


12-04-2014, 12:56 AM

At a gradual pace the brute would move West. He was slowly traveling the lands- visiting faces he hadn't seen in quite a while. The problem had been plain to him- he was getting old and only had so much trouble left that he could cause, and he couldn't cause that trouble if he didn't know whom to bother. So he'd set out on a mission to find these faces and visit older faces. This led him to an odd place- the plans that he knew once housed the massive Adravendi family. He still hadn't figured out how in the hell they were all related. The flower loving hippies. He stopped at the border- eyeing it and inhaling. A smile crept over his jaws as he realized he vaguely recognized the dominant scent here. A wolf he'd briefly met- and he chuckled slightly before collapsing  to the ground and waiting for her patrols to find him. He wasn't going to call for her- rather he'd let her come to him. The sun warmed the rocks outside her border- and he wasn't inclined to move anytime soon. He could only wander what the woman's reaction to seeing him on their border was. Would it be desire or fearful? Stretching luxuriously over the rocks, his tail idly swept the ground behind him as he passed the time with a delightful hum. How long would she make him wait? 



12-05-2014, 07:19 PM

She would move along the edges of her home, paws pressing into the snow. Irritation slithered through her veins. Her sides swelled with the unmistakable signs of pregnancy. She was ready to cut Kylars balls off for getting her pregnant again. And to make it worse, her stomach swelled even more than the last time. She was beginning to think that she was going to have more than one. Eyes would narrow into a glare, a low growl vibrating in her throat. She was getting way to old for this. Nor did she have the desire to raise more children. Her three living children were more than enough. And she should have 2? 3? More to raise. Far to many in her opinion.

A strangers scent would fill her nostrils, pulling her focus from her inner thoughts. Ears tipped forward as the scent tugged briefly at her memories. Whoever it was, she had met them before, but it was so long ago she couldn't come up with a name or a face. Putting her irritation behind her, she would move forward, continuing her path along the border until she spotted a pale resting lump. A slow grin would lift her lips as she aimed to close the distance between them. "Don't get too comfortable." Soft lyrics would spill from her lips as she peered at the man. She was examine his face, his face immediately coming to mind. Ah yes, she had met once, by the river is she remembered correctly. A low chuckle would roll off her tongue.



12-08-2014, 05:15 PM
The she-wolf that appeared was quite different from his northern temptress. Mostly in looks, their attitudes struck similarly to him, though he doubted he would have found the silver wolf in the position he'd found Roman in. He'd journeyed West after seeking out his "friend" in the North, though he felt... loyal to her for some reason or another, he hadn't yet decided if he'd stay up there. She couldn't stand his presence, and that made toying with her all the more interesting. So he'd taken up his travels, and that had brought him here before the silver Queen whom emerged. Her words caused a deep chuckle to rumble within his chest, and he spoke cockily. "Going to ask me to leave... or to stay?" He asked, his brow raising slightly. "How ya been kid?" He inquired, he'd met her once by a river- and sadly (or not so sadly) he didn't remember her name. "You have your own empire now. All grown up. Such a shame." He said, his tone sly. "Got a bunch of mongrels to serve you? Do they cater your needs? Bring you fresh stag?" He went on, almost rambling manically- a trait that wasn't exactly new to him. Yes.. it seemed all the women he'd met were growing up- getting crowns and followers. How boring.


12-12-2014, 12:43 PM

He would chuckle before inquiring whether or not he was welcome to stay. A shrug would lift her shoulders, a smirk toying with her lips. "Depends." She murmured noncommittally. Questions spilled from his lips as he began to ramble, not exactly giving her enough time to answer, so she chose to wait until he fell silent, a brow lifted in speculation. "I've been well enough. And I'm not so helpless that I must be catered to." Her eyes would narrow fractionally in annoyance. Obviously he remembered nothing of their first encounter, no matter how brief their stolen moment was. "How have you been"?" Her coral gaze lazily raked over his pale form as she dug through her memories in an attempt to remember his name. Had they even exchanged names? She could honestly say that she didn't remember, nor did she really care. They had not spent enough time together to make a lasting impression.



01-02-2015, 02:40 AM
She speaks, and he chuckles. "On what?" He comments, his expression feigning innocence. He chuckles again, this time it spills over into a slight manic typed laughter as she speaks again. She's easy to annoy- it's something she appreciates. She asks how he's been. "Eh. Got whacked in the head by a tree during that big ol' earth-quake. Don't remember much for about a year. Woke up at the bottom of a small cliff. Figure I fell off it beat the shit out of my head- and- well here I am. Kinda bored. Ain't no interesting things happening around here, eh?" He says lazily. His eyes get almost a hunger about them. "Y'know how it gets when you without blood for a while? The taste? It's maddening kid." He rambles, a slight froth building on his mouth. "What you say- wanna go pillage a village? Take whores back to your kingdom?" He comments lazily from where he lies, though the sudden interest propels him to his feet. "C'mon... wait.. what's your name? I remember your face... not your name?" He says with a slight furrow to his brow. His mental track switches quickly and he glances away from her. "I think... I could get to know you in... more entertaining ways, silver Queen." He can just picture them ripping through some lesser mortals... and seeing where the blood lust takes them.


01-15-2015, 01:16 PM

He would chuckle, inquiring about the stipulations of his stay. A shoulder would lift in a shrug, a smirk tugging at her lips. Whatever she wanted. He would dive into a story, one that she only half listened to after he stated that he lost his memory. Pity. Not really. He did have a point though, nothing interesting was happening around here. But she had every intention of changing that. This place had become stagnant, far too comfortable with their pathetic existence. Someone needed to shake things up. He would ramble on, speaking like a drug addict who's gone too long without a fix. She said nothing, only looking rather amused. He talked a lot. He wanted adventure, excitement, and he would try to pull her from her home to achieve it. She would laugh, shaking her crown slowly. "You've gone bat shit crazy." She would comment. He inquired about her name, having forgotten it, though there were no hard feelings, she didn't remember his either. "Cataleya. And you, or should just call you a crazy old man?" He wanted to get to know her better? Or did he just want a partner in crime? Someone to go pillage the weak and helpless with.
