brings it back up to slam her own head into Mercy's own; attempts to grab a hold of the left side of Mercy's muzzle, if a hold is gained of the left side of the muzzle; an attempt at 'shaking' the hold left and right to cause more damage then a typical hold.

Injuries: Light scratch on right brow, moderate lasherations on upper/lower muzzle. Bruising on upper head (pending) from slam.

Mercy I


5 Years

11-29-2014, 02:38 AM

It would seem that her attacks would not land like she planned, which angered the pale girl. A growl tore from her throat as her teeth merely scratched the surface of Abel's muzzle. The slight ting of blood was not enough, if she hoped to teach the older woman a lesson that would simply not do. Her claws bounced uselessly off of her eye, leaving a tiny nick above Abel's left brow. Quickly Mercy aimed to lower her right raised leg, hoping to once again have it safely on the earth. She would not have to wait for an attack to fall on her vulnerable paw though, for the older woman raised her head up and tried to bite into Mercy's jaw. Size seemed to matter here, for Mercy simply raised her own head, Abelinda's teeth grazing through her skin. There were very minor lacerations on the bottom of Mercy's muzzle, just deep enough to draw droplets of blood. She was surprised that it was all that had been attempted on her, and her grin returned. Ears remained flat against her skull, tail still raised to align with her spine. With her own head raised, she quickly tucked her chin to her chest to protect her open vitals. Toes spread on all four paws, claws biting into the earth to keep her balance set. Weight was aligned evenly on all fours, legs slightly bent to keep her more limber.

Without a moment to lose Mercy launched her next attack. The white girl tried to pull her body upwards onto her hind legs, making her tower above the intruder. With a swift motion Mercy's head ducked downwards towards Abel, jaws parting as she sought to drive herself back down to all fours. As Mercy tried to return to the ground, she aimed her jaws for the left side of the silver woman's face, bottom jaws aimed just to the right of her left eye, top jaws aimed for just below her left ear. She hoped that the force of her rearing up would bring more pressure to the bite, as well as hopefully rendering Abel dizzy and unable to strike back at her. Mercy tired to lock her jaws, hoping to hold onto the left side of her face, eyes narrowed in determination. She quickly transferred her weight, bracing herself to try to keep herself from being easily toppled over. Mercy hoped that the bite would land, pulling her own face towards Mercy's right. If her teeth landed, the move would hopefully pull of the left side of Abel's face, but if it did not at least her own head has a bit of distance from Abel's. Mercy's shoulders rolled forward as her neck scrunched, her hackles remaining raised.

MERCY vs ABELINDA for MAIM - PARTIAL BLINDING (blinding of the left eye)

Defenses: Ears pinned, tail aligned with spine, chin tucked to chest, toes spread, claws dug into ground, weight balanced, legs bent, eyes narrowed, made up for reared up state, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, hackles raised.

Attacks: Trying to bite around Abel's left eye (top jaws near the bottom of left ear, bottom jaws on the right side of left eye) and pulling her head to her (Mercy's) right.

Injuries: Minor lacerations on bottom of muzzle.

OOC: Nice quick fight! <3

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



8 Years
11-29-2014, 12:52 PM

Flank referance. (Just above the 'Sheath' listing)

Abelinda wasn't going on the attack, merely she was defending her self from Mercy and so her own attacks were only responded to in kind against Mercy, to repel the one after her eye apparently. Those toes were spread out, as were her legs for traction and balance despite the onslaught of attacks. Moving hadn't been needed that time, keeping in close contact. Those eyes remained narrowed, ears pinned and that chin tucked; those shoulders stayed rolled froward in their protective stance. That head was quick to lower and align with her spine once again, the downward motion made it possible even as that head smacked against Mercy's lower jaws. Causing bruising to the top of her own head but hopefully far more pain to her opponent. Hackles remained raised, as that tail moved it's position to tuck under between her rear legs for the next move.

As Mercy reared onto those rear legs, the wraith saw her chance. Those legs acted like a coiled spring, launching the much smaller wolf into and under Mercy; but as she launched forward, Abelinda knew she was leaving that upper back to the lower back open for attack. However even as she aimed to 'ram' into Mercy's under side, those jaws sought out a target, aiming for the flank. The fleshy area just between the upper back leg and that of the lower belly. If a hold was gained, Abelinda would in turn bite down and pull back harshly aiming to do as much damage as possible. Crimson liquid freely spilled from the moderate lasherations upon the left shoulder and neck area, for Mercy's jaws wouldn't of found their target upon her own muzzle or face. Due to the forward movement, it would of located the attack else where along Abelinda's body.

Abelinda vs Mercy for Self Defense/Maim.

Round II of II.

Defense: Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, head lowered, shoulders rolled forward, head aligned with spine, chin tucked, crouched low, legs and toes spread, tail tucked.

Attack:  Attempting to ram forward into the underside of Mercy, while also trying to seek a hold on the 'flank' between the lower stomach / upper back leg area. If a hold was gained, she would bite down and pull back.

