
Standing toe to toe



8 Years
Athena I
12-04-2014, 02:42 AM


It was surreal, being here as a captive. Everywhere he looked brought back memories of his first days truly living with with his mate. Surreal and Erani and the rest of Valhalla... Those were the memories that kept him from going completely insane. Ever since the day that he had been captured and his sister had gone free he had kept to himself, hiding in a small, forgotten den near the center of the territory. He left only to find himself some food, but even those efforts were given up if he saw one of the members of this cursed pack outside his make-shift home. He really couldn't bring himself to put any of the blame on them. He could only blame himself for getting into this situation, Kylar for bringing it upon him, and Catalya for facilitating Kaylar's actions. But Sibelle was safe. She was back at home with her mate and her children. He could find solace in that.

Oh but his children. His dear, sweat children. With each passing day he knew he was missing all of those precious moments of their childhood and it killed him to know they were growing up without him. He had grown up without a father. Isardis's absence from his life had been under completely different circumstances, but the last thing he wanted was for Zuriel, Faite, and Regulus to grow up with the same resentment toward him him as he did Isardis. And Surreal. Oh he was sure his firey mate would have an earful to give him when he finally got out of here, that was for sure. A sad smile touched his muzzle as he thought about it, actually looking forward to being chewed out by her because at least they would be together. At least he could lay eyes on her beautiful, headstrong gaze again.

With a sigh he pulled himself to his paws, moving over to the entrance of the den and peering out. His stomach rumbled hungrily. He knew he had to eat if he was going to keep any shred of his strength up. The last two days there had been wolves milling about most of the day so he had forced himself to stay in, but he was already withering away to nothing as it was. His ribs had begun to show, even through his thick winter coat. He remembered a time when he was built like an ox, thickly muscled and strong enough to take on even the biggest opponents. That Falk had been something to fear, this Falk... He didn't know who he was any more. He slipped out into the cold air, vibrant eyes glancing around for any sign of the Arcanium wolves. There were several fresh scents, but he didn't see anyone right away so he dared to pad out further into the territory, hoping he might come across a rabbit or even some scraps of someone else's meal he might be able to take back to his den. Suddenly Kylar's sent hit his nose and he stopped, his ears flicking back. He glanced over his shoulder, considering running back to the den, but he was too far. There was no way he could run in this state anyway. He sighed and turned his gaze forward once more, trying to ignore the gnawing feeling in his stomach as he prepared himself to face his captor.



12-20-2014, 08:33 PM
He would wander back to the pack lands in his own sweet time, blood trickling lazily from various wounds but he paid no mind to them. They were minor anyways. He had gotten what he had wanted, Sibelle had kept her pack and in his mind his plight with her was done. His issues with her husband, though, were just beginning. But he was nothing if not a man of his word and he had given his word to Sibelle. So slowly he would lumber through the valley, knowing what he was looking for but not entirely sure where to find it. But then the scent would hit in and slowly the beast would turn to follow it. He would approach lazily, head head in a neutral position and tail drifting easily behind him. It was a considerable difference between him now and how he had been when he had fought Falk, adrenaline fuelled and caught up in the moment. Verdant gaze would catch the emancipated male as he faced his captor, trying to look brave but it is hard to look anything when so weak. Ky knew this from experience. The black male would stop a good distance away from the slave, expression neutral as he regarded the tall male. "You look like shit…" Ky would rumble lazily, gaze sweeping the male's form up and down once with an appraising look before looking over his shoulder as if expecting company. "You're free to go." He would rumble, speaking before he would turn his head back to look to Falk once more and appraising him lazily. Part of him was done already, ready to turn around and leave Falk to see himself out but another part was curious of his reaction, curious as to if he needed any more explanation or if he would take the freedom he had been granted and would leave. Did he want to fight for it? Kylar didn't really care, honestly all he wanted to do was rest a  while. Terrorizing neighbours made for long days after all...



