
let the ravens gather

Katja the First


8 Years
09-15-2014, 09:21 PM

She had waited long enough.

She had woken up from a dream of Auora, woken with a start and the sharp memory of having spoken to her beautiful, loving sister, whole and happy. The dream had faded but she remembered distinctly the urgent words her sister spoke. Go, follow your destiny. Wait no longer. She knew it was time. More, she knew where.

Her biggest failure in her oath to Raisa had been losing the children to Virgil Olympus. Virgil Olympus, who should have cared more about Raisa's children than her own selfish wants but instead stole them away from their appointed guardian. Olympus, which had so changed Svetlana that she had turned on her family in hate. Olympus which had left Kassander a fearful introvert.

The Xanilovs would have vengeance.

She would have vengeance.

It was night when she stepped into the battlefield, the moon hanging heavy and silver overhead. Her eyes gleamed and glistened like liquid mercury in its light. Night - her time. Now was the time to act, regardless of the storms lashing the continent. The gods watched over her, held her within their gaze and she would not fail them.

She tipped her head back and sent out a ringing demand for the alpha of Olympus to show themselves before her that she could take away the pack they did not deserve to hold. She cared not that Virgil Olympus no longer ruled there. They had allowed Virgil to run rampant too long and their indolence would cost them dearly. Olympus would be hers.


Helios I


9 Years
09-15-2014, 10:50 PM
((Saf has confirmed that Helios may answer the challenge despite not being a primary alpah! ))

Now was not the time, so not the time. He was already dealing with threats within his kingdom he did not need some stranger thinking they could wrestle it away from him! The male was positively fuming when he marched upon the battlefield; ears already pulled back, hackles already raised. A growl rumbled in his throat as he approached, a vaguely familiar black form clearly outlined even in the dark. The woman that had held ebony after Raisa?

His rage flared, spurred on by annoyance. As far as he had been aware the woman had renounced her throne willingly so how was it should could be so desperate to take his? Oh of course. His niece. Damn his compliancy, damn his willingness to allow her to make her own mistakes, how ignorant of him to think she would learn from them. Gods above, of course he would have to pay for what she had done. He seemed to find his voice then, just as he moved so that he was standing before her.
?What sort of leader takes revenge by doing the same thing she seeks redemption for?? There was no kindness in his voice, only anger, only judgement. ?My niece made her mistakes and even now she pays for them! What she did hurt the children, that much was not hard to miss, but what you do will hurt countless more.? His thoughts briefly flashed towards his children, Vrigil's pups. His heart was pounding, ready to break free from his chest and sock the woman in the eye if it could. ?We attempted to right our wrongs! You-? He laughed then suddenly struck by the irony of the situation. ?You are no hero, all I see before me is a pitiful woman to blinded to see that she has become the villain.? He spoke those words with a venom. ?If you step down now you might be redeemed.?

talk, think



10 Years
Athena I
09-16-2014, 01:29 AM

A howl roused her from her restless sleep, her quickly growing pups keeping her awake most nights now. Her ears perked and her silver gaze opened irritably, narrowing in anger. Just as she was beginning to accept her current fate and settle back into the everyday life of a pack, someone came to attempt to rip it from its rightful owners. She had found that as her pregnancy progressed she only grew more easy to anger and more irritable than normal so by the time she arrived at the battlefield to stand by her brother's side she was practically seething with anger. A low growl rumbled in her chest as she settled on her haunches a few feet away, her gaze furious and lips twitching with the threat of a snarl. If her sides weren't already fairly swollen with pups and if she wouldn't be overstepping her position in the pack by doing so she would rip into the dark woman herself. Instead she forced herself to sit at the sideline and watch, trying her best to remain as calm as the situation would allow. Unintended or not, she wasn't going to let the stress of having her home threatened harm the health of her children so she kept reminding herself of that as she took a deep breath and waited quietly to see how the challenger would respond to her brother's venomous words.




