
If your not really here [Aiko/Ixionn?]



3 Years
12-07-2014, 10:21 PM

"I look into the night sky and see a thousand eyes staring back"

The male shuffled through the mines trying to situate the dens and make sure they were in proper shape for the members. It had been a week since he and morgana got together and it was clear now that there was his young growing in her stomach. Arian had gone off to collect herbs, leaving Migi to take care of the rest as he said he would. Yet he was a stranger among these wolves just as Morgana was, and after being betrayed so much, it was a pity that Arian had wasted their potential in such a way. Though not that he cared too much, he did care because the pack needed more able members. If only he was good at talking, but he was very blunt and meager about the world around him.

His frosted tips of ears perked up within the caves, where was that one pup young one? She had seemed very distraught at Arian. He wondered what had happened to her. Migi, what had happened to him. His brother had clawed him to pieces, he had seen many of the evil things of the world. As far as he was concerned she was still....pure. He had seen much, he had seen maybe too much that Hidari had exposed him to. There was the matter of the other young one as well, the male the ex heir apparently. How was he to handle this after he had been stripped of his rank. So curiosity killed him, and he began to look for them.




3 Years
12-10-2014, 05:40 AM" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:550px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; border-radius: 25px; background-color:#0c0909">
It had come to his attention that he had lost his potential throne just because of Arian. Hajime, his dear deceased father, had wanted him to become...a leader. Someone who'd guide others, and he thought that Arian wanted that for him, too. But it had come down to this...if he would've known this from the start, he would of immediately mirrored Aiko and yelled at her, questioning her actions. But what good what that do? She wouldn't be able to reclaim her pack, she wouldn't be able to ask Morgana anything about high ranks. Nothing. It shook him to the very core, boiling hot inside of him. But while his young sister was fragile, he wanted to stay strong, for her. She was going through a rough, confusing time as well, and he wanted to help her. Protect her, make sure she would be comfortable in this new place.

The boy had even planned to ask her if she wanted to share his section of the mines, which was a rather quaint cave-looking structure. Crystals and glowing stones littered the walls of his cave, lighting it up like candles. It truly was a beautiful little area...and he's shared it with Drago a few times. But it could fit many more than just him and a little lizard. After all, Drago was gone for the Winter. He and his small sister would be okay here. A small 'nest' made from moss and other soft materials had been created in the back of his area, which he was currently organizing and expanding. He'd been growing and the little nest was getting too small. But, within this kind of weather, finding the very little materials was extremely difficult.

Suddenly, the sound of paws hummed softly in his large ears, and Ixionn turned away from his work, bloody red eyes fixing themselves upon a large male. He consisted of shades of black and grey, with horrifyingly red eyes like his own. He's never seen him within Isokan before Morgana had taken he guessed...maybe another slave she brought to the pack, perhaps? Or maybe a friend of hers? Ixionn growled gently and turned himself back to his nest, arranging the moss around and fixing it to sit nicely. Then, with a satisfied nod, he stood back up and turned to gaze over this man. The masked boy managed to growl again. "A friend of Morgana, right? Have you come to kick me out of my chamber, now, too? Or maybe you've come just to rub it in my face that I'm a slave now?" Ixionn's growls grew louder momentarily, but he tried to relax himself, as he sat back onto his rear and stared at the man with blunt anticipation. 

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
12-10-2014, 06:15 AM (This post was last modified: 12-10-2014, 06:16 AM by Migi.)

"I look into the night sky and see a thousand eyes staring back"

Migi had thought a lot about it, specially with the relationship he had with Morgana at the moment. His tail would flutter back and forth nearly like a cat. Eyes meeting up with a nearly same shade of red, despite Migi's being a more mild orange in the mix. The walls glittered with tiny blue crystals to light them up, and his brown fur as well caught his eye. Though his ears perked as the boy spoke, a yearling who was distraught it seemed though it wasn't as if Migi blamed him. Their kingdom had a poor choice in leaders, who obviously hadn't cared enough to protect them. He knew even if he hadn't had the power to lead he'd keep it until someone kicked him away, he'd defend it till he was dead along with those in it.

It also came to him as a shock when the boy said he was a slave. None of the members had been enslaved here, they were all left to the freedom of a simple rank. Right now, he and Ixionn, were the same rank. While he did have an advantage over them, Morgana being pregnant with his children and all. There was something about this one that made him want to lose his lunch. What kind of parent left their children so shattered and broken, so alone. Even if he was an evil bastard at times, as a father he would never die before he saw to it that his children would have survived.

Migi would not get angry, he couldn't neither was he phased much by the boys words, but he was curious. He looked around, what a nice place he had made, for him and his sister he'd assume. He wished his brother had been like that, all he got was tooth and claw. “I'm the same rank as you are, not slaves.” Migi spoke before sitting down near the entrance, he would not enter unless he was invited in. “If this is your home I will not touch it, as a man you have honor specially since you are taking care of your sister.” then he would address his position with Morgana.“I am the father of Morgana's unborn children, but I am also. Trying to make the old members feel a little more welcome. It's always a shock to be abandoned, after when someone lies to them.” Obviously referring to Arian. He held no grudges against her, but he knew what she had done was wrong. “My name is Migi.”