Injuries: Light scratch on left brow, moderate lasherations on upper/lower muzzle. Bruising on upper head from slam, moderate lasherations left neck/shoulder area.

Occ: Since the slam attempted by Abelinda in the last post was not responded to, (or so I'm reading) I'm guessing it was a direct hit according to the rules?



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-29-2014, 09:47 PM

The sound of growls echoing across the knolls brought the titan running. He was on the scene in a flash and diving towards to fighting wolves. On one side was Mercy, his promising Tribune, and on the other, a tiny stranger. A trespasser. The brute was seconds away from throwing himself into the fight when a thought struck him. This was Mercy's fight. With back up on the scene, he decided to let it play out and see just what she was made of.

He hovered on the fringe of the fight; circling, watching, daring the intruder to best one of his wolves. Her fate was sealed--she belonged to Imperium now. There was no doubt in his mind that she would be his. None at all.

Bristling, he watched with keen interest as the blows were exchanged, sorely tempted to step in and add to the trespasser's misfortune. Regardless of the fight's outcome, from here the situation could go one of two ways: either the little vixen could submit to captivity, or Valentine would forcibly claim her for Imperium.

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.

The Judge


12-03-2014, 11:49 PM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2014, 12:27 AM by The Judge.)

Mercy v Abelinda for Maim/Self Defense

Round 1

6 for clarity- -2 is she attempting to come from the bottom or top of Abeline’s muzzle? -2 what area of the muzzle did the try and bite? Tip, mid, near the cheeks?
4 for powerplaying. -2 ‘the white girl dipped her head down’ you must attempt to do this. -2 ‘the girl then yanked her head downwards’ this is a coincidental. -2 ‘stretching it forward’ you must attempt to do this.
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
6 for attack. +3 bite to muzzle [control bite] +3 clawing eye [maim attack]
10 for injuries. first round

Round one Total: 36/50

0 for clarity- -2 did the attack on her muzzle land? If so where on her muzzle was she grabbed? -2 did she escape mercy’s grip? If so what damage was taken in the process if any? (I’m reading it as Abel allowed Mercy to pull her muzzle down so Abel could avoid the grip?) -2 how did she position her head to slam it into Mercy’s lower jaw? -4 where did Abel’s upper and lower jaws land on mercy’s face, what area of the muzzle did she intend to grab (near the nose, mid, closer to the cheeks)
8 for powerplaying. -2 no reasoning or movement was given for why Mercy’s attack on Abel’s eye missed it’s mark.
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
4 for attack. +1 slam to the muzzle +3 bite to muzzle [control bite]
10 for injuries.first round (moderate cuts along lower jaw from mid point to chin, light scratch on upper left brow)

Round one Total: 32/50

Round 2

8 for clarity- -2 not sure what you meant by ‘would hopefully pull the left side of Abel’s face’.
0 for powerplaying. -2 ‘for Mercy simply raised her own head’ you must attempt to do this. -2 ‘with a swift motion Mercy’s head ducked downwards towards Abel’ you must attempt to do this. -2 cannot assume that she made it up and was able to bring her weight back down. -2 ‘she quickly transferred her weight’ you must attempt to do this. -2 ‘If her teeth landed, the move would hopefully pull of the left side of Abel's face, but if it did not at least her own head has a bit of distance from Abel's.’ you can’t make your opponent choose between two options.
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
4 for attack. +3 bite to face +1 momentum
6 for injuries. -2 bruising to lower jaw -2 minor lacerations on upper and lower muzzle

Round two Total: 28/50

4 for clarity- -2 what was she trying to ram into mercy’s underside, her shoulder, chest, neck? -2 how did she position her jaws to grab mercy’s flank? -2 what shoulder/neck area exactly? where on her body did the attack land?
6 for powerplaying. -2 ‘launching the much smaller wolf forward.’ You must attempt to do this. -2 ‘if a hold was gained’ this is a coincidental, you cannot base your next attack on whether or not your first makes contact.
10 for defenses. +1 for each seen
6 for attack. +2 for ramming to underside +3 bite +1 vital area
8 for injuries. -2 moderate lacerations to mid spine

Round two Total: 34/50


Mercy: 64/100
Abelinda: 66/100

And the winner is...

Abelinda! Mercy must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Mercy: Bruising to lower jaw and lower abdomen will take a few IC days to heal. Minor lacerations on upper and lower muzzle will take 1 OOC week to heal.

Abelinda: Moderate cuts along lower jaw from mid point to chin and moderate lacerations to mid spine will tale 2 ooc weeks to heal. Light scratch on upper left brow will take 1 ooc week to heal.


Eve, amazing first round! Second one got you, defiantly watch your powerplaying and try and get more then one attack in if at all possible!

Kayi, great job! You were pretty consistent, just watch your clarity, make sure you specify very specific areas and not just where your attacking but which way you are moving to do said attack. Also make sure if you are going to dodge an opponents attack to explain why, and when you alter where an opponents attack you are specify where the attack lands!