2 Years
09-16-2014, 09:39 AM

When a call faded in to wake him from his sleep, calling for Olympus' alpha, it took Hephaestus a long moment to understand the inimical intentions and as it became clear to him his golden hackles slowly rose as he stood. He could see Helios' darker and smaller form darting off somewhere, he'd guess to answer it, followed shortly after by the less-graceful figure of his pregnant aunt Phoebe. Hephaestus hesitated but after a moment followed behind her. Their path took him along a route he'd never gone along before, to a wide plain stained with the scent of blood, and his pelt prickled. Why had they come to this place? It was clearly not a welcoming area. There was something... wrong, there. His steps slowed over the fear-soaked ground but still he arrived as his uncle's voice snarled out into the silence.

He stopped midstep to listen, one molten paw still raised like a bird-dog pointing. What did his mother have to do with this? She wasn't even here anymore. Who was this black-masked woman, and what kids was Helios talking about? He couldn't be talking about... Hephaestus' Ebony siblings? What did this stranger have to do with them?

Confused and unsettled Hephaestus crept forward to sit beside his aunt. He didn't speak, just sat to serve as witness.



7 Years
09-16-2014, 12:26 PM

Anger boiled inside her, threatening to bubble to the surface with every step she took. Poe flew low above her, his eyes turning in her direction every so often. They were a pair created in darkness, and Natalya was certainly beginning to feel that way as her emotions began to take control. She had managed to control herself long enough to locate all of her children (biological and adopted) while Helios set out to answer the challenge, but by the time she set foot on the battlefield she was certain all hell would break loose when her lips parted.

As much as Natalya loved her niece, Virgil had been an incompetent leader, her only redeeming quality in the position her skill in battle. She had made many enemies and brought the family in danger on more than one occasion. Because of their customs, none could challenge her rule. Now, one of her many mistakes had come to haunt them while she was no longer present to answer for it. But why, with the object of her hatred gone, was this woman challenging them for this land? She had forfeited her control of another simply to try to take vengeance on those who had done nothing but try to fix the wrongs of a prior rule.

Helios scolded the woman accurately. This was their home - hers, Helios's, Phoebe's, and the rest of Olympus. Even the slaves had more right to the territory than this witch who threatened them now. Now a pack full of children looked at the possibility of losing its home and returning to wander this land of fools. This was a horrible sin in the eyes of the Greek gods, and if the gods of this bitch felt otherwise then they were corrupt and false.

Her raven perched on her shoulder, she stepped up behind her husband, her head held high. "You come now, just as leadership has changed and Olympus is no longer idle, to take something you have no claim to. I am more than happy to deliver you to Virgil, but I am certain you are too self-righteous in your blind rage to consider that most logical solution. Know this. Even if you succeed in this pointless venture, Katja Finnvi, resigned leader of Ebony, God Zeus will strike you down in due time."

She approached briefly only to give a lick to Helios's cheek and shoot a sightless glare at the female before moving to stand with her family.



8 Years
Chrono I
09-16-2014, 02:41 PM

She had followed Nat here after the call was heard, it was very late and she was very curious as to why both her parents were needed to answer a call from the border. But soon as she approached the border, she only grew more curious as to where they must be running off to. She felt a bit of jealousy, as if they had a batch of secret children waiting on the other side. So of course she went off to follow her mother.

She stayed very close to Natalya, not really caring if she had spotted her or not, and soon they reached the battle field that Chione knew nothing of. The place was full of a rocky terrain, the young pup too small to leap over the stone, so hopping on top instead. She stopped as soon as she saw the wolves that gathered here, all of which were family except the dark lady everyone faced.

"The woman wants to take Olympus for herself," Charon spoke gently into her ears, but not showing. "She will fight your father," Chione tilted her head and made her way quickly to stand behind her mother, "And he will not succeed." "No!" Chione barked, "Daddy, you can do it!" She did not want to lose her home, and anything Charon said would not twist her mind.

