
In My Head {Bass}


12-06-2014, 05:08 PM

It was worry that ate at him. Allen thought of the meeting... and the thought of his children. His wound was healing, tended to by his own beloved, but the man was far from fine. A troubled mind churned his thoughts like butter, his dark gaze looking out over the rapids. A misty breath was expelled from his mouth every few moments, ears flicked back. The wind was chilled, snow upon the earth and flurrying in small flakes from the sky. The man felt, in that moment, so much older than he truly was. He would curl his tail around his toes, gazing at the water.

Life. Choice. Consequence. Death.

Those four words rolled with his thoughts and the man felt his heart aching. So afraid to make the wrong choice. So afraid to lead another path astray. The calico gentleman was afraid of hurting the woman he loved, of condemning her with his own actions. If Nona had gotten pregnant, despite it not being her season... how would Bass react? The man knew he had to tell his leader to be on the safe side of things, whether a false alarm or not.

There was also the matter of the children he already had. Gavroche was dead, slain by his own brother. Kau had made it clear he would lurk in Alacritia and that he would make his father's life miserable in little ways. His shoulder would give a throb, as if a silent reminder of this. Another sigh passed Allen's lips, closing his eyes. Why was it his son was so full of hate? What really was it that tore his heart up so? Was... was there no hope left for him?

...and Amber...

Did his little girl still live? Was she somewhere wandering the lands alone? If he did have children with Nona... would they be safe? Would Kau possibly target them? Target Abaven...? Would any wolf follow a madman? Allen opened his eyes, shuffling in the snow. It was freezing... but... it was the recognition of feeling that kept him sane right now. He didn't want to trouble Nona further with his worries. She was already busy as it was making sure he was recovering fine and that she could collect what herbs she could.

"By the gods... when did life become so complicated? Things seemed so much easier when I was in a younger man's body." Allen would say aloud to himself. How times changed, challenging and testing you. All you could do was fight on.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Tealah



7 Years

12-06-2014, 05:56 PM

"What's life without a little struggle?" The man answered back, his approach had been to the right of Allen, the river eating up the sound of his paws in the snow. He grinned at the male, although his eyes held such sadness. Yet another member of Abaven had passed, a sickness eating her up before they could even save her. And her pups... Bass was glad that he had tasked Darrah with starting their training. It would be something to keep their mind off of it, to keep them busy. But at least he came baring a little bit of good news, which is why he was smiling at the older man. "I've been thinking about something since you joined, about that idea you proposed for a field medic? Well, I have added it to the ranks, Paluni will be level one and Nerses level two. And since this was all your idea, I would like to promote you to Gamrean. As head of the messengers and field medics, it will be up to you to train the young ones, as well as rank them up when you see them fit." Bass' smile grew, his sadness vanishing as he went on. It was a high rank, and there was no one else he would rather see have it than Allen. He had worked hard, even after he left to be with Quelt. He had come back home, and for that he was ever thankful.

Walk "Talk" Think


12-06-2014, 06:48 PM

The voice of another would reach his ears, a voice that asked a question of his own in response to the words he gave. Head would turn towards the pale alpha, giving a small flick of his ear. "A little struggle is necessary I suppose... though it would be nice not to get hit with so much at once, so it is better able to be juggled." He had heard of the passing of another Abaven member, leaving behind a set of orphaned pups. Just like Hajime's children. His heart ached, remembering Aiko. He had not been able to find the girl before he left and that troubled him greatly. Poor things... he hoped that they were managing...

He would wait patiently for Bass to finish speaking, his brows lifting with surprise. A leading rank, to watch over the young and help them grow. "That is a great honor Bass. I would love to accept... but... I feel that I should before I take that kind offer that I be honest with you, first. At the meeting you mentioned our members swelling. I am not certain, however, there is a chance Nona and I might end up expecting. It is not her season, however... it would not be the first time I sired a litter regardless." His eyes shown a bit of sadness. "...and I fear... my eldest son may cause trouble for Abaven..." Unknown to the calico Kau had already shown up in the pack. His eyes shown with his worry, but he did not expect Bass to reel on him in anger. The young alpha had shown more control than that.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Tealah



7 Years

12-13-2014, 03:41 PM

Bass nodded at the older mans words, not sure how to console him. He wasn't the best with words, as much as he would like to think he was at least. He pressed his nose softly to his brown shoulder, offering a small touch to try to calm his aching heart -- both men. A soft sigh rumbled out of his maw, his seat being claimed by Allen. Even though he brought happy news, Allen twisted it around. He looked at the man, thinking. They were at 20 members at the moment, and by the waay the prey ran and how much room they had, he guessed that they could fit at least six more members in. He couldn't help but shake his head and laugh. "There truly is something in the water here... I swear it," he mumbled, but in good humor. "Unless Nona pops out eight puppies, I am sure that we can manage a few more mouths Allen. I don't want that thought to hold you from this position, you deserve it. I know that Nona has been teaching you about herbs, and if you would like I am sure my Aunt Novella would teach you as well," she had been more than helpful.

The brute's last few words had him blinking, studying him. "Let him come then, we will be ready. Nothing can hurt Abaven, I will not allow it," Bass said simply, as if it was water off his back. Sure, he was a bit worried with all the pups here, but Bass wasn't out of shape. If a fight came, he would be ready. "I'm not afraid, and neither should you be Allen. This pack with defend you with their lives, we all will," his words were soft, and he smiled at the man. He would protect them all, even if it was the end of him.


12-30-2014, 12:38 PM
Allen would breathe in relief as Bass spoke. What on earth had he done to find such an understanding man? Truly, Bass had to be a saint, an angel, some divine being disguised as a mortal wolf. His heart was kind, yet strong and fierce when needed. The calico man would count every blessing, and truly Abaven felt as it was his home. No... it was his home. Where had he ever felt more at ease? Even when all was in chaos, he felt some sense of security. That was the beauty of Abaven as it was. The elder wolf would dip his head in respect, letting out a soft breath.

"Gods above Bass, I can not thank you enough. Never before have I met such an understanding man. Kind enough to have a heart of gold, yet ready to defend all he loves without turning tail when it is called for. You are truly a unique man." The calico was not one to give such compliments lightly. He meant every word.

Allen would raise his gaze back across the water, feeling something within his heart. He would let his dark eyes fall closed, breathing out once more. "I know I shouldn't be, Bass... however... I worry. He is my son, lunatic or not. Despite seeing his own brother dead at his paws, slain by his elder, I could not fight him. I could not bring myself to punish him for becoming something I wasn't there to prevent." The calico opened his eyes again to look at Bass, his words serious once more.

"You just had a litter with your mate as well, correct? Be there for them, Bass. I'm sure I don't need to tell you... I'm sure that you'll stand beside them always. But not being in the lives of your children can be one of the biggest mistakes a brute can make in this life." He would wait for a moment and then manage a small smile.

"That being said, I look forward to seeing you as a father. How many little ones did Wren have? Are they all well?" It was time to shift the mood back to the lighter one Bass intended to come with. Plus he was truly interested. The young were the future. Plus he always had a soft spot for children, the cute little buggers.