8 Years
Athena I
12-20-2014, 09:33 PM

Falk's ice blue gaze followed Kylar's dark form as he approached him, mildly surprised by the male's lukewarm expression toward him. You look like shit. A hoarse chuckle rumbled in Falk's chest at that. No surprise there, he felt like shit why wouldn't he look it? However, the next words to reach his ears were really the ones that would shock him and throw him for a loop. He was free? Was this some kind of cruel joke? But when Kylar's green gaze met his again he didn't see any lies or joking there. Only an expectant look as he watched for Falk's reaction. Falk blinked with shock as he tried to process his thoughts. His children drifted through his mind again and he smiled. He could see them again. Well, that was as long as Surreal didn't murder him on sight for running headfirst into a fight. "I want to ask why you're letting me go... but I really just want to get home to my kids," he replied honestly, his deep voice a bit rough from lack of use. He wasn't sure if Kylar would explain anyway or if he would just walk away or maybe he would take him to the border... whatever it was all Falk could hope for was for his captor to not go back on his word now.


12-21-2014, 02:46 AM
Falk held a little humour as Kylar commented on his appearance, funny how he was a more pleasant prisoner then Sibelle had been. But then again his capture hadn't been quite as violent nor had his imprisonment. They hadn't really had contact since his capture either, Kylar having other things on his mind. The look of surprise one Falk's features as Kylar told him he was free to go was probably the best part of Kylar's day and he would chuckle lightly. Why was he letting Falk go? "Because I want to. And because I promised Sibelle." He would say, inclining his head slightly in a motion for Falk to follow him before setting off towards the boarder, though not the most direct path Falk might have chosen, rather choosing to bring Falk to the remains of an elk the pack had brought down a day or so ago. Couldn't let him go home on an empty stomach. He would drift in silence for a time, every so often eyes would drift to Falk, making sure he was following. The beast would only stop when they approached the elk, head still intact and part of it flank still had flesh but the rest was slowly getting picked clean. "The least I can do is send you home with some food in your belly…" Words were easy, a deep rumble that rolled up his belly and reverberated off his tongue, head motioning for Falk to eat if he liked, if not then they could carry on to the boarder. Kylar felt the need to escort him for the sole reason… Cat had not been impressed with Falk's release and no one else knew of Falk's release, Kylar didn't want anyone giving the emancipated male any issues before he got home.


12-29-2014, 12:59 AM
OOC- since i never got around to making a cat/falk thread....

Rage spewed from every pour on her body. Her husband had decided to release their precious gem, the russet man. She paced endlessly until she caught wind of her beloved scent. Without hesitation she would follow until she found the pair Her hackles bristled as her eyes narrowed. Lips peeled back to reveal ivory daggers. "Leaving so soon?" Ears pinned against her skull as she aimed to position herself well within his path. Her coral gaze rested on his russet face, unable to see anyone but the woman who looked so much like him. Perhaps they were related? Her tail would curl dominantly over her hips as she absorbed his malnourished appearance. "I was just coming to enjoy you." Her words were a deceptive purr, dripping from her lips like honey. She would ignore her husband, giving little care for what he thought, her sole focus was the pitiful man before her. Saliva pooled in her mouth as she watched him, eyes glinting with wicked intent. His blood had not spilled and oh how she longed to be the one to do so.



8 Years
Athena I
12-29-2014, 01:37 AM

Sibelle. Even now he owed her. He was her brother, he was supposed to protect her, but even now it seemed like he had failed and she had somehow managed to secure his freedom. Falk wouldn't give any other comment to that, only an understanding nod before the black man began to move and Falk would follow behind. He wasn't entirely where Kylar was taking him, but he wouldn't complain. For all he knew one wrong move and his captor could change his mind. Surprise of all surprises, he looked up to see the remnants of an Elk and heard Kylar give him an invitation to help himself to it. Falk glanced from Kylar to the carcass with disbelief. For a moment he was tempted to gracefully decline the offer so he could leave more quickly, but part of him knew the trip back home was going to be a struggle without any food in his belly.

