
Retro (EBONY land claim/meeting)



7 Years
12-10-2014, 05:36 PM (This post was last modified: 12-10-2014, 05:36 PM by Kassander.)

Kassander's auburn pelt shown like newly fallen autumn leaves against the snow as he wandered the familiar land he'd been born and grown up in. Katja's decision to abandon it hadn't sat well with him, but he'd had little time to really think about it until now. When his mother had ruled Ebony, it had thrived. Wolves had flocked to her banner, loyal wolves, wolves who would do anything for her. Ebony had only struggled between times, when she wasn't there. When she was, it was like magic.

He would be the last wolf who'd think Raisa was perfect. He still resented her for leaving to begin with, but she'd had something to her that attracted others, that made people like her, that inspired loyalty. Kassander didn't know if he had that - if he did maybe he just hadn't grown into it yet. Whatever it was that had made Ebony magic before, he needed it now more than he ever had. Maybe returning the pack here, to where it started, would put him on that path.

Coming to a stop before a familiar boulder, one of many but one he remembered clearly from his childhood meetings. Memories flooded him - would they ever return to those days? No... not after all that had happened. Not with Raisa gone, Val gone, Sindri and Sigmarr shadows of their old selves. Not after Virgil had kidnapped he and Svet and destroyed any chance of them being a family again. With a sigh the young alpha gathered himself to leap atop the boulder.

Settling himself, he raised his white-masked face to call out to the pack. Lost in memories of past meetings, his call lacked that note of nervousness that it usually had. Not with the confidence of his mother, nor the blunt demand Katja had always called with, but simply a thoughtful, clear call as Kassander Xanilov claimed this land for Ebony and called the pack together.

"Talk" "You" Think


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
12-10-2014, 06:30 PM (This post was last modified: 12-10-2014, 07:08 PM by Fendar.)
Fendar had been hanging out in Wolfpaw Lake, helping Pandora settle into her new home. He was heading back to Ebony territory, the howl rang out. Not in the right place... Interesting. He turned, his large body lumbering towards Kassander. Had they moved then? He hadn't been gone that long, just a few days. As he made his way towards the young boy, his brow rose. He remembered how nervous he had been the first time, so he offered his cousin a grin. He had been in a bit of a better mood, having just slept about a day before. Folding his large body down he gathered his rump onto the frozen landscape. "Are we expanding, or have you decided to move?" He asked, feeling rather lame. He was never the best at making idle conversation.



8 Years
12-11-2014, 11:18 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2014, 12:10 AM by Maximous.)

 The man had already been out and wondering around when Kassander had called him along with the rest of the pack to a meeting. Unusually though it wasn't to the steppe or even to the lake, but rather to the Rock Garden. A place Ebony had only ruled over while Raisa had been the queen and then the first few months under Katja's rule. A dark eyebrow would raise in wonder at what the boy had in mind. Were they trading lands again? Leaving the Stone Steppe to claim the Rock Garden once more?

  The only thing that came to mind next was what Callisto would have to say about Ebony's changes should she ever return. A smile came to his face as he could hear the young girl grumbling about Kassander being king and she would be pissed off that he had traded the steppe for the garden as her den had been in the steppe. On that last thought he made a mental note to go collect her things later. Should she come back she would probably want any and all of the herbs she had hidden down there. He could only hope she would be grateful that he had retrieved them rather than be mad at him for entering her personal space. He also couldn't help but wonder were she would stay should she return to find her den gone...then again it didn't take him long to figure it out either. The answer was simple, he would offer to let her stay with him.

 Suddenly his thoughts were disrupted by a thud and pain in his skull. His thoughts had been so tangled up in thoughts of helping Callisto in any way he could that he had run head first into a tree. Thankfully it had been on edge of the Rock Garden so no one had been around to see it. Max would wait a moment to see if any blood would run into his face, but when all he felt was throbbing he shook it of and trotted the rest of the way to Kassander.