Walk "Talk" Think


09-16-2014, 04:11 PM

The call ghat rang out was like music to her ears. A wicked grin stretched across her features as she lifted her head within the confines of her den. She would nudge Hypnos awake, speaking softly. "Come, it ia time for you to learn." She would rise, shaking the debris from her pelt. Together they would travel to the battlefield. Someone had called for the Olympus crown. She was only disappointed that it wasnt herself. A crowd had already gathered, spitting angry words at the ebony woman who summoned them all there. She would seat herself on the outskirts of the crowd, pulling Hypnos close. "My son, it is time for you to learn the truth." She would peer down at him, her expression solemn. What she was about to share would forever change his world. Her tones were soft, spoken only for his ears. "These alphas, they are your biological parents. They birthed you, but threw you away because of your leg." She would meet his gaze if he allowed it. "And now you will watch them fall." Lips would curl in a sneer as she turned her gaze to those who had enslaved them. Hackles would bristle with anticipation. Turning her indigo gaze back to her son, she would search his gaze for any emotion, waiting for his reaction.




5 Years
09-16-2014, 05:52 PM

Boredom had settled once again on the femme like a festering wound. Alacritis, despite it's roiling sea of shifting packs, had done little to give the wraith any sort of solid footing or sense of purpose. D?gmar still harbored bitterness toward Cataleya and Artemis for their betrayals, though at least the snowy tyrant had the gaul to face the pack and state why she was throwing them in the dirt. She was really beginning to wonder how many alphas in Alacritis could actually rule. Particularly those that favored the taste of blood.

As the skulking shadow went on her merry way the call of a pack challenge rang out over the battlefield. Well now?. wasn't this curious? She strolled toward the battle with the ease of one who had nothing to lose. The outcome of this battle would prove of little consequence to her and she could so use the entertainment. Maybe one of the audience would get worked up enough to wish to fight as well as she'd get a sparring partner out of it.

Silently the femme fatale lingered on the outskirts of the gathering, eyes falling on the form of a lithe black female who's scent still lingered of Ebony. A wicked grin kissed her maw. Well now, wasn't this precious? She had goaded her apprentice, Drashiel, into slaying an Ebony femme a fair time back to teach him that fighting and killing were very different actions. She did not know anything of this pack being challenged however and decided to pay them little heed. After all, she was only here for the show.



1 Year
09-16-2014, 07:26 PM

Hot on the heels of his brother, Nemesis entered the battlefield. Until the late night call had rung out, the boy had been frog hunting. He'd found that the best time to catch them was at night, so after the sun had gone down he'd begun making efforts to stuff himself to the gills. Th boy had just settled down with his latest catch when the challenger howled. Without a second thought he'd abandoned the frog (who immediately seized the opportunity to flee).

Upon reaching the challenger, the boy openly gawked at her. She was nothing like he expected. His imagination had been running wild during his trip to the battlefield. Until the image had been shattered by reality, Nemesis' imagination had flitted between pegging her as a grotesque giant ready to tear his home apart, and a puny, insignificant weakling that would be easily defeated. She didn't fit into either of those molds readily.

For once the boy was quiet, his boisterous nature stifled, as he moved to sit by his brother. The ominous feel of the battlefield seemed to suck the energy right out of him, leaving a feeling of unease in its place. Well, it was either that or the weight of the frogs on his stomach. He couldn't tell.

"Speaking" Thinking

Katja the First


8 Years
09-16-2014, 07:52 PM

She was not left to wait long.

The night's stillness was shattered by the furious stomping of paws, and Katja flicked her silvered gaze to follow the dark form as it approached her and coalesced into an only slightly-larger male form. She didn't recognize him, even with the moonlight lighting his brown-toned face, but his scent was unmistakably Olympian, and one of two alphas.

Good, they had decided to face her.

