
Dancing With Cinderella


09-18-2014, 09:37 PM

The pups were young yet, though their eyes had opened. His son was so much like his mother, with his black color where her tan would have been. Such an odd boy he was. He seemed to draw the most comfort from Nalyda, which Kar saw little problem in, and instead focused his attention on his two little sweethearts. Mystic was the one who was most of a daddy's girl, and Kar enjoyed spoiling her and her sister alike. He wasn't sure what it was... but Naoise seemed to always have some reason not to stay with them when he wanted to take the children on an outing. At least if Nalyda wasn't there. But for now he passed it off as him being clingy to his mother, and nothing more.

A gentle nudge to Mystic's side would be the father's attempt to wake her. He wasn't bad looking, at least not terribly so. He had a scar over his right eye, but it wasn't overly bad looking. A smile was on his face, his lime green orbs shining with life, happiness. "Come my little princess. There is something I want you to see." The sun was not yet above the horizon, and though he had wished to see the sunrise with her it would not happen today. No... clouds covered the skies, and the wind was a bit stronger than usual. Likely there was a storm in the other parts of Alacritia, but as long as they stayed here he assumed they would be safe.

Kar would glance towards the small bundle, waiting to see if she stirred, and if she did he would exit the den.

Speech, Thought



4 Years
09-18-2014, 09:54 PM
Mystics eyes wiggled slightly as her orbs opened when she heard her father speak. A smile spread across her face when she felt her father's touch. His warm touched sent a fire to the young pups heart. The white and black marked little pup loved being with her daddy, he was like a hero to her. Her crimson opticals opened and she gave him a small lick on the nose. Her crimson orbs met his green ones. When she heard him say he wanted to show her something, her cranium tilted slightly, curious of what he was going to show her.

Mystic stood upward and gave a pkayful yip, placing her tiny paws on his chest as her tail wiggled rapidly. "Were ve heading daddy?" She asked, giving him a small lick on the nose once more. Her eyes shown happiness and curiousity. She loved being with her daddy, she always loved doing things with him.


09-19-2014, 04:46 PM

She was adorable, his little princess. How she gave him little kisses, and looked up to him. The white and black girl melted his heart. Both of his daughters did, and surely all they needed to do was ask something of their father and he would do it to make them smile. There was no end to the love Kar had for his children, and seeing how happy Mystic was when she awoke, the father could not be more proud of his children. With Nalyda and the other two children safe in the den Kar saw no reason to worry about them waking and seeing the two gone. Besides, they really wouldn't be incredibly far.

A soft chuckle would leave Kar as his daughter gave him another lick on the nose, his ears twitching excitedly back and forth. To spend time with his daughter was a brilliant part of his day, and the man honestly couldn't be happier to have her with him. He would nuzzle his daughter's back gently, and then he would start to walk, hoping she would follow. "To a certain tree, my dear daughter. Much of the fruit is ride, and, there is a bit of a special secret about it." He was grinning, glancing down at her to see her reaction.

Speech, Thought



4 Years
09-19-2014, 05:04 PM
The little pup walked alongside her father, her cranium tilting to the side some when her father spoke about a certain tree, how its fruit was ripe and about a secret that it possessed. What kind of secret was it? She followed beside him, her tiny paws not used to walking slightly as she tripped a couple times, but her father's paw continued to stop her from falling flat on her face. Her pelt blew in the wind that the storm that was there sent to them. Mystic knew her father would keep her safe, and would not let anything happen. Her crimson orbs sparkled whenever she got to go on adventures with her dad.

"What kind of secret is it father?" She asked, a slight tilt of her head as she continued to walk beside the man. Her small tail wagged what seemed like a million miles per hour.


09-27-2014, 08:04 PM

The brute would give a soft chuckle at his daughter?s inquiries, the smile he wore tugging at the corners of his mouth. How beautiful, young, and innocence she was. He would walk carefully beside her, reaching out to catch her whenever she stumbled, just as his own mother had done for him. He had been close to her, Annette, and wondered too if he might see some of her traits pop up in his son, Naoise, who bore quite the likeness to her. But he focused now on his little girl, watching her walk, making sure to get the memory engraved in his mind. He wanted to remember these days forever.