 Silently he would bow to Kass and give a nod the other ebony wolf before taking a seat before their king. A yawn would try to escape but he would stifle it, he really needed to find a herb to help him sleep and would again take a mental note to do so as he waited for the others to arrive and for Kassander to tell them what was going on.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


12-16-2014, 01:51 PM

Whenever an Xanilov called Nikolai wouldn't hesitate to be there. Though the alpha of this new Ebony had changed since he joined his loyalty had not wavered. They had given him a home and had shown him nothing but trust. Why would he ever act otherwise? Of course his thoughts still drifted to Raisa, still wondered if she might ever recover and retake her throne, but till then he would follow whoever was seen worthy to be called King or Queen. He followed Kassander's call out to this rocky landscape, noting that he was the third to answer the summons. He arrived just in time to hear Fendar's question, the inquiry peaking his interests as well. His taupe gaze glanced around them as he settled himself near the group, wondering if this would be the new home of Ebony or simply an expansion of their power.




2 Years
12-16-2014, 09:17 PM

A summoning howl brought Sindri's slinking form at a fast paced walk. She was a little hesitant to be so close to the pack, but she would support her brother regardless of how it made her feel. She needed to get over her discomfort anyway. Living the life of a hermit, while appealing, wasn't a life at all. At least not by her old standards.

Reaching the small gathering, Sindri circled behind the group, careful to keep a comfortable distance between herself and them. She eyed them. Hawkishly she scrutinized them, searching for motives and flaws...and the little idiosyncrasies that made them who they were. Finally when she felt comfortable with the situation, the young fae seated herself.

Speaking -- Thinking



7 Years
12-27-2014, 07:42 PM

Kass' eyes wandered over those gathering - not many, he noted, his heart sinking a little. He didn't want to make the hard choices, didn't want to have to ask wolves to leave the pack, but he needed to protect the rest of Ebony and he couldn't in good conscience allow someone to take advantage of free meal and board that could be going to someone who really needed it and was at least willing to show up to meetings. It was what Raisa would have done, wasn't it? If she had to. He hoped it never came down to that.

But the wolves who showed up... Fendar, Nikolai, Sindri, Maximous. Only four. Half the pack. His face scrunched in worry, only to relax when his gaze fell upon Sindri. He was still so, so very thankful she was home. His gratitude knew no bounds... but a righteous anger had awakened in him the day she'd been returned to him so battered and broken. When Sigmarr, who had always been so strong and so vibrant, had been shattered, subdued, so defeated. He could do his best to help them recover but... that wasn't good enough. He had to make it so something like that could never, ever happen to someone else's sister, to someone else's brother or father or anyone. Too many people just sat back and did nothing while all this evil was going on out in the world. So many people crushed beneath the darkness.

He dragged his attention from Sindri, finally, focusing on Fendar's question. "We're... moving, is all. Leaving Stone Steppe and coming here. It's... where I grew up. It was the first land my mother claimed when she recreated Ebony." His voice was distracted, his whole expression still distant, still caught in his thoughts so the normally-shy boy showed little of his usual stutter, his anxiety. He was sustained, buoyed by that heat in his chest, by the half-remembered memories of his mother's rule here. No more wolves were coming... he would need to do something about that. Later.

His gaze returned to Sindri, blinking with a strange serenity at her before he spoke again to all gathered. "I want you who are here to spread this to everyone who isn't. Ebony's been quiet long enough. It's time to wake up and get back into the world. This isn't what Raisa would have wanted for us - a bunch of wolves who just happen to live in the same land. No, we're supposed to be a pack, a family. We're going to need to be united." His normally anxious facade had shifted, hardened to something stronger, something almost... noble. A paladin awakening within the quiet healer. "There is evil out there," he spoke. His voice was beginning to change from the distant to something nearer to when he spoke of healing, a passion radiating from it that was rare for him to show through. "Sometimes big things... murder, rape, they're evil. But there're little things too... corruption, kidnapping, abuse, neglect." He took a deep breath, let it out slowly, mismatched eyes darting over the four wolves who'd come. "Ebony isn't going to stand by and just let it happen anymore. We're a small pack so everyone needs to pull their weight now. I'd really appreciate it if Ebony wolves recruited but please - be careful who you bring in. We don't want to perpetuate the same evils we stand against."