As soon as he reached her, the male launched into an angry tirade. She only listened impassively as he ranted, though inwardly she sighed. The fool - why did he waste his time and his breath with such asinine speeches? Did he truly assume that his impassioned words would drive her into begging his forgiveness, into leaving the challenge undone?


He seemed to trail off then, either run out of words or expecting her to reply. If the former, she didn't want to give him the opportunity to find more words with which to fill the whole of the night with nonsense, and so she spoke to fill the void with her own cold, disinterested tones. "I do not strive to be a hero, Olympian." And what had given him the impression that she wanted to be considered a hero she did not know. She was a viking, not a soft Alacratian - the heroes in her culture were just as dangerous and flawed as any wolf alive. Even the gods were imperfect, though more powerful than their mortal kith and kin. She would never fit into the mold of Alacratia's goodly heroes and the idea of being so... soft, so weak, filled her with only disgust. "Nor do I intend to back down from my challenge whatever quaint speeches you may make." In case her pointed words did not make it clear, the viking slipped her body into a fighting stance, ready.

The black-eyed female earned nothing more than a blandly disinterested glance as she raged at Katja, offering to bring her to Virgil in the one hand while offering merely insults in the other. Her upset and anger was simply to be expected in this soft land that seemed to view fighting for your pack - fighting at all - as an imposition rather than an honor. Always so dramatic, these wolves. They acted as though she were eating their children, raping their menfolk, shitting on their gods rather than simply challenging their leader in open honest combat. She did not deign to answer either the fool woman's words, or her furious glare, merely keeping her gaze upon the alpha who had actually answered her challenge. She cared not for their whinging, or their threats, and their gods were weak and she did not fear them. Finally she raised her muzzle sharply, distaste written strongly on her face as she leveled an imperious stare at the male. "Enough talk, Olympian. Attack me or submit."




3 Years
09-16-2014, 07:53 PM

It would seem Katja's moment had come. The golden goddess would allow a smile to curl onto her lips when she came onto the scene and found a rather angry mob in the midst of gather. Such harsh words were thrown into the mix, and they very nearly brought Freyja to the brink of laughter. Weaklings, the lot of them. Change was inevitable, and the foolish would always be overtaken by the cunning, the strong, and those with a thirst for vengeance. Whichever stance Katja happened to be taking Freyja was almost certain of it's outcome. The mewling collection of wolves who stood to oppose her would fall before her. Katja was a warrior to be reckoned with, as far as she was concerned, and a wolf Freyja would be happy to call her leader. To fight for a cause was one thing, but to fight for the honor of one you respected was another all together, a concept held nearly holy in her mind. It was so rare to find wolves worth standing behind these days, and to have come across this dark woman felt much like a breath of fresh air. Freyja had been floating from one place to another for so long now, with no purpose and no reason. But now... Now it was all about to change. "Mewling pups," Freyja would chuckle, the words slipping between her lips like blood-stained satin. "Where is your dignity? You hide behind words as if they could stop any righteous warrior's course. If Katja has decided you are her prey, prey you shall be. If you have naught to offer but words I'd sooner listen to the wind. You stood behind a weak-minded woman, and seem to have no idea how to deal with those worth the skin on their backs." She leaned in to whisper conspiratorially. "I'll give you a hint. You acquiesce. And you leave." He brilliant aquamarine eyes would blaze with glacial fury and excitement. She had not felt so exhilarated in so long, longer than she could remember. This was what Freyja was made for. She allowed her gaze to rest upon Katja for a brief moment, excited to see what would become of this mounting situation.