?This tree,? Kar would say, speaking the words gently, letting them linger on his tongue. ?Has a certain twist of roots that points to a special place. A secret hideout... But you have to follow the roots direction to the next clue, than that clue to the hideout to get there. The fruit it bears is also very sweet, just like you.? He would look up, gaze fallen on the one in particular he was looking for. On the ground were green apples, as well as still hanging on the tree as well.

?That?s the one there. Make sure you take a good look at the trees around it... So you can remember.?

Speech, Thought



4 Years
09-27-2014, 08:51 PM
Mystic looked to the tree, to her father, then back to the tree as her crimson optics looked intently and focused on the fruit as well as the roots, focusing on the clues like her father had told her. Nodding, she began to walk around the tree, focusing on every detail as she walked back to Kar and sat beside him, tail swaying as she plopped down and closed her eyes, ears erect as she listened to every sound that whistled past her lobes. "Daddy, what are these loud birds?" She asks as she looked to see a flock of geese that flew in a v formation. She stood up and began to place her paw out, "I can't touch them." When she couldn't reach the birds, she began to yip and howl at the birds, eyes soon looking to her dad. "Also, what made you decide to fall in love with mommy?"


10-05-2014, 05:16 PM

Bless his little daughter and her questions. He would chuckle, watching as she plopped down after sitting beside him. It was natural one so little might need to rest after walking... At least for a moment. Within a few minutes there was little doubt that she?d be up and running around again... Or perhaps it was not that she was tired, but just enjoying her time with him. The gray male was certainly glad she was with him, and he?d lay down next to her, lime green orbs focusing on the geese that flew overhead. He would frown some in thought.

?Those are geese. It is a bit early for their migration, though perhaps they are from further north... That or winter will be setting in early this year.? He would chuckle, seeing her trying to reach them. ?No, I?m afraid that you won?t be able to, especially if they are in the sky like that. They can fly, and we can not. But perhaps I?ll be able to catch you one. They are interesting to eat... But they can be rather aggressive for an avion. They will go after a wolf even, honking like they do.? He would set his head on his legs, watching her.

The question was one that both surprised him, and yet... He would smile, closing his eyes. ?...Many things, my dearest Mystic. Some things would take more than words to explain. But your mother is a very kind soul, and very helpful. She has been since I first met her. There was a good friend of mine, a bear, who I lived with at the time. We traveled all over, but she had been injured badly. Your mother treated her paw at my request, and though Zanire did not care for her presence, nor me speaking with her, we kept seeing each other anyway. I... Suppose Zanire was a lot like my family, looking out for me.? He opened his eyes, gaze sad.

?I miss her greatly... But I do not regret staying with your mother. The more time I spent with her, the more I found I enjoyed her company. She made me smile and eased the ache of my soul. When Zanire left your mother stuck by my side. If I felt low she knew how to pick me up again. We stand together... And she completes my heart.? Kar would look back to her daughter. ?One day you?ll meet someone like that. You?ll start out as friends... But then you?ll get to know each more and more, and you?ll find yourself happiest with them. That is love.? He would chuckle softly, wondering what she would think.

Speech, Thought



4 Years
10-05-2014, 08:11 PM
Mystic nodded and wagged her tail happily, placing her front paws upon her father's side, crimson eyes shimmering slightly from the small specks of sunlight that peaked through the openings in the clouds. She couldn't tell if these geese would be good to eat, but perhaps she would learn to hunt with her father. She loved him, and she wanted to stay with her family. They could be their own pack. Her parents and siblings, and when they get older their mates and pups. She couldn't help but wag her tail even more at the sudden thought. When her father talked about this bear named Zanire, she was confused. She had never met a bear before, sometimes hoping she would not have to. But, he seemed sad when he talked about the bear.

Mystic moved her paws off of his side and she licked his cheek, trying to comfort him as she leaped upon his back and walked on it slightly, nipping his lobes in a playful gesture. The pup soon released and smiled, "Daddy, I know what love is, but, were their any other wolves you liked before you met mommy?"