Oh but it wouldn't be that simple would it? The moment he went to take a step toward the Elk the silver woman he vividly remembered from the day he was captured. Cataleya. She swept in and stood in his path, making it all too clear that she had not approved his release. Falk's icy gaze glanced for a brief moment toward Kylar before settling on the woman's magenta gaze once more. He was tired, emotionally and physically. He tasted freedom for the briefest moment, truly thought that he might see his children and his wife again, but it looked like that might not be the case. He did not flinch from Cataleya's gaze and her sweetened, poison soaked words, nor did he feel the need to return with aggression. He stood there stock still, his gaze hard and cold. "What a shame that I can't say the same," was all he said in his rumbling, hoarse, bass tones. Would Kylar still keep to his promise? Or was he doomed to stay a captive here?


01-03-2015, 08:28 PM

He had so foolishly thought that he would eat. So foolishly thought that he would just walk away unharmed. Nope. His rumbling voice would invade her ears in the most unpleasant way. A low growl would slip from her lips. Her defenses fell solidly into place as she simply watched him silently for a moment. Her eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, skull level with her spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws dug into the ground, her weight evenly distributed, and her tail straight and aligned with her spine.

She would strike without warning, aiming to maintain their position of being head on, though slightly more to his left. Her goal was to close the distance between them in a few strides. She sought to rear up before him, still seeking to maintain a position slightly more to his left, forepaws pushing off the ground to help give her upward momentum, hind legs spreading wide and bending deeply. Her left hind leg would slide back several inches to better balance herself as her weight fell evenly across both back legs. Her body didn't full extend, her attempted rear seeking to only bring her a few inches higher, so that she could be slightly taller than he was. Her crown would tip to her left, jaws also tipping to her left, as they splayed wide, she then sought to sink her fangs into both his eyes. If he was going to leave here, he was going to hell of a time getting home. Her top jaw aimed to land across his face to puncture his right eye, while her lower jaw sought to pop his left eye. In sync with her bite, her left shoulder shot forward, seeking to jab at his throat, hoping to put pressure on his windpipe. Adrenaline flooded her system, she thirsted for blood.




8 Years
Athena I
01-06-2015, 03:30 PM

It had been quite a while since he had been forced to fight. In fact, he was almost certain that the last time he had sparred was with Surreal, back before he even came to live with her in Valhalla. However, that didn't mean he wasn't well trained and couldn't easily spot a wolf falling into their defenses and preparing to attack. Catalya did just that and he quickly did the same. He was rusty and certainly in no shape for this to be a fair fight, but if he was going to go down he would go down swinging. His ears fell back against his skull and his tail went out to be even with his spine to improve his balance while his large paws spread out evenly under him into a widened, more stable stance. He pulled his chin down to help protect his throat and his lips pulled up in a snarl to expose his teeth. His muscles tensed to prepare for her attack and his knees bent slightly to give him a better range of motion and also to help absorb the impact of her attack. His eyes narrowed into slits, his hackles raised protectively, and his toes spread, his claws digging into the soil.

She would attack as suddenly as she had appeared, coming out with guns blazing. She reared up so that she could overcome their height difference and Falk quickly tried to stagger back to escape her reach. He took a step or two backwards, still keeping his widened stance and bent knees in place when he did, but he wasn't entirely successful in escaping her grasp. He saw her jaws heading towards his face and reared his head back and to his right and also quickly squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to further his distance from them and also give his eyes a little more protection. Between that and his steps back he managed to keep her teeth from fully biting into his eyes. Instead, one half of her jaws raked across his left eye, cutting into the lid deeply and sending searing pain through him. The other half of her teeth bit into the right side of his muzzle, putting shallow cuts there since her teeth were no longer flush with his face since he had turned it. Her shoulder also came up to jab his throat, but since he had disrupted her original hold her last attack was less powerful that it might have originally been, leaving his airway clear, but still potentially leaving some bruising there.