"Talk" "You" Think

Helios I


9 Years
09-16-2014, 10:23 PM

Helios was ever aware of his family gathering behind him, barely reacting to his wife?s swift lick, his chest heaving as she sought to control the ever rising urge to leap towards the woman. He still hoped that his words would have some effect. To no avail.
That the woman seemed to miss his point did nothing to calm the rage seething inside him. Fine then, she would accept that she was no hero. But she and the golden female who had joined him would be sorely mistaken if they thought he was going to back down. Gods willing he would prove them both wrong. ?So be it.? He growled.
Knees bent, toes splaying and tail moving out flat behind him. His eyes and ears were pulled back already, Hackles already standing on end, but his expression continued to shift as lips curled up and he dropped his head to cover his throat; his shoulder rolling forwards.
A growl resonated in his throat and he launched forwards, paws carrying him towards his target at a slight angle aiming for her right side, he dropped his head further as he ran. The man was aiming to jam his right shoulder into her throat, stopping up just slightly to her right side. As he tried to ram his joint into her neck he jerked his head to his right hoping to grab the woman?s own right shoulder in his now open jaws.

Katja vs. Helios for Olympus
Round 1/? (Up to you.)
Bent knees, tail straight, toes splayed, ears back, narrowed eyes, hackles raised, head lowered, shoulders rolled forwards.
Trying to ram his right shoulder into her throat, while hoping to bite her right shoulder.
N/A first round.

talk, think

Katja the First


8 Years
09-17-2014, 09:58 AM

The Olympian male finally, finally stopped speaking to prepare himself for battle. The battle-adrenaline surged through Katja's system, dilating her silver eyes and increasing her her heart rate, blood carrying greater strength to every muscle, every limb. She drew in a sharp breath as he readied himself and reveled in the sweet feeling of increased oxygen racing through her body, reveled in the enhanced senses, the sharpness and clarity. An uncharacteristic savage grin bared ivory fangs in anticipation.

Her own defenses required little thought after years of practice. Her stance widened and squared, her weight distributed evenly over all four paws, and her knees bent slightly to lower her center of gravity. Her toes splayed out to provide a larger surface area for greater traction as her blunt claws gripped the earth, ready to dig in to propel her in any direction. Her tail raised from its relaxed position to come evenly with her spine, ready to balance her as she moved, and her head lowered to the same neutral-spine position, tilted slightly so her muzzle protected her throat. Her shoulders rolled forward as her head pulled back marginally, the combined movements bunching the skin and fat of her scruff in a protective barrier over her c-spine. Her hackles rose on end, confusing the lines of her body and providing some protection against accurate attacks. Her gray-toned ears pinned back against her skull, the tips almost buried among her ruff. Her eyes narrowed and she bunched up the skin of her face and brows in a silent snarl that left her fangs bare, the two separate actions providing some small protection for her slanted eyes by providing extra skin in the way to interfere with any facial attacks reaching the orbs.

Helios' charge came as no surprise with the fury he showed her but Katja remained steady as he closed the distance, aiming for her right. Nearly the last moment she sidestepped slightly to her right to attempt to bring them back once more into a more head-on position, shifted her weight to her hindquarters as she did so, her core muscles tightening in preparation, and reared. His shoulder slid along the bottom of her chest rather than striking squarely, the tensed muscles of her core saving her from more than minor bruising there. She attempted to curve her forelegs around his lower neck, one on either side, like a pseudo-hug as they impacted both for balance and in the hopes of holding him in place, and she hunched her body forward in an attempt to put her weight against him to keep her balance forward even as her tail ruddered behind her to keep her upright and the claws of her hindpaws scraping into the dirt.

Helio's bite struck the lower part of her right humerus rather than her shoulder due to their new position, and she twitched in pained protest as the fangs sank into the bicep above the elbow but made no sound other than a swiftly indrawn breath. The injury was moderate for the moment but rather than try to pull away and make the injury worse she accepted the bite and kept her attention focused. From her raised position she aimed her jaws down and to the right, attempting to bury her teeth into the top of Helios' scruff behind his ears where his cervical vertebrae met his skull - aiming her lower jaw on his right side, toward Katja's chest, the upper part of her muzzle to his left and away from her - with the intention of sinking her fangs in and squeezing as hard as she could.