10-14-2014, 12:29 PM

The calm of the moment was nice. It seemed his daughter had already forgotten about the special spot he mentioned, more concerned with spending time with him here under the tree. It was fine -- it wasn?t like they were in any hurry. No... Now was the time to be slow with life, to enjoy it and the beauty of the world. Kar had to wonder what was going on in her mind, but he wouldn?t focus on that. He could see a bit of confusion on her face when he talked of Zanire, but that was natural. His children had never actually met a bear before... And he prayed they wouldn?t for the most part. Most of them were not wolf friendly... Especially not pup friendly. He didn?t need his children getting mauled. He shuddered at the thought.

Mystic tried to comfort him however, giving a lick to his cheek before she hopped right up on his back. So small... She?d be able to do this for a while yet. Kar would give a soft chuckle, her presence a comfort in and of its own. When she spoke the male would close his eyes, keeping part of his thoughts to himself. She was too young to truly know what love was, but she would figure it out. Still... Her next question surprised him. He would consider the answer before he spoke, voice gentle.

?There were she wolves I considered pretty... But it is natural to have an attraction to others. However none of us developed anything serious, even a lasting friendship... So no... Not in the sense I believe you are asking, Mystic. I?m afraid your ol? dad hasn?t had a whole lot of interaction with other wolves in his life.? He?d let out a soft sigh. He thought of his mountain home. That was the last time he was around many others... ?...but your aunt found me... and I have your mom... Have you and your siblings... That is enough for me. We are a family, a small and unofficial pack, really.? Kar opened his lime-green eyes. ?Not all wolves like the whole official pack thing... But that is something for each to decide. Someday you, Ammy, and Naoise will make that choice too... And your mother and I will support all of you regardless of what you want.?

Speech, Thought



4 Years
10-14-2014, 03:52 PM
Her eyes widened in happiness, showing that she was amazed that her father had not many other options for a mate except for her mother. The thought caused her tail to wag it seemed a million miles per hour. Her crimson pools met her father's radioactive green ones for she couldn't help but smile and jump up and down upon his back. She did not wish to harm her father, mother, and siblings in any way. She was happy, and she was not afraid to show it to them. The young pup leapt off his back and onto the ground, wagging her tail as she soon could see her tail and growled a puppy growl, soon beginning to chase it. But, when she stopped, she stumbled backward onto her back as her head spun due to being dizzy.

Her eyes looked to the clouds that formed, cocking her head to the side slightly as she soon stood up and went into a play bow, growling playfully at her father, weaving between his legs. She went in between his front legs and became stuck, kicking and squirming until she finally broke free.

"Daddy, I'm hungry," she spoke, her stomach growling loudly and painfully that is caused her to whimper slightly.


10-30-2014, 05:40 PM

Kar could have looked for other wolves to be with instead of Nalyda throughout his life, but the male was one who believed that things happened in life with good reason. He didn't regret choosing her, cherishing his beautiful mate and the three children they had together. He had some regrets, but his family was not one, nor would it ever be. He would chuckle as the active pup hopped up and down his back. She was so happy, so joyful and full of life. A laugh would leave him as he watched her chase her own tail. Oh youth, so innocent and pure. He'd grin, seeing her soon get up and get in a play bow.

Kar would rise as well, letting out a playful growl of his own as he dropped in a play bow of his own. His daughter would weave between his legs and, wearing a grin, he would watch her as she squirmed a little before he lifted the right one to let her out. But playtime would be forgotten as he too heard the growl of her stomach, and the male's eyes would shine. "Hungry huh? So how about some breakfast?" He'd wink at his daughter. He could take her over to the pound that he found in the area. He could catch a fish, probably one that would be more than enough for his little girl. He'd stand up, motioning with his tail.

"Come on then my little one. Let's go catch us some breakfast!" He'd grin, jogging in the direction of the pond so that she could keep up.