His eye hurt like hell and he could feel the blood running down the left side of his face, but he didn't have time to dwell on that now. His left eye remained closed, but he opened his right eye back into the protective slit that it had been before. Since she was up on her hind legs, he wanted to use his bent knees to his advantage and tried to push up ward and also forward with his chest into hers, attempting to knock her over. He wanted to at least get her off of him, but it would be a bonus if he could also throw her to the ground, although he knew it was unlikely for him to have enough power for him to do much of anything right now with his body in such a state. Since his head was already turned slightly to his right and since her head would be higher than his with her attack to his face, he would turn his head more to the right so that his jaws could attempt to open and be able to close around her throat. He did this at the same time as his shove so that if he wasn't able to knock her off he might still be able to get a bite in or maybe use her throat as another purchase to shove her with. His goal was to put pressure on her windpipe with his jaws, but he wasn't against doing more damage if she struggled against his hold.

Catalya vs Falk for.... prevention of full blinding? lol Round 1/2


01-07-2015, 11:10 PM

His defenses would mimic her own. At least he was smart enough to know he was going to have to fight his way out. He would move only when she reared before, he would take a step or two back, she couldn't be certain, but it didn't matter. Blood spilled across her tongue in a bright flash of pure ecstasy. Her lower fangs had slashed his left eyelid, though his precious eyes remained intact. Upper fangs found the right side of his muzzle, uselessly scrapping against flesh. However, it had been disappointing when her shoulder did not do its intended damage of jabbing his windpipe, though even as he had moved, her left shoulder continued forward, only to potentially lightly bruise his throat. She would maintain her reared position, forelegs lifting in an attempt to wrap about his neck, just above his shoulders for a sort of bear hug.

He would strike back, his chest colliding heavily with her own, causing a moderate bruise to flare across the entire lower portion of her chest. But due to the spreading of her hind legs, and her left hind leg being slightly farther back, she did not topple over backwards. Her balance was only moderately affected that she stabilized with her tail acting as a rudder and her hind legs bending a little deeper. At this point her jaws would pull back slightly, remaining wide open, lips curled back. She would then try to push her forward and into him, potentially causing the bruising of her chest to worsen. His jaws shot towards her in sync with his shove, aiming to grab a hold of her throat. But due her crown having been tipped to her left, and chin still partially tucked, her would grab a hold of fat and fur along the lower part of her throat/upper part of her chest, defenses shielding vitals. Moderate puncture wounds would dot her chest as he sank his fangs in. With jaws still splayed, she would again seek out to attack his face, hoping that the closure of his left eye would prevent him from seeing an attack coming. Splayed jaws against sought his eyes, upper fangs looking to once more puncture his right eye, while lower jaws sought out his left eye.

All the while defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with spine, chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched as much as possible, hind legs spread equidistant and bent deeply, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed across her hind legs, tail straight and aligned with her spine.




8 Years
Athena I
01-10-2015, 08:24 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2015, 08:24 PM by Falk.)

ooc: So I'm basically exhausted and can't focus enough to write this fight post and I know it'll default if I don't sooooo Cat wins x_x

An ache spread across his chest as it slammed into hers, knowing that he was going to get his fair share of bruises in return for that attack. His bite wouldn't be nearly as successful as he would have hoped, but his teeth did sink into flesh and that was something. He bit into her chest, his forward momentum adding pressure to his bite and hopefully making his attack deeper and more damaging. He tried to watch for his opponent's next move, but with his left eye already cut it made it all the harder to do. He felt her body shifting as she moved and tried to move accordingly, but it was no use. She came from his blind side, making it impossible for him to see her attack till it was too late. Her jaws came down over his face, deadly teeth biting into skin and eyes and tearing into both.

He quickly let go of her chest and jerked himself away from her grasp, blindly stumbling backwards away from her. Searing, terrible pain flared from his face, pulling a twisted, groaning sound of pain from his throat. Dark. Everything was dark. He could feel the blood dripping down his face, but that was the only sensation he could register. His legs buckled under him and he collapsed to the ground, attempting once to get up before giving up entirely. With his already weakened body, the blood loss, and now the complete loss of all sense of direction it seemed nearly impossible for him to stand. Suddenly Taurig came to his mind and it suddenly seemed to dawn on him what had just happened. He was blind. Truly blind. He would never be able to see Surreal again, would never see his children again.