As she did she dug her back claws in and arced her body up slightly before trying to slam down, attempting to throw her whole weight forward and down against him where he had impacted her lower chest, hoping simultaneously to put weight into her attempted bite as well as attempting to shove him down.


Round 1/3

Defenses: second paragraph

Attacks: attempting to "hug" his lower neck with her forelegs, aiming a bite to the back of his neck in an attempt to squeeze there, pushing weight into him to try to push him downwards

Injuries: light bruising to the lower chest, moderate puncture wounds (at the moment) to her lower right humerus

OOC Notes: Used this reference when judging approximately where his attacks would hit though their positioning isn't quite the same in case you wanted to see where that all came from.


09-17-2014, 02:11 PM

He had heard the howl and it had sent shivers down his spine, immediately he had hopped to his paws and scampered off to find Gaia. Surely she would want to attend the fight and since he was now officially her prince it was his duty to accompany her. He found her near her den and immediately would reach forward into an affectionate nuzzle. "I'll stay with you no matter what happens..." His words were a soft promise, trailing off on a gentle breath meant only for her. He knew little of her aunt and uncle, knew little of their fighting skills but he knew anything could happen from experience. Should they loose Olympus he intended to stay with Gaia no matter where she went. They could make their own kingdom if they wanted or their could live on their own... But what was he thinking... Nothing was decided yet... Slowly he would shake his head and nudge Gaia to follow him.

Their trek took longer then the others, it almost always did. But he was patient, guiding her around big obstacles if needed and remaining galant at her side. He was worried. What happened if Olympus was lost? It wasn't his mother fighting so he wasn't overly confidant, but he had also learned from his mother that home was wherever the people you loved were. Maybe he would go find her if this ended badly... They arrived after the fight had started and slowly Solo would guide Gaia to her brother's side before seating himself to watch. He had witnessed a number of pack challenges now, had watched the bloodshed and carnage but still he would grimace and flinch each time blood was shed. It just wasn't for him...




4 Years
09-17-2014, 04:06 PM

The echoing sound of the chilling call would wash over her form as the Olympian princess lay outside her den. Dark ears would fall to her head as the weight of the voice would lay heavily upon her shoulders. She would leave the thought of worry, and would seriously consider keeping herself from going when she heard Solo?s foot steps. Her head would rise from her paws as sightless eyes would watch the direction he would enter her little clearing. She?d feel his gentle touch as he brought himself close, his whisper a comfort to her swirling mind. "I'll stay with you no matter what happens..." she?d feel a nervous smile curl over her lips as she lifted herself from the earth. Normally she would have been able to navigate to the battlefield on her own, but her mind was racing and she would let herself be led by the boy.
The sounds of their foot steps in the leaf litter on the ground would alert her to most of the obstacles that would lay before them. The echo off objects would tell her incredible amounts of information about the world around her. Still, she?d allow Solo to guide her, the action was a comfort and she found she would need much of that as the sounds of battle would reach her ears. She?d catch the scents of her family as Solo would let her sit beside her brothers, intaking breath she would pray to the gods that they kept their home.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]


09-17-2014, 04:25 PM

Hypnos had followed his mother to the battlefield. Followed in silence. He was growing bigger, and his leg a little stronger, though there was still much he would need to do to ensure he got full use out of the limb. But this call, this challenge, it left him oddly unsettled. To see blood spilled... yet at the same time it felt justified. Right to know that the alphas who imprisoned his family were going to hurt. He wanted them to lose... so his momma could be free. So Polly could be free. He didn't care about himself... he wanted them happy. But they weren't happy in Olympus. He would give a soft sigh, seating himself beside the black and gold woman. He would gently press into her, his ears pricked, as she spoke.

