
In the Mood [Lolaf]


12-03-2014, 02:01 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2014, 02:07 PM by Evelyn.)

Winter continued to stretch onward, causing the female to despise the season even more. When was this heat going to leave her? She was getting tired of waking up every morning with fire in her veins, creating more mood swings to rise and fall like the tide. One minute she would be craving the touch of a man -- any man! -- and then the next, she would be crabby, not wanting to have anyone near her. Her turquoise eyes flashed as she began to feel the hormones rise within her blood stream. She was ready for some action and she didn't know how long this feeling would last.

She had left her home at Wolfpaw Lake to stretch her legs. The safety of her newly found den (thanks to Fendar) was long forgotten as she became more adventurous for the other pieces of western land. As she came to the outskirts of a willow forest, she sniffed the cold air. No one else was present, so she stepped through the first line of trees without hesitation. Her dainty paws caressed the snow beneath them, snow rising and falling in small leaps as her weight pressed against the ground. Her heat left a line of perfume behind her, giving any wolves nearby the obvious sign that she was there. Pandora only hoped that she wouldn't be caught by someone she loathed. In her short life, she had only met two or three wolves that got under her skin. If one of them came here, she would be guaranteed some fun.