As the words died he seemed to wake, and anxiety shuttered the passion in his eyes once again. Snowy paws shuffled atop the rock, but he strove to reattain that... complete confidence he'd had for that brief period. He'd known he was right, still knew it, but self-doubt dragged at him. Still he was proud that his voice was still steady, if a bit more uncertain, as he continued. "I want everyone to start training more. We don't have any high ranking warriors or healers right now so this is a good time to prove yourself if you want to be. I'll be at all the training sessions... as a student. I'll be the first to admit I need to learn more than anyone here does. I'm going to keep training in healing but..." Auburn jaw firmed and his head rose in a subconscious shadow of his earlier conviction. "I'm going to start training as a fighter as well. I wish I didn't have to but the world isn't a good place and I need to be able to protect what good there is, and not depend on everyone else to do it for me."

OOC: yeah like he said. Start doing stuff. Warrior training... hunts... medic training... I don't care what but if your wolf wants to stay in Ebony they need to be more active and if they want a rank they need to prove they can handle it. Demotions WILL happen if wolves aren't earning their current ranks. Hop to it, Ebony. Chop chop.

"Talk" "You" Think


Ebon Knight

5 Years
Extra large
12-27-2014, 09:15 PM

As the boy started to speak, pride swelled within his heart. He was so young, and wished to wipe the world of all evils. Fendar didn't think it was possible, having seen a lot of it himself. As he brought up training and puling their weight, he nodded his head. "I agree, and I will be more than willing to start training warriors if wanted. Kassander, if you want someone to teach you I will be honoured to show you the way," he said. He didn't want to be in another war, but to train was a different thing. To work with the alpha would really make him happy, it would be awesome to train the young boy on how to protect and defend himself. It would take a lot of work, and Fendar would probably have to brave the nightmares to be strong minded enough, even more so if more wanted to join in. Eying the boy, he offered a small smile of encouragement. Even though he was shy, his words rang true with him. "Its going to take an army to rid the world of evil, but it takes one thought to get the ball rolling," Fendar looked over at the others, the very few others, to see what they thought. He would start trying to pull a few wolves in, making his mind drift to Pandora. He doubted that she would be into this, but it was worth a try.



2 Years
12-27-2014, 09:56 PM

For a long moment Kassander looked at her. Instead of shrinking form his gaze Sindri stared back, her gaze unwavering. She couldn't claim to be a mind reader, but in this instead she didn't need to be one. Her brother's feelings were written all over his face. After answering a question posed by one of the other members, the young monarch began to address those gathered. Sindri found herself nodding to his words; agreeing, almost whole-heartedly, with what he had to say. When he spoke of evil she stilled, going ridged in awareness and frustration. There was evil. Some of it deliberate, some of it innocent, but regardless of what form it took, there was indeed evil. She'd experienced it firsthand.

It suddenly occurred to Sindri what she would have to do to not only support Ebony but to heal. Her heart jumped into her throat and threatened to strangle her with its fear. For several heartbeats she forgot to breath as she tried to work up the courage to draw attention to herself. What she had to do was clear to her, but finding the will to do it was hard. For a moment her fears threatened to overwhelm her, but somehow she managed to find her voice.