Speech, Thought



4 Years
10-30-2014, 05:55 PM
The white pup would yip gleefully as crimson optics shimmered with excitement. The sounds of the geese flying overhead caused the little dame to lift her cranium upright again and bark as one of the geese honked out at her. Her tail swayed as she soon ran beside her father, soon reaching the pond as white paws skidded to a halt. Silver trout swam in the confinements of the pond as Mystic cocked her cranium in curiosity. She had never seen fish before until now, as she placed her right front paw into the pond, soon causing it to retreat as the frigid liquid touched her paw pad.

"Cold!" She barked and growled at the water. Her eyes soon met the changing leaves. She was always curious and yet, she was always willing to learn anything she could. "Daddy, why are the leaves changing colors? Are they sick?" She asked, touching one of the leaves as it crunched underneath her paws. The young pup forgot about her hunger and her crimson pools met Kar's.


11-03-2014, 07:08 PM

Kar had slowed as he reached the pond, careful to not go plunging into the cool water. Gaze would flick over the trout that swam in the water. Fish was Kar?s ideal prey, those that he felt were lesser in the food chain than most others. Zanire could talk... And surely other mammals as well. Fish were the only ones he normally felt comfortable enough to eat, unless he shared a meal with his beloved mate. Upon hearing his daughter give a bark of protest at the temperature of the water the man would turn his gaze to her, a chuckle rumbling within.

?Cold it is sure enough, my daughter. The seasons are changing soon, and with them the temperature will continue to drop lower and lower over the days.? He glanced back to the leaves, his daughter?s questions and curiosity having her speak and act quickly, leaving him to keep up with her. But it kept things fun, sure enough. Kar enjoyed it very much. ?Not exactly, Mystic. You see... The trees are preparing to sleep during the coldest months of the year, what we wolves call winter. To prepare for that they must first loose their leaves, so the leaves begin to change color, falling from the tree. It is the end of the life for these leaves, and when spring comes again new ones will begin to grow as the trees wake back up. It is part of their life cycle... As all manners of living things have.?

Lime-green gaze would turn back to his child, a gentle smile on his lips. ?My daughter, my little Mystic... There is so much for you to learn yet, but you need not know everything at once. Things will come in time, I assure you.? The brute would shift his gaze back to the water, to the fish.

?Fishing, for example, and swimming will be things I will not be showing you until the days are warm again. Falling in water during cold days, especially within winter, can be deadly if one is not careful. You can get very sick, so you must take care to remember where the areas with water lie so you don?t fall in by accident.? Great Siri there was so much to teach her.

?But for now... I can teach you about fishing with you simply observing. One thing you must take great note of is that fish scare easily, so you mustn?t splash about all wild. You must be patient, waiting for them to swim into your path before striking with accuracy. Try not to make your shadow appear or move suddenly either, for that movement too could alert them.? With all the information he was giving her it was a wonder if she would retain it all. It was hard to believe sometimes he was once her age.

Kar would wait, his tail tip giving a small flick, as he watched the water. Then, with the skill of a practiced fisher, he would snap his jaws onto a trout, blood tainting the water as he lifted the wriggling creature out between his jaws as it flailed for it?s life. He?d toss it onto the shore, stepping upon it with one paw before delivering a killing blow and taking a step back. ?One day you?ll be able to do that too... And so much more, Mystic.?

Speech, Thought



4 Years
11-03-2014, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 11-03-2014, 08:02 PM by Mystic.)

Mystic approached her father happily and looked to the deceased fish and cocked her head. She loved to watch fish swim around in the lakes, but she hated to see an innocent creature be killed so that she could live. A small whimper escaped her mouth and bit down into the flesh, tearing off a good chunk of the kill. "Daddy, why must animals die so that we can live?" She asked curiously as she gulped down the flesh that filled her belly. The young pup wished she could play around and have fun, but she also wanted to have good relationships with her siblings as well. Her crimson optics shimmered in the sunlight that reflected off her eyes, and happiness overcame her while she ate.

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'


12-02-2014, 06:50 PM

Kar would gently lick his daughter’s head as she whimpered, the question escaping her. He had once asked the same question to his mother and now he would give his daughter the same answer Annette gave him. “It is part of the circle of life, Mystic. All creatures live, and all creatures will someday die. Those whom we kill we must never kill for sport and we must not waste the precious lives they gave so that we may live. It may seem cruel, but all of it has a place in this world.” The brute would give a flick of his tail.