- By [dee]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-05-2014, 10:51 AM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2014, 12:06 PM by Valentine.)
OOC: phone post! So much crap! ><

EDIT: Tea gave me permission to edit to meet the minimum word requirement.

The fight would end in the intruder's favor and Valentine bristled, quickly adopting a fighter's stance. Addressing the winner, he growled, "Trespassing is a crime that Imperium takes very seriously." Standing tall and proud, the brute exuded supremacy. One way or the other she would pay for her crime. He decided to give her an ultimatum: "Submit to Imperium or fight for your freedom."

For the moment, Mercy and her wounds were ignored. He would see to it that they were tended to later. The brute was quite proud of the Tribune. Her willingness to defend the pack spoke volumes about her character. She had potential. Valentine was determined to make sure it wasn't wasted. He could only hope that her brother demonstrated the same initiative. 

Valentine vs Abelinda for Force claim
Round 0 of ???

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



8 Years
12-05-2014, 05:04 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2014, 06:07 PM by Abelinda.)
Occ: She submitting, if any are confused xD.

Finally, it was over and strangely enough she had won. At least the fight was over, but out of the coroner of her eye another showed up, the wraith supposed that of a higher rank here within the pack lands. But it wasn't quite the welcoming she was expecting, not as she pulled her self away from Mercy; a glance was merely given to the white she-wolf. She had done well in protecting her home but clearly needed some fine tuning.

With the fight over and her attention upon the male, those ghostly eyes were quick to look him over. He was clearly one of the family..Mush less as to how he spoke and yet it was clear she wasn't going to be leaving here. Hmm, that would pose a problem. “I won't fight family.” The words were stern but clear as that tongue drifted over her lips, tasting her own blood; it had been a long time since such a drawing of blood had happened. Too long perhaps. “But neither did I come here to cause harm.” A simple truth and now, all she could do was wait for his response.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-05-2014, 07:56 PM

The fae made no move to fight him and although she didn't voice her submission, Valentine took her rejection of fighting family (whatever the hell that meant) to mean that she was, in fact, submitting. "Welcome to Imperium," he said dryly, scrutinizing the small fae's damaged features. Seeing the wounds, he was reminded of Mercy and his gaze darted towards the Tribune. "Mercy," he rumbled, "Go find Ellis and have her tend to your wounds." He would speak with her later about what she had done today for her pack.

From her, the brute's gaze slid back to Abelinda. He appraised her, studying her in the hopes of pinpointed what kind of exploitable value she possessed. "Your rank is that of Servus, that is, you are a slave." He paused, "To be precise, my slave." As she would be until she either proved she was capable of becoming a full member or she earned her freedom. "If I call, you come. What I command, you do without question." He would keep her close and watch her like a hawk. If she so much as blinked without his permission he would tear her apart. She belonged to him.

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



8 Years
12-05-2014, 08:16 PM

Seemed she was now stuck here, hmm, not that it was going to be too much of a problem. An annoyance more then anything, oh well. She would work her way through it, however foolish she might have been for trespassing in the first place. Shoving such thoughts aside her gaze shifted to Mercy - an odd name for a wolf like her. But those ghostly eyes were soon upon Valentine. Those ears flicked as the male spoke, that maw was kept shut as he did so. So, she was to be his slave. Not something she planned on remaining for long, at least not in her mind. “Very well.” No more needed to be said, not in the least however; “And what shall I be calling you, aside from Armada?” The serpent knew he was one of their blood, but as to what may have happened in their family she did not know and had much to learn.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-05-2014, 10:52 PM

She answered him simply, voicing no complaint--a fact that earned her a single point in her favor. So far she was in the negative. There was a long way to go before they meant anything. As simple as her answer had been, her query was complicated. It drew the ire of the brute immediately and he stared down the end of his nose to fix her with a pointed glare.

What could she call him? The question was easily answered, although he strongly doubted it was the one she was hunting for. "Master," he rumbled, his tone shrewd and his gaze calculating. Still steamed over her transgressions, the brute couldn't find it in himself to care if she knew his name or vice versa. For now she was a slave and he, a master.

"Speaking" -- "Thinking"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



8 Years
12-05-2014, 11:05 PM
Those ghostly eyes gave a blink, watching the male and his reaction. But it seemed her question as to what to call him proved to draw out that inner ire, though she did not blame him. It was her own fault for trespassing, oh well; not that much could be done about it now. Yet even still he was proving to be quite, handsome. Even if he was all huffy and puffy right then, it was something to think about. To mother her first litter, that was one thing she aimed to do this year.

The answer that was given however was not one she expected yet the serpent would draw out his name - one way or another. “Very well.” Once more repeating her self, not asking another question as she blinked once then twice. The blood from her brow was starting to drip into her eye, an annoyance but the dame turned to Valentine. “Lead the way, Master. Her tone wrapping around the last word, in a sort of playful and oddly slightly teasing manner. After all, she did know they should seek out a healer.

Exit via Valentine?