She stood, her spine straight and her stance proud, and addressed those gathered before her. Somehow she managed to hide the terror clawing at her throat. Her voice strong, she said, "I've seen evil." She paused, jaw working, to gaze at Kassander. They had yet to speak about her time in captivity so he stilled remained in the dark - a fact she was sooner or later going to have to rectify. Her gaze flicked away. "And we will never be rid of it. However, that doesn't mean we can't be a light in the darkness, doesn't mean we can't stand up for what is right and defend not only ourselves, but those who can't defend themselves." Squashing the fear that held her so far from her packmates, Sindri padded over to stand by Kassander in a show of solidarity. She knew by the scentmarkers that not all who called Ebony home had showed - a pity for sure. "Unity is one of our greatest weapons. If we as members aren't capable of showing a united front then what are we? Perhaps it's time for us to reevaluate what it means to be a pack."

Careful to meet the eyes of those before her, she said, "I too am interested in training. Whoever will have me, I'm interested in all fields." Already she had some healer training under her belt - the Tsanka had seen to that - but it wouldn't hurt to further her knowledge. Her fighting skills too could use a little polishing.

Speaking -- Thinking



2 Years
12-27-2014, 10:02 PM
Sigmarr hurried toward the call of his brother, or at least he tried to.  The young man's spirit was still in shambles and no matter how he tried he couldn't quite get himself back.  The worst part was he knew he need to.  Aerndís was still out there.  For all he knew she was still hunting them and Sindri was in great danger.  There was even a chance that more trackers would be sent after them if he and Aerndís failed to return.  Sigmarr wasn't sure he was strong enough to beat her.  And of course there was Ebony, the pack seemed to be barely holding itself together and as one of Raisa's sons he felt obligated to help Kassander get the pack back on it's feet.  But as it stood he doubted he would make a convincing leader.  Too much guilt… far to much.

Sigmarr walked into the familiar territory of the Rock Garden and into the gathering of wolves.  He kept quiet and listened to Kassander speak.  Already feeling even more guilty for being late.  However, his brother's words did give him strength.  Sigmarr moved to stand next to Fendar.  

"I will help with training as well if you deem it necessary…. lord knows I can fight, seems to be the only thing I'm any decent at."



4 Years
12-27-2014, 11:13 PM
She was eager to show her support to her brother, wanting very much to be with him as soon as he called for the pack. Eagerly the girl would set off, Solo in tow as she smiled softly. She would have the small cardinal perched upon her shoulder, the feathers Solo had given her playing in the fur of her tail as she strode forwards confidently.

Only one miss step would send her tumbling though, the path had worn a bit much with the snow, and not seeing the weakness of the ground the wispy she wolf would fall to the earth. Pain would surge through her right paw, obviously twisted. A soft whine would leave her lips as she failed to stand on her own. Only with Solo's help would she find her feet, unable to put much weight on her injured leg.

Too much time would pass as they found their way to the meeting, she'd catch the first part of Kassander's speech so at least they hadn't missed everything. She felt a tug towards her brother, a kindred feeling. She was through sitting around and waiting, she was ready to do something. She wanted to train, she was eager to learn. Would Kass allow her to become a full member of Ebony? Would the deal with Katja even allow it? She would find her way to Kass's side, reaching out to nuzzle him. "Will you allow me to train beside you?" She'd save her other request for a bit later.


12-28-2014, 02:09 AM
He couldn't stop smiling, his grin splitting his features from ear to ear as he padded along behind Gaia languidly. They were following a trail they had walked a number of times from their tree but Kass was calling from a completely different territory...? Solo would blink and look to Gaia but she pushed into the deeper snow with little to no issue and he would follow diligently. They would soon find the path everyone else must have taken and Solo would relax a bit more, maybe a bit too much. Gaia would be sent tumbling from it within a few paw falls and Solo's grin would immediatly disappear, eyes snapping wide as he watched in horror as her frail frame dropped to the ground. It was quite a bit of muss and fuss to get her up, Solo demanding that they go home for her to rest and her urging him to carry on. Worry weighted down his heart but he would allow her to lean her weight on him and guide her the rest of the way to the meeting.