12-11-2014, 05:44 PM

She was nothing short of miserable. Once more her life was upside down and she was brushed aside with what the girl saw as nothing but cold feelings. But Morgana didn't understand. The woman didn't know how much Aiko had lost already, how little she felt she could trust others. How unwanted and unloved she truly felt. Ixxion was the only one left here. He was becoming more frequent around the pack again, thank the gods. Aiko would shake her head, the tears that had been falling had finally ceased. But nothing would ease the heavy ache in heart.

Paws would lead her towards where her brother slept. She wanted to talk with him... talk with the one person who hadn't abandoned her. The poor girl needed it desperately... to not feel trapped and forced to make believe that this pack was her home. It wasn't. Almost everyone she loved had abandoned it already... why would she be so bad if she left? Why was she the one being forced to shoulder the blame of their mistakes?

The yearling felt almost as if she had no tears left to cry. She wanted her father. Surely he would have know what to do in this situation. Or even her uncle... someone she still couldn't believe had gone. Had... had Allen somehow known?

Hears would perk to the sound of voices as she neared her brother's chambers, hears flicking back. She approached Migi from behind, her red-orange eyes looking upon him warily. "Why should we believe you? Believe your mate?" The girl's words were hard as she stopped. "This is the third time we were lost... the first was through no fault of our father... but then were abandoned by the man who said he'd take care of us. We were abandoned by Arian. She might not have felt it right to rule but... I was trying to believe in her. Put my faith in her. Crippled or not... I wanted to believe she'd protect us." The girl wouldn't move any closer.

"Who is to say you and your mate won't abandon us as well, passing us onto the next wolf? I... I want to know I can trust here... and you... if you're her mate. I want proof..." The girl's voice became quiet. Was she being too demanding? Was it wrong to ask for some sort of sign that they wouldn't be abandoned again?

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Sea



3 Years
12-11-2014, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2014, 06:53 PM by Migi.)

"I look into the night sky and see a thousand eyes staring back"

His attention would be pulled to the other young one. Still angry, hurt, he could feel it coming off of her in waves. It was understandable though, Migi's heart filled with rage, the young were supposed to be the most important things in the world and yet these wolves threw them away as if they were nothing. Though on the outside, he seemed like an empty shell. No matter how much Aiko yelled at him she couldn't make him mad, it was easy enough to turn his emotions off as it was to put them on again. His tail flicked, blood orange eyes looking at the child. Migi didn't have any proof, aside from the unborn young growing in Morgana's belly. “You don't know.” he said a little softly. “I doubt there is anything I can do to make you believe me that Morgana and I will be staying. That is a decision you'll have to lead up for your heart to make.” it was true, no one controlled her. She had to make the decision herself.

“The only proof I can show is the unborn children growing in her womb. But how I am, only fools leave because they believe they are unfit. They are selfish not thinking of the others. Even if I was on the ground dying should I be in charge of a pack of children, I'd stay there until the very end just to make sure they were safe.” and that was the truth. Nothing could ever change that about him because he was not easily swayed, but he wasn't even sure if Aiko would trust him or like him. Ixionn either, the two children were obviously broken, one maybe beyond repair of the other.

“The two of you, have every right to be angry. Everyone acts as if you have no place to do so.” Migi stated, frankly, he was on their side. “This world is filled with hatred, death, and despair. What we cling onto, that little hope, is up to us. Your brother seems to be the light in that hope and you are holding onto it.” He was never one good at talks but it seemed like he was trying his best regardless. “There's going to be a pack hunt tomorrow. I'd like the two of you to participate, maybe it would take the edge off the sadness. Distract yourself the best you can.” that one was from personal experience. 



12-17-2014, 06:09 PM
Aiko would watch him, waiting for the lies to spew from his mouth. Waiting for him to give her the same bullshit as the others and try to pretend that he was her friend. He wasn’t. But when he spoke it wasn’t what she was expecting at all. It caught the spoiled girl off-guard, blinking with wide eyes. He wasn’t claiming that they would undoubtedly stay. He wasn’t trying to force her to believe that they wouldn’t get abandoned. He was... Giving her the truth... From the best point of view he had.

The girl would listen, ears perked towards him. His later words clashed with her heart, with her beliefs... Was that the only reason? Did the others only leave because they were selfish? Her gaze would lower to the ground, flicking to Allen. To his... mate. The girl felt that sting of jealousy rise in her heart again. That had surely been selfish. The wolves here had been family... Yet her uncle left... Her step father left them... And for what? She wanted to believe Migi... That if it were him in the place of her step father, watching over them, he would stay no matter what. The only thing that would convince her surely now was living proof... And nothing beyond that.

The girl was further surprised, however, to find that Migi was also on their side, saying that they had a right to be angry. To be hurt. Her gaze would return to the male. He seemed to see right through her as well, to see that she wanted to cling to Ixxion, the last bit of hope she still had here. Perhaps he understood some things then... Maybe... Maybe things would be okay. Oh how the young girl wanted to believe that they would. How she wanted this pack to be a family. But she was so scared that history would repeat itself... Scared that something might happen to her brother. Aiko would take a small breath, giving a nod.

“Your words are fair, Migi. You’re not trying to coat them in lies... For that... I feel you at least deserve the chance to gain my trust...” Her gaze would shift to the floor.“I’ll come to the hunt tomorrow but...” The girl would hesitate, glancing back to the male. “I don’t have much knowledge in hunting big game...” Her lack of training was probably sorely obvious, but she would learn...