Emotion struck him. Hurt. Anger. Because of his leg... the man who said he'd be a burden because of it... was his dad? His real dead? Seagreen eyes would fall to the floor. He... didn't feel sad. He did not weep for this man, nor his mate. He did not feel angry that some of his siblings might lose their home. No. He felt oddly... happy that they were going to suffer if this woman won. They wanted him to die, tried to throw him away like the remains of a kill. Yet he was alive. Because the gods willed the wrong to be set in their place. He would lift his gaze, anger within those orbs. A child, with a thorn deep in his heart, would call out to his sire; "It is you the gods will strike down for your sins, so called Olympian alpha! You and her both!" If Heilos heard him before the battle began he paid no heed. But perhaps his birth mother had. Words spoken Hypnos would turn his head back to Chryseis, setting it upon her body as he squeezed his eyes closed.

"By blood they might be but... they're not my family. My real family. You are, momma... and Polly. Just you two."


09-17-2014, 04:39 PM

Thany didn't understand.

He didn't understand why someone had called to challenge his home. To take it away. Thanatos would trail behind all the others, ears lowered as he came on the edge of it all, scared and unsure of what was happening. The black ticked woman was fighting his father... well... step-father. The bright eyes of the boy searched for those he knew.

The melanistic woman was there, his stepmom, and Thany would pad to her side, small voice fearful, barely a whisper as he asked. "Are we gonna lose our home?" He didn't know what to think. He shivered some, side stepping as he felt the need to fade into the background. Just fade away into nothingness and forget this was even happening here.



5 Years
Extra large
09-17-2014, 07:33 PM

The call to fight had drawn the boy from his hiding place like a fly to honey. Having no dog in the fight, he stood apart from the gathering as a casual observer. Laufey's eyes drifted from wolf to wolf, intent on taking in the parties involved, before briefly settling on the challengees. It was obvious which ones belonged to that side. They sat huddled together, some angry, some worried. From them, the giant's gaze flitted to the golden toned femme, her sunny coloration drawing his eyes like a beacon. Her he studied with interest, noting, as he was becoming prone to doing, that she was beautiful. He tried not to gawk, but it was hard to pull his gaze away.

A familiar darkness in the corner of his eye finally managed to steal his gaze and what he laid eyes on next left him wildly conflicted; his heart rate increasing in a way that left him confused and more than a little miffed. It was the femme. Daegmar. On one hand, Daegmar had saved his life. He was sure that death would have claimed him had she not decided he was a potential asset. On the other she was about as friendly as a viper and twice as likely to strike. The boy both admired and feared her. Wishing to be fearless, it was this fear that annoyed him.

In the end he decided to face his fear. As her positioning offered him a better vantage point anyway, Laufey reasoned that moving to stand beside her served a higher purpose than just facing the source of his anxiety. Besides. If she saw him sneaking off she was sure to guess it was because of her presence and he doubted that she'd be able to resist going after him. At least this way it was on his terms.

Careful not to get too close in case she felt bitey, Laufey came up on Daegmar's left side, stopping once they were neck and neck. "Daegmar." What did one say while standing witness to a challenge? 'Good day for the fall of an empire' leaned a little too heavily on the dramatics and 'oh, fancy seeing you here' sounded a bit too much like the beginnings of a pick-up line.


This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.