They would arrive late, Kass already speaking to the gathered wolves and Solo would nod his head in greeting and offer a soft smile to his mate's brother. He would follow her to Kass so they could speak, keeping close to her as they moved to stand before Kass. Gaia wanted to train? "After your paw is better..." He would murmur, pressing his face into her should before looking to Kassander and smiling cheerfully. "Everything seems to be going well. It's about time we settled I think. We would like to stay with you if you would allow, put me to use wherevER needed." He would murmur softly, used to never speaking loudly in Gaia's presence.



8 Years
12-29-2014, 11:12 PM

Maximous would listen quietly and respectfully to Kassander, even towards the end of his speech when he would make the comment of there being no high ranking warriors or healers. How could there be a high ranking healer when there's only one healer? the thought would ring through his mind but remain unspoken as the dark man was too tired to argue with the young king. Leaving the Stone Steppe was something he had guessed at therefore he was unsurprised at that information though Calli would be furious. Should she return that is. Hell the entirety of the boys statement was something that the man already knew or guessed at.

It seemed to him, that almost everything Kassander was saying was something that everyone here already knew. Sure not everyone knew that the Rock Garden was the first land to be claimed by Raisa, but everyone here knew, to an extent, that there was evil in the world. No one could go through life and not see anything that hadn't been caused by some sort of evil. Could they? Growing up, Max hadn't gone through a single day without seeing the result of some kind of evil deed. Maybe that's only what happens when the pack you live in is made up completely of healers. Or in some cases your parent happens to be a cruel being. Yet the boy would go on to give a small list of things one may see as evil.

Slowly the man's mind would wander as things he already knew did not typically interest him. However, at the mention of Ebony as a hole, Maximous' mind would quickly tune back in to listen. The boy king would speak of how a pack many were left now? Five? Six maybe? would no longer sit back and watch the cruelty in the world take its toll. To the boys next sentence Max would find himself biting his tongue for the first time "What do you mean start? The wolves in this pack have needed to start pulling their own weight around here since Katja left your abandoning sister in charge of Ebony's fate? the last time he had to bite his tongue would be more toward the end of the young kings speech, past his request of further training sessions, when he refers to the ranking of his only healer.

Quietly the man would also listen to his other pack mates, Sindri and Fendar, before making a comment of his own. "Though I agree that more of us should be trained further in our fighting and healing skills, I do not wish to know more about fighting than I already do. I know enough to defend myself and others as that is all I have ever wished to learn. His words would be for the king yet he knew nothing of what happened to Callisto and knew nothing yet of what he would want to do once he found out, if he ever found out. As of this very moment though his words were true. "As for the healing portion of your request. My entire family consists of expert healers as my entire birth pack was a healer pack. The mark on my face says I am only half trained. I spoke to your mother of this before you were born and I have yet to find a wolf who traveled to this land before me so that I could ask him or her to teach me what is left for me to learn. So I will try my hardest to find a fully trained Nomad wolf so that he or she may enlighten us all until then I will teach others what I know should they wish me too.

The man's words were not meant to be disrespectful to anyone, he had simply been stating his mind an upbringing as he had once done for the boy's mother. She had understood then and allowed him to search for an elder cousin an aunt or even an uncle, to train him in his family's way. Yes Max is completely and fully qualified to be a healer but the ways of his birth back had not yet marked him as such.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)



4 Years
01-02-2015, 12:18 PM
Oh she was so late and she was going to be pummeled for it surely. If not by the young King, which she doubted would, then by Fendar who was surely still in Ebony. She snuck into the back of the group to hear the last small bit of his display. She grinned, he was turning into a fine leader, much unlike the boy she had encountered on the borders. She had been scarce as of late, collecting her herbs and doing some hunting. She steered away from fighting at all costs which she knew was a bad idea. He suggested training of all sorts, primarily fighting and healing, and she knew that was where she stepped in. A man who claimed himself a healer stated he was only half trained and that was where she spoke up. "I was fully trained in Old Ebony to be a healer, earned the title right before the Rebellion had started. I'd be willing to lead the class if you'd like." Her words were bold as she watched the others, particularly Fendar.