A weak, breathless, delirious chuckle left him and he lifted his head to look in the direction that he thought Catalya was based off of what he could smell of her scent. "Isn't it poetic that Taurig and I would both be blind? The brothers exiled from the Armada tree... blind." A sharp, rasping, sarcastic laugh left him at that. The pain didn't seem too bad right now, but he knew that he was probably in shock from the adrenaline and blood loss so it would hit him soon. He had to get home. He had to. But how? How in the world wold he manage it now?

Speech Thought Others


01-13-2015, 08:45 PM

His fangs sank in deeper into his flesh as they collided. Moderate wounds became more severe, blood dripping from the wounds and matting her fur. As splayed jaws came down across his face, fangs sinking into his eyes, jaws immediately attempting to snap shut. A satisfying pop would resonate as blood and eyeball jelly seeped across her tongue. He would immediately release her, jerking away, possibly furthering the damage to his already sightless eyes. His groans was pain were like music to her ears. A sneer would curl her lips, blood staining her fangs. A deep bubble of laughter would roll off her tongue, quivering her sides. He would try and stand, though he was weak, and came tumbling back to the earth at her paws.

It was surprise when a chuckle slipped from his lips, though his words were amusing. He had a point. Tuarig was blind. Though Taurig had also lost his balls. "Now I just need to rob you of your balls and you'll be all set." Icy words fell easily. Her coral gaze racked his form lazily, lingering in places more than others. It was a tempting thought. He was already so defenseless, unable to even stand. How easy it would to just snap her jaws around his precious jewels. But where was the fun in that? "Return home before I change my mind." She would coo, words much warmer this time, though still dripping with venom. She would step towards to nudge him to his feet, her motions far from gentle. What fun it would be to force him to rely on her to find his way to the border. A smirk toyed with her lips, eyes dancing with wicked amusement.




8 Years
Athena I
01-15-2015, 09:50 AM

'Now I just need to rob you of your balls and you'll be all set.' Another rough, barking laugh left him at that. Maybe it was the dizziness he felt from the blood loss or perhaps he had finally cracked and gone right off the deep end, but this was incredibly amusing to him. Well, at least he could take that as a bonus. He might be blind, but at least he had his balls! He chuckled quietly to himself until Catalya came over and gave him a harsh nudge to bring him to his feet. It was a struggle to do so, but he finally managed to pull himself up onto shaky legs. It felt like his entire center of balance had been thrown off without his sight telling him where he was going.

It slowly dawned on him that there was no leaving here without the help of Catalya or Kylar, who had been stunningly silent since Cat's arrival, and this fact was a hard one to swallow. He was fairly prideful on a good day, and this just felt like he was being kicked while he was down. His ears flicked back discontentedly, but he remained silent. There was no changing it now, what had been done was done. Now all he hoped to do was to get out of Arcanum lands before this adrenaline rush wore off and the true pain he was experiencing set in.

Speech Thought Others


01-15-2015, 12:42 PM

He would laugh deliriously, clearly not understanding that she was being entirely honest. One day she would have his balls. He would rise to his paws under her less than gentle nudging, his ears tipping back in discontent. She would smirk, dark amusement dancing across her features. She would begin walking, her pace mercilessly quick for someone who had just lost their sight and had no bearings what do ever. Occasionally she would knock her shoulder against his to keep him going in the right direction.

When they finally arrived at the border, she would seek to forcefully shove her shoulder against him, hoping to send him tumbling over the border. Lips curled into a heartless grin as she laid her gaze on his battered for the last time. Until they met again. "Until next time, dear." She would coo gently to him before turning away, leaving him to his own devices. A last chuckle would roll off her tongue. It would be a miracle if he even made it home.


"Talk like this"