Helios I


9 Years
09-19-2014, 10:37 PM

The woman dodged out of the way of is charge, and for a moment Helios wasn?t quite sure what was happening, then he could see the dappled female rearing back. His fangs managed to connect with the upper part of her right foreleg, much lower than he had aimed for but he?d take what he could get. His head tilting back as she rose, still he did his best to retain his grip. Then her legs were wrapping around the base of his neck. He bent his knees ever so slightly more, ready to bear her weight.
Already he could feel her shifting her weight slightly back, before rushing it forwards, teeth wrapping around the base of his skull. There would be no moving his head. The man braced for what no doubt would be quite a painful manoeuver. Helios? slightly staggered stance caused him to waver as she slammed down though not quite toppling him. He grunted, wincing as he felt fangs punch into his skin with force right at the base of his skull. With a quick deep breath he attempted to strengthen his hold on her humorous and began to shift his weight forwards, towards her. Digging in he tried to push himself in towards her, his neck beginning to bend back even further until he was forced to relax his jaw.
His fangs once more free the man tucked his head down, as much as he could with Katja?s grip on him, which he was hoping would work against her, destabilizing her the closer her got to her. As he moved he could feel fur and skin pulling and he gritted his teeth, in a split second decision he tried to suddenly throw his head back, hoping to connect the lower part of his skull with her own head.

Katja vs. Helios for Olympus
Round 2/3
Bent knees, tail straight, toes splayed, ears back, narrowed eyes, hackles raised, head lowered.
Trying to make Katja lose balance by pushing in towards her, throwing head back with the intention of connecting with her jaw.
Moderate-severe puncture wounds at the base of his skull, moderate tearing of skin at the base of skull.
Skype or PM me with any questions :)

talk, think

Katja the First


8 Years
09-20-2014, 08:24 PM

The male tightened his grip on her foreleg, the fangs sinking deeper and tearing as he pushed into her, changing the angle of the teeth and widening the wounds. She ignored the pain radiating up the leg, concentrating on the more immediate issue of keeping her precarious balance. She could not hope to get the leverage to move him back, but she hunched her back and dug in her hindclaws, trying to at least arrest his forward momentum a little. He let go of her leg to push further, and Katja found herself losing ground rapidly, backpedaling, her balance further disrupted by her neck contorting further and further to her right in an attempt to retain the grip she'd obtained on his neck. Just as she'd made the decision to pull back, to solidify her stance and her jaws were pulling away from him and preparing to swing back into a more natural position, his head snapped back. The blow caught her on the right side of her muzzle, driving her teeth together with a sharp click. Pain blossomed out, first from the severe bruising along the right side of her bottom jaw where his head had hit, then as that pain faded she became aware of more minor wounds - a nick in the left side of her tongue where the edge was caught between her teeth as her jaws were forced shut, and the gash on her right lip where it had been driven against her canine.

Despite it all, she kept her defenses as solid as possible. Her eyes remained narrowed, the brow and muzzle around them crinkling, the skin bunched up to provide extra protection. Her ears pressed back against her skull, her hackles raised like the quills of a porcupine. Her hind legs, the only ones on the ground, were spread wide for added balance as well as placed far from Helios' body for a more stable angle - her body was hunched in an attempt to put an fairly equal weight on her forelegs, weight evenly distributed side to side as well. The toes of her hindpaws were splayed to increase the surface area touching ground, the claws digging into the earth even as the blunt foreclaws attempted to grip Helios' body. Her tail flagged behind her, whipping back and forth as needed for balance. Her shoulders rolled forward, adding to her hunched appearance and her head pulled back, her scruff bunching up to protect her neck and her chin tilted down to protect her throat... until she made her move.

Blinking through the pain she straightened slightly from her hunched position, the lowering of his head forcing her forelegs even more loose, and stepped back with her right hind leg, attempting to let his momentum pivot her on her remaining point of contact so that she could face his right shoulder. She attempting to readjust her forearms, hoping to reattain a grip with her left foreleg draped over his shoulders and her right aiming to hook around his lower neck at the chest.

Immediately she attempted to aim another bite to the same point on his neck where it met his skull. This time, with blood bubbling from her mouth as she snarled and the ache in her jaw and her leg, with the memory of having been torn and shredded by this male's kin driving her from polite warrior to viking bersekr, she meant the bite to crush and destroy rather than simply squeeze and hold, wanted to grind bone to powder within her jaws. She wanted him limp beneath her, one less Olympian to foul the world with their presence.


Round 2/3

OOC Notes: Feel free to skype me with questions.