“When you hunt, Mystic, you must hunt those who are older, sick, or weak. It is a way for our kind, and other predators, to sustain themselves without jeopardizing the animals we prey on. Take a herd of deer for example. If a doe was injured and lagging behind she becomes a burden to her herd. It is harder for them to move on, and easier to become a target of those who do not follow the unspoken laws of a hunter. By taking out those types of prey animals you ensure that the strong live on and thrive.” The man looked towards the water. “...and even if it is one you’re taking for prey... Kill it swiftly. Don’t let it suffer.”

"Hear Me Talk," 'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: -Information Lost-



4 Years
12-02-2014, 07:04 PM
Mystic was impressed with her father's words of wisdom. She never really knew how he would know almost anything she asked him, and she would love to be like her father some day. Her crimson optics glistened in the light that surrounded them and looked over to the stream, watching the fish swim around in their own little world. Mystic watched as one came close, soon, she snapped down upon it as it wobbled in her mouth. But, what she did not know, was that some fish had some fight in them as it soon wobbled even more forcefully, causing the young pup to splash into the stream and lose her prize. Mystic stuck her head out of the stream as she smacked her paws against the water, trying to stay afloat as the stream was not so shallow that she could easily get out. After a couple tries, she managed to get out and shook her coat off.

"The fish did not like to be handled..." Mystic spoke, embarrassed that she had managed to catch something, then lose it. Her lobes were erect as she could hear some fish leaping out of the water and smash into the stream. A smile continued to come across her as she nudged her father's chest, a small smile spreading across her face.


12-04-2014, 10:36 PM
Kar would relax, breathing in the cool scents the came to his nose. He felt a bit of worry, the need to possibly speak to Nalyda of moving their family before the snows settled upon Alacritia. Yet... He would shift his gaze to his daughter. There would be time for that later, for now he would enjoy his day with his little girl. She was moving in, trying her own paw at fishing, though she would fall into the water when the fish, too large for her current size, began to thrash in her jaws. It got free, and carefully he would help nose her onto the shore, giving a chuckle. 

"That happens, my child." He would give a gentle lick on her head. "You need to go for prey that fits your size, too. They will not just lay down and wait to be killed and eaten. You must be strong enough to take them or they will get away. But not all hunts are successful, and what is important is to learn from your mistakes for the next time."[/color] He would gently lay his head across her shoulders. "You'll get there, Mystic. Please don't be in any hurry to grow up. You're already making me feel old." He let out another chuckle.



4 Years
01-03-2015, 07:53 PM
Mystic smiled when her father spoke about hunting fish her own size. There was a small fox that happened to poke it's head out of the shrubbery. Her ears were erect as it gave a small squeak in her direction. Mystic jumped back slightly in surprise and wagged her tail, giving a small, playful growl. But the fox soon dashed back into the bush. She cocked her head slightly, looking to her father once more, "Did I do something wrong, daddy?" Her voice was gentle and confused, "The fox didn't want to play."

She could feel her father move his cranium across her head, and she couldn't help but turn and placed a paw on his nose gently, her tail wagging as she gave a playful growl at her father. "Daddy, you'll never be old to me. And, even when I grow up, I'll always be your baby," she grinned and licked his nose. She loved her father the most, and could not help but show how much she loved him.


01-20-2015, 12:38 AM
Kar would watch his little girl, chuckling as Mystic tried to encourage him that he would never be old to her. That should would always be his little baby girl. “Heh... You got that right.” The male would wrap his front right leg around her body, pulling him close to him and nuzzling her neck gently. “You’ll always be my baby, no matter how old you get. You can talk to me about anything.” He’d let out a soft chuckle.

“...and I think the fox just didn’t realize it was missing out on the best playmate in the orchard.” Kar would get back to his paws, wagging his tail in the air. “So maybe I’ll play with you instead!” Kar would let out a playful growl, his leaf green eyes shining brightly.